提交 6b1bac51 authored 作者: Thomas Mueller's avatar Thomas Mueller

Prepare release.

上级 db369bd4
......@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ Change Log
<h1>Change Log</h1>
<h2>Next Version (unreleased)</h2>
<h2>Version 1.2.133 (2010-04-10)</h2>
<ul><li>A new experimental LOB storage mechanism is available.
When enabled, CLOB and BLOB data is stored in hidden tables in the database.
To use it, set the system property "h2.lobInDatabase" to "true".
......@@ -43,7 +47,7 @@ Change Log
"object already exists: TABLES"
</li><li>Comparison of integer columns against float numbers was not always correct. Issue 182.
</li><li>H2 Console: Editing the result of a multi-line queries failed. Issue 183.
</li><li>H2 Console: if the settings file (.h2.properties) can't be accessed, the exception is ignored.
</li><li>H2 Console: if the settings file (.h2.properties) can't be accessed, the exception is now ignored.
<h2>Version 1.2.132 (2010-03-21)</h2>
......@@ -604,25 +608,5 @@ Change Log
if the available memory size is unknown. Thanks a lot to Jan Kotek!
<h2>Version 1.1.112 (2009-05-01)</h2>
<ul><li>JdbcPreparedStatement.toString() could throw a NullPointerException.
</li><li>EclipseLink: added H2Platform.supportsIdentity().
</li><li>Connection pool: the default login timeout is now 5 minutes.
</li><li>After truncating tables, opening large databases could become slow
because indexes were always re-built unnecessarily when opening.
</li><li>More bugs in the server-less multi-connection mode have been fixed:
Sometimes parameters of prepared statements were lost when a reconnecting.
Concurrent read operations were slow.
To improve performance, executeQuery(..) must be used for queries
(execute(..) switches to the write mode, which is slow).
</li><li>GROUP BY queries with a self-join (join to the same table) that were grouped by
columns with indexes returned the wrong result in some cases.
</li><li>Improved error message when the .lock.db file modification time is in the future.
</li><li>The MERGE statement now returns 0 as the generated key if the row was updated.
</li><li>Running code coverage is now automated.
</li><li>A file system implementation can now be registered using FileSystem.register.
</li><li>The database file system is no longer included in the jar file, it moved to the test section.
<!-- [close] { --></div></td></tr></table><!-- } --><!-- analytics --></body></html>
......@@ -181,6 +181,7 @@ See also <a href="build.html#providing_patches">Providing Patches</a>.
</li><li>Support updatable views with join on primary keys (to extend a table)
</li><li>Public interface for functions (not public static)
</li><li>Autocomplete: if I type the name of a table that does not exist (should say: syntax not supported)
</li><li>Support reading the transaction log.
</li><li>Eliminate undo log records if stored on disk (just one pointer per block, not per record)
</li><li>Feature matrix as in <a href="http://www.inetsoftware.de/products/jdbc/mssql/features/default.asp">i-net software</a>.
</li><li>Updatable result set on table without primary key or unique index
......@@ -240,6 +241,7 @@ See also <a href="build.html#providing_patches">Providing Patches</a>.
</li><li>Sequence: PostgreSQL compatibility (rename, create) http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/static/sql-altersequence.html
</li><li>DISTINCT: support large result sets by sorting on all columns (additionally) and then removing duplicates.
</li><li>Support a special trigger on all tables to allow building a transaction log reader.
</li><li>File system with a background writer thread; test if this is faster
</li><li>Better document the source code
</li><li>Support select * from dual a left join dual b on b.x=(select max(x) from dual)
......@@ -343,7 +345,6 @@ See also <a href="build.html#providing_patches">Providing Patches</a>.
</li><li>Docs: add a one line description for each functions and SQL statements at the top (in the link section).
</li><li>Javadoc search: weight for titles should be higher ('random' should list Functions as the best match).
</li><li>Replace information_schema tables with regular tables that are automatically re-built when needed. Use indexes.
</li><li>Support a special trigger on all tables.
</li><li>Delete temporary files or objects using finalize.
</li><li>Oracle compatibility: support calling 0-parameters functions without parenthesis. Make constants obsolete.
</li><li>MySQL, HSQLDB compatibility: support where 'a'=1 (not supported by Derby, PostgreSQL)
......@@ -481,6 +482,8 @@ See also <a href="build.html#providing_patches">Providing Patches</a>.
</li><li>IBM DB2 compatibility: NOT NULL WITH DEFAULT. Similar to MySQL Mode.convertInsertNullToZero.
</li><li>Creating primary key: always create a constraint.
</li><li>Support a data type "timestamp with timezone" using java.util.Calendar.
</li><li>Maybe use a different page layout: keep the data at the head of the page, and ignore the tail
(don't store / read it). This may increase write / read performance depending on the file system.
<h2>Not Planned</h2>
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
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This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ public class Constants {
* The build id is incremented for each public release.
public static final int BUILD_ID = 132;
public static final int BUILD_ID = 133;
* The build id of the last stable release.
public static final int BUILD_ID_STABLE = 131;
public static final int BUILD_ID_STABLE = 132;
* If H2 is compiled to be included in a product, this should be set to
......@@ -32,12 +32,12 @@ public class Constants {
* The build date is updated for each public release.
public static final String BUILD_DATE = "2010-03-21";
public static final String BUILD_DATE = "2010-04-10";
* The build date is updated for each public release.
public static final String BUILD_DATE_STABLE = "2010-03-05";
public static final String BUILD_DATE_STABLE = "2010-03-21";
* The TCP protocol version number. This protocol is used by the TCP
......@@ -13,6 +13,19 @@ INSERT INTO CHANNEL VALUES('H2 Database Engine' ,
'New version available: 1.2.133 (2010-04-10)', '2010-04-10 12:00:00',
$$A new version of H2 is available for
<a href="http://www.h2database.com">download</a>.
(You may have to click 'Refresh').
<br />
For details, see the
<a href="http://www.h2database.com/html/changelog.html">change log</a>.
<br />
For future plans, see the
<a href="http://www.h2database.com/html/roadmap.html">roadmap</a>.
'New version available: 1.2.132 (2010-03-21)', '2010-03-21 12:00:00',
$$A new version of H2 is available for
......@@ -156,59 +169,6 @@ For future plans, see the
<a href="http://www.h2database.com/html/roadmap.html">roadmap</a>.
'New version available: 1.2.121 (2009-10-11)', '2009-10-11 12:00:00',
$$A new version of H2 is available for <a href="http://www.h2database.com">download</a>.
(You may have to click 'Refresh').
<br />
<b>Changes and new functionality:</b>
<ul><li>This is a beta version.
</li><li>If a database in the old format exists, it is now used.
</li><li>New system property h2.pageStoreTrim to disable shrinking the database.
</li><li>Better support GaeVFS (Google App Engine Virtual File System)
thanks to Thanks to Vince Bonfanti.
<ul><li>Page store bugs were fixed.
</li><li>The page store did not work when using Retrotranslator.
</li><li>CSVREAD didn't close the file. Thanks to Vince Bonfanti for the patch!
For details, see the 'Change Log' at
<br />
For future plans, see the 'Roadmap' page at
'New version available: 1.2.120 (2009-10-04)', '2009-10-04 12:00:00',
$$A new version of H2 is available for <a href="http://www.h2database.com">download</a>.
(You may have to click 'Refresh').
<br />
<b>Changes and new functionality:</b>
<ul><li>This is a beta version.
</li><li>New databases are now stored in a new file format.
Existing databases are kept in the old file format.
</li><li>Databases created by this version can not be opened with older versions.
</li><li>In version 1.2, the following system properties are enabled by default:
h2.pageStore, h2.nullConcatIsNull, h2.optimizeInList.
</li><li>PostgreSQL compatibility: function LASTVAL() as an alias for IDENTITY().
</li><li>Linked tables now support default values when inserting, updating or merging.
</li><li>Possibility to set a vendor id in Constants.java.
</li><li>Allow writing to linked tables in readonly databases.
<ul><li>Issue 125: Renaming primary keys was not persistent. Fixed.
</li><li>Issue 124: Hibernate schema validation failed for decimal/numeric columns.
</li><li>Bugfixes in the page store.
For details, see the 'Change Log' at
<br />
For future plans, see the 'Roadmap' page at
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