提交 33a523b9 authored 作者: thomasmueller's avatar thomasmueller


上级 dc8b67b8
......@@ -21,15 +21,15 @@ Change Log
<h2>Next Version (unreleased)</h2>
<li>Issue #654: List ENUM type values in INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS
<li>Issue #654: List ENUM type values in INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS
<li>Issue #668: Fail of an update command on large table with ENUM column
<li>Issue #662: column called CONSTRAINT is not properly escaped when storing to metadata
<li>Issue #662: column called CONSTRAINT is not properly escaped when storing to metadata
<li>Issue #660: Outdated java version mentioned on http://h2database.com/html/build.html#providing_patches
<li>Issue #643: H2 doesn't use index when I use IN and EQUAL in one query
<li>Issue #643: H2 doesn't use index when I use IN and EQUAL in one query
<li>Reset transaction start timestamp on ROLLBACK
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ Java implementations (such as Swing) are not used, or only used for optional fea
<h2 id="supporters">Supporters</h2>
Many thanks for those who reported bugs, gave valuable feedback,
spread the word, and translated this project.
spread the word, and translated this project.
Also many thanks to the donors.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
08000=Error opening database: {0}
21S02=Column count does not match
22001=Value too long for column {0}: {1}
22003=Numeric value out of range: {0} {1}
22003=Numeric value out of range: {0}
22004=Numeric value out of range: {0} in column {1}
22007=Cannot parse {0} constant {1}
22012=Division by zero: {0}
22018=Data conversion error converting {0}
......@@ -333,26 +333,20 @@ public class AlterTableAddConstraint extends SchemaCommand {
// all cols must be in the index key, the order doesn't matter and there
// must be no other fields in the index key
private static boolean canUseUniqueIndex(Index idx, Table table,
IndexColumn[] cols) {
private static boolean canUseUniqueIndex(Index idx, Table table, IndexColumn[] cols) {
if (idx.getTable() != table || !idx.getIndexType().isUnique()) {
return false;
Column[] indexCols = idx.getColumns();
HashSet<Column> indexColsSet = New.hashSet();
for (Column c : indexCols) {
HashSet<Column> colsSet = New.hashSet();
for (IndexColumn c : cols) {
return colsSet.equals(indexColsSet);
return colsSet.equals(indexColsSet);
private static boolean canUseIndex(Index existingIndex, Table table,
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ public class Delete extends Prepared {
public void setCondition(Expression condition) {
this.condition = condition;
public Expression getCondition( ) {
return this.condition;
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ public class Delete extends Prepared {
if (condition != null) {
condition.mapColumns(targetTableFilter, 0);
condition.mapColumns(sourceTableFilter, 0);
condition.mapColumns(sourceTableFilter, 0);
condition = condition.optimize(session);
condition.createIndexConditions(session, targetTableFilter);
......@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ public class Delete extends Prepared {
public void setSourceTableFilter(TableFilter sourceTableFilter) {
this.sourceTableFilter = sourceTableFilter;
this.sourceTableFilter = sourceTableFilter;
public TableFilter getTableFilter() {
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ public class Insert extends Prepared implements ResultTarget {
private boolean insertFromSelect;
* This table filter is for MERGE..USING support - not used in stand-alone DML
private TableFilter sourceTableFilter;
......@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ public class Insert extends Prepared implements ResultTarget {
public void setSourceTableFilter(TableFilter sourceTableFilter) {
this.sourceTableFilter = sourceTableFilter;
this.sourceTableFilter = sourceTableFilter;
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ public class Merge extends Prepared {
public void setQuery(Query query) {
this.query = query;
* Add a row to this merge statement.
......@@ -154,10 +154,10 @@ public class Merge extends Prepared {
Parameter p = k.get(columns.length + i);
// try and update
int count = update.update();
// if update fails try an insert
if (count == 0) {
try {
......@@ -315,11 +315,11 @@ public class Merge extends Prepared {
public Table getTargetTable() {
return targetTable;
public TableFilter getTargetTableFilter() {
return targetTableFilter;
public void setTargetTableFilter(TableFilter targetTableFilter) {
this.targetTableFilter = targetTableFilter;
......@@ -840,7 +840,7 @@ public class Select extends Query {
sort = prepareOrder(orderList, expressions.size());
orderList = null;
ColumnNamer columnNamer= new ColumnNamer(session);
ColumnNamer columnNamer= new ColumnNamer(session);
for (int i = 0; i < expressions.size(); i++) {
Expression e = expressions.get(i);
String proposedColumnName = e.getAlias();
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ public class SelectListColumnResolver implements ColumnResolver {
columns = new Column[columnCount];
expressions = new Expression[columnCount];
ArrayList<Expression> columnList = select.getExpressions();
ColumnNamer columnNamer= new ColumnNamer(select.getSession());
ColumnNamer columnNamer= new ColumnNamer(select.getSession());
for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) {
Expression expr = columnList.get(i);
String columnName = columnNamer.getColumnName(expr, i, expr.getAlias());
......@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ public class SelectUnion extends Query {
expressions = New.arrayList();
ArrayList<Expression> le = left.getExpressions();
ArrayList<Expression> re = right.getExpressions();
ColumnNamer columnNamer= new ColumnNamer(session);
ColumnNamer columnNamer= new ColumnNamer(session);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
Expression l = le.get(i);
Expression r = re.get(i);
......@@ -535,13 +535,11 @@ public class Set extends Prepared {
database.setAllowBuiltinAliasOverride(value == 1);
case SetTypes.COLUMN_NAME_RULES: {
......@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ public class SetTypes {
* The type of a SET COLUMN_NAME_RULES statement.
public static final int COLUMN_NAME_RULES = 48;
private static final ArrayList<String> TYPES = New.arrayList();
......@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ public class SetTypes {
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ public class Update extends Prepared {
private TableFilter targetTableFilter;// target of update
* This table filter is for MERGE..USING support - not used in stand-alone DML
private TableFilter sourceTableFilter;
/** The limit expression as specified in the LIMIT clause. */
......@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ public class Update extends Prepared {
public void setCondition(Expression condition) {
this.condition = condition;
public Expression getCondition( ) {
return this.condition;
......@@ -2453,10 +2453,10 @@ public class Database implements DataHandler {
* @param closeOthers whether other sessions are closed
public void setExclusiveSession(Session session, boolean closeOthers) {
if (closeOthers) {
if (closeOthers) {
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
08000=Chyba při otevírání databáze: {0}
21S02=Počet sloupců nesouhlasí
22001=Příliš dlouhá hodnota pro sloupec {0}: {1}
22003=Číselná hodnota je mimo rozsah: {0}
22003=#Numeric value out of range: {0}
22004=Numeric value out of range: {0} in column {1}
22007=Nelze zpracovat konstantu {0} {1}
22012=Dělení nulou: {0}
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
08000=Fehler beim Öffnen der Datenbank: {0}
21S02=Anzahl der Felder stimmt nicht überein
22001=Wert zu gross / lang für Feld {0}: {1}
22003=Zahlenwert ausserhalb des Bereichs: {0}
22003=#Numeric value out of range: {0}
22004=Numeric value out of range: {0} in column {1}
22007=Kann {0} {1} nicht umwandeln
22012=Division durch 0: {0}
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
08000=Error abriendo la base de datos: {0}
21S02=La cantidad de columnas no coincide
22001=Valor demasiado largo para la columna {0}: {1}
22003=Valor numerico fuera de rango: {0}
22003=#Numeric value out of range: {0}
22004=Numeric value out of range: {0} in column {1}
22007=Imposible interpretar la constante {0} {1}
22012=División por cero: {0}
......@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
08000=Une erreur est survenue lors de l'ouverture de la base de données: {0}
21S02=Le nombre de colonnes ne correspond pas
22001=Valeur trop longue pour la colonne {0}: {1}
22003=Valeur numérique hors de portée: {0}
22003=#Numeric value out of range: {0}
22004=#Numeric value out of range: {0} in column {1}
22007=Impossible d'analyser {0} constante {1}
22012=Division par zéro: {0}
22018=Erreur lors de la conversion de données {0}
......@@ -100,7 +101,7 @@
90066=Propriété dupliquée {0}
90067=La connexion est cassée: {0}
90068=L'expression Order by {0} doit être dans ce cas dans la liste des résultats
90069Le rôle {0} existe déjà
90069=#Role {0} already exists
90070=Rôle {0} non trouvé
90071=Utilisateur ou rôle {0} non trouvé
90072=Les rôles et les droits ne peuvent être mélangés
......@@ -171,8 +172,8 @@
90140='ensemble des résultats est en lecture seule. Vous pouvez avoir besoin d'utiliser conn.createStatement(.., ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE).
90141=Le sérialiseur ne peut être changé parce que il y a des données dans la table: {0}
90142=La taille de l'étape ne doit pas être de 0
90143=#Ligne {1} non trouvée dans l'index principal {0}
90143=##Row {1} not found in primary index {0}
HY000=Erreur générale: {0}
HY004=Type de données inconnu: {0}
HYC00=Fonctionnalité non supportée: {0}
HYT00=Dépassement du temps lors du vérrouillage de la table {0}
\ No newline at end of file
HYT00=Dépassement du temps lors du vérrouillage de la table {0}
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
08000=データベースオープンエラー: {0}
22001=列 {0} の値が長過ぎます: {1}
22003=範囲外の数値です: {0}
22003=#Numeric value out of range: {0}
22004=Numeric value out of range: {0} in column {1}
22007={0} 定数 {1} を解析できません
22012=ゼロで除算しました: {0}
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
08000=Błąd otwarcia bazy danych: {0}
21S02=Niezgodna ilość kolumn
22001=Wartość za długa dla kolumny {0}: {1}
22003=Wartość numeryczna poza zakresem: {0}
22003=#Numeric value out of range: {0}
22004=Numeric value out of range: {0} in column {1}
22007=Nie można odczytać {0} jako {1}
22012=Dzielenie przez zero: {0}
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
08000=Erro ao abrir a base de dados: {0}
21S02=A quantidade de colunas não corresponde
22001=Valor muito longo para a coluna {0}: {1}
22003=Valor númerico não esta dentro do limite: {0}
22003=#Numeric value out of range: {0}
22004=Numeric value out of range: {0} in column {1}
22007=Não é possível converter {1} para {0}
22012=Divisão por zero: {0}
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
08000=Ошибка при открытии базы данных: {0}
21S02=Неверное количество столбцов
22001=Значение слишком длинное для поля {0}: {1}
22003=Численное значение вне допустимого диапазона: {0}
22003=#Numeric value out of range: {0}
22004=Numeric value out of range: {0} in column {1}
22007=Невозможно преобразование строки {1} в тип {0}
22012=Деление на ноль: {0}
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
08000=Chyba otvorenia databázy: {0}
21S02=Počet stĺpcov sa nezhoduje
22001=Hodnota je príliš dlhá pre stĺpec {0}: {1}
22003=Číselná hodnota mimo rozsah: {0}
22003=#Numeric value out of range: {0}
22004=Numeric value out of range: {0} in column {1}
22007=Nemožem rozobrať {0} konštantu {1}
22012=Delenie nulou: {0}
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
08000=开启数据库错误: {0}
22001=字段 {0}数值太大: {1}
22003=数值超出范围: {0}
22003=#Numeric value out of range: {0}
22004=Numeric value out of range: {0} in column {1}
22007=不能解析字段 {0} 的数值 :{1}
22012=除数为零: {0}
......@@ -103,16 +103,13 @@ public class CreateCluster extends Tool {
String user, String password, String serverList) throws SQLException {
try (Connection connSource = DriverManager.getConnection(
// use cluster='' so connecting is possible
// even if the cluster is enabled
urlSource + ";CLUSTER=''", user, password);
Statement statSource = connSource.createStatement())
// use cluster='' so connecting is possible
// even if the cluster is enabled
try (Connection connSource = DriverManager.getConnection(urlSource + ";CLUSTER=''", user, password);
Statement statSource = connSource.createStatement()) {
// enable the exclusive mode and close other connections,
// so that data can't change while restoring the second database
statSource.execute("SET EXCLUSIVE 2");
try {
performTransfer(statSource, urlTarget, user, password, serverList);
} finally {
......@@ -122,14 +119,12 @@ public class CreateCluster extends Tool {
private static void performTransfer(Statement statSource, String urlTarget,
String user, String password, String serverList) throws SQLException {
private static void performTransfer(Statement statSource, String urlTarget, String user, String password,
String serverList) throws SQLException {
// Delete the target database first.
try (Connection connTarget = DriverManager.getConnection(
urlTarget + ";CLUSTER=''", user, password);
Statement statTarget = connTarget.createStatement())
try (Connection connTarget = DriverManager.getConnection(urlTarget + ";CLUSTER=''", user, password);
Statement statTarget = connTarget.createStatement()) {
statTarget.execute("DROP ALL OBJECTS DELETE FILES");
......@@ -137,10 +132,8 @@ public class CreateCluster extends Tool {
Future<?> threadFuture = startWriter(pipeReader, statSource);
// Read data from pipe reader, restore on target.
try (Connection connTarget = DriverManager.getConnection(
urlTarget, user, password);
Statement statTarget = connTarget.createStatement())
try (Connection connTarget = DriverManager.getConnection(urlTarget, user, password);
Statement statTarget = connTarget.createStatement()) {
RunScript.execute(connTarget, pipeReader);
// Check if the writer encountered any exception
......@@ -170,17 +163,13 @@ public class CreateCluster extends Tool {
Future<?> threadFuture = thread.submit(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
* If the creation of the piped writer fails, the reader will
* throw an IOException as soon as read() is called:
* IOException - if the pipe is broken, unconnected, closed,
* or an I/O error occurs.
* The reader's IOException will then trigger the finally{} that
* releases exclusive mode on the source DB.
// If the creation of the piped writer fails, the reader will
// throw an IOException as soon as read() is called: IOException
// - if the pipe is broken, unconnected, closed, or an I/O error
// occurs. The reader's IOException will then trigger the
// finally{} that releases exclusive mode on the source DB.
try (final PipedWriter pipeWriter = new PipedWriter(pipeReader);
final ResultSet rs = statSource.executeQuery("SCRIPT"))
final ResultSet rs = statSource.executeQuery("SCRIPT")) {
while (rs.next()) {
pipeWriter.write(rs.getString(1) + "\n");
* Copyright 2004-2014 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
* and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
package org.h2.util;
import java.util.HashSet;
......@@ -6,7 +10,9 @@ import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import org.h2.engine.Session;
import org.h2.expression.Expression;
* A factory for column names.
public class ColumnNamer {
private static final String DEFAULT_COLUMN_NAME = "DEFAULT";
......@@ -17,14 +23,13 @@ public class ColumnNamer {
public ColumnNamer(Session session) {
this.session = session;
if(this.session!=null && this.session.getColumnNamerConfiguration()!=null){
if (this.session != null && this.session.getColumnNamerConfiguration() != null) {
// use original from session
this.configuration = this.session.getColumnNamerConfiguration();
} else {
// detached namer, create new
this.configuration = ColumnNamerConfiguration.getDefault();
if (session != null) {
......@@ -36,7 +41,7 @@ public class ColumnNamer {
* @param indexOfColumn index of column in below array
public String getColumnName(Expression expr, int indexOfColumn) {
return getColumnName(expr,indexOfColumn,(String) null);
return getColumnName(expr, indexOfColumn, (String) null);
......@@ -64,18 +69,17 @@ public class ColumnNamer {
public String getColumnName(Expression columnExp, int indexOfColumn, String columnNameOverride) {
// try a name from the column name override
String columnName = null;
if (columnNameOverride != null){
if (columnNameOverride != null) {
columnName = columnNameOverride;
if (!isAllowableColumnName(columnName)) {
columnName = fixColumnName(columnName);
if (!isAllowableColumnName(columnName)) {
columnName = null;
// try a name from the column alias
if (columnName==null && columnExp.getAlias()!=null &&
!DEFAULT_COLUMN_NAME.equals(columnExp.getAlias())) {
if (columnName == null && columnExp.getAlias() != null && !DEFAULT_COLUMN_NAME.equals(columnExp.getAlias())) {
columnName = columnExp.getAlias();
if (!isAllowableColumnName(columnName)) {
columnName = fixColumnName(columnName);
......@@ -85,9 +89,9 @@ public class ColumnNamer {
// try a name derived from the column expression SQL
if (columnName == null && columnExp.getColumnName() != null &&
!DEFAULT_COLUMN_NAME.equals(columnExp.getColumnName())) {
columnName = columnExp.getColumnName();
if (columnName == null && columnExp.getColumnName() != null
&& !DEFAULT_COLUMN_NAME.equals(columnExp.getColumnName())) {
columnName = columnExp.getColumnName();
if (!isAllowableColumnName(columnName)) {
columnName = fixColumnName(columnName);
......@@ -96,9 +100,8 @@ public class ColumnNamer {
// try a name derived from the column expression plan SQL
if (columnName == null && columnExp.getSQL() != null &&
!DEFAULT_COLUMN_NAME.equals(columnExp.getSQL())) {
columnName = columnExp.getSQL();
if (columnName == null && columnExp.getSQL() != null && !DEFAULT_COLUMN_NAME.equals(columnExp.getSQL())) {
columnName = columnExp.getSQL();
if (!isAllowableColumnName(columnName)) {
columnName = fixColumnName(columnName);
......@@ -121,7 +124,7 @@ public class ColumnNamer {
String newColumnName = columnName;
int loopCount = 2;
while (existingColumnNames.contains(newColumnName)) {
String loopCountString = "_"+loopCount;
String loopCountString = "_" + loopCount;
newColumnName = columnName.substring(0,
Math.min(columnName.length(), configuration.getMaxIdentiferLength() - loopCountString.length()))
+ loopCountString;
......@@ -130,10 +133,10 @@ public class ColumnNamer {
return newColumnName;
public boolean isAllowableColumnName(String proposedName){
public boolean isAllowableColumnName(String proposedName) {
// check null
if (proposedName == null){
if (proposedName == null) {
return false;
// check size limits
......@@ -152,8 +155,8 @@ public class ColumnNamer {
proposedName = match.replaceAll("");
// check size limits - then truncate
if (proposedName.length() > configuration.getMaxIdentiferLength()){
proposedName=proposedName.substring(0, configuration.getMaxIdentiferLength());
if (proposedName.length() > configuration.getMaxIdentiferLength()) {
proposedName = proposedName.substring(0, configuration.getMaxIdentiferLength());
return proposedName;
......@@ -227,10 +227,10 @@ import org.h2.test.unit.TestValueHashMap;
import org.h2.test.unit.TestValueMemory;
import org.h2.test.utils.OutputCatcher;
import org.h2.test.utils.SelfDestructor;
import org.h2.test.utils.TestColumnNamer;
import org.h2.tools.DeleteDbFiles;
import org.h2.tools.Server;
import org.h2.util.AbbaLockingDetector;
import org.h2.util.TestColumnNamer;
import org.h2.util.New;
import org.h2.util.Profiler;
import org.h2.util.StringUtils;
......@@ -784,7 +784,7 @@ kill -9 `jps -l | grep "org.h2.test." | cut -d " " -f 1`
addTest(new TestReplace());
addTest(new TestSynonymForTable());
addTest(new TestColumnNamer());
// jaqu
addTest(new AliasMapTest());
......@@ -133,6 +133,12 @@ public class BenchB implements Bench, Runnable {
// db.end();
* Get the number of transactions per client.
* @param size test size
* @return the transactions per client
protected int getTransactionsPerClient(int size) {
return size / 8;
......@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ public class TestAlter extends TestBase {
execute("alter table test drop column b");
stat.execute("alter table test drop (d)");
stat.execute("drop table test");
// Test-Case: Error if dropping all columns
// Test-Case: Error if dropping all columns
stat.execute("create table test(id int, name varchar, name2 varchar)");
assertThrows(ErrorCode.CANNOT_DROP_LAST_COLUMN, stat).
execute("alter table test drop column id, name, name2");
......@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ public class TestAlter extends TestBase {
// column and field names must be upper-case due to getMetaData sensitivity
private void testAlterTableAddMultipleColumnsBefore() throws SQLException {
stat.execute("create table T(X varchar)");
......@@ -294,10 +294,10 @@ public class TestAlter extends TestBase {
stat.execute("insert into t values('Hello')");
stat.execute("drop table t");
* Test for fix "Change not-null / null -constraint to existing column"
* (MySql/ORACLE - SQL style) that failed silently corrupting the changed
* Test for fix "Change not-null / null -constraint to existing column"
* (MySql/ORACLE - SQL style) that failed silently corrupting the changed
* column.<br/>
* Before the change (added after v1.4.196) following was observed:
* <pre>
......@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ public class TestAlter extends TestBase {
stat.execute("alter table T modify C int null");
stat.execute("insert into T values(null)");
stat.execute("drop table T");
// This failed in v1.4.196
// This failed in v1.4.196
stat.execute("create table T (C int not null)");
stat.execute("alter table T modify C null"); // Silently corrupted column C
stat.execute("insert into T values(null)"); // <- Fixed in v1.4.196 - NULL is allowed
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ public class TestCompatibilityOracle extends TestBase {
public void test() throws Exception {
......@@ -1417,23 +1417,19 @@ public class TestFunctions extends TestBase implements AggregateFunction {
assertEquals(date, ToDateParser.toDate("113029", "J"));
if (Locale.getDefault() == Locale.ENGLISH) {
date = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss")
assertEquals(date, ToDateParser.toDate("31-DEC-9999 23:59:59",
assertEquals(date, ToDateParser.toDate("31-DEC-9999 23:59:59",
SimpleDateFormat ymd = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
assertEquals(ymd.parse("0001-03-01"), ToDateParser.toDate("1-MAR-0001", "DD-MON-RRRR"));
assertEquals(ymd.parse("9999-03-01"), ToDateParser.toDate("1-MAR-9999", "DD-MON-RRRR"));
assertEquals(ymd.parse("2000-03-01"), ToDateParser.toDate("1-MAR-000", "DD-MON-RRRR"));
assertEquals(ymd.parse("1999-03-01"), ToDateParser.toDate("1-MAR-099", "DD-MON-RRRR"));
assertEquals(ymd.parse("0100-03-01"), ToDateParser.toDate("1-MAR-100", "DD-MON-RRRR"));
assertEquals(ymd.parse("2000-03-01"), ToDateParser.toDate("1-MAR-00", "DD-MON-RRRR"));
assertEquals(ymd.parse("2049-03-01"), ToDateParser.toDate("1-MAR-49", "DD-MON-RRRR"));
assertEquals(ymd.parse("1950-03-01"), ToDateParser.toDate("1-MAR-50", "DD-MON-RRRR"));
assertEquals(ymd.parse("1999-03-01"), ToDateParser.toDate("1-MAR-99", "DD-MON-RRRR"));
date = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").parse("9999-12-31T23:59:59");
assertEquals(date, ToDateParser.toDate("31-DEC-9999 23:59:59", "DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS"));
assertEquals(date, ToDateParser.toDate("31-DEC-9999 23:59:59", "DD-MON-RRRR HH24:MI:SS"));
SimpleDateFormat ymd = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
assertEquals(ymd.parse("0001-03-01"), ToDateParser.toDate("1-MAR-0001", "DD-MON-RRRR"));
assertEquals(ymd.parse("9999-03-01"), ToDateParser.toDate("1-MAR-9999", "DD-MON-RRRR"));
assertEquals(ymd.parse("2000-03-01"), ToDateParser.toDate("1-MAR-000", "DD-MON-RRRR"));
assertEquals(ymd.parse("1999-03-01"), ToDateParser.toDate("1-MAR-099", "DD-MON-RRRR"));
assertEquals(ymd.parse("0100-03-01"), ToDateParser.toDate("1-MAR-100", "DD-MON-RRRR"));
assertEquals(ymd.parse("2000-03-01"), ToDateParser.toDate("1-MAR-00", "DD-MON-RRRR"));
assertEquals(ymd.parse("2049-03-01"), ToDateParser.toDate("1-MAR-49", "DD-MON-RRRR"));
assertEquals(ymd.parse("1950-03-01"), ToDateParser.toDate("1-MAR-50", "DD-MON-RRRR"));
assertEquals(ymd.parse("1999-03-01"), ToDateParser.toDate("1-MAR-99", "DD-MON-RRRR"));
......@@ -1734,22 +1730,22 @@ public class TestFunctions extends TestBase implements AggregateFunction {
"SELECT TO_CHAR(12345, '$9999') FROM DUAL");
String expected = String.format("%,d", 12345);
if (Locale.getDefault() == Locale.ENGLISH) {
assertResult(String.format("%5s12345", cs), stat,
assertResult(String.format("%5s12345", cs), stat,
"SELECT TO_CHAR(12345, '$99999999') FROM DUAL");
assertResult(String.format("%6s12,345.35", cs), stat,
assertResult(String.format("%6s12,345.35", cs), stat,
"SELECT TO_CHAR(12345.345, '$99,999,999.99') FROM DUAL");
assertResult(String.format("%5s%s", cs, expected), stat,
"SELECT TO_CHAR(12345.345, '$99g999g999') FROM DUAL");
assertResult(" " + cs + "123.45", stat,
"SELECT TO_CHAR(123.45, 'L999.99') FROM DUAL");
assertResult(" -" + cs + "123.45", stat,
"SELECT TO_CHAR(-123.45, 'L999.99') FROM DUAL");
assertResult(cs + "123.45", stat,
"SELECT TO_CHAR(123.45, 'FML999.99') FROM DUAL");
assertResult(" " + cs + "123.45", stat,
"SELECT TO_CHAR(123.45, 'U999.99') FROM DUAL");
assertResult(" " + cs + "123.45", stat,
"SELECT TO_CHAR(123.45, 'u999.99') FROM DUAL");
assertResult(String.format("%5s%s", cs, expected), stat,
"SELECT TO_CHAR(12345.345, '$99g999g999') FROM DUAL");
assertResult(" " + cs + "123.45", stat,
"SELECT TO_CHAR(123.45, 'L999.99') FROM DUAL");
assertResult(" -" + cs + "123.45", stat,
"SELECT TO_CHAR(-123.45, 'L999.99') FROM DUAL");
assertResult(cs + "123.45", stat,
"SELECT TO_CHAR(123.45, 'FML999.99') FROM DUAL");
assertResult(" " + cs + "123.45", stat,
"SELECT TO_CHAR(123.45, 'U999.99') FROM DUAL");
assertResult(" " + cs + "123.45", stat,
"SELECT TO_CHAR(123.45, 'u999.99') FROM DUAL");
assertResult(" 12,345.35", stat,
......@@ -2130,12 +2126,12 @@ public class TestFunctions extends TestBase implements AggregateFunction {
getClass().getName() + ".currentTimestamp\"");
stat.execute("set BUILTIN_ALIAS_OVERRIDE true");
stat.execute("create alias CURRENT_TIMESTAMP for \"" +
getClass().getName() + ".currentTimestampOverride\"");
assertCallResult("3141", stat, "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP");
......@@ -2456,7 +2452,7 @@ public class TestFunctions extends TestBase implements AggregateFunction {
return new Object[] { buff.toString() };
* This method is called via reflection from the database.
......@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ public class TestGeneralCommonTableQueries extends TestBase {
ResultSet rs;
String SETUP_SQL =
......@@ -520,18 +520,17 @@ public class TestGeneralCommonTableQueries extends TestBase {
+"INSERT INTO C VALUES(null, 'banapple'); "
+"sum(1) as X, \n"
+"a \n"
+"FROM B \n"
+"JOIN C ON B.val=C.b \n"
+"GROUP BY a) \n"
+"SELECT \n"
+"A.val, \n"
+"FROM A \n"
+"GROUP BY A.val";
String WITH_QUERY = "WITH BB as (SELECT \n" +
"sum(1) as X, \n" +
"a \n" +
"FROM B \n" +
"JOIN C ON B.val=C.b \n" +
"GROUP BY a) \n" +
"SELECT \n" +
"A.val, \n" +
"sum(SELECT X FROM BB WHERE BB.a IS A.val)\n" +
"FROM A \n" + "GROUP BY A.val";
for(int queryRunTries=1;queryRunTries<4;queryRunTries++){
Statement stat = conn.createStatement();
......@@ -58,28 +58,20 @@ public class TestConnection extends TestBase {
* This is needed when using h2 in websphere liberty.
private void testSetInternalPropertyToInitialValue() throws SQLException {
// Use MySQL-mode since this allows all property names
// (apart from h2 internal names).
Connection conn = getConnection("clientInfoMySQL;MODE=MySQL");
String numServersPropertyName = "numServers";
String numServers = conn.getClientInfo(numServersPropertyName);
conn.setClientInfo(numServersPropertyName, numServers);
assertEquals(conn.getClientInfo(numServersPropertyName), numServers);
// Use MySQL-mode since this allows all property names
// (apart from h2 internal names).
Connection conn = getConnection("clientInfoMySQL;MODE=MySQL");
String numServersPropertyName = "numServers";
String numServers = conn.getClientInfo(numServersPropertyName);
conn.setClientInfo(numServersPropertyName, numServers);
assertEquals(conn.getClientInfo(numServersPropertyName), numServers);
private void testSetUnsupportedClientInfoProperties() throws SQLException {
Connection conn = getConnection("clientInfo");
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.put("ClientUser", "someUser");
assertThrows(SQLClientInfoException.class, conn).setClientInfo(properties);
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ public class TestScript extends TestBase {
reconnectOften = !config.memory && config.big;
......@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ CREATE TABLE "users" ("id" bigint NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,"username"
ALTER TABLE "users" ADD CONSTRAINT "domainusername_key" UNIQUE ("domain","username");
> ok
-- adds foreign key on domain - if domainusername_key didn't exist it would create unique index on domain, but it reuses the existing index
ALTER TABLE "users" ADD CONSTRAINT "udomain_fkey" FOREIGN KEY ("domain") REFERENCES "domains"("id") ON DELETE RESTRICT;
> ok
-- now we drop the domainusername_key, but domainusername_key_INDEX_xxx is used by udomain_fkey and was not being dropped
-- this was an issue, because it's a unique index and still enforcing constraint on (domain,username)
ALTER TABLE "users" DROP CONSTRAINT "domainusername_key";
> ok
......@@ -29,5 +29,5 @@ insert into "users" ("username","domain","desc") VALUES ('test',1,'first user');
> update count: 1
-- should work,because we dropped domainusername_key, but failed: Unique index or primary key violation
INSERT INTO "users" ("username","domain","desc") VALUES ('test',1,'second user');
INSERT INTO "users" ("username","domain","desc") VALUES ('test',1,'second user');
> update count: 1
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ SET COLUMN_NAME_RULES=DEFAULT_COLUMN_NAME_PATTERN = 'noName$$';
> ok
+47, 'x' , '!!!' , '!!!!' FROM SYSTEM_RANGE(1,2);
> VERY_VERY_VERY_LONG_ID_VERY_VE _123456789012345 SUMX1 SUMX147 x noName6 noName7
> ------------------------------ ---------------- ----- ------- - ------- -------
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ SELECT 1 AS VERY_VERY_VERY_LONG_ID_VERY_VERY_VERY_LONG_ID, SUM(X)+1 AS _12345678
> ok
SELECT 1 AS VERY_VERY_VERY_LONG_ID, SUM(X)+1 AS _123456789012345, SUM(X)+1 , SUM(X)+1
SELECT 1 AS VERY_VERY_VERY_LONG_ID, SUM(X)+1 AS _123456789012345, SUM(X)+1 , SUM(X)+1
+47, 'x' , '!!!' , '!!!!' FROM SYSTEM_RANGE(1,2);
> ---------------------- ---------------- ----- ------- - ---------- ----------
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ SELECT 1 AS VERY_VERY_VERY_LONG_ID, SUM(X)+1 AS _123456789012345, SUM(X)+1 , SUM
> ok
SELECT 1 AS VERY_VERY_VERY_LONG_ID, SUM(X)+1 AS _123456789012345, SUM(X)+1 , SUM(X)+1
SELECT 1 AS VERY_VERY_VERY_LONG_ID, SUM(X)+1 AS _123456789012345, SUM(X)+1 , SUM(X)+1
+47, 'x' , '!!!' , '!!!!', 'Very Long' AS _23456789012345678901234567890XXX FROM SYSTEM_RANGE(1,2);
> VERY_VERY_VERY_LONG_ID _123456789012345 SUMX1 SUMX147 x _UNNAMED_6 _UNNAMED_7 _23456789012345678901234567890XXX
> ---------------------- ---------------- ----- ------- - ---------- ---------- ---------------------------------
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ SELECT 1 AS VERY_VERY_VERY_LONG_ID, SUM(X)+1 AS _123456789012345, SUM(X)+1 , SUM
> ok
SELECT 1 AS VERY_VERY_VERY_LONG_ID, SUM(X)+1 AS _123456789012345, SUM(X)+1 , SUM(X)+1
SELECT 1 AS VERY_VERY_VERY_LONG_ID, SUM(X)+1 AS _123456789012345, SUM(X)+1 , SUM(X)+1
+47, 'x' , '!!!' , '!!!!', 999 AS "QuotedColumnId" FROM SYSTEM_RANGE(1,2);
> VERY_VERY_VERY_LONG_ID _123456789012345 SUMX1 SUMX147 x _UNNAMED_6 _UNNAMED_7 QuotedColumnId
> ---------------------- ---------------- ----- ------- - ---------- ---------- --------------
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ insert into person select convert(x,varchar) as firstname, (convert(x,varchar) |
-- Issue #643: verify that when using an index, we use the IN part of the query, if that part of the query
-- can directly use the index.
explain analyze SELECT * FROM person WHERE firstname IN ('FirstName1', 'FirstName2') AND lastname='LastName1';
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
package org.h2.util;
import org.h2.expression.Expression;
import org.h2.expression.ValueExpression;
import org.h2.test.TestBase;
public class TestColumnNamer extends TestBase {
private String[] ids = new String[]{
private String[] expectedColumnName= {"ABC"
public static void main(String[] args){
new TestColumnNamer().test();
public void test() {
ColumnNamer columnNamer = new ColumnNamer(null);
columnNamer.getConfiguration().configure("MAX_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH = 30");
columnNamer.getConfiguration().configure("REGULAR_EXPRESSION_MATCH_ALLOWED = '[A-Za-z0-9_]+'");
columnNamer.getConfiguration().configure("REGULAR_EXPRESSION_MATCH_DISALLOWED = '[^A-Za-z0-9_]+'");
columnNamer.getConfiguration().configure("DEFAULT_COLUMN_NAME_PATTERN = 'colName$$'");
columnNamer.getConfiguration().configure("GENERATE_UNIQUE_COLUMN_NAMES = 1");
int index =0;
for(String id : ids){
Expression columnExp = ValueExpression.getDefault();
String newColumnName = columnNamer.getColumnName(columnExp , index+1, id);
* Copyright 2004-2014 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
* and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
package org.h2.test.utils;
import org.h2.expression.Expression;
import org.h2.expression.ValueExpression;
import org.h2.test.TestBase;
import org.h2.util.ColumnNamer;
* Tests the column name factory.
public class TestColumnNamer extends TestBase {
private String[] ids = new String[] { "ABC", "123", "a\n2", "a$c%d#e@f!.", null,
"3.1415", "\r", "col1", "col1", "col1",
"col2col2col2col2col2col2col2col2col2col2col2col2col2col2col2col2col2col2col2col2col2col2col2col2" };
private String[] expectedColumnName = { "ABC", "123", "a2", "acdef", "colName6", "VERYVERYVERYVERYVERYVERYLONGVE",
"colName8", "colName9", "31415", "colName11", "col1", "col1_2", "col1_3", "col2col2col2col2col2col2col2co",
"col2col2col2col2col2col2col2_2" };
* Run just this test.
* @param a ignored
public static void main(String[] args) {
new TestColumnNamer().test();
public void test() {
ColumnNamer columnNamer = new ColumnNamer(null);
columnNamer.getConfiguration().configure("MAX_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH = 30");
columnNamer.getConfiguration().configure("REGULAR_EXPRESSION_MATCH_ALLOWED = '[A-Za-z0-9_]+'");
columnNamer.getConfiguration().configure("REGULAR_EXPRESSION_MATCH_DISALLOWED = '[^A-Za-z0-9_]+'");
columnNamer.getConfiguration().configure("DEFAULT_COLUMN_NAME_PATTERN = 'colName$$'");
columnNamer.getConfiguration().configure("GENERATE_UNIQUE_COLUMN_NAMES = 1");
int index = 0;
for (String id : ids) {
Expression columnExp = ValueExpression.getDefault();
String newColumnName = columnNamer.getColumnName(columnExp, index + 1, id);
assertTrue(newColumnName != null);
assertTrue(newColumnName.length() <= 30);
assertTrue(newColumnName.length() >= 1);
assertEquals(newColumnName, expectedColumnName[index]);
......@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ public class CheckTextFiles {
private static final int MAX_SOURCE_LINE_SIZE = 120;
// must contain "+" otherwise this here counts as well
private static final String COPYRIGHT = "Copyright 2004-2014 " +
"H2 Group.";
private static final String COPYRIGHT1 = "Copyright 2004-201";
private static final String COPYRIGHT2 = "H2 Group.";
private static final String LICENSE = "Multiple-Licensed " +
"under the MPL 2.0";
......@@ -144,10 +144,13 @@ public class CheckTextFiles {
if (checkLicense) {
if (data.length > COPYRIGHT.length() + LICENSE.length()) {
if (data.length > COPYRIGHT1.length() + LICENSE.length()) {
// don't check tiny files
String text = new String(data);
if (text.indexOf(COPYRIGHT) < 0) {
if (text.indexOf(COPYRIGHT1) < 0) {
fail(file, "copyright is missing", 0);
if (text.indexOf(COPYRIGHT2) < 0) {
fail(file, "copyright is missing", 0);
if (text.indexOf(LICENSE) < 0) {
......@@ -746,4 +746,11 @@ rowids searchers tcnt enforcing timeanddate nullifies determines believe giving
vectorwise preparation corrupting cubrid diffing unrestricted cleanups warns
rowspan specifically unoptimized stand emphasize cascaded exasol minimize rnum figure
emptying goal gathers multithread amend raised iter gathered gather especially requiring
collaboration thank essentially bunch vmlens subroutines nulled
\ No newline at end of file
collaboration thank essentially bunch vmlens subroutines nulled
ndx quoss isn nonquoted pippin variation pierre allowable granny liberty fkey kervin veg banapple unconnected
alphanumeric england acdef landry arun mederp detached lyderic imperator morocco sumx websphere fruit
joaquim overides altertable novalidate udomain managed rewritten unquote identifer jake innocuous golay
bellotti clemens donators domainusername
veryveryveryveryveryverylongveryveryveryveryveryverylongveryveryveryveryveryverylong namer veryveryveryveryveryverylongve
chittanoor carrot
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