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Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
If you want to add a link, please send it to the support email address or post it to the group.
Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
24 25
<a href="#quotes">
    Quotes</a><br />
Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
26 27 28 29 30
<a href="#books">
    Books</a><br />
<a href="#extensions">
    Extensions</a><br />
<a href="#blog">
Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
    Blog Articles, Videos</a><br />
Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
32 33 34 35 36
<a href="#tools">
    Database Frontends / Tools</a><br />
<a href="#projects">
    Products and Projects</a><br />

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
37 38 39 40
<h2 id="quotes">Quotes</h2>
<a href="">
Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
41 42 43
"This is by far the easiest and fastest database that I have ever used.
Originally the web application that I am working on is using SQL server.
But, in less than 15 minutes I had H2 up and working with little recoding of the SQL.
Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
44 45 46
Thanks..... "

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
<h2 id="books">Books</h2>
48 49
<a href="">
Seam In Action</a>

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
<h2 id="extensions">Extensions</h2>
52 53 54
<a href="">
Grails H2 Database Plugin</a>
<br />
<a href="">
56 57
h2osgi: OSGi for the H2 Database</a>
<br />
<a href="">
59 60
H2Sharp: ADO.NET interface for the H2 database engine</a>
<br />
Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
61 62
<a href="">
A spatial extension of the H2 database.</a>

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
64 65 66
<h2 id="blog">Blog Articles, Videos</h2>
<a href="">
Youtube: Minecraft 1.7.3 / How to install Bukkit Server with xAuth and H2</a><br />
67 68
<a href="">
Analyzing CSVs with H2 in under 10 minutes (2009-12-07)</a><br />
69 70 71
<a href="">
Efficient sorting and iteration on large databases (2009-06-15)</a><br />
<a href="">
72 73 74
Porting Flexive to the H2 Database (2008-12-05)</a><br />
<a href="">
H2 Database with GlassFish (2008-11-24)</a><br />
Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
<a href="">
H2 Database - Performance Tracing (2008-04-30)</a><br />
77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
<a href="">
Open Source Databases Comparison (2007-09-11)</a><br />
<a href="">
The Codist: The Open Source Frameworks I Use (2007-07-23)</a><br />
<a href="">
The Codist:  SQL Injections: How Not To Get Stuck (2007-05-08)</a><br />
<a href="">
David Coldrick's Weblog: New Version of H2 Database Released (2007-01-06)</a><br />
<a href="">
The Codist: Write Your Own Database, Again (2006-11-13)</a><br />

<h2>Project Pages</h2>
<a href="">
Ohloh</a><br />
<a href="">
Freshmeat Project Page</a><br />
<a href="">
Wikipedia</a><br />
<a href="">
Java Source Net</a><br />
<a href="">
Linux Package Manager</a><br />

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
<h2 id="tools">Database Frontends / Tools</h2>

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
102 103 104 105 106
<p><a href="">
Dataflyer</a><br />
A tool to browse databases and export data.

107 108 109 110 111
<p><a href="">
DB Solo</a><br />
SQL query tool.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
<p><a href="">
113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121
DbVisualizer</a><br />
Database tool.

<p><a href="">
Execute Query</a><br />
Database utility written in Java.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
<p><a href="">
Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
123 124 125 126
Flyway</a><br />
The agile database migration framework for Java.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
127 128 129 130 131
<p><a href="">
[fleXive]</a><br />
JavaEE 5 open source framework for the development of complex and evolving (web-)applications.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
132 133
<p><a href="">
JDBC Console</a><br />
Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
This small webapp gives an ability to execute SQL against datasources bound in container's JNDI.
Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
135 136 137
Based on H2 Console.

138 139 140 141 142
<p><a href="">
HenPlus</a><br />
HenPlus is a SQL shell written in Java.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
<p><a href="">
Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
144 145 146 147
JDBC lint</a><br />
Helps write correct and efficient code when using the JDBC API.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
148 149 150 151 152
<p><a href="">
OpenOffice</a><br />
Base is's database application. It provides access to relational data sources.

153 154 155 156 157
<p><a href="">
RazorSQL</a><br />
An SQL query tool, database browser, SQL editor, and database administration tool.

158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177
<p><a href="">
SQL Developer</a><br />
Universal Database Frontend.

<p><a href="">
SQL Workbench/J</a><br />
Free DBMS-independent SQL tool.

<p><a href="">
SQuirreL SQL Client</a><br />
Graphical tool to view the structure of a database, browse the data, issue SQL commands etc.

<p><a href="">
SQuirreL DB Copy Plugin</a><br />
Tool to copy data from one database to another.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
<h2 id="projects">Products and Projects</h2>

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
180 181 182 183 184
<p><a href="">
AccuProcess</a><br />
Visual business process modeling and simulation software for business users.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194
<p><a href="">
Adeptia BPM</a><br />
A Business Process Management (BPM) suite to quickly and easily automate business processes and workflows.

<p><a href="">
Adeptia Integration</a><br />
Process-centric, services-based application integration suite.

<p><a href="">
Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
Aejaks</a><br />
197 198 199
A server-side scripting environment to build AJAX enabled web applications.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
<p><a href="">
201 202 203 204
Axiom Stack</a><br />
A web framework that let's you write dynamic web applications with Zen-like simplicity.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
<p><a href="">
Apache Cayenne</a><br />
207 208 209
Open source persistence framework providing object-relational mapping (ORM) and remoting services.

210 211
<p><a href="">
Apache Jackrabbit</a><br />
212 213 214
Open source implementation of the Java Content Repository API (JCR).

215 216
<p><a href="">
Apache OpenJPA</a><br />
217 218 219
Open source implementation of the Java Persistence API (JPA).

220 221
<p><a href="">
AppFuse</a><br />
222 223 224
Helps building web applications.

225 226 227 228 229
<p><a href="">
BGBlitz</a><br />
The Swiss army knife of Backgammon.

230 231 232 233 234 235
<p><a href="">
Bonita</a><br />
Open source workflow solution for handing long-running, user-oriented processes
providing out of the box workflow and business process management features.

236 237
<p><a href="">
Bookmarks Portlet</a><br />
JSR 168 compliant bookmarks management portlet application.
239 240

241 242
<p><a href="">
Claros inTouch</a><br />
243 244 245
Ajax communication suite with mail, addresses, notes, IM, and rss reader.

246 247 248 249 250
<p><a href="">
CrashPlan PRO Server</a><br />
Easy and cross platform backup solution for business and service providers.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
251 252 253 254 255
<p><a href="">
DataNucleus</a><br />
Java persistent objects.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
<p><a href="">
257 258 259 260
DbUnit</a><br />
A JUnit extension (also usable with Ant) targeted for database-driven projects.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
261 262
<p><a href="">
DiffKit</a><br />
Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
DiffKit is a tool for comparing two tables of data, field-by-field.
Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
264 265 266
DiffKit is like the Unix diff utility, but for tables instead of lines of text.

267 268 269 270 271
<p><a href="">
Dinamica Framework</a><br />
Ajax/J2EE framework for RAD development (mainly oriented toward hispanic markets).

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
272 273
<p><a href="">
District Health Information Software 2 (DHIS)</a><br />
Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
The DHIS 2 is a tool for collection, validation, analysis, and presentation of aggregate statistical data,
Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
275 276 277
tailored (but not limited) to integrated health information management activities.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
278 279 280 281 282
<p><a href="">
Ebean ORM Persistence Layer</a><br />
Open source Java Object Relational Mapping tool.

283 284 285 286 287 288
<p><a href="">
Eclipse CDO</a><br />
The CDO (Connected Data Objects) Model Repository is a distributed shared model framework for EMF models,
and a fast server-based O/R mapping solution.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
<p><a href="">
290 291 292
Fabric3</a><br />
Fabric3 is a project implementing a federated service network based on the Service Component Architecture specification (

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
<p><a href="">
295 296 297 298
FIT4Data</a><br />
A testing framework for data management applications built on the Java implementation of FIT.

299 300 301 302 303
<p><a href="">
Flux</a><br />
Java job scheduler, file transfer, workflow, and BPM.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
304 305 306 307 308
<p><a href="">
GeoServer</a><br />
GeoServer is a Java-based software server that allows users to view and edit geospatial data. Using open standards set forth by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), GeoServer allows for great flexibility in map creation and data sharing.

309 310
<p><a href="">
GBIF Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT)</a><br />
311 312
The GBIF IPT is an open source, Java based web application that connects and serves
three types of biodiversity data: taxon primary occurrence data,
313 314 315
taxon checklists and general resource metadata.

316 317
<p><a href="">
GNU Gluco Control</a><br />
Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
Helps you to manage your diabetes.
319 320

321 322
<p><a href="">
Golden T Studios</a><br />
323 324 325
Fun-to-play games with a simple interface.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
326 327 328 329 330 331 332
<p><a href="">
GridGain</a><br />
GridGain is easy to use Cloud Application Platform that enables development of
highly scalable distributed Java and Scala applications
that auto-scale on any grid or cloud infrastructure.

333 334 335 336
<p><a href="">
Group Session</a><br />
Open source web groupware.

<p><a href="">
HA-JDBC</a><br />
340 341 342
High-Availability JDBC: A JDBC proxy that provides light-weight, transparent, fault tolerant clustering capability to any underlying JDBC driver.

343 344
<p><a href="">
Hibernate</a><br />
345 346 347
Relational persistence for idiomatic Java (O-R mapping tool).

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
<p><a href="">
Hibicius</a><br />
Online Banking Client for the HBCI protocol.
351 352

353 354
<p><a href="">
ImageMapper</a><br />
355 356
ImageMapper frees users from having to use file browsers to view their images.
They get fast access to images and easy cataloguing of them via a user friendly
357 358 359

360 361
<p><a href="">
JAMWiki</a><br />
362 363 364
Java-based Wiki engine.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
365 366
<p><a href="">
Jaspa</a><br />
Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
Java Spatial. Jaspa potentially brings around 200 spatial functions.
Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
368 369

370 371 372 373 374
<p><a href="">
Java Simon</a><br />
Simple Monitoring API.

<p><a href="">
JBoss jBPM</a><br />
377 378 379
A platform for executable process languages ranging from business process management (BPM) over workflow to service orchestration.

380 381 382 383 384
<p><a href="">
JBoss Jopr</a><br />
An enterprise management solution for JBoss middleware projects and other application technologies.

385 386 387 388 389
<p><a href="">
JGeocoder</a><br />
Free Java geocoder. Geocoding is the process of estimating a latitude and longitude for a given location.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
<p><a href="">
JGrass</a><br />
Java Geographic Resources Analysis Support System.
393 394 395
Free, multi platform, open source GIS based on the GIS framework of uDig.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
<p><a href="">
Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
397 398 399 400
Jena</a><br />
Java framework for building Semantic Web applications.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
<p><a href="">
JMatter</a><br />
403 404 405
Framework for constructing workgroup business applications based on the Naked Objects Architectural Pattern.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
<p><a href="">
Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
jOOQ (Java Object Oriented Querying)</a><br />
Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
jOOQ is a fluent API for typesafe SQL query construction and execution
Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
409 410

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
<p><a href="">
Liftweb</a><br />
A Scala-based, secure, developer friendly web framework.
414 415

<p><a href="">
LiquiBase</a><br />
418 419 420
A tool to manage database changes and refactorings.

421 422
<p><a href="">
Luntbuild</a><br />
423 424
Build automation and management tool.

426 427 428 429 430
<p><a href="">
localdb</a><br />
A tool that locates the full file path of the folder containing the database files.

431 432
<p><a href="">
Magnolia</a><br />
Microarray Data Management and Export System for PFGRC
434 435 436
(Pathogen Functional Genomics Resource Center) Microarrays.

437 438 439 440 441
<p><a href="">
MiniConnectionPoolManager</a><br />
A lightweight standalone JDBC connection pool manager.

442 443
<p><a href="">
Mr. Persister</a><br />
444 445 446
Simple, small and fast object relational mapping.

447 448
<p><a href="">
Myna Application Server</a><br />
449 450 451
Java web app that provides dynamic web content and Java libraries access from JavaScript.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
<p><a href="">
MyTunesRss</a><br />
454 455 456
MyTunesRSS lets you listen to your music wherever you are.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
<p><a href="">
NCGC CurveFit</a><br />
459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474
From: NIH Chemical Genomics Center, National Institutes of Health, USA.
An open source application in the life sciences research field. This
application handles chemical structures and biological responses of
thousands of compounds with the potential to handle million+ compounds.
It utilizes an embedded H2 database to enable flexible query/retrieval
of all data including advanced chemical substructure and similarity
searching. The application highlights an automated curve fitting and
classification algorithm that outperforms commercial packages in the
field. Commercial alternatives are typically small desktop software
that handle a few dose response curves at a time. A couple of
commercial packages that do handle several thousand curves are very
expensive tools (&gt;60k USD) that require manual curation of analysis
by the user; require a license to Oracle; lack advanced
query/retrieval; and the ability to handle chemical structures.

475 476 477 478 479
<p><a href="">
Nuxeo</a><br />
Standards-based, open source platform for building ECM applications.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
<p><a href="">
nWire</a><br />
482 483 484 485
Eclipse plug-in which expedites Java development.
It's main purpose is to help developers find code quicker and easily
understand how it relates to the rest of the application, thus,
understand the application structure.
486 487

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
<p><a href="">
Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496
Ontology Works</a><br />
This company provides semantic technologies including deductive
information repositories (the Ontology Works Knowledge Servers),
semantic information fusion and semantic federation of legacy
databases, ontology-based domain modeling, and management of the
distributed enterprise.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
<p><a href="">
Ontoprise OntoBroker</a><br />
SemanticWeb-Middleware. It supports all W3C Semantic Web recommendations:
500 501 502
OWL, RDF, RDFS, SPARQL, and F-Logic.

<p><a href="">
Open Anzo</a><br />
505 506 507
Semantic Application Server.

508 509 510 511 512
<p><a href="">
OpenGroove</a><br />
OpenGroove is a groupware program that allows users to synchronize data.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
513 514 515 516 517
<p><a href="">
OpenSocial Development Environment (OSDE)</a><br />
Development tool for OpenSocial application.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
<p><a href="">
Orion</a><br />
520 521 522
J2EE Application Server.

523 524 525 526 527
<p><a href="">
P5H2</a><br />
A library for the <a href="">Processing</a> programming language and environment.

528 529 530 531 532
<p><a href="">
Phase-6</a><br />
A computer based learning software.

533 534 535 536 537
<p><a href="">
Pickle</a><br />
Pickle is a Java library containing classes for persistence, concurrency, and logging.

538 539 540 541 542
<p><a href="">
Piman</a><br />
Water treatment projects data management.

543 544
<p><a href="">
PolePosition</a><br />
545 546 547
Open source database benchmark.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
548 549
<p><a href="">
Poormans</a><br />
Very basic CMS running as a SWT application and generating static html pages.
Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
551 552 553 554

<p><a href="">
Railo</a><br />
Railo is an alternative engine for the Cold Fusion Markup Language, that compiles code
Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
556 557 558
programmed in CFML into Java bytecode and executes it on a servlet engine.

559 560 561 562 563
<p><a href="">
Razuna</a><br />
Open source Digital Asset Management System with integrated Web Content Management.

564 565 566 567 568
<p><a href="">
RIFE</a><br />
A full-stack web application framework with tools and APIs to implement most common web features.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
569 570
<p><a href="">
Sava</a><br />
Open-source web-based content management system.
Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
572 573

574 575
<p><a href="">
Scriptella</a><br />
576 577 578
ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) and script execution tool.

579 580
<p><a href="">
Sesar</a><br />
Dependency Injection Container with Aspect Oriented Programming.
582 583

584 585
<p><a href="">
SemmleCode</a><br />
586 587 588
Eclipse plugin to help you improve software quality.

589 590
<p><a href="">
SeQuaLite</a><br />
A free, light-weight, java data access framework.
592 593

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
<p><a href="">
595 596 597 598
ShapeLogic</a><br />
Toolkit for declarative programming, image processing and computer vision.

599 600
<p><a href="">
Shellbook</a><br />
601 602 603
Desktop publishing application.

604 605
<p><a href="">
Signsoft intelliBO</a><br />
606 607 608
Persistence middleware supporting the JDO specification.

609 610 611 612 613
<p><a href="">
SimpleORM</a><br />
Simple Java Object Relational Mapping.

614 615 616 617 618
<p><a href="">
SymmetricDS</a><br />
A web-enabled, database independent, data synchronization/replication software.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
<p><a href="">
SmartFoxServer</a><br />
621 622 623
Platform for developing multiuser applications and games with Macromedia Flash.

624 625 626 627 628
<p><a href="">
Social Bookmarks Friend Finder</a><br />
A GUI application that allows you to find users with similar bookmarks to the user specified (for

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
629 630 631 632 633
<p><a href="">
sormula</a><br />
Simple object relational mapping.

634 635
<p><a href="">
Springfuse</a><br />
Code generation For Spring, Spring MVC &amp; Hibernate.
637 638

<p><a href="">
640 641 642 643
SQLOrm</a><br />
Java Object Relation Mapping.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
644 645 646 647 648 649 650
<p><a href="">
StelsCSV and StelsXML</a><br />
StelsCSV is a CSV JDBC type 4 driver that allows to perform SQL queries and other JDBC operations on text files.
StelsXML is a XML JDBC type 4 driver that allows to perform SQL queries and other JDBC operations on XML files.
Both use H2 as the SQL engine.

651 652
<p><a href="">
StorYBook</a><br />
653 654 655
A summary-based tool for novelist and script writers. It helps to keep the overview over the various traces a story has.

656 657
<p><a href="">
StreamCruncher</a><br />
658 659 660
Event (stream) processing kernel.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
661 662
<p><a href="">
SUSE Manager, part of Linux Enterprise Server 11</a><br />
The SUSE Manager
Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
664 665 666 667
<a href="">
eases the burden of compliance</a> with regulatory requirements and corporate policies.

668 669
<p><a href="">
Tune Backup</a><br />
670 671 672
Easy-to-use backup solution for your iTunes library.

thomasmueller's avatar
thomasmueller committed
673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680
<p><a href="">
TimeWriter</a><br />
TimeWriter is a very flexible program for time administration / time tracking.
The older versions used dBase tables.
The new version 5 is completely rewritten, now using the H2 database.
TimeWriter is delivered in Dutch and English.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
681 682 683 684 685
<p><a href="">
weblica</a><br />
Desktop CMS.

686 687
<p><a href="">
Web of Web</a><br />
688 689 690
Collaborative and realtime interactive media platform for the web.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
<p><a href="">
Werkzeugkasten</a><br />
693 694 695
Minimum Java Toolset.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
<p><a href="">
VPDA</a><br />
View providers driven applications is a Java based application framework
699 700 701
for building applications composed from server components - view providers.

Thomas Mueller's avatar
Thomas Mueller committed
<p><a href="">
Volunteer database</a><br />
704 705 706
A database front end to register volunteers, partnership and donation for a Non Profit organization.

707 708
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