提交 42b1c9b7 authored 作者: Thomas Mueller's avatar Thomas Mueller

After closing a database, the writer thread will stop after 100 ms at the latest…

After closing a database, the writer thread will stop after 100 ms at the latest (instead of 1 second).
上级 96da6283
......@@ -90,24 +90,21 @@ public class WriterThread implements Runnable {
traceSystem.getTrace(Trace.LOG).error("flush", e);
// TODO log writer: could also flush the dirty cache
// when there is low activity
// TODO log writer: could also flush the dirty cache when there is
// low activity
if (wait < Constants.MIN_WRITE_DELAY) {
// wait 0 mean wait forever, which is not what we want
wait = Constants.MIN_WRITE_DELAY;
int w = wait;
while (!stop && w >= 0) {
// only wait 100 ms at a time
int n = Math.min(w, 100);
// wait 0 mean wait forever, which is not what we want
wait = Math.max(wait, Constants.MIN_WRITE_DELAY);
do {
// wait 100 ms at a time
int w = Math.min(wait, 100);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// ignore
w -= n;
wait -= w;
} while (wait > 0 && !stop);
databaseRef = null;
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