@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ If the base directory is not set (as in jdbc:h2:test), the database files are st
(the current working directory). When using the H2 Console application from the start menu, this is [Installation Directory]/bin.
The base directory can be set in the database URL. A fixed or relative path can be used. When using the URL
jdbc:h2:file:data/sample, the database is stored in the directory data (relative to the current working directory).
The directory must exist. It is also possible to use the fully qualified directory (and for Windows, drive) name.
The directory is created automatically if it does not yet exist. It is also possible to use the fully qualified directory (and for Windows, drive) name.
Sorry I can not reproduce this problem. Could you post a simple, standalone test case that reproduces the problem? It would be great if the test case does not have any dependencies except the H2 jar file (that is, uses the JDBC API and is run using a static main method). Please include any initialization code (CREATE TABLE, INSERT and so on) in the Java class or in a .sql script file.