提交 411d6a15 authored 作者: Philippe Marschall's avatar Philippe Marschall

Improve TimestampWithTimeZone javadoc

I found the comments in TimestampWithTimeZone not helpful in
understanding the semantics of the public methods.

This commit includes the following changes

 - add comments to previously not commented public methods in
   TimestampWithTimeZone that describe the semantics
 - add more verifications to TestTimeStampWithTimeZone to make sure the
   actual behavior matches the documented behavior
上级 ddaa9950
......@@ -46,18 +46,55 @@ public class TimestampWithTimeZone implements Serializable, Cloneable {
return dateValue;
* Gets the year.
* <p>The year is in the specified time zone and not UTC. So for
* {@code 2015-12-31 19:00:00.00-10:00} the value returned
* will be {@code 2015} even though in UTC the year is {@code 2016}.</p>
* @return the year
public int getYear() {
return DateTimeUtils.yearFromDateValue(dateValue);
* Gets the month 1-based.
* <p>The month is in the specified time zone and not UTC. So for
* {@code 2015-12-31 19:00:00.00-10:00} the value returned
* is {@code 12} even though in UTC the month is {@code 1}.</p>
* @return the month
public int getMonth() {
return DateTimeUtils.monthFromDateValue(dateValue);
* Gets the day of month 1-based.
* <p>The day of month is in the specified time zone and not UTC. So for
* {@code 2015-12-31 19:00:00.00-10:00} the value returned
* is {@code 31} even though in UTC the day of month is {@code 1}.</p>
* @return the day of month
public int getDay() {
return DateTimeUtils.dayFromDateValue(dateValue);
* Gets the nanoseconds since midnight.
* <p>The nanoseconds are relative to midnight in the specified
* time zone. So for {@code 2016-09-24 00:00:00.000000001-00:01} the
* value returned is {@code 1} even though {@code 60000000001}
* nanoseconds have passed since midnight in UTC.</p>
* @return the nanoseconds since midnight
public long getNanosSinceMidnight() {
return timeNanos;
......@@ -37,11 +37,47 @@ public class TestTimeStampWithTimeZone extends TestBase {
Statement stat = conn.createStatement();
stat.execute("create table test(id identity, t1 timestamp with timezone)");
stat.execute("insert into test(t1) values('1970-01-01 12:00:00.00+00:15')");
// verify NanosSinceMidnight is in local time and not UTC
stat.execute("insert into test(t1) values('2016-09-24 00:00:00.000000001+00:01')");
stat.execute("insert into test(t1) values('2016-09-24 00:00:00.000000001-00:01')");
// verify year month day is in local time and not UTC
stat.execute("insert into test(t1) values('2016-01-01 05:00:00.00+10:00')");
stat.execute("insert into test(t1) values('2015-12-31 19:00:00.00-10:00')");
ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery("select t1 from test");
assertEquals("1970-01-01 12:00:00.0+00:15", rs.getString(1));
TimestampWithTimeZone ts = (TimestampWithTimeZone) rs.getObject(1);
assertEquals(1970, ts.getYear());
assertEquals(1, ts.getMonth());
assertEquals(1, ts.getDay());
assertEquals(15, ts.getTimeZoneOffsetMins());
assertEquals(new TimestampWithTimeZone(1008673L, 43200000000000L, (short) 15), ts);
ts = (TimestampWithTimeZone) rs.getObject(1);
assertEquals(2016, ts.getYear());
assertEquals(9, ts.getMonth());
assertEquals(24, ts.getDay());
assertEquals(1, ts.getTimeZoneOffsetMins());
assertEquals(1L, ts.getNanosSinceMidnight());
ts = (TimestampWithTimeZone) rs.getObject(1);
assertEquals(2016, ts.getYear());
assertEquals(9, ts.getMonth());
assertEquals(24, ts.getDay());
assertEquals(-1, ts.getTimeZoneOffsetMins());
assertEquals(1L, ts.getNanosSinceMidnight());
ts = (TimestampWithTimeZone) rs.getObject(1);
assertEquals(2016, ts.getYear());
assertEquals(1, ts.getMonth());
assertEquals(1, ts.getDay());
ts = (TimestampWithTimeZone) rs.getObject(1);
assertEquals(2015, ts.getYear());
assertEquals(12, ts.getMonth());
assertEquals(31, ts.getDay());
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