提交 1106aae2 authored 作者: andrei's avatar andrei

another merge hiccup

上级 192076c4
......@@ -471,7 +471,6 @@ public final class MVStore {
* @param builder the map builder
* @return the map
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public synchronized <M extends MVMap<K, V>, K, V> M openMap(
String name, MVMap.MapBuilder<M, K, V> builder) {
int id = getMapId(name);
......@@ -1887,30 +1886,8 @@ public final class MVStore {
// nothing to do
return null;
// calculate the fill rate
long maxLengthSum = 0;
long maxLengthLiveSum = 0;
long time = getTimeSinceCreation();
for (Chunk c : chunks.values()) {
// ignore young chunks, because we don't optimize those
if (c.time + retentionTime <= time) {
maxLengthSum += c.maxLen;
maxLengthLiveSum += c.maxLenLive;
if (maxLengthLiveSum < 0) {
// no old data
return null;
// the fill rate of all chunks combined
if (maxLengthSum <= 0) {
// avoid division by 0
maxLengthSum = 1;
int fillRate = (int) (100 * maxLengthLiveSum / maxLengthSum);
int fillRate = getCurrentFillRate();
if (fillRate >= targetFillRate) {
return null;
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