提交 28d40220 authored 作者: Thomas Mueller's avatar Thomas Mueller

--no commit message

--no commit message
上级 26d3dd03
......@@ -335,6 +335,31 @@
<target name="zip">
<delete includeemptydirs="true">
<fileset dir="dist" includes="**/*"/>
<copy todir="dist">
<fileset dir=".." includes="h2/build.xml"/>
<fileset dir=".." includes="h2/ant-build.properties"/>
<fileset dir=".." includes="h2/bin/**/*"/>
<fileset dir=".." includes="h2/docs/**/*"/>
<fileset dir=".." includes="h2/service/**/*"/>
<fileset dir=".." includes="h2/src/**/*"/>
<tar destfile="../h2.tar">
<fileset dir="dist" includes="**/*.java,**/*.css,**/*.js" />
<fileset dir="dist" includes="**/*.xml" />
<fileset dir="dist" includes="**/*.html,**/*.jsp" />
<fileset dir="dist" includes="**/*.csv,**/*.txt,**/*.properties" />
<fileset dir="dist" includes="**/*.sql,**/*.bat" />
<fileset dir="dist" excludes="**/*.java,,**/*.css,**/*.js,**/*.xml,**/*.html,**/*.jsp,**/*.csv,**/*.txt,**/*.properties,**/*.sql,**/*.bat" />
<bzip2 destfile="../h2.tar.bz2" src="../h2.tar" />
<zip destfile="../h2.zip">
<fileset dir=".." includes="h2/build.xml"/>
<fileset dir=".." includes="h2/ant-build.properties"/>
......@@ -924,6 +924,19 @@ File encryption slows down the performance of the database engine. Compared to u
database operations take about 2.2 times longer when using XTEA, and 2.5 times longer using AES (embedded mode).
<h3>Wrong Password Delay</h3>
To protect against remote brute force password attacks, the delay after each unsuccessful
login gets double as long. Use the system properties h2.delayWrongPasswordMin
and h2.delayWrongPasswordMax to change the minimum (the default is 250 milliseconds)
or maximum delay (the default is 4000 milliseconds, or 4 seconds). The delay only
applies for those using the wrong password. Normally there is no delay for a user that knows the correct
password, with one exception: after using the wrong password, there is a delay of up (randomly distributed)
the same delay as for a wrong password. This is to protect against parallel brute force attacks,
so that an attacker needs to wait for the whole delay. Delays are synchronized. This is also required
to protect against parallel attacks.
<h3>SSL/TLS Connections</h3>
Remote SSL/TLS connections are supported using the Java Secure Socket Extension
......@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ SQL Grammar
<c:forEach var="item" items="otherGrammar">
<a href="#${item.link}">${item.topic}</a><br />
<h2>System Tables</h2>
<a href="#information_schema">Information Schema</a><br />
<a href="#range_table">Range table</a><br />
<c:forEach var="item" items="commands">
<br />
......@@ -57,4 +60,27 @@ ${item.example}
<br />
<br />
<a name="information_schema"></a><h3>Information Schema</h3>
The system tables in the schema 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA' contain the meta data
of all tables in the database as well as the current settings.
<c:forEach var="item" items="informationSchema">
<br />
<a name="range_table"></a><h3>Range table</h3>
The range table is a dynamic system table that contains all values from a start to an end value.
The table contains one column called X. Both the start and end values are included in the result.
The table is used as follows:
</div></td></tr></table><!-- analytics --></body></html>
......@@ -755,126 +755,132 @@ Database encryption is meant for securing the database while it is not in use (s
File encryption slows down the performance of the database engine. Compared to unencrypted mode, database operations take about 2.2 times longer when using XTEA, and 2.5 times longer using AES (embedded mode).
SSL/TLS Connections
Wrong Password Delay
Remote SSL/TLS connections are supported using the Java Secure Socket Extension (SSLServerSocket / SSLSocket). By default, anonymous SSL is enabled. The default cipher suite is <code>SSL_DH_anon_WITH_RC4_128_MD5</code> .
To protect against remote brute force password attacks, the delay after each unsuccessful login gets double as long. Use the system properties h2.delayWrongPasswordMin and h2.delayWrongPasswordMax to change the minimum (the default is 250 milliseconds) or maximum delay (the default is 4000 milliseconds, or 4 seconds). The delay only applies for those using the wrong password. Normally there is no delay for a user that knows the correct password, with one exception: after using the wrong password, there is a delay of up (randomly distributed) the same delay as for a wrong password. This is to protect against parallel brute force attacks, so that an attacker needs to wait for the whole delay. Delays are synchronized. This is also required to protect against parallel attacks.
HTTPS Connections
SSL/TLS Connections
Remote SSL/TLS connections are supported using the Java Secure Socket Extension (SSLServerSocket / SSLSocket). By default, anonymous SSL is enabled. The default cipher suite is <code>SSL_DH_anon_WITH_RC4_128_MD5</code> .
HTTPS Connections
The web server supports HTTP and HTTPS connections using SSLServerSocket. There is a default self-certified certificate to support an easy starting point, but custom certificates are supported as well.
Universally Unique Identifiers (UUID)
This database supports the UUIDs. Also supported is a function to create new UUIDs using a cryptographically strong pseudo random number generator. With random UUIDs, the chance of two having the same value can be calculated using the probability theory. See also 'Birthday Paradox'. Standardized randomly generated UUIDs have 122 random bits. 4 bits are used for the version (Randomly generated UUID), and 2 bits for the variant (Leach-Salz). This database supports generating such UUIDs using the built-in function RANDOM_UUID(). Here is a small program to estimate the probability of having two identical UUIDs after generating a number of values:
Some values are:
To help non-mathematicians understand what those numbers mean, here a comparison: One's annual risk of being hit by a meteorite is estimated to be one chance in 17 billion, that means the probability is about 0.000'000'000'06.
Settings Read from System Properties
Some settings of the database can be set on the command line using -DpropertyName=value. It is usually not required to change those settings manually. The settings are case sensitive. Example:
The current value of the settings can be read in the table INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SETTINGS.
For a complete list of settings, see <a href="../javadoc/org/h2/constant/SysProperties.html">SysProperties</a> .
Setting the Server Bind Address
Usually server sockets accept connections on any/all local addresses. This may be a problem on multi-homed hosts. To bind only to one address, use the system property h2.bindAddress. This setting is used for both regular server sockets and for SSL server sockets. IPv4 and IPv6 address formats are supported.
Glossary and Links
A block encryption algorithm. See also: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard">Wikipedia: AES</a>
Birthday Paradox
Describes the higher than expected probability that two persons in a room have the same birthday. Also valid for randomly generated UUIDs. See also: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday_paradox">Wikipedia: Birthday Paradox</a>
Protocol to protect a password (but not to protect data). See also: <a href="http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2617.html">RFC 2617: HTTP Digest Access Authentication</a>
GNU Compiler for Java. <a href="http://gcc.gnu.org/java/">http://gcc.gnu.org/java/</a> and <a href="http://nativej.mtsystems.ch">http://nativej.mtsystems.ch/ (not free any more)</a>
A protocol to provide security to HTTP connections. See also: <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2818.txt">RFC 2818: HTTP Over TLS</a>
Modes of Operation
Wikipedia: Block cipher modes of operation
Random number to increase the security of passwords. See also: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Key_derivation_function">Wikipedia: Key derivation function</a>
A cryptographic one-way hash function. See also: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA_family">Wikipedia: SHA hash functions</a>
SQL Injection
A security vulnerability where an application generates SQL statements with embedded user input. See also: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection">Wikipedia: SQL Injection</a>
Watermark Attack
Security problem of certain encryption programs where the existence of certain data can be proven without decrypting. For more information, search in the internet for 'watermark attack cryptoloop'
Secure Sockets Layer / Transport Layer Security. See also: <a href="http://java.sun.com/products/jsse/">Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE)</a>
A block encryption algorithm. See also: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XTEA">Wikipedia: XTEA</a>
......@@ -7415,7 +7421,7 @@ When using Java Web Start / JNLP (Java Network Launch Protocol), permissions tag
Using a Connection Pool
For many databases, opening a connection is slow, and it is a good idea to use a connection pool to re-use connections. For H2 however opening a connection usually is fast if the database is already open. Using a connection pool manager for H2 actually slows down the process a bit, except if file encryption is used (in this case opening a connection is about half as fast as using a connection pool). A simple connection pool manager is included in H2. It is based on the <a href="http://www.source-code.biz/snippets/java/8.htm">Mini Connection Pool Manager</a> from Christian d'Heureuse. There are other, more complex connection pools available, for example <a href="http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/dbcp/">DBCP</a> . The build-in connection pool manager is used as follows:
For many databases, opening a connection is slow, and it is a good idea to use a connection pool to re-use connections. For H2 however opening a connection usually is fast if the database is already open. Using a connection pool for H2 actually slows down the process a bit, except if file encryption is used (in this case opening a connection is about half as fast as using a connection pool). A simple connection pool is included in H2. It is based on the <a href="http://www.source-code.biz/snippets/java/8.htm">Mini Connection Pool Manager</a> from Christian d'Heureuse. There are other, more complex connection pools available, for example <a href="http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/dbcp/">DBCP</a> . The build-in connection pool is used as follows:
Fulltext Search
......@@ -757,126 +757,132 @@ ZERO() 関数を使用する
ファイル暗号化はデータベースエンジンのパフォーマンスを低速にします。非暗号化モードと比較すると、 データベースオペレーションは、XTEAを使用する時はおよそ2.2倍長くかかり、 AESを使用する時は2.5倍長くかかります (エンベッドモード)。
#Wrong Password Delay
遠隔SSL/TLS接続は、Java Secure Socket Extension (SSLServerSocket / SSLSocket) の使用をサポートしています。デフォルトでは、匿名のSSLは使用可能です。デフォルトの暗号化パッケージソフトは SSL_DH_anon_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 です。
#To protect against remote brute force password attacks, the delay after each unsuccessful login gets double as long. Use the system properties h2.delayWrongPasswordMin and h2.delayWrongPasswordMax to change the minimum (the default is 250 milliseconds) or maximum delay (the default is 4000 milliseconds, or 4 seconds). The delay only applies for those using the wrong password. Normally there is no delay for a user that knows the correct password, with one exception: after using the wrong password, there is a delay of up (randomly distributed) the same delay as for a wrong password. This is to protect against parallel brute force attacks, so that an attacker needs to wait for the whole delay. Delays are synchronized. This is also required to protect against parallel attacks.
遠隔SSL/TLS接続は、Java Secure Socket Extension (SSLServerSocket / SSLSocket) の使用をサポートしています。デフォルトでは、匿名のSSLは使用可能です。デフォルトの暗号化パッケージソフトは SSL_DH_anon_WITH_RC4_128_MD5 です。
webサーバーは、SSLServerSocketを使用したHTTP と HTTPS接続をサポートします。 簡単に開始できるように、デフォルトの自己認証された証明書がありますが、 カスタム証明書も同様にサポートされています。
汎用一意識別子 (UUID)
このデータベースはUUIDをサポートしています。 また、暗号化強力疑似乱数ジェネレーターを使用して新しいUUIDを作成する関数をサポートしています。 同じ値をもつ二つの無作為なUUIDが存在する可能性は、確率論を使用して計算されることができます。 "Birthday Paradox" もご覧下さい。標準化された無作為に生成されたUUIDは、122の無作為なビットを保持しています。 4ビットはバージョン(無作為に生成されたUUID) に、2ビットはバリアント (Leach-Salz) に使用されます。 このデータベースは組み込み関数 RANDOM_UUID() を使用してこのようなUUIDを生成することをサポートしています。 ここに、値の数字が生成された後、二つの 同一のUUIDが生じる可能性を見積もる小さなプログラムがあります:
人の隕石に衝突するという年に一度の危険性は、170億に一回と見積もられ、それは、確率がおよそ 0.000'000'000'06 だということを意味しています。
いくつかのデータベースの設定は、-DpropertyName=value を使用してコマンドラインで設定することができます。 通常、これらの設定は手動で変更することは必要とされていません。設定は大文字と小文字を区別しています。 例:
#The current value of the settings can be read in the table INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SETTINGS.
#For a complete list of settings, see <a href="../javadoc/org/h2/constant/SysProperties.html">SysProperties</a> .
#Setting the Server Bind Address
#Usually server sockets accept connections on any/all local addresses. This may be a problem on multi-homed hosts. To bind only to one address, use the system property h2.bindAddress. This setting is used for both regular server sockets and for SSL server sockets. IPv4 and IPv6 address formats are supported.
ブロック暗号化アルゴリズム。こちらもご覧下さい:<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard">Wikipedia: AES</a>
Birthday Paradox
部屋にいる二人が同じ誕生日の可能性が期待された以上に高いということを説明する。 また、有効なランダムに生成されたUUID。こちらもご覧下さい:<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday_paradox">Wikipedia: Birthday Paradox</a>
パスワードを保護するプロトコル (データは保護しません)。こちらもご覧下さい:<a href="http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2617.html">RFC 2617: HTTP Digest Access Authentication</a>
JavaのGNUコンパイラー<a href="http://gcc.gnu.org/java/">http://gcc.gnu.org/java/</a> and <a href="http://nativej.mtsystems.ch">http://nativej.mtsystems.ch/ (not free any more)</a>
セキュリティをHTTP接続に提供するプロトコル。こちらもご覧下さい: <a href="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2818.txt">RFC 2818: HTTP Over TLS</a>
Modes of Operation
Wikipedia: Block cipher modes of operation
パスワードのセキュリティを増大する乱数。こちらもご覧下さい: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Key_derivation_function">Wikipedia: Key derivation function</a>
暗号化の一方方向のハッシュ関数。こちらもご覧下さい:<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA_family">Wikipedia: SHA hash functions</a>
組み込みのユーザー入力でアプリケーションがSQLステートメントを生成するセキュリティ脆弱性 こちらもご覧下さい:<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection">Wikipedia: SQL Injection</a>
Watermark Attack (透かし攻撃)
復号化することなくあるデータの存在を証明できる、ある暗号化プログラムのセキュリティ問題。 詳細は、インターネットで "watermark attack cryptoloop" を検索して下さい。
Secure Sockets Layer / Transport Layer Security。こちらもご覧下さい: <a href="http://java.sun.com/products/jsse/">Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE)</a>
ブロック暗号化アルゴリズム。こちらもご覧下さい: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XTEA">Wikipedia: XTEA</a>
......@@ -7425,7 +7431,7 @@ Java Web Start / JNLP (Java Network Launch Protocol) を使用している時、
#Using a Connection Pool
#For many databases, opening a connection is slow, and it is a good idea to use a connection pool to re-use connections. For H2 however opening a connection usually is fast if the database is already open. Using a connection pool manager for H2 actually slows down the process a bit, except if file encryption is used (in this case opening a connection is about half as fast as using a connection pool). A simple connection pool manager is included in H2. It is based on the <a href="http://www.source-code.biz/snippets/java/8.htm">Mini Connection Pool Manager</a> from Christian d'Heureuse. There are other, more complex connection pools available, for example <a href="http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/dbcp/">DBCP</a> . The build-in connection pool manager is used as follows:
#For many databases, opening a connection is slow, and it is a good idea to use a connection pool to re-use connections. For H2 however opening a connection usually is fast if the database is already open. Using a connection pool for H2 actually slows down the process a bit, except if file encryption is used (in this case opening a connection is about half as fast as using a connection pool). A simple connection pool is included in H2. It is based on the <a href="http://www.source-code.biz/snippets/java/8.htm">Mini Connection Pool Manager</a> from Christian d'Heureuse. There are other, more complex connection pools available, for example <a href="http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/dbcp/">DBCP</a> . The build-in connection pool is used as follows:
......@@ -7484,6 +7490,39 @@ Javaアプリケーション内からインデックスを呼び出すことも
#If the time zone is not set, the value is parsed using the current time zone setting of the system. Date and time information is stored in H2 database files in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). If the database is opened using another system time zone, the date and time will change accordingly. If you want to move a database from one time zone to the other and don't want this to happen, you need to create a SQL script file using the SCRIPT command or Script tool, and then load the database using the RUNSCRIPT command or the RunScript tool in the new time zone.
汎用一意識別子 (UUID)
#The current value of the settings can be read in the table INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SETTINGS.
#Setting the Server Bind Address
ブロック暗号化アルゴリズム。こちらもご覧下さい:<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard">Wikipedia: AES</a>
Wikipedia: Block cipher modes of operation
パスワードのセキュリティを増大する乱数。こちらもご覧下さい: <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Key_derivation_function">Wikipedia: Key derivation function</a>
#Not Planned
......@@ -250,47 +250,49 @@ advanced_1248_p=When decrypting, the operation is done in reverse. First, the bl
advanced_1249_p=Therefore, the block cipher mode of operation is CBC (Cipher-block chaining), but each chain is only one block long. The advantage over the ECB (Electronic codebook) mode is that patterns in the data are not revealed, and the advantage over multi block CBC is that flipped cipher text bits are not propagated to flipped plaintext bits in the next block.
advanced_1250_p=Database encryption is meant for securing the database while it is not in use (stolen laptop and so on). It is not meant for cases where the attacker has access to files while the database is in use. When he has write access, he can for example replace pieces of files with pieces of older versions and manipulate data like this.
advanced_1251_p=File encryption slows down the performance of the database engine. Compared to unencrypted mode, database operations take about 2.2 times longer when using XTEA, and 2.5 times longer using AES (embedded mode).
advanced_1252_h3=SSL/TLS Connections
advanced_1253_p=Remote SSL/TLS connections are supported using the Java Secure Socket Extension (SSLServerSocket / SSLSocket). By default, anonymous SSL is enabled. The default cipher suite is <code>SSL_DH_anon_WITH_RC4_128_MD5</code> .
advanced_1254_h3=HTTPS Connections
advanced_1255_p=The web server supports HTTP and HTTPS connections using SSLServerSocket. There is a default self-certified certificate to support an easy starting point, but custom certificates are supported as well.
advanced_1256_h2=Universally Unique Identifiers (UUID)
advanced_1257_p=This database supports the UUIDs. Also supported is a function to create new UUIDs using a cryptographically strong pseudo random number generator. With random UUIDs, the chance of two having the same value can be calculated using the probability theory. See also 'Birthday Paradox'. Standardized randomly generated UUIDs have 122 random bits. 4 bits are used for the version (Randomly generated UUID), and 2 bits for the variant (Leach-Salz). This database supports generating such UUIDs using the built-in function RANDOM_UUID(). Here is a small program to estimate the probability of having two identical UUIDs after generating a number of values\:
advanced_1258_p=Some values are\:
advanced_1259_p=To help non-mathematicians understand what those numbers mean, here a comparison\: One's annual risk of being hit by a meteorite is estimated to be one chance in 17 billion, that means the probability is about 0.000'000'000'06.
advanced_1260_h2=Settings Read from System Properties
advanced_1261_p=Some settings of the database can be set on the command line using -DpropertyName\=value. It is usually not required to change those settings manually. The settings are case sensitive. Example\:
advanced_1262_p=The current value of the settings can be read in the table INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SETTINGS.
advanced_1263_p=For a complete list of settings, see <a href\="../javadoc/org/h2/constant/SysProperties.html">SysProperties</a> .
advanced_1264_h2=Setting the Server Bind Address
advanced_1265_p=Usually server sockets accept connections on any/all local addresses. This may be a problem on multi-homed hosts. To bind only to one address, use the system property h2.bindAddress. This setting is used for both regular server sockets and for SSL server sockets. IPv4 and IPv6 address formats are supported.
advanced_1266_h2=Glossary and Links
advanced_1270_td=A block encryption algorithm. See also\: <a href\="http\://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard">Wikipedia\: AES</a>
advanced_1271_td=Birthday Paradox
advanced_1272_td=Describes the higher than expected probability that two persons in a room have the same birthday. Also valid for randomly generated UUIDs. See also\: <a href\="http\://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday_paradox">Wikipedia\: Birthday Paradox</a>
advanced_1274_td=Protocol to protect a password (but not to protect data). See also\: <a href\="http\://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2617.html">RFC 2617\: HTTP Digest Access Authentication</a>
advanced_1276_td=GNU Compiler for Java. <a href\="http\://gcc.gnu.org/java/">http\://gcc.gnu.org/java/</a> and <a href\="http\://nativej.mtsystems.ch">http\://nativej.mtsystems.ch/ (not free any more)</a>
advanced_1278_td=A protocol to provide security to HTTP connections. See also\: <a href\="http\://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2818.txt">RFC 2818\: HTTP Over TLS</a>
advanced_1279_td=Modes of Operation
advanced_1280_a=Wikipedia\: Block cipher modes of operation
advanced_1282_td=Random number to increase the security of passwords. See also\: <a href\="http\://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Key_derivation_function">Wikipedia\: Key derivation function</a>
advanced_1284_td=A cryptographic one-way hash function. See also\: <a href\="http\://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA_family">Wikipedia\: SHA hash functions</a>
advanced_1285_td=SQL Injection
advanced_1286_td=A security vulnerability where an application generates SQL statements with embedded user input. See also\: <a href\="http\://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection">Wikipedia\: SQL Injection</a>
advanced_1287_td=Watermark Attack
advanced_1288_td=Security problem of certain encryption programs where the existence of certain data can be proven without decrypting. For more information, search in the internet for 'watermark attack cryptoloop'
advanced_1290_td=Secure Sockets Layer / Transport Layer Security. See also\: <a href\="http\://java.sun.com/products/jsse/">Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE)</a>
advanced_1292_td=A block encryption algorithm. See also\: <a href\="http\://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XTEA">Wikipedia\: XTEA</a>
advanced_1252_h3=Wrong Password Delay
advanced_1253_p=To protect against remote brute force password attacks, the delay after each unsuccessful login gets double as long. Use the system properties h2.delayWrongPasswordMin and h2.delayWrongPasswordMax to change the minimum (the default is 250 milliseconds) or maximum delay (the default is 4000 milliseconds, or 4 seconds). The delay only applies for those using the wrong password. Normally there is no delay for a user that knows the correct password, with one exception\: after using the wrong password, there is a delay of up (randomly distributed) the same delay as for a wrong password. This is to protect against parallel brute force attacks, so that an attacker needs to wait for the whole delay. Delays are synchronized. This is also required to protect against parallel attacks.
advanced_1254_h3=SSL/TLS Connections
advanced_1255_p=Remote SSL/TLS connections are supported using the Java Secure Socket Extension (SSLServerSocket / SSLSocket). By default, anonymous SSL is enabled. The default cipher suite is <code>SSL_DH_anon_WITH_RC4_128_MD5</code> .
advanced_1256_h3=HTTPS Connections
advanced_1257_p=The web server supports HTTP and HTTPS connections using SSLServerSocket. There is a default self-certified certificate to support an easy starting point, but custom certificates are supported as well.
advanced_1258_h2=Universally Unique Identifiers (UUID)
advanced_1259_p=This database supports the UUIDs. Also supported is a function to create new UUIDs using a cryptographically strong pseudo random number generator. With random UUIDs, the chance of two having the same value can be calculated using the probability theory. See also 'Birthday Paradox'. Standardized randomly generated UUIDs have 122 random bits. 4 bits are used for the version (Randomly generated UUID), and 2 bits for the variant (Leach-Salz). This database supports generating such UUIDs using the built-in function RANDOM_UUID(). Here is a small program to estimate the probability of having two identical UUIDs after generating a number of values\:
advanced_1260_p=Some values are\:
advanced_1261_p=To help non-mathematicians understand what those numbers mean, here a comparison\: One's annual risk of being hit by a meteorite is estimated to be one chance in 17 billion, that means the probability is about 0.000'000'000'06.
advanced_1262_h2=Settings Read from System Properties
advanced_1263_p=Some settings of the database can be set on the command line using -DpropertyName\=value. It is usually not required to change those settings manually. The settings are case sensitive. Example\:
advanced_1264_p=The current value of the settings can be read in the table INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SETTINGS.
advanced_1265_p=For a complete list of settings, see <a href\="../javadoc/org/h2/constant/SysProperties.html">SysProperties</a> .
advanced_1266_h2=Setting the Server Bind Address
advanced_1267_p=Usually server sockets accept connections on any/all local addresses. This may be a problem on multi-homed hosts. To bind only to one address, use the system property h2.bindAddress. This setting is used for both regular server sockets and for SSL server sockets. IPv4 and IPv6 address formats are supported.
advanced_1268_h2=Glossary and Links
advanced_1272_td=A block encryption algorithm. See also\: <a href\="http\://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard">Wikipedia\: AES</a>
advanced_1273_td=Birthday Paradox
advanced_1274_td=Describes the higher than expected probability that two persons in a room have the same birthday. Also valid for randomly generated UUIDs. See also\: <a href\="http\://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday_paradox">Wikipedia\: Birthday Paradox</a>
advanced_1276_td=Protocol to protect a password (but not to protect data). See also\: <a href\="http\://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2617.html">RFC 2617\: HTTP Digest Access Authentication</a>
advanced_1278_td=GNU Compiler for Java. <a href\="http\://gcc.gnu.org/java/">http\://gcc.gnu.org/java/</a> and <a href\="http\://nativej.mtsystems.ch">http\://nativej.mtsystems.ch/ (not free any more)</a>
advanced_1280_td=A protocol to provide security to HTTP connections. See also\: <a href\="http\://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2818.txt">RFC 2818\: HTTP Over TLS</a>
advanced_1281_td=Modes of Operation
advanced_1282_a=Wikipedia\: Block cipher modes of operation
advanced_1284_td=Random number to increase the security of passwords. See also\: <a href\="http\://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Key_derivation_function">Wikipedia\: Key derivation function</a>
advanced_1286_td=A cryptographic one-way hash function. See also\: <a href\="http\://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA_family">Wikipedia\: SHA hash functions</a>
advanced_1287_td=SQL Injection
advanced_1288_td=A security vulnerability where an application generates SQL statements with embedded user input. See also\: <a href\="http\://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL_injection">Wikipedia\: SQL Injection</a>
advanced_1289_td=Watermark Attack
advanced_1290_td=Security problem of certain encryption programs where the existence of certain data can be proven without decrypting. For more information, search in the internet for 'watermark attack cryptoloop'
advanced_1292_td=Secure Sockets Layer / Transport Layer Security. See also\: <a href\="http\://java.sun.com/products/jsse/">Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE)</a>
advanced_1294_td=A block encryption algorithm. See also\: <a href\="http\://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XTEA">Wikipedia\: XTEA</a>
......@@ -2470,7 +2472,7 @@ tutorial_1175_p=This can be done by create it using the NetBeans OpenOffice plug
tutorial_1176_h2=Java Web Start / JNLP
tutorial_1177_p=When using Java Web Start / JNLP (Java Network Launch Protocol), permissions tags must be set in the .jnlp file, and the application .jar file must be signed. Otherwise, when trying to write to the file system, the following exception will occur\: java.security.AccessControlException\: access denied (java.io.FilePermission ... read). Example permission tags\:
tutorial_1178_h2=Using a Connection Pool
tutorial_1179_p=For many databases, opening a connection is slow, and it is a good idea to use a connection pool to re-use connections. For H2 however opening a connection usually is fast if the database is already open. Using a connection pool manager for H2 actually slows down the process a bit, except if file encryption is used (in this case opening a connection is about half as fast as using a connection pool). A simple connection pool manager is included in H2. It is based on the <a href\="http\://www.source-code.biz/snippets/java/8.htm">Mini Connection Pool Manager</a> from Christian d'Heureuse. There are other, more complex connection pools available, for example <a href\="http\://jakarta.apache.org/commons/dbcp/">DBCP</a> . The build-in connection pool manager is used as follows\:
tutorial_1179_p=For many databases, opening a connection is slow, and it is a good idea to use a connection pool to re-use connections. For H2 however opening a connection usually is fast if the database is already open. Using a connection pool for H2 actually slows down the process a bit, except if file encryption is used (in this case opening a connection is about half as fast as using a connection pool). A simple connection pool is included in H2. It is based on the <a href\="http\://www.source-code.biz/snippets/java/8.htm">Mini Connection Pool Manager</a> from Christian d'Heureuse. There are other, more complex connection pools available, for example <a href\="http\://jakarta.apache.org/commons/dbcp/">DBCP</a> . The build-in connection pool is used as follows\:
tutorial_1180_h2=Fulltext Search
tutorial_1181_p=H2 supports Lucene full text search and native full text search implementation.
tutorial_1182_h3=Using the Native Full Text Search
......@@ -1133,6 +1133,7 @@ public class Parser {
// the right hand side is the 'inner' table usually
TableFilter newTop = readTableFilter(fromOuter);
newTop = readJoin(newTop, command, true);
Expression on = null;
if (readIf("ON")) {
on = readExpression();
......@@ -1144,6 +1145,7 @@ public class Parser {
TableFilter join = readTableFilter(true);
top = readJoin(top, command, true);
Expression on = null;
if (readIf("ON")) {
on = readExpression();
......@@ -1155,6 +1157,7 @@ public class Parser {
} else if (readIf("INNER")) {
TableFilter join = readTableFilter(fromOuter);
top = readJoin(top, command, false);
Expression on = null;
if (readIf("ON")) {
on = readExpression();
......@@ -1163,6 +1166,7 @@ public class Parser {
last = join;
} else if (readIf("JOIN")) {
TableFilter join = readTableFilter(fromOuter);
top = readJoin(top, command, false);
Expression on = null;
if (readIf("ON")) {
on = readExpression();
......@@ -159,22 +159,22 @@ public class SysProperties {
public static final int DEFAULT_LOCK_MODE = getIntSetting("h2.defaultLockMode", Constants.LOCK_MODE_READ_COMMITTED);
* System property <code>h2.delayWrongPasswordMin</code> (default: 200).<br />
* System property <code>h2.delayWrongPasswordMin</code> (default: 250).<br />
* The minimum delay in milliseconds before an exception is thrown for using
* the wrong user name or password. This slows down brute force attacks. The
* delay is reset to this value after a successful login. Unsuccessful
* logins will double the time until DELAY_WRONG_PASSWORD_MAX.
public static final int DELAY_WRONG_PASSWORD_MIN = getIntSetting("h2.delayWrongPasswordMin", 200);
public static final int DELAY_WRONG_PASSWORD_MIN = getIntSetting("h2.delayWrongPasswordMin", 250);
* System property <code>h2.delayWrongPasswordMax</code> (default: 0).<br />
* System property <code>h2.delayWrongPasswordMax</code> (default: 4000).<br />
* The maximum delay in milliseconds before an exception is thrown for using
* the wrong user name or password. This slows down brute force attacks. The
* delay is reset after a successful login. The value 0 means there is no
* maximum delay.
public static final int DELAY_WRONG_PASSWORD_MAX = getIntSetting("h2.delayWrongPasswordMax", 0);
public static final int DELAY_WRONG_PASSWORD_MAX = getIntSetting("h2.delayWrongPasswordMax", 4000);
* System property <code>h2.emergencySpaceInitial</code> (default: 262144).<br />
......@@ -193,10 +193,25 @@ public class Engine {
private static void validateUserAndPassword(boolean correct) throws SQLException {
int min = SysProperties.DELAY_WRONG_PASSWORD_MIN;
if (correct) {
wrongPasswordDelay = min;
long delay = wrongPasswordDelay;
if (delay > min && delay > 0) {
// the first correct password must be blocked,
// otherwise parallel attacks are possible
synchronized (wrongPasswordSync) {
// delay up to the last delay
// an attacker can't know how long it will be
delay = RandomUtils.nextInt((int) delay);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// ignore
wrongPasswordDelay = min;
} else {
// this method is not synchronized on the Engine, so that
// successful attempts are not blocked
// regular successful attempts are not blocked
synchronized (wrongPasswordSync) {
long delay = wrongPasswordDelay;
int max = SysProperties.DELAY_WRONG_PASSWORD_MAX;
......@@ -2898,35 +2898,11 @@ CURRENT_USER()
"System tables","Information schema","
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CATALOGS contains the catalogs.
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLLATIONS contains the available collations.
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS contains the columns.
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CONSTANTS contains the constants.
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CONSTRAINTS contains the constraints.
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CROSS_REFERENCES contains all foreign key constraint data.
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.DOMAINS contains all domains (custom data types).
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FUNCTION_ALIASES contains the function aliases.
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FUNCTION_COLUMNS contains the function columns.
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.HELP contains the reference help.
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INDEXES contains the indexes.
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.IN_DOUBT contains all in-doubt transactions.
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.LOCKS contains all locks.
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.RIGHTS contains the rights.
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROLES contains the roles.
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SESSIONS contains the open sessions.
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SEQUENCES contains the sequences.
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SETTINGS contains the settings.
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES contains the tables.
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_TYPES contains the table types.
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TRIGGERS contains the triggers.
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TYPE_INFO contains the data types.
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.USERS contains the users.
INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS contains the views.
To get the list of system tables, execute the statement
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ public class ConvertTraceFile extends Tool {
String sql;
int executeCount;
long time;
long resultCountTotal;
long resultCount;
public int compareTo(Object o) {
Stat other = (Stat) o;
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ public class ConvertTraceFile extends Tool {
String sql = line.substring(end + "*/".length());
line = line.substring("/*SQL".length(), end);
if (line.length() > 0) {
int len = sql.length();
String statement = sql;
int count = 0;
int time = 0;
line = line.trim();
......@@ -150,7 +150,8 @@ public class ConvertTraceFile extends Tool {
while (tk.hasMoreElements()) {
String token = tk.nextToken();
if ("l".equals(token)) {
len = Integer.parseInt(tk.nextToken());
int len = Integer.parseInt(tk.nextToken());
statement = sql.substring(0, len) + ";";
} else if ("#".equals(token)) {
count = Integer.parseInt(tk.nextToken());
} else if ("t".equals(token)) {
......@@ -158,7 +159,6 @@ public class ConvertTraceFile extends Tool {
String statement = sql.substring(0, len);
addToStats(statement, count, time);
......@@ -169,16 +169,43 @@ public class ConvertTraceFile extends Tool {
if (stats.size() > 0) {
scriptWriter.println("-- SQL Statement Statistics");
scriptWriter.println("-- time: total time in milliseconds");
scriptWriter.println("-- count: how many times the statement ran");
scriptWriter.println("-- result: total update count or row count");
scriptWriter.println("-- self accu time count result sql");
int accumTime = 0;
ArrayList list = new ArrayList(stats.values());
int todo;
if (timeTotal == 0) {
timeTotal = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
Stat stat = (Stat) list.get(i);
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(100);
buff.append("-- ");
buff.append(padNumberLeft(100 * stat.time / timeTotal, 3));
buff.append("% ");
accumTime += stat.time;
buff.append(padNumberLeft(100 * accumTime / timeTotal, 3));
buff.append(padNumberLeft(stat.time, 8));
buff.append(padNumberLeft(stat.executeCount, 8));
buff.append(padNumberLeft(stat.resultCount, 8));
buff.append(' ');
private String padNumberLeft(long number, int digits) {
return StringUtils.pad(String.valueOf(number), digits, " ", false);
private void addToStats(String sql, int resultCount, int time) {
Stat stat = (Stat) stats.get(sql);
if (stat == null) {
......@@ -187,7 +214,7 @@ public class ConvertTraceFile extends Tool {
stats.put(sql, stat);
stat.resultCountTotal += resultCount;
stat.resultCount += resultCount;
stat.time += time;
timeTotal += time;
......@@ -159,35 +159,10 @@ java org.h2.test.TestAll timer
1. get application here: http://krtonozka23.savana.cz/mismatch_error.zip
2. unpack and execute: java -jar executeh2script.jar
3. it will copy the prepared database from basedb into dbtest
directory and execute the crashScript.txt upon it.
4. connect to created dbtest database with h2 console and execute:
5. you should got something like: General error: java.lang.Error: File
ID mismatch got=1707400262 expected=41 pos=57219 true
\dbtest.data.db blockCount:-755423910 [50000-67] (Help)
File ID mismatch: 2008-03-21.trace.zip
test ConvertTraceFile
include in the execution times in the debug log.
(for each SQL statement ran)
SQL:checksum:1ms SELECT * FROM TEST
checksum: not including values, case insensitive
better document system tables
.tar.bz2 instead of .zip
drop table test;
create table test(id int);
select * from test t1 inner join test t2
inner join test t3 on t3.id=t2.id on t1.id=t2.id;
-- supported by PostgreSQL, Derby,...;
not supported by MySQL,...
test self runnable jar with uncompressed jar inside compressed jar
implementation javadocs
.tar.bz2 in addition to .zip
optimize where x not in (select):
......@@ -252,18 +227,23 @@ The Japanese translation of the error messages and the
Optimization for MIN() and MAX() when using MVCC.
To protect against remote brute force password attacks,
the delay after each unsuccessful login now gets double as long.
Use the system properties h2.delayWrongPasswordMin
and h2.delayWrongPasswordMax
New system properties h2.delayWrongPasswordMin
and h2.delayWrongPasswordMax.
After setting the query timeout and then resetting it, the next query
would still timeout. Fixed.
Adding a IDENTITY column to a table with data threw a lock timeout.
OutOfMemoryError could occur when using EXISTS or IN(SELECT ..).
The built-in connection pool is not called JdbcConnectionPool.
The API and documentation has been changed.
The ConvertTraceFile tool now generates SQL statement statistics
at the end of the SQL script file (similar to the profiling data
generated when using java -Xrunhprof).
Nested joins are now supported (A JOIN B JOIN C ON .. ON ..)
Doclet (javadocs): constructors are not listed
Support direct lookup for MIN and MAX when using WHERE (see todo.txt / Direct Lookup)
Support direct lookup for MIN and MAX when using WHERE
(see todo.txt / Direct Lookup)
--- special grammar and test cases ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
select * from system_range(1, 3) t1 inner join system_range(2, 3) t2 inner join system_range(1, 2) t3 on t3.x=t2.x on t1.x=t2.x;
> ok
CREATE TABLE p(d date);
> ok
......@@ -2830,7 +2833,7 @@ create table test(id int primary key);
explain select * from test a inner join test b left outer join test c on c.id = a.id;
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> rows: 1
......@@ -68,6 +68,9 @@ public class GenerateDoc {
......@@ -489,4 +489,5 @@ frontbase intersys maxwidth belonging learning mono typical toggle winexe
hider ikvmc invert recycle filtering lesser recycled assertion runner teradata
christian lgpl elapsed ncr disposed heureuse tera years retrieves unlocked
selecting vista everywhere locations zones fragment svg thought constructors
doubles validating
\ No newline at end of file
doubles validating matched established accu accum stats resetting parallel
\ No newline at end of file
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