helpAddDriversOnlyJava=Only the Java version supports additional drivers (this feature is not supported by the Native version).
helpAddDriversText=Additional database drivers can be registered by adding the Jar file location of the driver to the the environment variables H2DRIVERS or CLASSPATH. Example (Windows)\:To add the database driver library C\:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar, set the environment variable H2DRIVERS to C\:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar.
helpAddDriversText=Additional database drivers can be registered by adding the Jar file location of the driver to the the environment variables H2DRIVERS or CLASSPATH. Example (Windows)\:To add the database driver library C\:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar, set the environment variable H2DRIVERS to C\:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar.