提交 23d193dc authored 作者: Thomas Mueller's avatar Thomas Mueller

Create h2*-sources.jar and h2*-javadoc.jar

上级 bb424638
......@@ -302,14 +302,6 @@ public class Build extends BuildBase {
filter("src/installer/h2w.bat", "bin/h2w.bat", "h2.jar", "h2" + getJarSuffix());
* Create a jar file that contains the source code.
public void jarSources() {
FileList files = files("src/main").keep("*.java");
jar("docs/h2-" + getVersion() + "-sources.jar", files, "src/main");
* Create the h2client.jar. This only contains the remote JDBC
* implementation.
......@@ -435,6 +427,43 @@ public class Build extends BuildBase {
* a new H2 version is made.
public void mavenDeployCentral() {
// generate and deploy h2*-sources.jar file
FileList files = files("src/main").keep("*.java");
jar("docs/h2-" + getVersion() + "-sources.jar", files, "src/main");
// the option -DgeneratePom=false doesn't work with some versions of
// Maven because of bug http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MDEPLOY-84
// as a workaround we generate the pom, but overwrite it later on
// (that's why the regular jar is created at the very end)
execScript("mvn", args(
"-Dfile=docs/h2-" + getVersion() + "-sources.jar",
"-Dversion=" + getVersion(),
// ,"-DgeneratePom=false"
// generate and deploy the h2*-javadoc.jar file
files = files("docs/javadocImpl2");
jar("docs/h2-" + getVersion() + "-javadoc.jar", files, "docs/javadocImpl2");
execScript("mvn", args(
"-Dfile=docs/h2-" + getVersion() + "-javadoc.jar",
"-Dversion=" + getVersion(),
// ,"-DgeneratePom=false"
// generate and deploy the h2*.jar file
String pom = new String(readFile(new File("src/installer/pom-template.xml")));
pom = replaceAll(pom, "@version@", getVersion());
......@@ -448,7 +477,6 @@ public class Build extends BuildBase {
int todoDeploySources;
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