提交 215bdba4 authored 作者: Stéphane Eintrazi's avatar Stéphane Eintrazi

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上级 44350ad1
......@@ -1481,18 +1481,25 @@ public class DateTimeUtils {
public static Value truncateDate(String timeUnit, Value value) {
Value result;
// Retrieve the dateValue.
// Retrieve the dateValue and the time in nanoseconds if the date.
long[] fieldDateAndTime = DateTimeUtils.dateAndTimeFromValue(value);
long dateValue = fieldDateAndTime[0];
long timeNanosRetrieved = fieldDateAndTime[1];
// Variable that contains the number of nanoseconds in 'hour', 'minute',
// etc.
long nanoInHour = 3_600_000_000_000l;
long nanoInMinute = 60_000_000_000l;
long nanoInSecond = 1_000_000_000l;
long nanoInMilliSecond = 1_000_000l;
long nanoInMicroSecond = 1_000l;
// Variable used to the time in nanoseconds of the date truncated.
long timeNanos;
// Compute the number of time unit in the date, for example, the
// number of time unit 'HOUR' in '15:14:13' is '15'. Then convert the
// result to nanoseconds.
if (timeUnit.equals("MICROSECONDS")) {
long microseconds = timeNanosRetrieved / nanoInMicroSecond;
......@@ -1529,21 +1536,18 @@ public class DateTimeUtils {
throw DbException.getUnsupportedException(timeUnit);
if (value instanceof ValueTimestampTimeZone) {
// Create a new ValueTimestampTimeZone by only setting the
// date. The time in nanoseconds since midnight will be set
// to 0.
// Case we create a timestamp with timezone with the dateValue and
// timeNanos computed.
ValueTimestampTimeZone vTmp = (ValueTimestampTimeZone) value;
result = ValueTimestampTimeZone.fromDateValueAndNanos(vTmp.getDateValue(), timeNanos,
} else {
// By default, we create a timestamp by setting the
// datevalue to the datevalue retrieved and the time in
// nanoseconds since midnight to 0.
// By default, we create a timestamp with the dateValue and
// timeNanos computed.
result = ValueTimestamp.fromDateValueAndNanos(dateValue, timeNanos);
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