提交 1cf0a6b5 authored 作者: Thomas Mueller's avatar Thomas Mueller

Function from source code documentation.

上级 514580f4
......@@ -375,16 +375,24 @@ CREATE AGGREGATE MEDIAN FOR ""com.acme.db.Median""
"Commands (DDL)","CREATE ALIAS","
FOR classAndMethodName
{ FOR classAndMethodName | AS sourceCodeString }
Creates a new function alias. The method name must be the full qualified class
and method name, and may optionally include the parameter classes as in
Creates a new function alias. Deterministic functions must always return the
same value for the same parameters. The result of such functions is cached if possible.
The method name must be the full qualified class and method name,
and may optionally include the parameter classes as in
""java.lang.Integer.parseInt(java.lang.String, int)""). The class and the method
must both be public, and the method must be static. The class must be available
in the classpath of the database engine (when using the server mode,
it must be in the classpath of the server).
Deterministic functions always return the same value for the same parameters.
When defining a function alias with source code, the Sun javac is compiler
is used if the tools.jar is in the classpath. If not, javac is run as a separate process.
Only the source code is stored in the database; the class is compiled each time
the database is re-opened. Source code is usually passed
as dollar quoted text to avoid escaping problems.
If the first parameter of the Java function is a java.sql.Connection, then a
connection to the database is provided. This connection must not be closed.
If the class contains multiple methods with the given name but different
......@@ -397,6 +405,8 @@ CREATE ALIAS MY_SQRT FOR ""java.lang.Math.sqrt"";
CREATE ALIAS GET_SYSTEM_PROPERTY FOR ""java.lang.System.getProperty"";
CALL GET_SYSTEM_PROPERTY('java.class.path');
CALL GET_SYSTEM_PROPERTY('com.acme.test', 'true');
CREATE ALIAS REVERSE AS $$ String reverse(String s) { return new StringBuilder(s).reverse().toString(); } $$;
"Commands (DDL)","CREATE CONSTANT","
......@@ -1489,8 +1489,16 @@ The settings in the URL override the settings passed as a separate parameter.
In addition to the built-in functions, this database supports user-defined Java functions.
In this database, Java functions can be used as stored procedures as well.
A function must be declared (registered) before it can be used.
A functions can be defined using source code, or as a reference to
a compiled class that is available in the classpath.
<h3>Referencing a Compiled Method</h3>
When referencing a method, the class must already be compiled and
included in the classpath where the database is running.
Only static Java methods are supported; both the class and the method must be public.
Example Java method:
Example Java class:
package acme;
......@@ -1502,15 +1510,62 @@ public class Function {
The Java function must be registered in the database by calling <code>CREATE ALIAS</code>:
The Java function must be registered in the database by calling <code>CREATE ALIAS ... FOR</code>:
CREATE ALIAS IS_PRIME FOR "acme.Function.isPrime"
CREATE ALIAS IS_PRIME FOR "acme.Function.isPrime";
For a complete sample application, see <code>src/test/org/h2/samples/Function.java</code>.
<h3>Declaring Functions as Source Code</h3>
When defining a function alias with source code, the database tries to compile
the source code using the Sun Java compiler (the class <code>com.sun.tools.javac.Main</code>)
if the <code>tools.jar</code> is in the classpath. If not, <code>javac</code> is run as a separate
process. Only the source code is stored in the database; the class is compiled each time
the database is re-opened. Source code is usually passed
as dollar quoted text to avoid escaping problems, however single quotes
can be used as well. Example:
String nextPrime(String value) {
return new BigInteger(value).nextProbablePrime().toString();
The method name (<code>nextPrime</code> in the example above) is ignored.
By default, the three packages <code>java.util, java.math, java.sql</code> are imported.
If different import statements are required, they must be declared at the beginning
and separated with the tag <code>@CODE</code>:
import java.net.*;
String ipAddress(String host) throws Exception {
return InetAddress.getByName(host).getHostAddress();
The following template is used to create a complete Java class:
package org.h2.dynamic;
&lt; import statements before the tag @CODE; if not set:
import java.util.*;
import java.math.*;
import java.sql.*;
public class &lt;aliasName&gt; {
public static &lt;sourceCode&gt;
<h3>Function Data Type Mapping</h3>
Functions that accept non-nullable parameters such as <code>int</code>
......@@ -1536,13 +1591,13 @@ When calling the method from within the SQL statement, this connection parameter
does not need to be (can not be) specified.
<h3>Functions throwing an Exception</h3>
<h3>Functions Throwing an Exception</h3>
If a function throws an exception, then the current statement is rolled back
and the exception is thrown to the application.
<h3>Functions returning a Result Set</h3>
<h3>Functions Returning a Result Set</h3>
Functions may returns a result set. Such a function can be called with the <code>CALL</code> statement:
......@@ -4439,84 +4439,102 @@ Passing the User Name and/or Password in the URL
User-Defined Functions and Stored Procedures
In addition to the built-in functions, this database supports user-defined Java functions. In this database, Java functions can be used as stored procedures as well. A function must be declared (registered) before it can be used. Only static Java methods are supported; both the class and the method must be public. Example Java method:
In addition to the built-in functions, this database supports user-defined Java functions. In this database, Java functions can be used as stored procedures as well. A function must be declared (registered) before it can be used. A functions can be defined using source code, or as a reference to a compiled class that is available in the classpath.
The Java function must be registered in the database by calling <code>CREATE ALIAS</code>:
Referencing a Compiled Method
When referencing a method, the class must already be compiled and included in the classpath where the database is running. Only static Java methods are supported; both the class and the method must be public. Example Java class:
The Java function must be registered in the database by calling <code>CREATE ALIAS ... FOR</code>:
For a complete sample application, see <code>src/test/org/h2/samples/Function.java</code>.
Declaring Functions as Source Code
When defining a function alias with source code, the database tries to compile the source code using the Sun Java compiler (the class <code>com.sun.tools.javac.Main</code>) if the <code>tools.jar</code> is in the classpath. If not, <code>javac</code> is run as a separate process. Only the source code is stored in the database; the class is compiled each time the database is re-opened. Source code is usually passed as dollar quoted text to avoid escaping problems, however single quotes can be used as well. Example:
The method name (<code>nextPrime</code> in the example above) is ignored. By default, the three packages <code>java.util, java.math, java.sql</code> are imported. If different import statements are required, they must be declared at the beginning and separated with the tag <code>@CODE</code>:
The following template is used to create a complete Java class:
Function Data Type Mapping
Functions that accept non-nullable parameters such as <code>int</code> will not be called if one of those parameters is <code>NULL</code>. Instead, the result of the function is <code>NULL</code>. If the function should be called if a parameter is <code>NULL</code>, you need to use <code>java.lang.Integer</code> instead.
SQL types are mapped to Java classes and vice-versa as in the JDBC API. For details, see <a href="datatypes.html">Data Types</a>. There are two special cases: <code>java.lang.Object</code> is mapped to <code>OTHER</code> (a serialized object). Therefore, <code>java.lang.Object</code> can not be used to match all SQL types (matching all SQL types is not supported). The second special case is <code>Object[]</code>: arrays of any class are mapped to <code>ARRAY</code>.
Functions that require a Connection
If the first parameter of a Java function is a <code>java.sql.Connection</code>, then the connection to database is provided. This connection does not need to be closed before returning. When calling the method from within the SQL statement, this connection parameter does not need to be (can not be) specified.
Functions throwing an Exception
Functions Throwing an Exception
If a function throws an exception, then the current statement is rolled back and the exception is thrown to the application.
Functions returning a Result Set
Functions Returning a Result Set
Functions may returns a result set. Such a function can be called with the <code>CALL</code> statement:
Using SimpleResultSet
A function can create a result set using the <code>SimpleResultSet</code> tool:
Using a Function as a Table
A function that returns a result set can be used like a table. However, in this case the function is called at least twice: first while parsing the statement to collect the column names (with parameters set to <code>null</code> where not known at compile time). And then, while executing the statement to get the data (maybe multiple times if this is a join). If the function is called just to get the column list, the URL of the connection passed to the function is <code>jdbc:columnlist:connection</code>. Otherwise, the URL of the connection is <code>jdbc:default:connection</code>.
This database supports Java triggers that are called before or after a row is updated, inserted or deleted. Triggers can be used for complex consistency checks, or to update related data in the database. It is also possible to use triggers to simulate materialized views. For a complete sample application, see <code>src/test/org/h2/samples/TriggerSample.java</code>. A Java trigger must implement the interface <code>org.h2.api.Trigger</code>. The trigger class must be available in the classpath of the database engine (when using the server mode, it must be in the classpath of the server).
The connection can be used to query or update data in other tables. The trigger then needs to be defined in the database:
The trigger can be used to veto a change by throwing a <code>SQLException</code>.
Compacting a Database
Empty space in the database file is re-used automatically. To re-build the indexes, the simplest way is to delete the <code>.index.db</code> file while the database is closed. However in some situations (for example after deleting a lot of data in a database), one sometimes wants to shrink the size of the database (compact a database). Here is a sample function to do this:
See also the sample application <code>org.h2.samples.Compact</code>. The commands <code>SCRIPT / RUNSCRIPT</code> can be used as well to create a backup of a database and re-build the database from the script.
Cache Settings
The database keeps most frequently used data and index pages in the main memory. The amount of memory used for caching can be changed using the setting <code>CACHE_SIZE</code>. This setting can be set in the database connection URL (<code>jdbc:h2:~/test;CACHE_SIZE=131072</code>), or it can be changed at runtime using <code>SET CACHE_SIZE size</code>.
Also supported is a second level soft reference cache. Rows in this cache are only garbage collected on low memory. By default the second level cache is disabled. To enable it, use the prefix <code>SOFT_</code>. Example: <code>jdbc:h2:~/test;CACHE_TYPE=SOFT_LRU</code>.
To get information about page reads and writes, and the current caching algorithm in use, call <code>SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SETTINGS</code>. The number of pages read / written is listed for the data and index file.
......@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ CreateClusterツールを使用する
#To restore the cluster, you first need to delete the database that failed, then restart the server that was stopped, and re-run the <code>CreateCluster</code> tool.
#Detect Which Cluster Instances are Running #クラスタリングアルゴリズムと制限
#Detect Which Cluster Instances are Running
# To find out which cluster nodes are currently running, execute the following SQL statement:
......@@ -461,13 +461,13 @@ test
# relative or absolute path are not supported in the database name.
# By default, the database is stored in the current working directory #Server
# By default, the database is stored in the current working directory
# where the Server is started except when the -baseDir setting is used. #localhost
# where the Server is started except when the -baseDir setting is used.
# The name must be at least 3 characters. #サーバー名、またはIPアドレス
# The name must be at least 3 characters.
......@@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ ZERO() 関数を使用する
# File encryption slows down the performance of the database engine. Compared to unencrypted mode, database operations take about 2.2 times longer when using XTEA, and 2.5 times longer using AES (embedded mode).
#Wrong Password / User Name Delay #HTTPS 接続
#Wrong Password / User Name Delay
# To protect against remote brute force password attacks, the delay after each unsuccessful login gets double as long. Use the system properties <code>h2.delayWrongPasswordMin</code> and <code>h2.delayWrongPasswordMax</code> to change the minimum (the default is 250 milliseconds) or maximum delay (the default is 4000 milliseconds, or 4 seconds). The delay only applies for those using the wrong password. Normally there is no delay for a user that knows the correct password, with one exception: after using the wrong password, there is a delay of up to (randomly distributed) the same delay as for a wrong password. This is to protect against parallel brute force attacks, so that an attacker needs to wait for the whole delay. Delays are synchronized. This is also required to protect against parallel attacks.
......@@ -1010,31 +1010,31 @@ SSL/TLS 接続
#A block encryption algorithm. See also: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard">Wikipedia: AES</a> #Digest
#A block encryption algorithm. See also: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard">Wikipedia: AES</a>
Birthday Paradox
#Describes the higher than expected probability that two persons in a room have the same birthday. Also valid for randomly generated UUIDs. See also: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday_paradox">Wikipedia: Birthday Paradox</a> #GCJ
#Describes the higher than expected probability that two persons in a room have the same birthday. Also valid for randomly generated UUIDs. See also: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday_paradox">Wikipedia: Birthday Paradox</a>
#Protocol to protect a password (but not to protect data). See also: <a href="http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2617.html">RFC 2617: HTTP Digest Access Authentication</a> #HTTPS
#Protocol to protect a password (but not to protect data). See also: <a href="http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2617.html">RFC 2617: HTTP Digest Access Authentication</a>
#Compiler for Java. <a href="http://gcc.gnu.org/java">GNU Compiler for the Java</a> and <a href="http://www.dobysoft.com/products/nativej">NativeJ (commercial)</a> #Modes of Operation
#Compiler for Java. <a href="http://gcc.gnu.org/java">GNU Compiler for the Java</a> and <a href="http://www.dobysoft.com/products/nativej">NativeJ (commercial)</a>
#A protocol to provide security to HTTP connections. See also: <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2818.txt">RFC 2818: HTTP Over TLS</a> #Salt
#A protocol to provide security to HTTP connections. See also: <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2818.txt">RFC 2818: HTTP Over TLS</a>
Modes of Operation
......@@ -1046,25 +1046,25 @@ Modes of Operation
#Random number to increase the security of passwords. See also: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Key_derivation_function">Wikipedia: Key derivation function</a> #SQLインジェクション
#Random number to increase the security of passwords. See also: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Key_derivation_function">Wikipedia: Key derivation function</a>
#A cryptographic one-way hash function. See also: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA_family">Wikipedia: SHA hash functions</a> #Watermark Attack (透かし攻撃)
#A cryptographic one-way hash function. See also: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA_family">Wikipedia: SHA hash functions</a>
#A security vulnerability where an application embeds SQL statements or expressions in user input. See also: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection">Wikipedia: SQL Injection</a> #SSL/TLS
#A security vulnerability where an application embeds SQL statements or expressions in user input. See also: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection">Wikipedia: SQL Injection</a>
Watermark Attack (透かし攻撃)
#Security problem of certain encryption programs where the existence of certain data can be proven without decrypting. For more information, search in the internet for 'watermark attack cryptoloop' #XTEA
#Security problem of certain encryption programs where the existence of certain data can be proven without decrypting. For more information, search in the internet for 'watermark attack cryptoloop'
......@@ -4439,84 +4439,102 @@ computed column / ベースインデックスの機能
# In addition to the built-in functions, this database supports user-defined Java functions. In this database, Java functions can be used as stored procedures as well. A function must be declared (registered) before it can be used. Only static Java methods are supported; both the class and the method must be public. Example Java method:
# In addition to the built-in functions, this database supports user-defined Java functions. In this database, Java functions can be used as stored procedures as well. A function must be declared (registered) before it can be used. A functions can be defined using source code, or as a reference to a compiled class that is available in the classpath.
# The Java function must be registered in the database by calling <code>CREATE ALIAS</code>:
#Referencing a Compiled Method
# When referencing a method, the class must already be compiled and included in the classpath where the database is running. Only static Java methods are supported; both the class and the method must be public. Example Java class:
# The Java function must be registered in the database by calling <code>CREATE ALIAS ... FOR</code>:
# For a complete sample application, see <code>src/test/org/h2/samples/Function.java</code>.
#Declaring Functions as Source Code
# When defining a function alias with source code, the database tries to compile the source code using the Sun Java compiler (the class <code>com.sun.tools.javac.Main</code>) if the <code>tools.jar</code> is in the classpath. If not, <code>javac</code> is run as a separate process. Only the source code is stored in the database; the class is compiled each time the database is re-opened. Source code is usually passed as dollar quoted text to avoid escaping problems, however single quotes can be used as well. Example:
# The method name (<code>nextPrime</code> in the example above) is ignored. By default, the three packages <code>java.util, java.math, java.sql</code> are imported. If different import statements are required, they must be declared at the beginning and separated with the tag <code>@CODE</code>:
# The following template is used to create a complete Java class:
# Functions that accept non-nullable parameters such as <code>int</code> will not be called if one of those parameters is <code>NULL</code>. Instead, the result of the function is <code>NULL</code>. If the function should be called if a parameter is <code>NULL</code>, you need to use <code>java.lang.Integer</code> instead.
# SQL types are mapped to Java classes and vice-versa as in the JDBC API. For details, see <a href="datatypes.html">Data Types</a>. There are two special cases: <code>java.lang.Object</code> is mapped to <code>OTHER</code> (a serialized object). Therefore, <code>java.lang.Object</code> can not be used to match all SQL types (matching all SQL types is not supported). The second special case is <code>Object[]</code>: arrays of any class are mapped to <code>ARRAY</code>.
# If the first parameter of a Java function is a <code>java.sql.Connection</code>, then the connection to database is provided. This connection does not need to be closed before returning. When calling the method from within the SQL statement, this connection parameter does not need to be (can not be) specified.
#Functions Throwing an Exception
# If a function throws an exception, then the current statement is rolled back and the exception is thrown to the application.
Result Setを返す関数
#Functions Returning a Result Set
# Functions may returns a result set. Such a function can be called with the <code>CALL</code> statement:
# A function can create a result set using the <code>SimpleResultSet</code> tool:
# A function that returns a result set can be used like a table. However, in this case the function is called at least twice: first while parsing the statement to collect the column names (with parameters set to <code>null</code> where not known at compile time). And then, while executing the statement to get the data (maybe multiple times if this is a join). If the function is called just to get the column list, the URL of the connection passed to the function is <code>jdbc:columnlist:connection</code>. Otherwise, the URL of the connection is <code>jdbc:default:connection</code>.
# This database supports Java triggers that are called before or after a row is updated, inserted or deleted. Triggers can be used for complex consistency checks, or to update related data in the database. It is also possible to use triggers to simulate materialized views. For a complete sample application, see <code>src/test/org/h2/samples/TriggerSample.java</code>. A Java trigger must implement the interface <code>org.h2.api.Trigger</code>. The trigger class must be available in the classpath of the database engine (when using the server mode, it must be in the classpath of the server).
# The connection can be used to query or update data in other tables. The trigger then needs to be defined in the database:
# The trigger can be used to veto a change by throwing a <code>SQLException</code>.
# Empty space in the database file is re-used automatically. To re-build the indexes, the simplest way is to delete the <code>.index.db</code> file while the database is closed. However in some situations (for example after deleting a lot of data in a database), one sometimes wants to shrink the size of the database (compact a database). Here is a sample function to do this:
# See also the sample application <code>org.h2.samples.Compact</code>. The commands <code>SCRIPT / RUNSCRIPT</code> can be used as well to create a backup of a database and re-build the database from the script.
# The database keeps most frequently used data and index pages in the main memory. The amount of memory used for caching can be changed using the setting <code>CACHE_SIZE</code>. This setting can be set in the database connection URL (<code>jdbc:h2:~/test;CACHE_SIZE=131072</code>), or it can be changed at runtime using <code>SET CACHE_SIZE size</code>.
# Also supported is a second level soft reference cache. Rows in this cache are only garbage collected on low memory. By default the second level cache is disabled. To enable it, use the prefix <code>SOFT_</code>. Example: <code>jdbc:h2:~/test;CACHE_TYPE=SOFT_LRU</code>.
# To get information about page reads and writes, and the current caching algorithm in use, call <code>SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SETTINGS</code>. The number of pages read / written is listed for the data and index file.
......@@ -1478,33 +1478,39 @@ features_1578_p=\ This example requires Java 1.6. When using Swing, use <code>ja
features_1579_h3=Passing the User Name and/or Password in the URL
features_1580_p=\ Instead of passing the user name as a separate parameter as in <code> Connection conn \= DriverManager. getConnection("jdbc\:h2\:~/test", "sa", "123"); </code> the user name (and/or password) can be supplied in the URL itself\: <code> Connection conn \= DriverManager. getConnection("jdbc\:h2\:~/test;USER\=sa;PASSWORD\=123"); </code> The settings in the URL override the settings passed as a separate parameter.
features_1581_h2=User-Defined Functions and Stored Procedures
features_1582_p=\ In addition to the built-in functions, this database supports user-defined Java functions. In this database, Java functions can be used as stored procedures as well. A function must be declared (registered) before it can be used. Only static Java methods are supported; both the class and the method must be public. Example Java method\:
features_1583_p=\ The Java function must be registered in the database by calling <code>CREATE ALIAS</code>\:
features_1584_p=\ For a complete sample application, see <code>src/test/org/h2/samples/Function.java</code>.
features_1585_h3=Function Data Type Mapping
features_1586_p=\ Functions that accept non-nullable parameters such as <code>int</code> will not be called if one of those parameters is <code>NULL</code>. Instead, the result of the function is <code>NULL</code>. If the function should be called if a parameter is <code>NULL</code>, you need to use <code>java.lang.Integer</code> instead.
features_1587_p=\ SQL types are mapped to Java classes and vice-versa as in the JDBC API. For details, see <a href\="datatypes.html">Data Types</a>. There are two special cases\: <code>java.lang.Object</code> is mapped to <code>OTHER</code> (a serialized object). Therefore, <code>java.lang.Object</code> can not be used to match all SQL types (matching all SQL types is not supported). The second special case is <code>Object[]</code>\: arrays of any class are mapped to <code>ARRAY</code>.
features_1588_h3=Functions that require a Connection
features_1589_p=\ If the first parameter of a Java function is a <code>java.sql.Connection</code>, then the connection to database is provided. This connection does not need to be closed before returning. When calling the method from within the SQL statement, this connection parameter does not need to be (can not be) specified.
features_1590_h3=Functions throwing an Exception
features_1591_p=\ If a function throws an exception, then the current statement is rolled back and the exception is thrown to the application.
features_1592_h3=Functions returning a Result Set
features_1593_p=\ Functions may returns a result set. Such a function can be called with the <code>CALL</code> statement\:
features_1594_h3=Using SimpleResultSet
features_1595_p=\ A function can create a result set using the <code>SimpleResultSet</code> tool\:
features_1596_h3=Using a Function as a Table
features_1597_p=\ A function that returns a result set can be used like a table. However, in this case the function is called at least twice\: first while parsing the statement to collect the column names (with parameters set to <code>null</code> where not known at compile time). And then, while executing the statement to get the data (maybe multiple times if this is a join). If the function is called just to get the column list, the URL of the connection passed to the function is <code>jdbc\:columnlist\:connection</code>. Otherwise, the URL of the connection is <code>jdbc\:default\:connection</code>.
features_1599_p=\ This database supports Java triggers that are called before or after a row is updated, inserted or deleted. Triggers can be used for complex consistency checks, or to update related data in the database. It is also possible to use triggers to simulate materialized views. For a complete sample application, see <code>src/test/org/h2/samples/TriggerSample.java</code>. A Java trigger must implement the interface <code>org.h2.api.Trigger</code>. The trigger class must be available in the classpath of the database engine (when using the server mode, it must be in the classpath of the server).
features_1600_p=\ The connection can be used to query or update data in other tables. The trigger then needs to be defined in the database\:
features_1601_p=\ The trigger can be used to veto a change by throwing a <code>SQLException</code>.
features_1602_h2=Compacting a Database
features_1603_p=\ Empty space in the database file is re-used automatically. To re-build the indexes, the simplest way is to delete the <code>.index.db</code> file while the database is closed. However in some situations (for example after deleting a lot of data in a database), one sometimes wants to shrink the size of the database (compact a database). Here is a sample function to do this\:
features_1604_p=\ See also the sample application <code>org.h2.samples.Compact</code>. The commands <code>SCRIPT / RUNSCRIPT</code> can be used as well to create a backup of a database and re-build the database from the script.
features_1605_h2=Cache Settings
features_1606_p=\ The database keeps most frequently used data and index pages in the main memory. The amount of memory used for caching can be changed using the setting <code>CACHE_SIZE</code>. This setting can be set in the database connection URL (<code>jdbc\:h2\:~/test;CACHE_SIZE\=131072</code>), or it can be changed at runtime using <code>SET CACHE_SIZE size</code>.
features_1607_p=\ Also supported is a second level soft reference cache. Rows in this cache are only garbage collected on low memory. By default the second level cache is disabled. To enable it, use the prefix <code>SOFT_</code>. Example\: <code>jdbc\:h2\:~/test;CACHE_TYPE\=SOFT_LRU</code>.
features_1608_p=\ To get information about page reads and writes, and the current caching algorithm in use, call <code>SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SETTINGS</code>. The number of pages read / written is listed for the data and index file.
features_1582_p=\ In addition to the built-in functions, this database supports user-defined Java functions. In this database, Java functions can be used as stored procedures as well. A function must be declared (registered) before it can be used. A functions can be defined using source code, or as a reference to a compiled class that is available in the classpath.
features_1583_h3=Referencing a Compiled Method
features_1584_p=\ When referencing a method, the class must already be compiled and included in the classpath where the database is running. Only static Java methods are supported; both the class and the method must be public. Example Java class\:
features_1585_p=\ The Java function must be registered in the database by calling <code>CREATE ALIAS ... FOR</code>\:
features_1586_p=\ For a complete sample application, see <code>src/test/org/h2/samples/Function.java</code>.
features_1587_h3=Declaring Functions as Source Code
features_1588_p=\ When defining a function alias with source code, the database tries to compile the source code using the Sun Java compiler (the class <code>com.sun.tools.javac.Main</code>) if the <code>tools.jar</code> is in the classpath. If not, <code>javac</code> is run as a separate process. Only the source code is stored in the database; the class is compiled each time the database is re-opened. Source code is usually passed as dollar quoted text to avoid escaping problems, however single quotes can be used as well. Example\:
features_1589_p=\ The method name (<code>nextPrime</code> in the example above) is ignored. By default, the three packages <code>java.util, java.math, java.sql</code> are imported. If different import statements are required, they must be declared at the beginning and separated with the tag <code>@CODE</code>\:
features_1590_p=\ The following template is used to create a complete Java class\:
features_1591_h3=Function Data Type Mapping
features_1592_p=\ Functions that accept non-nullable parameters such as <code>int</code> will not be called if one of those parameters is <code>NULL</code>. Instead, the result of the function is <code>NULL</code>. If the function should be called if a parameter is <code>NULL</code>, you need to use <code>java.lang.Integer</code> instead.
features_1593_p=\ SQL types are mapped to Java classes and vice-versa as in the JDBC API. For details, see <a href\="datatypes.html">Data Types</a>. There are two special cases\: <code>java.lang.Object</code> is mapped to <code>OTHER</code> (a serialized object). Therefore, <code>java.lang.Object</code> can not be used to match all SQL types (matching all SQL types is not supported). The second special case is <code>Object[]</code>\: arrays of any class are mapped to <code>ARRAY</code>.
features_1594_h3=Functions that require a Connection
features_1595_p=\ If the first parameter of a Java function is a <code>java.sql.Connection</code>, then the connection to database is provided. This connection does not need to be closed before returning. When calling the method from within the SQL statement, this connection parameter does not need to be (can not be) specified.
features_1596_h3=Functions Throwing an Exception
features_1597_p=\ If a function throws an exception, then the current statement is rolled back and the exception is thrown to the application.
features_1598_h3=Functions Returning a Result Set
features_1599_p=\ Functions may returns a result set. Such a function can be called with the <code>CALL</code> statement\:
features_1600_h3=Using SimpleResultSet
features_1601_p=\ A function can create a result set using the <code>SimpleResultSet</code> tool\:
features_1602_h3=Using a Function as a Table
features_1603_p=\ A function that returns a result set can be used like a table. However, in this case the function is called at least twice\: first while parsing the statement to collect the column names (with parameters set to <code>null</code> where not known at compile time). And then, while executing the statement to get the data (maybe multiple times if this is a join). If the function is called just to get the column list, the URL of the connection passed to the function is <code>jdbc\:columnlist\:connection</code>. Otherwise, the URL of the connection is <code>jdbc\:default\:connection</code>.
features_1605_p=\ This database supports Java triggers that are called before or after a row is updated, inserted or deleted. Triggers can be used for complex consistency checks, or to update related data in the database. It is also possible to use triggers to simulate materialized views. For a complete sample application, see <code>src/test/org/h2/samples/TriggerSample.java</code>. A Java trigger must implement the interface <code>org.h2.api.Trigger</code>. The trigger class must be available in the classpath of the database engine (when using the server mode, it must be in the classpath of the server).
features_1606_p=\ The connection can be used to query or update data in other tables. The trigger then needs to be defined in the database\:
features_1607_p=\ The trigger can be used to veto a change by throwing a <code>SQLException</code>.
features_1608_h2=Compacting a Database
features_1609_p=\ Empty space in the database file is re-used automatically. To re-build the indexes, the simplest way is to delete the <code>.index.db</code> file while the database is closed. However in some situations (for example after deleting a lot of data in a database), one sometimes wants to shrink the size of the database (compact a database). Here is a sample function to do this\:
features_1610_p=\ See also the sample application <code>org.h2.samples.Compact</code>. The commands <code>SCRIPT / RUNSCRIPT</code> can be used as well to create a backup of a database and re-build the database from the script.
features_1611_h2=Cache Settings
features_1612_p=\ The database keeps most frequently used data and index pages in the main memory. The amount of memory used for caching can be changed using the setting <code>CACHE_SIZE</code>. This setting can be set in the database connection URL (<code>jdbc\:h2\:~/test;CACHE_SIZE\=131072</code>), or it can be changed at runtime using <code>SET CACHE_SIZE size</code>.
features_1613_p=\ Also supported is a second level soft reference cache. Rows in this cache are only garbage collected on low memory. By default the second level cache is disabled. To enable it, use the prefix <code>SOFT_</code>. Example\: <code>jdbc\:h2\:~/test;CACHE_TYPE\=SOFT_LRU</code>.
features_1614_p=\ To get information about page reads and writes, and the current caching algorithm in use, call <code>SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SETTINGS</code>. The number of pages read / written is listed for the data and index file.
fragments_1001_td=Highlight keyword(s)
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ CREATE AGGREGATE [ IF NOT EXISTS ] newAggregateName FOR className
Creates a new user-defined aggregate function."
"Commands (DDL)","CREATE ALIAS","
FOR classAndMethodName
{ FOR classAndMethodName | AS sourceCodeString }
Creates a new function alias."
"Commands (DDL)","CREATE CONSTANT","
......@@ -298,7 +298,6 @@ java org.h2.test.TestAll timer
Compiler documentation
test with small freeList pages, page size 64
test if compact always works as expected
implement node row counts (disabled by default)
......@@ -619,4 +619,4 @@ deactivation concatenating reproducing black railroads railroad radius moz
imageio argb bilinear rendering stroke interpolation flip diagrams draw
delim overlap subselect bitwise dclassifier dgenerate compacts chartrand phane
sval cement slave ulimit eclipselink glenn kidd rapidshare score relevance
autovacuum vacuuming endlessly talking evicted splitting unbound
autovacuum vacuuming endlessly talking evicted splitting unbound declaring
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