提交 2da24671 authored 作者: Thomas Mueller's avatar Thomas Mueller

Prepare release.

上级 26c0e2de
......@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ Change Log
<h1>Change Log</h1>
<h2>Next Version (unreleased)</h2>
<h2>Version 1.3.167 (2012-05-23)</h2>
<ul><li>H2 Console: when editing a row, an empty varchar column was replaced with a single space.
</li><li>Lukas Eder has updated the jOOQ documentation.
</li><li>Some nested joins could not be executed, for example:
......@@ -457,56 +461,5 @@ Change Log
This is fixed now.
<h2>Version 1.3.154 (2011-04-04)</h2>
<ul><li>The SQL state of the following exceptions has been changed:
From 90005 to 22001: "Value too long for column ...: ...".
From 90039 to 22003: "The value is too large for the precision ..." is merged with "Numeric value out of range".
From 90110 to 22003: "... out of range" is merged with "Numeric value out of range".
From 90021 to 22018: "Data conversion error converting ...".
From 90006 to 23502: "NULL not allowed for column ...".
From 23003 to 23503: "Referential integrity constraint violation: ...".
From 23001 to 23505: "Unique index or primary key violation: ...".
From 23002 to 23506: "Referential integrity constraint violation: ...".
From 90056 to 23507: "No default value is set for column ...".
From 23000 to 23513: "Check constraint violation: ...".
From 08004 to 28000: "Wrong user name or password".
From 90051 to 57014: "Statement was canceled or the session timed out".
</li><li>The H2 Console now detects unsupported command line options.
(In the future, it will be combined with the Server tool.)
</li><li>MySQL compatibility: SHOW COLUMN FOR schemaName.columnName.
</li><li>DatabaseMetaData.getCrossReference now also lists the name of the primary index (PK_NAME).
</li><li>If the database contained many CLOB or BLOB values, then closing a connection was very slow.
Reason: was that when closing a connection, the temporary CLOB and BLOB values for this connection
were removed, but there was no index on this column.
For existing databases with many CLOB and BLOB values, creating the index may take a few seconds.
The index is added to existing databases automatically.
</li><li>If a CLOB or BLOB was copied into the same table using INSERT INTO X ... SELECT ... FROM X,
and then the original row was deleted, then the copied value was also deleted.
This could also result in an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on checkpoint or when closing the database.
</li><li>Improved performance (up to 10%) due to changed synchronization in the page store.
</li><li>Reading a resource from the classpath didn't work if there was a leading slash
(classpath:/org/...). Now resources can be loaded with or without leading slash.
</li><li>Support INSERT INTO TEST SET ID = 1, NAME = 'World' (MySQL compatibility).
</li><li>Issue 304: The condition [NOT] IN (SELECT ...) could throw the exception "Unexpected code path" if the subquery contained ORDER BY.
</li><li>ALTER TABLE ALTER ADD / REMOVE /ALTER COLUMN dropped some dependent objects
(access rights, triggers) of views that depend on the modified table.
</li><li>CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW dropped some dependent objects (access rights, triggers)
if the view already existed before.
</li><li>New aggregate function HISTOGRAM to calculate the histogram.
The plan is to use this function is only used internally when running ANALYZE
to generate the histogram that is then used by the query optimizer.
</li><li>New system function TRUNCATE_VALUE to truncate a value to the required precision.
This is the same as for CAST, but without changing the data type, and support for truncating decimal values.
(The main use case for this function is to build a histogram of the truncated values).
Now BINARY, BLOB, and CLOB can be truncated / cast efficiently as well.
</li><li>The precision of an ARRAY value is now the sum of the precision of all elements,
and result set values have the precision Integer.MAX_VALUE.
</li><li>CAST(x AS VARCHAR_IGNORECASE(y) / CHAR(y)) returned a VARCHAR
if the new precision was lower than the old precision.
</li><li>SHUTDOWN DEFRAG didn't defragment the database completely if there was a unique hash index for a memory table.
</li><li>There were some smaller changes in the encrypting file system (work in progress).
</li><li>Some time and timezone functions didn't support years before 1.
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......@@ -16,22 +16,22 @@ public class Constants {
* The build date is updated for each public release.
public static final String BUILD_DATE = "2012-04-08";
public static final String BUILD_DATE = "2012-05-23";
* The build date is updated for each public release.
public static final String BUILD_DATE_STABLE = "2012-03-18";
public static final String BUILD_DATE_STABLE = "2012-04-08";
* The build id is incremented for each public release.
public static final int BUILD_ID = 166;
public static final int BUILD_ID = 167;
* The build id of the last stable release.
public static final int BUILD_ID_STABLE = 165;
public static final int BUILD_ID_STABLE = 166;
* If H2 is compiled to be included in a product, this should be set to
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
(117, '1.3.167', '2012-05-23'),
(116, '1.3.166', '2012-04-08'),
(115, '1.3.165', '2012-03-18'),
(114, '1.3.164', '2012-01-03'),
......@@ -19,8 +20,7 @@ INSERT INTO VERSION VALUES
(107, '1.3.157', '2011-06-25'),
(106, '1.3.156', '2011-06-17'),
(105, '1.3.155', '2011-05-27'),
(104, '1.3.154', '2011-04-04'),
(103, '1.3.153', '2011-03-14')
(104, '1.3.154', '2011-04-04')
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