@@ -7,18 +7,18 @@ org.h2.tools.Console.main=When running without options, -tcp, -web, -browser and
org.h2.tools.ConvertTraceFile=Converts a .trace.db file to a SQL script and Java source code.\nSQL statement statistics are listed as well.
org.h2.tools.ConvertTraceFile.main=Options are case sensitive. Supported options are\:\n[-help] or [-?] Print the list of options\n[-traceFile <file>] The trace file name (default\:test.trace.db)\n[-script <file>] The script file name (default\:test.sql)\n[-javaClass <file>] The Java directory and class file name (default\:Test)
org.h2.tools.CreateCluster=Creates a cluster from a standalone database.\nCopies a database to another location if required.
org.h2.tools.CreateCluster.main=Options are case sensitive. Supported options are\:\n[-help] or [-?] Print the list of options\n[-urlSource <url>] The database URL of the source database (jdbc\:h2\:...)\n[-urlTarget <url>] The database URL of the target database (jdbc\:h2\:...)\n[-user <user>] The user name (default\:sa)\n[-password <pwd>] The password\n[-serverList <list>] The comma separated list of host names or IP addresses
org.h2.tools.CreateCluster.main=Options are case sensitive. Supported options are\:\n[-help] or [-?] Print the list of options\n[-urlSource "<url>"] The database URL of the source database (jdbc\:h2\:...)\n[-urlTarget "<url>"] The database URL of the target database (jdbc\:h2\:...)\n[-user <user>] The user name (default\:sa)\n[-password <pwd>] The password\n[-serverList <list>] The comma separated list of host names or IP addresses
org.h2.tools.DeleteDbFiles=Deletes all files belonging to a database.\nThe database must be closed before calling this tool.
org.h2.tools.DeleteDbFiles.main=Options are case sensitive. Supported options are\:\n[-help] or [-?] Print the list of options\n[-dir <dir>] The directory (default\:.)\n[-db <database>] The database name\n[-quiet] Do not print progress information
org.h2.tools.Recover=Helps recovering a corrupted database.
org.h2.tools.Recover.main=Options are case sensitive. Supported options are\:\n[-help] or [-?] Print the list of options\n[-dir <dir>] The directory (default\:.)\n[-db <database>] The database name (all databases if not set)\n[-trace] Print additional trace information
org.h2.tools.Recover.main=Options are case sensitive. Supported options are\:\n[-help] or [-?] Print the list of options\n[-dir <dir>] The directory (default\:.)\n[-db <database>] The database name (all databases if not set)\n[-trace] Print additional trace information\nEncrypted databases need to be decrypted first.
org.h2.tools.Restore=Restores a H2 database by extracting the database files from a .zip file.
org.h2.tools.Restore.main=Options are case sensitive. Supported options are\:\n[-help] or [-?] Print the list of options\n[-file <filename>] The source file name (default\:backup.zip)\n[-dir <dir>] The target directory (default\:.)\n[-db <database>] The target database name (as stored if not set)\n[-quiet] Do not print progress information
org.h2.tools.RunScript=Runs a SQL script against a database.
org.h2.tools.RunScript.main=Options are case sensitive. Supported options are\:\n[-help] or [-?] Print the list of options\n[-url <url>] The database URL (jdbc\:...)\n[-user <user>] The user name (default\:sa)\n[-password <pwd>] The password\n[-script <file>] The script file to run (default\:backup.sql)\n[-driver <class>] The JDBC driver class to use (not required in most cases)\n[-showResults] Show the statements and the results of queries\n[-checkResults] Check if the query results match the expected results\n[-options ...] RUNSCRIPT options (embedded H2; -*Results not supported)
org.h2.tools.RunScript.main=Options are case sensitive. Supported options are\:\n[-help] or [-?] Print the list of options\n[-url "<url>"] The database URL (jdbc\:...)\n[-user <user>] The user name (default\:sa)\n[-password <pwd>] The password\n[-script <file>] The script file to run (default\:backup.sql)\n[-driver <class>] The JDBC driver class to use (not required in most cases)\n[-showResults] Show the statements and the results of queries\n[-checkResults] Check if the query results match the expected results\n[-options ...] RUNSCRIPT options (embedded H2; -*Results not supported)
org.h2.tools.Script=Creates a SQL script file by extracting the schema and data of a database.
org.h2.tools.Script.main=Options are case sensitive. Supported options are\:\n[-help] or [-?] Print the list of options\n[-url <url>] The database URL (jdbc\:...)\n[-user <user>] The user name (default\:sa)\n[-password <pwd>] The password\n[-script <file>] The target script file name (default\:backup.sql)\n[-options ...] A list of options (only for embedded H2, see RUNSCRIPT)\n[-quiet] Do not print progress information
org.h2.tools.Script.main=Options are case sensitive. Supported options are\:\n[-help] or [-?] Print the list of options\n[-url "<url>"] The database URL (jdbc\:...)\n[-user <user>] The user name (default\:sa)\n[-password <pwd>] The password\n[-script <file>] The target script file name (default\:backup.sql)\n[-options ...] A list of options (only for embedded H2, see RUNSCRIPT)\n[-quiet] Do not print progress information
org.h2.tools.Server=Starts the H2 Console (web-) server, TCP, and PG server.
org.h2.tools.Server.main=When running without options, -tcp, -web, -browser and -pg are started.\nOptions are case sensitive. Supported options are\:\n[-help] or [-?] Print the list of options\n[-web] Start the web server with the H2 Console\n[-webAllowOthers] Allow other computers to connect\n[-webPort <port>] The port (default\:8082)\n[-webSSL] Use encrypted (HTTPS) connections\n[-browser] Start a browser and open a page to connect to the web server\n[-tcp] Start the TCP server\n[-tcpAllowOthers] Allow other computers to connect\n[-tcpPort <port>] The port (default\:9092)\n[-tcpSSL] Use encrypted (SSL) connections\n[-tcpPassword <pwd>] The password for shutting down a TCP server\n[-tcpShutdown <url>] Stop the TCP server; example\:tcp\://localhost\:9094\n[-tcpShutdownForce] Do not wait until all connections are closed\n[-pg] Start the PG server\n[-pgAllowOthers] Allow other computers to connect\n[-pgPort <port>] The port (default\:5435)\n[-baseDir <dir>] The base directory for H2 databases; for all servers\n[-ifExists] Only existing databases may be opened; for all servers\n[-trace] Print additional trace information; for all servers
org.h2.tools.Server.main=When running without options, -tcp, -web, -browser and -pg are started.\nOptions are case sensitive. Supported options are\:\n[-help] or [-?] Print the list of options\n[-web] Start the web server with the H2 Console\n[-webAllowOthers] Allow other computers to connect\n[-webPort <port>] The port (default\:8082)\n[-webSSL] Use encrypted (HTTPS) connections\n[-browser] Start a browser and open a page to connect to the web server\n[-tcp] Start the TCP server\n[-tcpAllowOthers] Allow other computers to connect\n[-tcpPort <port>] The port (default\:9092)\n[-tcpSSL] Use encrypted (SSL) connections\n[-tcpPassword <pwd>] The password for shutting down a TCP server\n[-tcpShutdown "<url>"] Stop the TCP server; example\:tcp\://localhost\:9094\n[-tcpShutdownForce] Do not wait until all connections are closed\n[-pg] Start the PG server\n[-pgAllowOthers] Allow other computers to connect\n[-pgPort <port>] The port (default\:5435)\n[-baseDir <dir>] The base directory for H2 databases; for all servers\n[-ifExists] Only existing databases may be opened; for all servers\n[-trace] Print additional trace information; for all servers
org.h2.tools.Shell=Interactive command line tool to access a database using JDBC.
org.h2.tools.Shell.main=Options are case sensitive. Supported options are\:\n[-help] or [-?] Print the list of options\n[-url <url>] The database URL (jdbc\:h2\:...)\n[-user <user>] The user name\n[-password <pwd>] The password\n[-driver <class>] The JDBC driver class to use (not required in most cases)\nIf special characters don't work as expected, you may need to use\n-Dfile.encoding\=UTF-8 (Mac OS X) or CP850 (Windows).
org.h2.tools.Shell.main=Options are case sensitive. Supported options are\:\n[-help] or [-?] Print the list of options\n[-url "<url>"] The database URL (jdbc\:h2\:...)\n[-user <user>] The user name\n[-password <pwd>] The password\n[-driver <class>] The JDBC driver class to use (not required in most cases)\nIf special characters don't work as expected, you may need to use\n-Dfile.encoding\=UTF-8 (Mac OS X) or CP850 (Windows).