</li><li>Procedural language / script language (Javascript)
</li><li>Change LOB mechanism (less files, keep index of lob files, point to files and row, delete unused files earlier, maybe bundle files into a tar file)
</li><li>Set the database in an 'exclusive' mode (restrict to one user at a time)
</li><li>Clustering: recovery needs to becomes fully automatic. Global write lock feature.
</li><li>Include SMPT (mail) server (at least client) (alert on cluster failure, low disk space,...)
</li><li>Make the jar more modular
</li><li>Drop with restrict (currently cascade is the default)
@@ -963,7 +964,6 @@ Hypersonic SQL or HSQLDB. H2 is built from scratch.
</li><li>LIKE: improved version for larger texts (currently using naive search)
</li><li>Auto-reconnect on lost connection to server (even if the server was re-started) except if autocommit was off and there was pending transaction
</li><li>The Script tool should work with other databases as well