_messages_en.properties 7.5 KB
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.translator=Thomas Mueller
02000=No data is available
07001=Invalid parameter count for {0}, expected count\: {1}
08000=Error opening database\: {0}
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151
08004=Wrong user name or password
21S02=Column count does not match
22003=Numeric value out of range
22012=Division by zero\: {0}
22025=Error in LIKE ESCAPE\: {0}
23000=Check constraint violation\: {0}
23001=Unique index or primary key violation\: {0}
23002=Referential integrity constraint violation\: {0}
23003=Referential integrity constraint violation\: {0}
40001=Deadlock detected. The current transaction was rolled back. Details\: {0}
42000=Syntax error in SQL statement {0}
42001=Syntax error in SQL statement {0}; expected {1}
42S01=Table {0} already exists
42S02=Table {0} not found
42S11=Index {0} already exists
42S12=Index {0} not found
42S21=Duplicate column name {0}
42S22=Column {0} not found
42S32=Setting {0} not found
90000=Function {0} must return a result set
90001=Method is not allowed for a query. Use execute or executeQuery instead of executeUpdate
90002=Method is only allowed for a query. Use execute or executeUpdate instead of executeQuery
90003=Hexadecimal string with odd number of characters\: {0}
90004=Hexadecimal string contains non-hex character\: {0}
90005=Value too long for column {0}\: {1}
90006=NULL not allowed for column {0}
90007=The object is already closed
90008=Invalid value {0} for parameter {1}
90009=Cannot parse date constant {0}, cause\: {1}
90010=Cannot parse time constant {0}, cause\: {1}
90011=Cannot parse timestamp constant {0}, cause\: {1}
90012=Parameter {0} is not set
90013=Database {0} not found
90014=Error parsing {0}
90015=SUM or AVG on wrong data type for {0}
90016=Column {0} must be in the GROUP BY list
90017=Attempt to define a second primary key
90018=The connection was not closed by the application and is garbage collected
90019=Cannot drop the current user
90020=Database may be already in use\: {0}. Possible solutions\: close all other connection(s); use the server mode
90021=Data conversion error converting {0}
90022=Function {0} not found
90023=Column {0} must not be nullable
90024=Error while renaming file {0} to {1}
90025=Cannot delete file {0}
90026=Serialization failed, cause\: {0}
90027=Deserialization failed, cause\: {0}
90028=IO Exception\: {0}
90029=Currently not on an updatable row
90030=File corrupted while reading record\: {0}. Possible solution\: use the recovery tool
90031=IO Exception\: {0}; {1}
90032=User {0} not found
90033=User {0} already exists
90034=Log file error\: {0}, cause\: {1}
90035=Sequence {0} already exists
90036=Sequence {0} not found
90037=View {0} not found
90038=View {0} already exists
90039=The value is too large for the precision {0}
90040=Admin rights are required for this operation
90041=Trigger {0} already exists
90042=Trigger {0} not found
90043=Error creating or initializing trigger {0} object, class {1}, cause\: {2}; see root cause for details
90044=Error executing trigger {0}, class {1}, cause \: {2}; see root cause for details
90045=Constraint {0} already exists
90046=URL format error; must be {0} but is {1}
90047=Version mismatch, driver version is {0} but server version is {1}
90048=Unsupported database file version or invalid file header in file {0}
90049=Encryption error in file {0}
90050=Wrong password format, must be\: file password <space> user password
90051=Statement was canceled or the session timed out
90052=Subquery is not a single column query
90053=Scalar subquery contains more than one row
90054=Invalid use of aggregate function {0}
90055=Unsupported cipher {0}
90056=No default value is set for column {0}
90057=Constraint {0} not found
90058=Commit or rollback is not allowed within a trigger
90059=Ambiguous column name {0}
90060=Unsupported file lock method {0}
90061=Exception opening port {0} (port may be in use), cause\: {1}
90062=Error while creating file {0}
90063=Savepoint is invalid\: {0}
90064=Savepoint is unnamed
90065=Savepoint is named
90066=Duplicate property {0}
90067=Connection is broken
90068=Order by expression {0} must be in the result list in this case
90069=Role {0} already exists
90070=Role {0} not found
90071=User or role {0} not found
90072=Roles and rights cannot be mixed
90073=Matching Java methods must have different parameter counts\: {0} and {1}
90074=Role {0} already granted
90075=Column is part of the index {0}
90076=Function alias {0} already exists
90077=Function alias {0} not found
90078=Schema {0} already exists
90079=Schema {0} not found
90080=Schema name must match
90081=Column {0} contains null values
90082=Sequence {0} belongs to a table
90083=Column may be referenced by {0}
90084=Cannot drop last column {0}
90085=Index {0} belongs to a constraint
90086=Class {0} not found
90087=Method {0} not found
90088=Unknown mode {0}
90089=Collation cannot be changed because there is a data table\: {0}
90090=Schema {0} cannot be dropped
90091=Role {0} cannot be dropped
90092=This Java version is not supported (Java 1.4 is required)
90093=Clustering error - database currently runs in standalone mode
90094=Clustering error - database currently runs in cluster mode, server list\: {0}
90095=String format error\: {0}
90096=Not enough rights for object {0}
90097=The database is read only
90098=The database has been closed
90099=Error setting database event listener {0}, cause\: {1}
90100=No disk space available
90101=Wrong XID format\: {0}
90102=Unsupported compression options\: {0}
90103=Unsupported compression algorithm\: {0}
90104=Compression error
90105=Exception calling user-defined function
90106=Cannot truncate {0}
90107=Cannot drop {0} because {1} depends on it
90108=Out of memory.
90109=View {0} is invalid\: {1}
90110={0} out of range
90111=Error accessing linked table with SQL statement {0}, cause\: {1}
90112=Row not found when trying to delete from index {0}
90113=Unsupported connection setting {0}
90114=Constant {0} already exists
90115=Constant {0} not found
90116=Literals of this kind are not allowed
90117=Remote connections to this server are not allowed, see -tcpAllowOthers
90118=Cannot drop table {0}
90119=User data type {0} already exists
90120=User data type {0} not found
90121=Database is already closed (to disable automatic closing at VM shutdown, add ";DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT\=FALSE" to the db URL)
90122=Operation not supported for table {0} when there are views on the table\: {1}
90123=Cannot mix indexed and non-indexed parameters
90124=File not found\: {0}
90125=Invalid class, expected {0} but got {1}
90126=Database is not persistent
90127=The result set is not updatable. The query must select all columns from a unique key. Only one table may be selected.
90128=The result set is not scrollable and can not be reset. You may need to use conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ..).
153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163
90129=Transaction {0} not found
90130=This method is not allowed for a prepared statement; use a regular statement instead.
90131=Concurrent update in table {0}\: another transaction has updated or deleted the same row
90132=Aggregate {0} not found
90133=Cannot change the setting {0} when the database is already open
90134=Access to the class {0} is denied
90135=The database is open in exclusive mode; can not open additional connections
90136=Unsupported outer join condition\: {0}
90137=Can only assign to a variable, not to\: {0}
90138=Invalid database name\: {0}
90139=The public static Java method was not found\: {0}
90140=The result set is readonly. You may need to use conn.createStatement(.., ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE).
165 166
HY000=General error\: {0}
HY004=Unknown data type\: {0}
HYC00=Feature not supported\: {0}
HYT00=Timeout trying to lock table {0}