@@ -2657,7 +2657,7 @@ In addition to the settings already described (cipher, file_lock, ifexists, user
Custom File Access Mode
Usually, the database opens log, data and index files with the access mode 'rw', meaning read-write (except for read only databases, where the mode 'r' is used). Also supported are 'rws' and 'rwd'. The access mode used for log files is set via ACCESS_MODE_LOG; for data and index files use ACCESS_MODE_DATA. These settings must be specified in the database URL:
Usually, the database opens log, data and index files with the access mode 'rw', meaning read-write (except for read only databases, where the mode 'r' is used). To open a database in read-only mode if the files are not read-only, use ACCESS_MODE_DATA=r. Also supported are 'rws' and 'rwd'. The access mode used for log files is set via ACCESS_MODE_LOG; for data and index files use ACCESS_MODE_DATA. These settings must be specified in the database URL:
For more information see <a href="advanced.html#durability_problems">Durability Problems</a> . On many operating systems the access mode 'rws' does not guarantee that the data is written to the disk.
#Usually, the database opens log, data and index files with the access mode 'rw', meaning read-write (except for read only databases, where the mode 'r' is used). To open a database in read-only mode if the files are not read-only, use ACCESS_MODE_DATA=r. Also supported are 'rws' and 'rwd'. The access mode used for log files is set via ACCESS_MODE_LOG; for data and index files use ACCESS_MODE_DATA. These settings must be specified in the database URL:
@@ -884,7 +884,7 @@ features_1267_p=Some applications (for example OpenOffice.org Base) pass some ad
features_1268_h3=Changing Other Settings when Opening a Connection
features_1269_p=In addition to the settings already described (cipher, file_lock, ifexists, user, password), other database settings can be passed in the database URL. Adding <code>setting\=value</code> at the end of an URL is the same as executing the statement <code>SET setting value</code> just after connecting. For a list of settings supported by this database please see the SQL grammar documentation.
features_1270_h2=Custom File Access Mode
features_1271_p=Usually, the database opens log, data and index files with the access mode 'rw', meaning read-write (except for read only databases, where the mode 'r' is used). Also supported are 'rws' and 'rwd'. The access mode used for log files is set via ACCESS_MODE_LOG; for data and index files use ACCESS_MODE_DATA. These settings must be specified in the database URL\:
features_1271_p=Usually, the database opens log, data and index files with the access mode 'rw', meaning read-write (except for read only databases, where the mode 'r' is used). To open a database in read-only mode if the files are not read-only, use ACCESS_MODE_DATA\=r. Also supported are 'rws' and 'rwd'. The access mode used for log files is set via ACCESS_MODE_LOG; for data and index files use ACCESS_MODE_DATA. These settings must be specified in the database URL\:
features_1272_p=For more information see <a href\="advanced.html\#durability_problems">Durability Problems</a> . On many operating systems the access mode 'rws' does not guarantee that the data is written to the disk.
features_1273_h2=Multiple Connections
features_1274_h3=Opening Multiple Databases at the Same Time
adminOthers=Sta verbindingen vanaf andere computers toe
adminPortWeb=Webserver poortnummer
adminRestart=Wijzigingen worden doorgevoerd na herstarten server
adminSessions=Actieve sessies
adminShutdown=Server stoppen
adminTitle=H2 Console instellingen
helpAddAnotherRow=Voeg nogmaals een nieuwe regel toe
helpAddDrivers=Toevoegen drivers voor een database
helpAddDriversOnlyJava=ALleen de Java-versie staat het toevoegen van extra drivers toe (deze mogelijkheid is niet ondersteund door de Native-version)
helpAddDriversText=Extra drivers voor een database kunnen worden geregistreerd door het toevoegen van het Jar-bestand van de driver aan de omgevingsvariabelen H2DRIVERS of CLASSPATH. Voorbeeld (Windows)\:om de driver bibliotheek C\:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar toe te voegen, moet de omgevingsvariabele H2DRIVERS op C\:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar gezet worden.
helpAddRow=Voeg een nieuwe regel toe
helpCommandHistory=Toont de geschiedenis van commando's
helpCreateTable=Maak een nieuwe table aan
helpDeleteRow=Verwijder een regel
helpDisconnect=Verbreekt de verbinding met de database
helpDisplayThis=Toont deze helppagina
helpDropTable=Verwijdert de tabel als deze bestaat
helpExecuteCurrent=Voert het huidige SQL-statement uit
helpImportantCommands=Belangrijke commando's
helpQuery=Vraag gegevens op uit de tabel
helpSampleSQL=Voorbeeld SQL-script
helpUpdate=Verander de gegevens in een rij
helpWithColumnsIdName=met de kolommen ID en NAME
login.driverClass=Driver klasse
login.driverNotFound=Driver voor database niet gevonden<br />Kijk in de help hoe je drivers kunt toevoegen
login.jdbcUrl=JDBC URL
login.savedSetting=Opgeslagen instellingen
login.testConnection=Test verbinding
login.testSuccessful=Test succesvol
login.welcome=H2 Console
result.1row=1 rij
result.autoCommitOff=Auto commit is nu UIT
result.autoCommitOn=Auto commit is nu AAN
result.maxrowsSet=Het maximum aantal rijen is ingesteld
result.noRows=geen rijen
result.noRunningStatement=Er wordt momenteel geen statement uitgevoerd
result.statementWasCancelled=Het statement is geannuleerd
result.updateCount=Aantal wijzigingen
toolbar.autoCommit=Auto commit
toolbar.autoComplete=Auto aanvullen
toolbar.cancelStatement=Annuleer het huidige statement