提交 3f04419e authored 作者: Thomas Mueller's avatar Thomas Mueller

H2 Console: the built-in commands are now documented.

上级 5b6845c0
......@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ Tutorial
<a href="#tutorial_starting_h2_console">
Starting and Using the H2 Console</a><br />
<a href="#console_syntax">
Special H2 Console Syntax</a><br />
<a href="#console_settings">
Settings of the H2 Console</a><br />
<a href="#connecting_using_jdbc">
......@@ -228,6 +230,168 @@ press [Ctrl]+[C] in the console where the server was started (Windows),
or close the console window.
<h2 id="console_settings">Special H2 Console Syntax</h2>
The H2 Console supports a few built-in commands.
Those are interpreted within the H2 Console, that means they work with any database.
They need to be at the beginning of a statement (before any remarks),
otherwise they are not parsed correctly. If in doubt, add ';' before the command.
<td class="notranslate">
@autocommit_true;<br />
Enable or disable autocommit.
<td class="notranslate">
Cancel the currently running statement.
<td class="notranslate">
@columns null null TEST;<br />
@index_info&nbsp;null&nbsp;null&nbsp;TEST;<br />
@tables;<br />
@tables null null TEST;<br />
Call the corresponding DatabaseMetaData.get method.
Patterns are case sensitive (usually identifiers are uppercase).
For information about the parameters, see the Javadoc documentation.
Missing parameters at the end are set to null. The complete list of commands is:
@attributes @best_row_identifier @catalogs @columns
@column_privileges @cross_references @exported_keys
@imported_keys @index_info @primary_keys @procedures
@procedure_columns @schemas @super_tables @super_types
@tables @table_privileges @table_types @type_info @udts
<td class="notranslate">
@edit select * from test;
Use an updatable result set.
<td class="notranslate">
Show the result of <code>Statement.getGeneratedKeys()</code>.
<td class="notranslate">
Show the command history.
<td class="notranslate">
Display the result of various <code>Connection</code> and <code>DatabaseMetaData</code> methods.
<td class="notranslate">
@list select * from test;
Show the result set in list format (each column on its own line, with row numbers).
<td class="notranslate">
@loop 1000 select ?, ?/*rnd*/;<br />
@loop 1000 @statement select ?;
Run the statement this many times.
Parameters (<code>?</code>) are set using a loop from 0 up to x - 1.
Random values are used for each <code>?/*rnd*/</code>.
A Statement object is used instead of a PreparedStatement if <code>@statement</code> is used.
Result sets are read until <code>ResultSet.next()</code> returns <code>false</code>.
Timing information is printed.
<td class="notranslate">
Set the maximum number of rows to display.
<td class="notranslate">
Show the used and free memory. This will call <code>System.gc()</code>.
<td class="notranslate">
List the <code>ResultSetMetaData</code> after running the query.
<td class="notranslate">
Show the result of the <code>PreparedStatement.getParameterMetaData()</code> calls.
The statement is not executed.
<td class="notranslate">
@prof_start;<br />
call&nbsp;hash('SHA256',&nbsp;'',&nbsp;1000000);<br />
Start / stop the built-in profiling tool.
The top 3 stack traces of the statement(s) between start and stop are listed
(if there are 3).
<td class="notranslate">
@transaction_isolation;<br />
Display (without parameters) or change
(with parameters 1, 2, 4, 8) the transaction isolation level.
<h2 id="console_settings">Settings of the H2 Console</h2>
The settings of the H2 Console are stored in a configuration file
......@@ -80,6 +80,21 @@ public class StringUtils {
return s.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
* Check is a string starts with another string, ignoring the case.
* @param s the string to check (must be longer than start)
* @param start the prefix of s
* @return true if start is a prefix of s
public static boolean startsWithIgnoreCase(String s, String start) {
if (s.length() < start.length()) {
return false;
return s.substring(0, start.length()).equalsIgnoreCase(start);
* Convert a string to a SQL literal. Null is converted to NULL. The text is
* enclosed in single quotes. If there are any special characters, the method
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