提交 9e6016a2 authored 作者: Thomas Mueller's avatar Thomas Mueller

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上级 5064d142
......@@ -254,25 +254,28 @@ It looks like the development of this database has stopped. The last release was
<td>Fun-to-play games with a simple interface.</td>
<td><a href="http://hibernate.org">Hibernate</a></td>
<td>Relational persistence for idiomatic Java (O-R mapping tool)</td>
<td>Relational persistence for idiomatic Java (O-R mapping tool).</td>
<td><a href="http://geosysin.iict.ch/irstv-trac/wiki/H2spatial/Why">H2 Spatial</a></td>
<td>A project to add spatial functions to H2 database</td>
<td>A project to add spatial functions to H2 database.</td>
<td><a href="http://jamwiki.org">JAMWiki</a></td>
<td>Java-based Wiki engine.</td>
<td><a href="http://mywebpage.netscape.com/davidlbarron/javaplayer.html">JavaPlayer</a></td>
<td>Pure Java MP3 player</td>
<td>Pure Java MP3 player.</td>
<td><a href="http://www.jpox.org">JPOX</a></td>
<td>Java persistent objects</td>
<td>Java persistent objects.</td>
<td><a href="http://liquibase.sourceforge.net">LiquiBase</a></td>
<td>A tool to manage database changes and refactorings.</td>
<td><a href="http://luntbuild.javaforge.com">Luntbuild</a></td>
<td>Build automation and management tool</td>
<td>Build automation and management tool.</td>
<td><a href="http://www.jenkov.com/mrpersister/introduction.tmpl">Mr. Persister</a></td>
<td>Simple, small and fast object relational mapping</td>
<td>Simple, small and fast object relational mapping.</td>
<td><a href="http://www.polepos.org">PolePosition</a></td>
<td>Open source database benchmark.</td>
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H2 (for 'Hypersonic 2') is free a Java SQL DBMS.
Clustering, embedded and server mode, transactions, referential integrity,
views, subqueries, triggers, encryption, and disk based or in-memory operation
are supported. A browser based console application is included.
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必要条件</a><br />
<a href="#supported_platforms">
サポートされているプラットフォーム</a><br />
<a href="#installing">
ソフトウェアのインストール </a><br />
<a href="#directory_structure">
ディレクトリ構成</a><br />
<br /><a name="requirements"></a>
データベースを実行するために、以下のソフトウェアが動作することを確認します。 互換性のあるソフトウェアでも動作しますが、テストはされていません。
<li>Windows XP, MacOS, or Linux
</li><li>Recommended Windows file system: NTFS (FAT32 supports files up to 4 GB)
</li><li>Sun JDK 1.4 or newer
</li><li>Mozilla Firefox 1.5 or newer
<br /><a name="supported_platforms"></a>
このデータベースはJavaで書かれているため、多くの異なったプラットフォームで実行することができます。 Java 1.4 と 1.5でテストされましたが、GCJを使用することでネイティブコードにコンパイルすることもできます。 ソースコードはJava 1.5の特徴は使われていません。現在、データベースはWindows XPでSun JDKを使用して開発、テストされていますが、 おそらく、他の多くのOSと他のJava Runtime Environmentを使用しても動作するでしょう。
<br /><a name="installing"></a>
ソフトウェアをインストールするために、インストーラーを実行するか 選択したディレクトリにソフトウェアを解凍します。
<br /><a name="directory_structure"></a>
<td>JAR and batch files</td>
<td>HTML pages</td>
<td>Javadoc files</td>
<td>ODBC drivers and tools</td>
<td>Tools to run the database as a Windows Service</td>
<td>Source files</td>
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H2 Database Engine
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<h1>H2 データベース エンジン</h1>
<a href="quickstartText_ja.html" style="font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold">クイックスタート</a>
<br />
Click here to get a fast overview.
<br /><br />
<a href="tutorial_ja.html" style="font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold">チュートリアル</a>
<br />
Go through the samples.
<br /><br />
<a href="features.html" style="font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold">特徴</a>
<br />
See what this database can do and how to use these features.
<br /><br />
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Welcome to H2, the free SQL database. The main feature of H2 are:
</li><li>JDBC and (partial) ODBC API; Web Client application
<table style="border: 0px;">
<table style="border: 0px; width: 395px;">
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<table style="border: 0px; margin: 5px; background-color: #eee;">
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......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Welcome to H2, the free SQL database. The main feature of H2 are:
<tr><td style="border: 0px; background-color: #eee;">
<a href="http://www.h2database.com/h2-2007-07-12.zip"><img border="1" src="images/download.png" alt="download" /></a>
</td><td style="vertical-align: middle; border: 0px; background-color: #eee;">
<a href="http://www.h2database.com/h2-2007-07-12.zip">Platform-Independent Zip (3.8 MB)</a>
<a href="http://www.h2database.com/h2-2007-07-12.zip">All platforms (zip, 3.8 MB)</a>
<tr><td style="border: 0px; background-color: #eee;" colspan="2">
<a href="download.html">All Downloads</a>
......@@ -67,21 +67,6 @@ Welcome to H2, the free SQL database. The main feature of H2 are:
document.write('<' + 'a h'+'ref="em' + 'ail:' + d + c + e + g + f +'">' + d + c + e + g + f);
The forum doesn't work at the moment, sorry. <br />
But you can send an e-mail to: <p>
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......@@ -111,11 +96,11 @@ Welcome to H2, the free SQL database. The main feature of H2 are:
and <a href="http://www.h2database.com/html/newsfeed-rss.xml" target="_blank">Header only (RSS)</a>.
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<b>Email Newsletter:</b> Subscribe to
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to get informed about new releases.
Your email address is only used in this context.<br />
Your email address is only used in this context.
If you don't want a Google account, there is a manually maintained list as well: <br />
Email: <input type="text" name="email" size="30"/>
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......@@ -132,9 +117,10 @@ Welcome to H2, the free SQL database. The main feature of H2 are:
<tr><td style="border: 0px; background-color: #eee;">
You can contribute to the development of H2 by sending feedback and bug<br />
reports, or translate the H2 Console application (files h2/src/main/org/h2/<br />
server/web/res/_text_*.properties). Or click on the PayPal button below to<br />
You can contribute to the development of H2 by sending feedback and bug
reports, or translate the H2 Console application (files
Or click on the PayPal button below to
donate money. You will be listed as a supporter:
<form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post" target="_blank">
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ This database can be used in embedded mode, or in server mode. To use it in embe
<h2>The H2 Console Application</h2>
The Console lets you access a SQL database using a browser interface.
<br />
<img src="console.png" alt="Web Browser - H2 Console Server - H2 Database" />
<img src="images/console.png" alt="Web Browser - H2 Console Server - H2 Database" />
<br />
If you don't have Windows XP, or if something does not work as expected,
please see the detailed description in the <a href="tutorial.html">Tutorial</a>.
......@@ -48,33 +48,33 @@ Click <span class="button">Start</span>,
<span class="button">All Programs</span>,
<span class="button">H2</span>, and
<span class="button">H2 Console (Command Line)</span>:<br />
<img class="screenshot" src="quickstart-1.png" alt="screenshot: start H2 Console" /><br />
<img class="screenshot" src="images/quickstart-1.png" alt="screenshot: start H2 Console" /><br />
A new console window appears:<br />
<img class="screenshot" src="quickstart-2.png" alt="screenshot: H2 Running" /><br />
<img class="screenshot" src="images/quickstart-2.png" alt="screenshot: H2 Running" /><br />
Also, a new browser page should open with the URL http://localhost:8082.
You may get a security warning from the firewall. If you don't want other computers in the network to access the database
on your machine, you can let the firewall block these connections. Only local connections are required at this time.
Select <span class="button">Generic H2</span> and click <span class="button">Connect</span>:<br />
<img class="screenshot" src="quickstart-3.png" alt="screenshot: Login screen" /><br />
<img class="screenshot" src="images/quickstart-3.png" alt="screenshot: Login screen" /><br />
You are now logged in.
Click on the <span class="button">Sample SQL Script</span>:<br />
<img class="screenshot" src="quickstart-4.png" alt="screenshot: click on the sample SQL script" /><br />
<img class="screenshot" src="images/quickstart-4.png" alt="screenshot: click on the sample SQL script" /><br />
The SQL commands appear in the command area.<br />
Click <span class="button">Run</span>:<br />
<img class="screenshot" src="quickstart-5.png" alt="screenshot: click Run" /><br />
<img class="screenshot" src="images/quickstart-5.png" alt="screenshot: click Run" /><br />
On the left side, a new entry TEST is added below the database icon.
The operations and results of the statements are shown below the script.<br />
<img class="screenshot" src="quickstart-6.png" alt="screenshot: see the result" /><br />
<img class="screenshot" src="images/quickstart-6.png" alt="screenshot: see the result" /><br />
Click on <span class="button">Disconnect</span>:<br />
<img src="icon_disconnect.gif" alt="Disconnect icon" /><br />
<img src="images/icon_disconnect.gif" alt="Disconnect icon" /><br />
to close the database.
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<a href="#embedding">
Embedding H2 in an Application</a><br />
<a href="#h2_console">
H2 コンソール アプリケーション</a><br />
<br /><a name="embedding"></a>
<h2>Embedding H2 in an Application</h2>
This database can be used in embedded mode, or in server mode. To use it in embedded mode, you need to:
<li>Add <code>h2.jar</code> to the classpath
</li><li>Use the JDBC driver class: <code>org.h2.Driver</code>
</li><li>The database URL <code>jdbc:h2:~/test</code> opens the database 'test' in your user home directory
<br /><a name="h2_console"></a>
<h2>H2 コンソール アプリケーション</h2>
このコンソールはブラウザインターフェースを使ってSQL データベースにアクセスします。
<br />
<img src="images/console.png" alt="Web Browser - H2 Console Server - H2 Database" />
<br />
Windows XPをご使用でなかったり、 期待通りに機能しない場合は、 <a href="tutorial.html">チュートリアル</a> 内の 詳細説明をご覧下さい。
Windows インストーラーを使用してソフトウェアをインストールしましょう (まだインストールされていない場合)。
<span class="button">スタート</span>
<span class="button">すべてのプログラム</span>
<span class="button">H2</span>
<span class="button">H2 Console (Command Line)</span>をクリックします:<br />
<img class="screenshot" src="images/quickstart-1.png" alt="screenshot: start H2 Console" /><br />
コンソールウィンドウが 開きます:<br />
<img class="screenshot" src="images/quickstart-2.png" alt="screenshot: H2 Running" /><br />
新しいブラウザで URL http://localhost:8082/ にアクセスして下さい。 ファイアーウォールによるセキュリティ警告を設定することができます。
外部ネットワークから あなたのマシンのデータベースにアクセスされたくないのであれば、ファイアーウォールが他の接続を遮断します。 ローカル接続のみ必要です。
<span class="button">Generic H2</span>を選び、<span class="button">Connect</span>をクリックします:<br />
<img class="screenshot" src="images/quickstart-3.png" alt="screenshot: Login screen" /><br />
<span class="button">Sample SQL Script</span>をクリックします。: <br />
<img class="screenshot" src="images/quickstart-4.png" alt="screenshot: click on the sample SQL script" /><br />
SQLコマンドがコマンドエリアに表示されます。<br />
<span class="button">Run</span>をクリックします:<br />
<img class="screenshot" src="images/quickstart-5.png" alt="screenshot: click Run" /><br />
左側のデータベースアイコンの下に、 新しいテーブル TEST が追加されます。動作とステートメントの結果は、スクリプトの下に表示されます。<br />
<img class="screenshot" src="images/quickstart-6.png" alt="screenshot: see the result" /><br />
<span class="button">Disconnect</span>をクリックします:<br />
<img src="images/icon_disconnect.gif" alt="Disconnect icon" /><br />
コンソールウィンドウを閉じます。詳細は<a href="tutorial.html">チュートリアル</a>をご覧下さい。
......@@ -14,11 +14,17 @@ Initial Developer: H2 Group
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<a href="quickstartText_ja.html" target="main">クイックスタート</a><br />
<a href="installation_ja.html" target="main">インストール</a><br />
<a href="tutorial_ja.html" target="main">チュートリアル</a><br />
<a href="features.html" target="main">特徴</a><br />
<a href="performance.html" target="main">パフォーマンス</a><br />
<a href="advanced.html" target="main">Advanced Topics</a><br />
<br />
<b>参照</b><br />
<a href="grammar.html" target="main">SQL文</a><br />
<a href="functions.html" target="main">関数</a><br />
<a href="datatypes.html" target="main">データ型</a><br />
<a href="../javadoc/index.html" target="main">Javadoc JDBC API</a><br />
<a href="../h2.pdf" target="_blank">PDFドキュメント</a><br />
<br />
<b>付録</b><br />
<a href="build.html" target="main">構築</a><br />
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<a href="license.html" target="main">ライセンス</a><br />
<br />
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Tutorial
This application lets you access a SQL database using a browser interface.
This can be a H2 database, or another database that supports the JDBC API.
<img src="console.png" alt="Web Browser - H2 Console Server - H2 Database" />
<img src="images/console.png" alt="Web Browser - H2 Console Server - H2 Database" />
This is a client / server application, so both a server and a client (a browser) are required to run it.
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Depending on your platform and environment, there are multiple ways to start the
Click [Start], [All Programs], [H2], and [H2 Console (Command Line)]<br />
When using the Sun JDK 1.4 or 1.5, a window with the title 'H2 Console ' should appear.
When using the Sun JDK 1.6, an icon will be added to the system tray:
<img src="h2.png" alt="[H2 icon]" /><br />
<img src="images/h2.png" alt="[H2 icon]" /><br />
If you don't get the window and the system tray icon,
then maybe Java is not installed correctly (in this case, try another way to start the application).
A browser window should open and point to the Login page http://localhost:8082).
......@@ -9,13 +9,20 @@ import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException;
import org.h2.util.Resources;
import org.h2.util.StringUtils;
* Use the PropertiesToUTF8 tool to translate properties files to UTF-8 and back.
* If the word 'SQL' appears then the whole SQL statement must be a parameter,
* otherwise this may be added: '; SQL statement: ' + sql
* @author Thomas
public class Message {
......@@ -23,13 +30,27 @@ public class Message {
private static final Properties MESSAGES = new Properties();
static {
// TODO multi language messages
// String language = Locale.getDefault().getLanguage();
try {
byte[] messages = Resources.get("/org/h2/res/messages.properties");
byte[] messages = Resources.get("/org/h2/res/_messages_en.properties");
if(messages != null) {
MESSAGES.load(new ByteArrayInputStream(messages));
String language = Locale.getDefault().getLanguage();
int testing;
System.out.println("language: " + language);
if(!"en".equals(language)) {
byte[] translations = Resources.get("/org/h2/res/_messages_"+language+".properties");
// message: translated message + english (otherwise certain applications don't work)
if(translations != null) {
Properties p = new Properties();
p.load(new ByteArrayInputStream(translations));
for(Iterator it = p.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Entry e = (Entry) it.next();
String key = (String) e.getKey();
MESSAGES.put(key, e.getValue() + " / " + MESSAGES.getProperty(key));
} catch (IOException e) {
.translator=Thomas Mueller
02000=Keine Daten verfügbar
07001=Ungültige Anzahl Parameter für {0}, erwartet\: {1}
08000=Fehler beim Öffnen der Datenbank
08004=Falscher Benutzer Name oder Passwort
21S02=Anzahl der Felder stimmt nicht überein
22003=Zahlenwert ausserhalb des Bereichs
22012=Division durch 0\: {0}
22025=Fehler in LIKE ESCAPE\: {0}
23000=Bedingung verletzt\: {0}
23001=Eindeutiger Index oder Primarschlüssel verletzt\: {0}
23002=Referentielle Integrität verletzt\: {0}
23003=Referentielle Integrität verletzt\: {0}
42000=Syntax Fehler in SQL Befehl {0}
42001=Syntax Fehler in SQL Befehl {0}; erwartet {1}
42S01=Tabelle {0} besteht bereits
42S02=Tabelle {0} nicht gefunden
42S11=Index {0} besteht bereits
42S12=Index {0} nicht gefunden
42S21=Doppelter Feldname {0}
42S22=Feld {0} nicht gefunden
42S32=Einstellung {0} nicht gefunden
90000=Funktion {0} muss einen Zeilen zurückgeben
90001=Methode nicht zulässig für eine Abfrage. Erlaubt sind execute oder executeQuery, nicht jedoch executeUpdate
90002=Methode nur zulässig for eine Abfrage. Erlaubt sind execute oder executeUpdate, nicht jedoch executeQuery
90003=Hexadezimal Zahl mit einer ungeraden Anzahl Zeichen\: {0}
90004=Hexadezimal Zahl enthält unerlaubtes Zeichen\: {0}
90005=Wert zu gross / lang für Feld {0}
90006=NULL nicht zulässig für Feld {0}
90007=Das Objekt wurde bereits geschlossen
90008=Unerlaubter Wert {0} für Parameter {1}
90009=Kann Datum {0} nicht umwandeln
90010=Kann Zeit {0} nicht umwandeln
90011=Kann Zeitstempel {0} nicht umwandeln
90012=Parameter {0} wurde nicht gesetzt
90013=Datenbank {0} nicht gefunden
90014=Fehler beim Parsen von {0}
90015=SUM oder AVG auf falschem Datentyp für {0}
90016=Feld {0} muss in der GROUP BY Liste sein
90017=Versuche, einen zweiten Primärschlüssel zu definieren
90018=Die Datenbank-Verbindung wurde nicht explizit geschlossen (jetzt in der Müllabfuhr)
90019=Kann aktuellen Benutzer nicht löschen
90020=Datenbank wird wahrscheinlich bereits benutzt\: {0}. Mögliche Lösungen\: alle Verbindungen schliessen; Server Modus verwenden
90021=Datenumwandlungsfehler beim Umwandeln von {0}
90022=Funktion {0} nicht gefunden
90023=Feld {0} darf nicht NULL nicht erlauben
90024=Fehler beim Umbenennen der Datei {0} nach {1}
90025=Kann Datei {0} nicht löschen
90026=Serialisierung fehlgeschlagen
90027=De-Serialisierung fehlgeschlagen
90028=Eingabe/Ausgabe Fehler\: {0}
90029=Im Moment nicht auf einer veränderbaren Zeile
90030=Datei fehlerhaft beim Lesen des Datensatzes\: {0}. Mögliche Lösung\: Recovery Werkzeug verwenden
90031=Eingabe/Ausgabe\: {0}; {1}
90032=Benutzer {0} nicht gefunden
90033=Benutzer {0} besteht bereits
90034=Log Datei error\: {0}
90035=Sequenz {0} besteht bereits
90036=Sequenz {0} nicht gefunden
90037=View {0} nicht gefunden
90038=View {0} besteht bereits
90039=Der Wert ist zu gross / lang für die Genauigkeit {0}
90040=Für diese Operation werden Administrator-Rechte benötigt
90041=Trigger {0} besteht bereits
90042=Trigger {0} nicht gefunden
90043=Fehler beim Erzeugen des Triggers {0}, Klasse {1}
90044=Fehler beim Ausführen des Triggers {0}, Klasse {1}
90045=Bedingung {0} besteht bereits
90046=URL Format Fehler; erwartet {0}, erhalten {1}
90047=Falsche Version, Treiber Version ist {0}, Server Version ist {1}
90048=Datenbank Datei Version wird nicht unterstützt oder ungültiger Dateikopf in Datei {0}
90049=Verschlüsselungsfehler in Datei {0}
90050=Falsches Passwort Format, benötigt wird\: Datei-Passwort <Leerschlag> Benutzer-Passwort
90051=Befehl wurde abgebrochen
90052=Unterabfrage gibt mehr als eine Feld zurück
90053=Skalar-Unterabfrage enthält mehr als eine Zeile
90054=Ungültige Verwendung der Aggregat Funktion {0}
90055=Chiffre nicht unterstützt\: {0}
90056=Kein Vorgabewert für Feld {0}
90057=Bedingung {0} nicht gefunden
90058=Doppelter Tabellen- oder Alias-Name {0}
90059=Mehrdeutiger Feldname {0}
90060=Ungültige Datei-Sperr-Methode {0}
90061=Fehler beim Öffnen von Port {0} (Port wird ev. bereits verwendet)
90062=Fehler beim Erzeugen der Datei {0}
90063=Savepoint ist ungültig\: {0}
90064=Savepoint hat keinen Namen
90065=Savepoint hat einen Namen
90066=Doppeltes Merkmahl {0}
90067=Verbindung ist unterbrochen
90068=Sortier-Ausdruck {0} muss in diesem Fall im Resultat vorkommen
90069=Rolle {0} besteht bereits
90070=Rolle {0} nicht gefunden
90071=Benutzer or Rolle {0} nicht gefunden
90072=Rollen und Rechte können nicht gemischt werden
90073=Recht nicht gefunden
90074=Rolle {0} bereits zugewiesen
90075=Feld ist Teil eines Indexes {0}
90076=Funktions-Alias {0} besteht bereits
90077=Funktions-Alias {0} nicht gefunden
90078=Schema {0} besteht bereits
90079=Schema {0} nicht gefunden
90080=Schema Namen müssen übereinstimmen
90081=Feld {0} enthält NULL Werte
90082=Sequenz {0} gehört zu einer Tabelle
90083=Feld wird referenziert durch {0}
90084=Kann das letzte Feld nicht löschen {0}
90085=Index {0} gehört zu einer Bedingung
90086=Klasse {0} nicht gefunden
90087=Methode {0} nicht gefunden
90088=Unbekannter Modus {0}
90089=Textvergleich-Modus kann nicht geändert werden wenn Tabellen vorhanden sind {0}
90090=Schema {0} kann nicht gelöscht werden
90091=Rolle {0} kann nicht gelöscht werden
90092=Diese Java-Version wird nicht unterstützt (Java 1.4 oder neuer wird benötigt)
90093=Clustering Fehler - Datenbank läuft bereits im autonomen Modus
90094=Clustering Fehler - Datenbank läuft bereits im Cluster Modus, Serverliste\: {0}
90095=Textformat Fehler\: {0}
90096=Nicht genug Rechte für Objekt {0}
90097=Die Datenbank ist schreibgeschützt
90098=Die Datenbank ist bereits geschlossen
90099=Fehler beim Setzen des Datenbank Ereignis Empfängers {0}
90100=Kein Festplatten Speicherplatz verfügbar
90101=Falsches XID Format\: {0}
90102=Datenkompressions-Option nicht unterstützt\: {0}
90103=Datenkompressions-Algorithmus nicht unterstützt\: {0}
90104=Datenkompressions Fehler
90105=Fehler beim Aufruf eine benutzerdefinierten Funktion
90106=Kann {0} nicht zurücksetzen per TRUNCATE
90107=Kann {0} nicht löschen weil {1} davon abhängt
90108=Stacküberlauf (Rekursive Abfrage oder Funktion?)
90109=View {0} ist ungültig\: {1}
90110={0} ausserhalb des Bereichts
90111=Fehler beim Zugriff auf eine verknüpfte Tabelle mit SQL Befehl {0}
90112=Zeile nicht gefunden beim Löschen von Index {0}
90113=Datenbank-Verbindungs Option {0} nicht unterstützt
90114=Konstante {0} besteht bereits
90115=Konstante {0} nicht gefunden
90116=Literal dieser Art nicht zugelassen
90117=Verbindungen von anderen Rechnern sind nicht freigegeben, siehe -tcpAllowOthers
90118=Kann Tabelle nicht löschen {0}
90119=Benutzer-Datentyp {0} besteht bereits
90120=Benutzer-Datentyp {0} nicht gefunden
90121=Datenbank-Aufruf beim Stoppen der VM; URL muss ";DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT\=FALSE" enthalten um das automatische Schliessen der Datenbank zu verhindern
90122=Funktion nicht unterstützt für Tabelle {0} wenn Views auf die Tabelle vorhanden sind\: {1}
90123=Kann nicht indizierte und nicht indizierte Parameter mischen
90124=Datei nicht gefunden\: {0}
90125=Ungültig Klasse, erwartet {0} erhalten {1}
90126=Datenbank ist nicht persistent
90127=Die Resultat-Zeilen können nicht verändert werden. Die Abfrage muss alle Felder eines eindeutigen Schlüssels enthalten, und nur eine Tabelle enthalten.
90128=Kann nicht an den Anfang der Resultat-Zeilen springen. Mögliche Lösung: conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY).
HY000=Allgemeiner Fehler\: {0}
HY004=Unbekannter Datentyp\: {0}
HYC00=Dieses Feature wird unterstützt
HYT00=Zeitüberschreitung beim Versuch die Tabelle {0} zu sperren
# If the word 'SQL' appears then the whole SQL statement must be a parameter. Otherwise this may be added: '; SQL statement: ' + sql
.translator=Thomas Mueller
02000=No data is available
07001=Invalid parameter count for {0}, expected count: {1}
07001=Invalid parameter count for {0}, expected count\: {1}
08000=Error opening database
08004=Wrong user name or password
21S02=Column count does not match
22003=Numeric value out of range
22012=Division by zero: {0}
22025=Error in LIKE ESCAPE: {0}
23000=Check constraint violation: {0}
23001=Unique index or primary key violation: {0}
23002=Referential integrity constraint violation: {0}
23003=Referential integrity constraint violation: {0}
22012=Division by zero\: {0}
22025=Error in LIKE ESCAPE\: {0}
23000=Check constraint violation\: {0}
23001=Unique index or primary key violation\: {0}
23002=Referential integrity constraint violation\: {0}
23003=Referential integrity constraint violation\: {0}
42000=Syntax error in SQL statement {0}
42001=Syntax error in SQL statement {0}; expected {1}
42S01=Table {0} already exists
......@@ -21,12 +20,11 @@
42S21=Duplicate column name {0}
42S22=Column {0} not found
42S32=Setting {0} not found
90000=Function {0} must return a result set
90001=Method is not allowed for a query. Use execute or executeQuery instead of executeUpdate
90002=Method is only allowed for a query. Use execute or executeUpdate instead of executeQuery
90003=Hexadecimal string with odd number of characters: {0}
90004=Hexadecimal string contains non-hex character: {0}
90003=Hexadecimal string with odd number of characters\: {0}
90004=Hexadecimal string contains non-hex character\: {0}
90005=Value too long for column {0}
90006=NULL not allowed for column {0}
90007=The object is already closed
......@@ -42,7 +40,7 @@
90017=Attempt to define a second primary key
90018=The connection was not closed by the application and is garbage collected
90019=Cannot drop the current user
90020=Database may be already in use: {0}. Possible solutions: close all other connection(s); use the server mode
90020=Database may be already in use\: {0}. Possible solutions\: close all other connection(s); use the server mode
90021=Data conversion error converting {0}
90022=Function {0} not found
90023=Column {0} must not be nullable
......@@ -50,13 +48,13 @@
90025=Cannot delete file {0}
90026=Serialization failed
90027=Deserialization failed
90028=IO Exception: {0}
90028=IO Exception\: {0}
90029=Currently not on an updatable row
90030=File corrupted while reading record: {0}. Possible solution: use the recovery tool
90031=IO Exception: {0}; {1}
90030=File corrupted while reading record\: {0}. Possible solution\: use the recovery tool
90031=IO Exception\: {0}; {1}
90032=User {0} not found
90033=User {0} already exists
90034=Log file error: {0}
90034=Log file error\: {0}
90035=Sequence {0} already exists
90036=Sequence {0} not found
90037=View {0} not found
......@@ -72,7 +70,7 @@
90047=Version mismatch, driver version is {0} but server version is {1}
90048=Unsupported database file version or invalid file header in file {0}
90049=Encryption error in file {0}
90050=Wrong password format, must be: file password <space> user password
90050=Wrong password format, must be\: file password <space> user password
90051=Statement was cancelled
90052=Subquery is not a single column query
90053=Scalar subquery contains more than one row
......@@ -85,7 +83,7 @@
90060=Unsupported file lock method {0}
90061=Exception opening port {0} (port may be in use)
90062=Error while creating file {0}
90063=Savepoint is invalid: {0}
90063=Savepoint is invalid\: {0}
90064=Savepoint is unnamed
90065=Savepoint is named
90066=Duplicate property {0}
......@@ -116,22 +114,22 @@
90091=Role {0} cannot be dropped
90092=This Java version is not supported (Java 1.4 is required)
90093=Clustering error - database currently runs in standalone mode
90094=Clustering error - database currently runs in cluster mode, server list: {0}
90095=String format error: {0}
90094=Clustering error - database currently runs in cluster mode, server list\: {0}
90095=String format error\: {0}
90096=Not enough rights for object {0}
90097=The database is read only
90098=The database has been closed
90099=Error setting database event listener {0}
90100=No disk space available
90101=Wrong XID format: {0}
90102=Unsupported compression options: {0}
90103=Unsupported compression algorithm: {0}
90101=Wrong XID format\: {0}
90102=Unsupported compression options\: {0}
90103=Unsupported compression algorithm\: {0}
90104=Compression error
90105=Exception calling user defined function
90106=Cannot truncate {0}
90107=Cannot drop {0} because {1} depends on it
90108=Stack overflow (recursive query or function?)
90109=View {0} is invalid: {1}
90109=View {0} is invalid\: {1}
90110={0} out of range
90111=Error accessing linked table with SQL statement {0}
90112=Row not found when trying to delete from index {0}
......@@ -143,18 +141,15 @@
90118=Cannot drop table {0}
90119=User data type {0} already exists
90120=User data type {0} not found
90121=Database called at VM shutdown; add ";DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE" to the db URL to disable automatic database closing
90122=Operation not supported for table {0} when there are views on the table: {1}
90121=Database called at VM shutdown; add ";DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT\=FALSE" to the db URL to disable automatic database closing
90122=Operation not supported for table {0} when there are views on the table\: {1}
90123=Cannot mix indexed and non-indexed parameters
90124=File not found: {0}
90124=File not found\: {0}
90125=Invalid class, expected {0} but got {1}
90126=Database is not persistent
90127=The result set is not updatable. The query must select all columns from a unique key. Only one table may be selected.
90128=The result set is not scrollable and can not be reset. You may need to use conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY).
HY000=General error: {0}
HY004=Unknown data type: {0}
HY000=General error\: {0}
HY004=Unknown data type\: {0}
HYC00=Feature not supported
HYT00=Timeout trying to lock table {0}
02000=Dane nie sa dostepne
07001=Niewlasciwa liczba parametrow, oczekiwano ilosci: {0}
07001=Niewlasciwa liczba parametrow, oczekiwano ilosci\: {0}
08000=Blad otwarcia bazy danych
08004=Nieprawidlowy uzytkownik/haslo
21S02=Niezgodna ilosc kolumn
22003=Wartosc numeryczna poza zakresem
22012=Dzielenie przez zero: {0}
22025=Blad w LIKE ESCAPE: {0}
23000=Naruszenie ograniczenia Check: {0}
23001=Naruszenie ograniczenia Klucza Glownego lub Indeksu Unikalnego: {0}
22012=Dzielenie przez zero\: {0}
22025=Blad w LIKE ESCAPE\: {0}
23000=Naruszenie ograniczenia Check\: {0}
23001=Naruszenie ograniczenia Klucza Glownego lub Indeksu Unikalnego\: {0}
23002=\#Referential integrity constraint violation\: {0}
23003=\#Referential integrity constraint violation\: {0}
42000=Blad skladniowy w wyrazeniu SQL {0}
42001=Blad skladniowy w wyrazeniu SQL {0}; oczekiwano {1}
42S01=Tablela {0} juz istnieje
......@@ -17,12 +20,11 @@
42S21=Zduplikowana nazwa kolumny {0}
42S22=Kolumna {0} nie istnieje
42S32=Ustawienie {0} nie istnieje
90000=Funkcja {0} musi zwrocic dane
90001=Metoda nie jest dozwolona w kwerendzie
90002=Metoda jest dozwolona tylko w kwerendzie
90003=Hexadecimal string with odd number of characters: {0}
90004=Hexadecimal string contains non hex character: {0}
90003=Hexadecimal string with odd number of characters\: {0}
90004=Hexadecimal string contains non hex character\: {0}
90005=Wartosc za dluga dla kolumny {0}
90006=Pole nie moze byc puste {0}
90007=Objekt jest zamkniety
......@@ -38,7 +40,7 @@
90017=Proba zdefiniowania drugiego klucza glownego
90018=Polaczenie zostalo zamkniete przez aplikacje i zostalo usuniete przez kolektor nieuzytkow
90019=Nie mozna skasowac aktualnego uzytkownika
90020=Baza danych moze byc juz otwarta: {0}
90020=Baza danych moze byc juz otwarta\: {0}
90021=Blad konwersji danych {0}
90022=Funkcja {0} nie istnieje
90023=Kolumna Column {0} nie moze zawierac wartosci pustej
......@@ -46,13 +48,13 @@
90025=Nie mozna skasowac pliku {0}
90026=Blad serializacji
90027=Blad deserializacji
90028=Blad wejscia/wyjscia: {0}
90028=Blad wejscia/wyjscia\: {0}
90029=Aktualny rekord nie pozwala na aktualizacje
90030=Uszkodzenie pliku podczas wczytywania rekordu: {0}
90030=Uszkodzenie pliku podczas wczytywania rekordu\: {0}
90031=Polaczenie nie zostalo zamkniete
90032=Uzytkownik {0} nie istnieje
90033=Uzytkownik {0} juz istnieje
90034=Blad pliku logu: {0}
90034=Blad pliku logu\: {0}
90035=Sekwencja {0} juz istnieje
90036=Sekwencja {0} nie istnieje
90037=Widok {0} nie istnieje
......@@ -68,7 +70,7 @@
90047=Niezgodna wersja sterownika, aktualna werjsa to {0} a wersja serwera to {1}
90048=Nieprawidlowa wersja pliku bazy danych lub nieprawidlowy naglowek pliku {0}
90049=Blad szyfowania pliku {0}
90050=Zly format hasla, powinno byc: plik haslo <spacja> uzytkownik haslo
90050=Zly format hasla, powinno byc\: plik haslo <spacja> uzytkownik haslo
90051=Statement was cancelled
90052=Podzapytanie nie jest zapytaniem opartym o jedna kolumne
90053=Scalar subquery contains more than one row
......@@ -81,7 +83,7 @@
90060=Niewspierana metoda blokowania pliku {0}
90061=Blad otwarcia portu {0} (prawdopodobnie port jest w uzyciu)
90062=Blad tworzenia pliku {0}
90063=Zakladka jest nieprawidlowa: {0}
90063=Zakladka jest nieprawidlowa\: {0}
90064=Zakladka jest bez nazwy
90065=Zakladka jest nazwana
90066=Zduplikowana wlasciwosc {0}
......@@ -112,16 +114,16 @@
90091=Rola {0} nie moze zostac skasowana
90092=Obecna wersja Javy nie jest wspierana (Java 1.4 lub nowsza jest wymagana)
90093=Clustering error - database currently runs in standalone mode
90094=Clustering error - database currently runs in cluster mode, server list: {0}
90095=Blad ciagu formatowania: {0}
90094=Clustering error - database currently runs in cluster mode, server list\: {0}
90095=Blad ciagu formatowania\: {0}
90096=Brak wystarczajacych praw do obiektu {0}
90097=Baza danych jest w trybie tylko do odczytu
90098=Baza danych zostala zamknieta
90099=Blad ustawienia sluchacza zdarzen bazy danych {0}
90100=Brak miejsca na dysku
90101=Zly format XID: {0}
90102=Nie wspierana opcja kompresji: {0}
90103=Nie wspierany algorytm kompresji: {0}
90101=Zly format XID\: {0}
90102=Nie wspierana opcja kompresji\: {0}
90103=Nie wspierany algorytm kompresji\: {0}
90104=Blad kompresji
90105=Wyjatek wywoluje funkcje uzytkownika
90106=Nie mozna obciac {0}
......@@ -139,14 +141,15 @@
90118=Nie mozna skasowac tabeli {0}
90119=Typ danych uzytkownika {0} juz istnieje
90120=Typ danych uzytkownika {0} nie istnieje
90121=Database called at VM shutdown; add ";DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE" to the db URL to disable automatic database closing
90122=Operacja nie jest dozwolona dla tabeli {0} gdy istnieja widoki oparte na tabeli: {1}
90121=Database called at VM shutdown; add ";DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT\=FALSE" to the db URL to disable automatic database closing
90122=Operacja nie jest dozwolona dla tabeli {0} gdy istnieja widoki oparte na tabeli\: {1}
90123=Nie mozna mieszac parametrow indeksowych z nieindeksowymi
90124=Plik nie istnieje: {0}
90124=Plik nie istnieje\: {0}
90125=Nieprawidlowa klasa, oczekiwano {0} a jest {1}
90126=Baza danych nie jest trwala
HY000=Blad ogolny: {0}
HY004=Nieznany typ danyche: {0}
90127=\#The result set is not updatable. The query must select all columns from a unique key. Only one table may be selected.
90128=\#The result set is not scrollable and can not be reset. You may need to use conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY).
HY000=Blad ogolny\: {0}
HY004=Nieznany typ danyche\: {0}
HYC00=Cecha nie jest wspierana
HYT00=Czas oczekiwania na blokade tabeli {0} sie skonczyl
......@@ -30,12 +30,17 @@ import org.h2.util.MathUtils;
import org.h2.util.NetUtils;
import org.h2.util.RandomUtils;
import org.h2.util.Resources;
import org.h2.util.SortedProperties;
public class WebServer implements Service {
// TODO tool: implement a watchdog for a server
private static final String DEFAULT_LANGUAGE = "en";
* Hungarian spec chars: &eacute;&#369;&aacute;&#337;&uacute;&ouml;&uuml;&oacute;&iacute;&Eacute;&Aacute;&#368;&#336;&Uacute;&Ouml;&Uuml;&Oacute;&Iacute;
private static final String[][] LANGUAGES = {
{ "en", "English" },
{ "de", "Deutsch" },
......@@ -388,7 +393,7 @@ public class WebServer implements Service {
synchronized void saveSettings() {
try {
Properties prop = new Properties();
Properties prop = new SortedProperties();
if(driverList != null) {
prop.setProperty("drivers", driverList);
# Use the PropertiesToUTF8 tool to translate the files to UTF-8 and back
# Translator: Thomas Mueller
.translator=Thomas Mueller
a.lynxNotSupported=Dieser Browser unterst&uuml;tzt keine Frames. Frames (und Javascript) werden ben&ouml;tigt.
......@@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ helpAction=Aktion
helpAddAnotherRow=F&uuml;gt einen weiteren Datensatz hinzu
helpAddDrivers=Datenbank Treiber hinzuf&uuml;gen
helpAddDriversOnlyJava=Zus&auml;tzliche Treiber werden nur von der Java Version unterst&uuml;tzt (nicht von der Native Version).
helpAddDriversText=Es ist m&ouml;glich zus&auml;tzliche Datenbank-Treiber zu laden, indem die Pfade der Treiber-Dateien in den Umgebungsvariablen H2DRIVERS oder CLASSPATH eingetragen werden. Beispiel (Windows): Um den Datenbank-Treiber mit dem Jar-File C:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar hinzuzuf&uuml;gen, setzen Sie den die Umgebungvariable H2DRIVERS auf C:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar.
helpAddDriversText=Es ist m&ouml;glich zus&auml;tzliche Datenbank-Treiber zu laden, indem die Pfade der Treiber-Dateien in den Umgebungsvariablen H2DRIVERS oder CLASSPATH eingetragen werden. Beispiel (Windows)\: Um den Datenbank-Treiber mit dem Jar-File C\:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar hinzuzuf&uuml;gen, setzen Sie den die Umgebungvariable H2DRIVERS auf C\:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar.
helpAddRow=F&uuml;gt einen Datensatz hinzu
helpCommandHistory=Zeigt die Befehls-Chronik
helpCreateTable=Erzeugt eine neue Tabelle
......@@ -81,9 +80,9 @@ resultEdit.save=Speichern
toolbar.cancelStatement=Laufenden Befehl abbrechen
toolbar.commit=Commit (Abschliessen/Speichern)
# Use the PropertiesToUTF8 tool to translate the files to UTF-8 and back
.translator=Thomas Mueller
a.lynxNotSupported=Sorry, Lynx not supported yet
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ helpAction=Action
helpAddAnotherRow=Add another row
helpAddDrivers=Adding Database Drivers
helpAddDriversOnlyJava=Only the Java version supports additional drivers (this feature is not supported by the Native version).
helpAddDriversText=Additional database drivers can be registerd by adding the Jar file location of the driver to the the environment variables H2DRIVERS or CLASSPATH. Example (Windows): To add the database driver library C:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar, set the environment variable H2DRIVERS to C:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar.
helpAddDriversText=Additional database drivers can be registerd by adding the Jar file location of the driver to the the environment variables H2DRIVERS or CLASSPATH. Example (Windows)\: To add the database driver library C\:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar, set the environment variable H2DRIVERS to C\:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar.
helpAddRow=Add a new row
helpCommandHistory=Shows the Command History
helpCreateTable=Create a new table
......@@ -80,9 +80,9 @@ resultEdit.save=Save
toolbar.autoCommit=Auto commit
toolbar.autoComplete=Auto complete
toolbar.cancelStatement=Cancel the current statement
# Use the PropertiesToUTF8 tool to translate the files to UTF-8 and back
# Translator: Miguel Angel
.translator=Miguel Angel
a.lynxNotSupported=Lo sentimos, Lynx no est&aacute; soportado todav&iacute;a
......@@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ helpAction=Action
helpAddAnotherRow=A&ntilde;adir otra fila
helpAddDrivers=A&ntilde;adiendo drivers de base de datos
helpAddDriversOnlyJava=Solo la versi&oacute;n Java soporta otros drivers (esta caracteristica no esta soportada por la versi&oacute;n nativa).
helpAddDriversText=Se pueden registrar otros drivers a&ntilde;adiendo el archivo Jar del driver a la variable de entorno H2DRIVERS o CLASSPATH. Por ejemplo (Windows): Para a&ntilde;adir la librer&iacute;a del driver de base de datos C:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar, hay que establecer la variable de entorno H2DRIVERS a C:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar.
helpAddDriversText=Se pueden registrar otros drivers a&ntilde;adiendo el archivo Jar del driver a la variable de entorno H2DRIVERS o CLASSPATH. Por ejemplo (Windows)\: Para a&ntilde;adir la librer&iacute;a del driver de base de datos C\:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar, hay que establecer la variable de entorno H2DRIVERS a C\:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar.
helpAddRow=A&ntilde;adir una fila nueva
helpCommandHistory=Ver hist&oacute;rico de comandos
helpCreateTable=Crear una tabla nueva
......@@ -81,9 +80,9 @@ resultEdit.save=Guardar
toolbar.autoCommit=Auto commit
toolbar.autoComplete=Auto completado
toolbar.cancelStatement=Cancelar la instrucci&oacute;n actual
# Use the PropertiesToUTF8 tool to translate the files to UTF-8 and back
a.lynxNotSupported=D&eacute;sol&eacute;, Lynx n'est pas encore support&eacute;
......@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ a.password=Mot de passe
a.remoteConnectionsDisabled=D&eacute;sol&eacute;, la gestion des connexions provenant de machines distantes est d&eacute;sactiv&eacute;e sur ce serveur ('webAllowOthers').
a.title=Console H2
a.user=Nom d'utilisateur
admin.lastAccess=#Last Access
admin.lastQuery=#Last Query
admin.lastAccess=\#Last Access
admin.lastQuery=\#Last Query
adminAllow=Clients autoris&eacute;s
adminConnection=S&eacute;curit&eacute; des connexions
adminHttp=Utiliser des connexions HTTP non s&eacute;curis&eacute;es
......@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@ adminPort=Num&eacute;ro de port du serveur Web
adminRestart=Modifications effectu&eacute;es apr&egrave; red&eacute;marrage du serveur.
adminSessions=Sessions actives
adminTitle=Console H2 de param&eacute;trage des options
helpAddAnotherRow=Ajouter un autre enregistrement
helpAddDrivers=Ajouter de drivers de base de donn&eacute;es
helpAddDriversOnlyJava=Seule la version Java permet d'ajouter des drivers suppl&eacute;mentaires. (Cette fonctionnalit&eacute; n'est pas support&eacute;e dans la version Native).
helpAddDriversText=Des drivers additionels peuvent &ecirc;tre configur&eacute;s en d&eacute;clarant l'emplacement du fichier Jar contenant ces drivers dans les variables d'environnement H2DRIVERS ou CLASSPATH. Exemple (Windows): Pour ajouter la librairie C:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar, d&eacute;finir la valeur de la variable d'environnement H2DRIVERS en C:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar.
helpAddDriversText=Des drivers additionels peuvent &ecirc;tre configur&eacute;s en d&eacute;clarant l'emplacement du fichier Jar contenant ces drivers dans les variables d'environnement H2DRIVERS ou CLASSPATH. Exemple (Windows)\: Pour ajouter la librairie C\:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar, d&eacute;finir la valeur de la variable d'environnement H2DRIVERS en C\:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar.
helpAddRow=Ajouter un nouvel enregistrement
helpCommandHistory=Affiche l'historique des commandes
helpCreateTable=Cr&eacute;er une nouvelle table
......@@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ resultEdit.editResult=Editer
toolbar.autoCommit=Validation automatique (auto commit)
toolbar.cancelStatement=Annuler l'instruction en cours
# Use the PropertiesToUTF8 tool to translate the files to UTF-8 and back
# Hungarian spec chars: &eacute;&#369;&aacute;&#337;&uacute;&ouml;&uuml;&oacute;&iacute;&Eacute;&Aacute;&#368;&#336;&Uacute;&Ouml;&Uuml;&Oacute;&Iacute;
# Translator: Andras Hideg
.translator=Andras Hideg
a.lynxNotSupported=A Lynx b&ouml;ng&eacute;sz&#337; egyel&#337;re nem t&aacute;mogatott
a.lynxNotSupported=A Lynx b&ouml;ng&eacute;sz&\#337; egyel&\#337;re nem t&aacute;mogatott
a.remoteConnectionsDisabled=Ezen a kiszolg&aacute;l&oacute;n t&aacute;voli kapcsolatok ('webAllowOthers') nem enged&eacute;lyezettek.
a.title=H2 konzol
......@@ -22,7 +20,7 @@ adminLogin=Adminisztr&aacute;ci&oacute;s bejelentkez&eacute;s
adminOthers=M&aacute;s sz&aacute;m&iacute;t&oacute;g&eacute;pekr&#337;l kezdem&eacute;nyezett kapcsolatok enged&eacute;lyez&eacute;se
adminOthers=M&aacute;s sz&aacute;m&iacute;t&oacute;g&eacute;pekr&\#337;l kezdem&eacute;nyezett kapcsolatok enged&eacute;lyez&eacute;se
adminPort=Webkiszolg&aacute;l&oacute; portsz&aacute;ma
adminRestart=A v&aacute;ltoztat&aacute;sok a kiszolg&aacute;l&oacute; &uacute;jraind&iacute;t&aacute;sa ut&aacute;n l&eacute;pnek &eacute;rv&eacute;nybe
......@@ -31,9 +29,9 @@ adminShutdown=Le&aacute;ll&iacute;t&aacute;s
adminTitle=H2 Konzol tulajdons&aacute;gai
helpAddAnotherRow=Rekord hozz&aacute;ad&aacute;sa
helpAddDrivers=Adatb&aacute;zis-illeszt&#337;programok hozz&aacute;ad&aacute;sa
helpAddDriversOnlyJava=Illeszt&#337;programok hozz&aacute;ad&aacute;s&aacute;t csak a Java verzi&oacute; t&aacute;mogatja, a nat&iacute;v verzi&oacute; nem.
helpAddDriversText=Tov&aacute;bbi adatb&aacute;zis-illeszt&#337;programok regisztr&aacute;l&aacute;sakor a H2DRIVERS vagy CLASSPATH k&ouml;rnyezeti v&aacute;ltoz&oacute;khoz kell adni a .jar illeszt&#337;program-f&aacute;jlok el&eacute;r&eacute;si &uacute;tvonalait. P&eacute;ld&aacute;ul (Windows eset&eacute;n) a C:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar illeszt&#337;program regisztr&aacute;l&aacute;s&aacute;hoz a H2DRIVERS k&ouml;rnyezeti v&aacute;ltoz&oacute;nak az al&aacute;bbi &eacute;rt&eacute;k&eacute;t kell megadni: C:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar
helpAddDrivers=Adatb&aacute;zis-illeszt&\#337;programok hozz&aacute;ad&aacute;sa
helpAddDriversOnlyJava=Illeszt&\#337;programok hozz&aacute;ad&aacute;s&aacute;t csak a Java verzi&oacute; t&aacute;mogatja, a nat&iacute;v verzi&oacute; nem.
helpAddDriversText=Tov&aacute;bbi adatb&aacute;zis-illeszt&\#337;programok regisztr&aacute;l&aacute;sakor a H2DRIVERS vagy CLASSPATH k&ouml;rnyezeti v&aacute;ltoz&oacute;khoz kell adni a .jar illeszt&\#337;program-f&aacute;jlok el&eacute;r&eacute;si &uacute;tvonalait. P&eacute;ld&aacute;ul (Windows eset&eacute;n) a C\:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar illeszt&\#337;program regisztr&aacute;l&aacute;s&aacute;hoz a H2DRIVERS k&ouml;rnyezeti v&aacute;ltoz&oacute;nak az al&aacute;bbi &eacute;rt&eacute;k&eacute;t kell megadni\: C\:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar
helpAddRow=Rekord hozz&aacute;ad&aacute;sa
helpCommandHistory=Kor&aacute;bbi utas&iacute;t&aacute;sok megjelen&iacute;t&eacute;se
helpCreateTable=&Uacute;j t&aacute;bla l&eacute;trehoz&aacute;sa
......@@ -44,15 +42,15 @@ helpDropTable=T&aacute;bla t&ouml;rl&eacute;se, ha az l&eacute;tezik
helpExecuteCurrent=Aktu&aacute;lis SQL utas&iacute;t&aacute;s v&eacute;grehajt&aacute;sa
helpImportantCommands=Fontos utas&iacute;t&aacute;sok
helpQuery=T&aacute;bla lek&eacute;rdez&eacute;se
helpSampleSQL=Minta SQL szkript
helpStatements=SQL utas&iacute;t&aacute;sok
helpUpdate=Adatok m&oacute;dos&iacute;t&aacute;sa egy rekordon bel&uuml;l
helpWithColumnsIdName=ID &eacute;s NAME oszlopokkal
login.driverClass=Illeszt&#337;program oszt&aacute;ly
login.driverNotFound=Adatb&aacute;zis-illeszt&#337;program nem tal&aacute;lhat&oacute;&lt;br&gt;Illeszt&#337;programok hozz&aacute;ad&aacute;s&aacute;r&oacute;l a S&uacute;g&oacute; ad felvil&aacute;gos&iacute;t&aacute;st.
login.driverClass=Illeszt&\#337;program oszt&aacute;ly
login.driverNotFound=Adatb&aacute;zis-illeszt&\#337;program nem tal&aacute;lhat&oacute;&lt;br&gt;Illeszt&\#337;programok hozz&aacute;ad&aacute;s&aacute;r&oacute;l a S&uacute;g&oacute; ad felvil&aacute;gos&iacute;t&aacute;st.
login.jdbcUrl=JDBC URL
......@@ -82,9 +80,9 @@ resultEdit.save=Ment&eacute;s
toolbar.autoCommit=Automatikus j&oacute;v&aacute;hagy&aacute;s
toolbar.autoComplete=Automatikus kieg&eacute;sz&iacute;t&eacute;s
toolbar.cancelStatement=Aktu&aacute;lis utas&iacute;t&aacute;s v&eacute;grehajt&aacute;s&aacute;nak megszak&iacute;t&aacute;sa
# Use the PropertiesToUTF8 tool to translate the files to UTF-8 and back
# Translator: Joko Yuliantoro
.translator=Joko Yuliantoro
a.lynxNotSupported=Maaf, Lynx belum didukung. Gunakan browser yang mendukung Javascript (dan Frame).
......@@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ helpAction=Aksi
helpAddAnotherRow=Menambah sebuah baris
helpAddDrivers=Menambah pengendali basis data
helpAddDriversOnlyJava=Hanya versi Java saja yang mendukung pengendali tambahan (fitur ini tidak didukung oleh versi Native).
helpAddDriversText=Pengendali basis data tambahan dapat didaftarkan dengan cara menambah lokasi file Jar dari si pengendali ke variabel lingkungan H2DRIVERS atau CLASSPATH. Contoh (Windows): Untuk menambah librari pengendali basis data C:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar, atur variabel lingkungan H2DRIVERS menjadi C:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar.
helpAddDriversText=Pengendali basis data tambahan dapat didaftarkan dengan cara menambah lokasi file Jar dari si pengendali ke variabel lingkungan H2DRIVERS atau CLASSPATH. Contoh (Windows)\: Untuk menambah librari pengendali basis data C\:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar, atur variabel lingkungan H2DRIVERS menjadi C\:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar.
helpAddRow=Tambah sebuah baris baru
helpCommandHistory=Tampilkan sejarah perintah
helpCreateTable=Ciptakan sebuah tabel
......@@ -81,9 +80,9 @@ resultEdit.save=Simpan
toolbar.cancelStatement=Batalkan pernyataan terkini
# Use the PropertiesToUTF8 tool to translate the files to UTF-8 and back
# Translator: Tomek
a.lynxNotSupported=Przegl&#261;darka Lynx nie jest wpierana jeszcze
a.remoteConnectionsDisabled=Po&#322;&#261;czenia zdalne ('webAllowOthers') s&#261; wy&#322;&#261;czone na tym serwerze.
a.lynxNotSupported=Przegl&\#261;darka Lynx nie jest wpierana jeszcze
a.remoteConnectionsDisabled=Po&\#322;&\#261;czenia zdalne ('webAllowOthers') s&\#261; wy&\#322;&\#261;czone na tym serwerze.
a.title=Konsola H2
admin.lastAccess=Ostatnie logowanie
......@@ -14,64 +13,64 @@ admin.lastQuery=Ostatnie zapytanie
adminAllow=Allowed clients
adminConnection=Connection security
adminHttp=U&#380;ywaj szyfrowanych po&#322;&#261;cze&#324; HTTP
adminHttps=U&#380;ywaj szyfrowanych po&#322;&#261;cze&#324; SSL (HTTPS)
adminLocal=Tylko lokalne po&#322;&#261;czenia
adminHttp=U&\#380;ywaj szyfrowanych po&\#322;&\#261;cze&\#324; HTTP
adminHttps=U&\#380;ywaj szyfrowanych po&\#322;&\#261;cze&\#324; SSL (HTTPS)
adminLocal=Tylko lokalne po&\#322;&\#261;czenia
adminLogin=Logowanie administracyjne
adminOthers=Pozwalaj na po&#322;&#261;czenia zdalne
adminOthers=Pozwalaj na po&\#322;&\#261;czenia zdalne
adminPort=Numer portu serwera Web
adminRestart=Zmiany b&#281;d&#261; widoczne po zrestartowaniu serwera.
adminRestart=Zmiany b&\#281;d&\#261; widoczne po zrestartowaniu serwera.
adminSessions=Aktywne sesje
adminTitle=Ustawienia konsoli H2
helpAddAnotherRow=Dodaj kolejny rekord
helpAddDrivers=Dodatkowe sterowniki baz danych
helpAddDriversOnlyJava=Tylko implementacja w Javie pozwala na dodawanie dodatkowych sterownik&oacute;w (nie wspierane przez wersje natywn&#261;).
helpAddDriversText=Additional database drivers can be registerd by adding the Jar file location of the driver to the the environment variables H2DRIVERS or CLASSPATH. Example (Windows): To add the database driver library C:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar, set the environment variable H2DRIVERS to C:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar.
helpAddDriversOnlyJava=Tylko implementacja w Javie pozwala na dodawanie dodatkowych sterownik&oacute;w (nie wspierane przez wersje natywn&\#261;).
helpAddDriversText=Additional database drivers can be registerd by adding the Jar file location of the driver to the the environment variables H2DRIVERS or CLASSPATH. Example (Windows)\: To add the database driver library C\:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar, set the environment variable H2DRIVERS to C\:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar.
helpAddRow=Dodaj nowy rekord
helpCommandHistory=Pokazuje histori&#281; komend
helpCreateTable=Tworzy now&#261; tabele
helpDeleteRow=Usu&#324; rekord
helpDisconnect=Wyloguj si&#281; z bazy danych
helpDisplayThis=Wy&#347;wietla t&#261; strone pomocy
helpDropTable=Skasuj tabele je&#380;eli istnieje
helpExecuteCurrent=Wykonuje bierz&#261;ce zapytanie SQL
helpCommandHistory=Pokazuje histori&\#281; komend
helpCreateTable=Tworzy now&\#261; tabele
helpDeleteRow=Usu&\#324; rekord
helpDisconnect=Wyloguj si&\#281; z bazy danych
helpDisplayThis=Wy&\#347;wietla t&\#261; strone pomocy
helpDropTable=Skasuj tabele je&\#380;eli istnieje
helpExecuteCurrent=Wykonuje bierz&\#261;ce zapytanie SQL
helpImportantCommands=Wa&#380;ne komendy
helpImportantCommands=Wa&\#380;ne komendy
helpQuery=Query the table
helpSampleSQL=Prosty skrypt SQL
helpStatements=Wyra&#380;enia SQL
helpUpdate=Zmie&#324; dane w rekordzie
helpStatements=Wyra&\#380;enia SQL
helpUpdate=Zmie&\#324; dane w rekordzie
helpWithColumnsIdName=z kolumnami ID i NAME
login.driverClass=Klasa sterownika
login.driverNotFound=Sterownik nie istnieje&lt;br /&gt;Zobacz w dokumentacji opis dodawania sterownik&oacute;w
login.jdbcUrl=JDBC URL
login.savedSetting=Zapisz opcje
login.settingName=Nazwa opcji
login.testConnection=Testuj po&#322;aczenie
login.testSuccessful=Test zako&#324;czony sukcesem
login.testConnection=Testuj po&\#322;aczenie
login.testSuccessful=Test zako&\#324;czony sukcesem
login.welcome=Konsola H2
result.1row=1 rekord
result.autoCommitOff=Automatyczne zatwierdzanie jest teraz WY&#321;&#260;CZONE
result.autoCommitOn=Automatyczne zatwierdzanie jest teraz W&#321;ACZONE
result.maxrowsSet=Maksymalna ilo&#347;&#263; rekord&oacute;w
result.autoCommitOff=Automatyczne zatwierdzanie jest teraz WY&\#321;&\#260;CZONE
result.autoCommitOn=Automatyczne zatwierdzanie jest teraz W&\#321;ACZONE
result.maxrowsSet=Maksymalna ilo&\#347;&\#263; rekord&oacute;w
result.noRows=brak danych
result.noRunningStatement=Obecnie nie jest wykonywane &#380;edne zapytanie
result.noRunningStatement=Obecnie nie jest wykonywane &\#380;edne zapytanie
result.statementWasCancelled=Zapytanie zosta&#322;o anulowane
result.updateCount=Ilo&#347;&#263; aktualizacji
result.statementWasCancelled=Zapytanie zosta&\#322;o anulowane
result.updateCount=Ilo&\#347;&\#263; aktualizacji
......@@ -80,26 +79,26 @@ resultEdit.editResult=Edytuj
toolbar.autoCommit=Automatyczne zatwierdzanie
toolbar.autoComplete=Automatyczne uzupe&#322;nianie
toolbar.autoComplete=Automatyczne uzupe&\#322;nianie
toolbar.cancelStatement=Anuluj bierz&#261;ce zapytanie
toolbar.cancelStatement=Anuluj bierz&\#261;ce zapytanie
toolbar.history=Historia komend
toolbar.maxRows=Maksymalna ilo&#347;&#263; rekord&oacute;w
toolbar.maxRows=Maksymalna ilo&\#347;&\#263; rekord&oacute;w
toolbar.rollback=Cofnij zmiany
toolbar.run=Wykonaj (Ctrl+Enter)
toolbar.sqlStatement=Zapytanie SQL
tree.current=Bierz&#261;ca warto&#347;&#263;
tree.current=Bierz&\#261;ca warto&\#347;&\#263;
tree.nonUnique=Nie unikalny
# Use the PropertiesToUTF8 tool to translate the files to UTF-8 and back
# Translator: Antonio Casqueiro
.translator=Antonio Casqueiro
a.language=Portugu&ecirc;s (Europeu)
a.lynxNotSupported=Lynx ainda n&atilde;o &eacute; suportado
......@@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ helpAction=Ac&ccedil;&atilde;o
helpAddAnotherRow=Adicionar outra linha
helpAddDrivers=Adicionar drivers de Base de Dados
helpAddDriversOnlyJava=Apenas a vers&atilde;o Java permite que sejam adicionados novos drivers (esta op&ccedil;&atilde;o n&atilde;o &eacute; suportado pela vers&atilde;o nativa)
helpAddDriversText=&Eacute; poss&iacute;vel registar outros drivers, adicionando o ficheiro JAR respectivo, &agrave; vari&aacute;vel de ambiente H2DRIVERS ou CLASSPATH. Exemplo (Windows): Para adicionar o driver que se encontra em C:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar, alterar o valor da vari&aacute;vel de ambiente H2DRIVERS para C:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar.
helpAddDriversText=&Eacute; poss&iacute;vel registar outros drivers, adicionando o ficheiro JAR respectivo, &agrave; vari&aacute;vel de ambiente H2DRIVERS ou CLASSPATH. Exemplo (Windows)\: Para adicionar o driver que se encontra em C\:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar, alterar o valor da vari&aacute;vel de ambiente H2DRIVERS para C\:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar.
helpAddRow=Adicionar uma linha nova
helpCommandHistory=Mostrar o hist&oacute;rico de comandos
helpCreateTable=Criar uma tabela nova
......@@ -43,7 +42,7 @@ helpDropTable=Apagar a tabela, caso ela exista
helpExecuteCurrent=Executar o comando SQL corrente
helpImportantCommands=Comandos importantes
helpQuery=Pesquisar uma tabela
helpSampleSQL=Scripts de exemplo
helpStatements=Comandos SQL
......@@ -81,9 +80,9 @@ resultEdit.save=Gravar
toolbar.autoCommit=Auto commit
toolbar.autoComplete=Auto complete
toolbar.cancelStatement=Cancelar o comando que se encontra em execu&ccedil;&atilde;o
# Use the PropertiesToUTF8 tool to translate the files to UTF-8 and back
# Created by JInto - www.guh-software.de
# Mon Apr 10 14:14:45 CST 2006
# Author: junheng.song (sjh21 (at) hot mail (dot) com)
.translator=junheng.song (sjh21 (at) hot mail (dot) com); Created by JInto - www.guh-software.de - Mon Apr 10 2006
a.lynxNotSupported=\u62B1\u6B49, \u76EE\u524D\u8FD8\u4E0D\u652F\u6301Lynx
......@@ -34,7 +31,7 @@ helpAction=\u6D3B\u52A8
helpAddDriversText=\u53EF\u4EE5\u901A\u8FC7\u6DFB\u52A0\u7CFB\u7EDF\u73AF\u5883\u53D8\u91CFH2DRIVERS \u6216\u8005 CLASSPATH \u6765\u589E\u52A0\u6570\u636E\u5E93\u9A71\u52A8\u6CE8\u518C\u3002\u4F8B\u5982\uFF08Windows\uFF09\uFF1A\u8981\u589E\u52A0\u6570\u636E\u5E93\u9A71\u52A8C:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar\uFF0C\u53EF\u4EE5\u589E\u52A0\u7CFB\u7EDF\u73AF\u5883\u53D8\u91CFH2DRIVERS\u5E76\u8BBE\u7F6E\u5230C:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar\u3002
helpAddDriversText=\u53EF\u4EE5\u901A\u8FC7\u6DFB\u52A0\u7CFB\u7EDF\u73AF\u5883\u53D8\u91CFH2DRIVERS \u6216\u8005 CLASSPATH \u6765\u589E\u52A0\u6570\u636E\u5E93\u9A71\u52A8\u6CE8\u518C\u3002\u4F8B\u5982\uFF08Windows\uFF09\uFF1A\u8981\u589E\u52A0\u6570\u636E\u5E93\u9A71\u52A8C\:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar\uFF0C\u53EF\u4EE5\u589E\u52A0\u7CFB\u7EDF\u73AF\u5883\u53D8\u91CFH2DRIVERS\u5E76\u8BBE\u7F6E\u5230C\:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar\u3002
......@@ -82,10 +79,10 @@ resultEdit.editResult=\u7F16\u8F91\u7ED3\u679C\u96C6
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import org.h2.message.TraceSystem;
import org.h2.util.ByteUtils;
import org.h2.util.FileUtils;
import org.h2.util.RandomUtils;
import org.h2.util.SortedProperties;
* @author Thomas
......@@ -152,7 +153,7 @@ public class FileLock {
private void lockFile() throws SQLException {
method = FILE;
properties = new Properties();
properties = new SortedProperties();
byte[] bytes = RandomUtils.getSecureBytes(RANDOM_BYTES);
String random = ByteUtils.convertBytesToString(bytes);
properties.setProperty("id", Long.toHexString(System.currentTimeMillis())+random);
......@@ -206,7 +207,7 @@ public class FileLock {
private void lockSocket() throws SQLException {
method = SOCKET;
properties = new Properties();
properties = new SortedProperties();
try {
// TODO documentation: if this returns, the computer is probably not networked
ipAddress = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress();
......@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ public class FileUtils {
public static synchronized Properties loadProperties(String fileName) throws IOException {
fileName = translateFileName(fileName);
Properties prop = new Properties();
Properties prop = new SortedProperties();
File file = new File(fileName);
if(file.exists()) {
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file);
* Copyright 2004-2006 H2 Group. Licensed under the H2 License, Version 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
* Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.util;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Vector;
* Sorted properties file.
* This implementation requires that store() internally calls keys().
public class SortedProperties extends Properties {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5657650728102821923L;
public synchronized Enumeration keys() {
Vector v = new Vector(keySet());
return v.elements();
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -94,9 +94,24 @@ java -Xmx512m -Xrunhprof:cpu=samples,depth=8 org.h2.tools.RunScript -url jdbc:h2
platform independent zip: what do others write (shorter)
copyright to include 2007
how to make search work for japanese?
automated tests that simulate power off
test odbc again a few times (debug catalog creation)
CREATE TABLE first (id IDENTITY, value INT);
CREATE TABLE second (id IDENTITY, value INT);
...trigger calls INSERT INTO second VALUES(3, 4); before the first INSERT
Openfire server uses this script to setup a user permissions
on the fresh-installed server. The database is [current] HSQLDB :
......@@ -196,7 +211,7 @@ checksum marker
spell check / word list per language
SpellChecker filter files with _: don't use _ in files names except translated files.
......@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ public class CheckTextFiles {
new CheckTextFiles().run();
String[] suffixCheck = new String[]{"html", "jsp", "js", "css", "bat", "nsi", "java", "txt", "properties", "cpp", "def", "h", "rc", "dev", "sql", "xml", "csv", "Driver", "php"};
String[] suffixIgnore = new String[]{"gif", "png", "odg", "ico", "sxd", "layout", "res", "win", "dll", "jar", "task"};
String[] suffixCheck = new String[]{"html", "jsp", "js", "css", "bat", "nsi", "java", "txt", "properties", "sql", "xml", "csv", "Driver", "php"};
String[] suffixIgnore = new String[]{"gif", "png", "odg", "ico", "sxd", "layout", "res", "win", "jar", "task"};
boolean failOnError;
boolean allowTab, allowCR = true, allowTrailingSpaces = true;
int spacesPerTab = 4;
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ public class CheckTextFiles {
boolean useCRLF = true;
// must contain "+" otherwise this here counts as well
String copyrightLicense = "Copyright 2004-2006 H2 Group. "+"Licensed under the H2 License, Version 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).";
String[] suffixIgnoreLicense = new String[]{"bat", "nsi", "txt", "properties", "def", "rc", "dev", "xml", "_private.h", "java.sql.Driver", "task"};
String[] suffixIgnoreLicense = new String[]{"bat", "nsi", "txt", "properties", "xml", "java.sql.Driver", "task"};
boolean hasError;
void run() throws Exception {
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ public class CheckTextFiles {
void checkOrFixFile(File file, boolean fix, boolean checkLicense) throws Exception {
public void checkOrFixFile(File file, boolean fix, boolean checkLicense) throws Exception {
RandomAccessFile in = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r");
byte[] data = new byte[(int)file.length()];
ByteArrayOutputStream out = fix ? new ByteArrayOutputStream() : null;
......@@ -76,7 +76,10 @@ public class SpellChecker {
private void process(File file) throws IOException {
String name = file.getCanonicalPath();
if(name.endsWith(".svn") || name.indexOf("_text_") > 0) {
if(name.endsWith(".svn")) {
if(name.indexOf("_") > 0 && name.indexOf("_en") < 0) {
if(file.isDirectory()) {
package org.h2.tools.i18n;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.LineNumberReader;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.h2.tools.doc.XMLParser;
import org.h2.util.FileUtils;
import org.h2.util.IOUtils;
public class PrepareTranslation {
private static final String MAIN_LANGUAGE = "en";
private static final String DELETED_PREFIX = "~";
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String baseDir = "src/tools/org/h2/tools/i18n";
String path;
path = "src/main/org/h2/res";
prepare(baseDir, path);
path = "src/main/org/h2/server/web/res";
prepare(baseDir, path);
int todoAllowTranslateHtmlFiles;
private static void extract(String dir) throws Exception {
File[] list = new File(dir).listFiles();
HashSet set = new HashSet();
for(int i=0; i<list.length; i++) {
File f = list[i];
String name = f.getName();
if(!name.endsWith(".html")) {
name = name.substring(0, name.length() - 5);
extract(set, name, f);
private static boolean isText(String s) {
if(s.length() < 2) {
return false;
for(int i=0; i<s.length(); i++) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
if(!Character.isDigit(c) && c != '.' && c != '-' && c != '+') {
return true;
return false;
private static void extract(HashSet set, String documentName, File f) throws Exception {
String xml = IOUtils.readStringAndClose(new FileReader(f), -1);
XMLParser parser = new XMLParser(xml);
boolean translate = true;
for(int i=0;;) {
int event = parser.next();
if(event == XMLParser.END_DOCUMENT) {
} else if(event == XMLParser.CHARACTERS) {
String text = parser.getText().trim();
if(translate && !set.contains(text) && isText(text)) {
System.out.println(documentName + "_" + i++ );
} else if(event == XMLParser.START_ELEMENT) {
String name = parser.getName();
if("code".equals(name) || "pre".equals(name)) {
translate = false;
} else if(event == XMLParser.END_ELEMENT) {
translate = true;
} else if(event == XMLParser.DTD) {
} else if(event == XMLParser.COMMENT) {
} else {
int eventType = parser.getEventType();
throw new Exception("Unexpected event " + eventType + " at " + parser.getRemaining());
private static void prepare(String baseDir, String path) throws IOException {
File dir = new File(path);
File[] list = dir.listFiles();
File main = null;
ArrayList translations = new ArrayList();
for(int i=0; list != null && i<list.length; i++) {
File f = list[i];
if(f.getName().endsWith(".properties")) {
if(f.getName().endsWith("_" + MAIN_LANGUAGE + ".properties")) {
main = f;
} else {
Properties p = FileUtils.loadProperties(main.getAbsolutePath());
Properties base = FileUtils.loadProperties(baseDir + "/" + main.getName());
storeProperties(p, main.getAbsolutePath());
for(int i=0; i<translations.size(); i++) {
File trans = (File) translations.get(i);
prepare(p, base, trans);
storeProperties(p, baseDir + "/" + main.getName());
private static void prepare(Properties main, Properties base, File trans) throws IOException {
Properties p = FileUtils.loadProperties(trans.getAbsolutePath());
// add missing keys, using # and the value from the main file
Iterator it = main.keySet().iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
String key = (String) it.next();
String now = main.getProperty(key);
if(!p.containsKey(key)) {
System.out.println(trans.getName() + ": key " + key + " not found in translation file; added dummy # 'translation'");
p.put(key, "#" + now);
} else {
String last = base.getProperty(key);
if(last != null && !last.equals(now)) {
// main data changed since the last run: review translatation
System.out.println(trans.getName() + ": key " + key + " changed; last=" + last + " now=" + now);
String old = p.getProperty(key);
p.put(key, "#" + now + " #" + old);
// remove keys that don't exist in the main file (deleted or typo in the key)
it = new ArrayList(p.keySet()).iterator();
while(it.hasNext()) {
String key = (String) it.next();
if(!main.containsKey(key) && !key.startsWith(DELETED_PREFIX)) {
String newKey = key;
while(true) {
newKey = DELETED_PREFIX + newKey;
if(!p.containsKey(newKey)) {
System.out.println(trans.getName() + ": key " + key + " not found in main file; renamed to " + newKey);
p.put(newKey, p.getProperty(key));
storeProperties(p, trans.getAbsolutePath());
static void storeProperties(Properties p, String fileName) throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
p.store(out, null);
ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray());
InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(in, "ISO8859-1");
LineNumberReader r = new LineNumberReader(reader);
FileWriter w = new FileWriter(fileName);
PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(w));
while(true) {
String line = r.readLine();
if(line == null) {
if(!line.startsWith("#")) {
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* Copyright 2004-2006 H2 Group. Licensed under the H2 License, Version 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
* Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.tools.code;
package org.h2.tools.i18n;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
import org.h2.tools.code.CheckTextFiles;
import org.h2.tools.indexer.HtmlConverter;
import org.h2.util.IOUtils;
import org.h2.util.StringUtils;
.translator=Thomas Mueller
a.lynxNotSupported=Sorry, Lynx not supported yet
a.remoteConnectionsDisabled=Sorry, remote connections ('webAllowOthers') are disabled on this server.
a.title=H2 Console
a.user=User Name
admin.lastAccess=Last Access
admin.lastQuery=Last Query
adminAllow=Allowed clients
adminConnection=Connection security
adminHttp=Use unencrypted HTTP connections
adminHttps=Use encrypted SSL (HTTPS) connections
adminLocal=Only allow local connections
adminLogin=Administration Login
adminOthers=Allow connections from other computers
adminPort=Web server port number
adminRestart=Changes take effect after restarting the server.
adminSessions=Active Sessions
adminTitle=H2 Console Preferences
helpAddAnotherRow=Add another row
helpAddDrivers=Adding Database Drivers
helpAddDriversOnlyJava=Only the Java version supports additional drivers (this feature is not supported by the Native version).
helpAddDriversText=Additional database drivers can be registerd by adding the Jar file location of the driver to the the environment variables H2DRIVERS or CLASSPATH. Example (Windows)\: To add the database driver library C\:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar, set the environment variable H2DRIVERS to C\:\\Programs\\hsqldb\\lib\\hsqldb.jar.
helpAddRow=Add a new row
helpCommandHistory=Shows the Command History
helpCreateTable=Create a new table
helpDeleteRow=Remove a row
helpDisconnect=Disconnects from the database
helpDisplayThis=Displays this Help Page
helpDropTable=Delete the table if it exists
helpExecuteCurrent=Executes the current SQL statement
helpImportantCommands=Important Commands
helpQuery=Query the table
helpSampleSQL=Sample SQL Script
helpStatements=SQL statements
helpUpdate=Change data in a row
helpWithColumnsIdName=with ID and NAME columns
login.driverClass=Driver Class
login.driverNotFound=Database driver not found<br />See in the Help for how to add drivers
login.jdbcUrl=JDBC URL
login.savedSetting=Saved Settings
login.settingName=Setting Name
login.testConnection=Test Connection
login.testSuccessful=Test successful
login.welcome=H2 Console
result.1row=1 row
result.autoCommitOff=Auto commit is now OFF
result.autoCommitOn=Auto commit is now ON
result.maxrowsSet=Max rowcount is set
result.noRows=no rows
result.noRunningStatement=There is currently no running statement
result.statementWasCancelled=The statement was cancelled
result.updateCount=Update count
toolbar.autoCommit=Auto commit
toolbar.autoComplete=Auto complete
toolbar.cancelStatement=Cancel the current statement
toolbar.history=Command history
toolbar.maxRows=Max rows
toolbar.run=Run (Ctrl+Enter)
toolbar.sqlStatement=SQL statement
tree.current=Current value
tree.nonUnique=Non unique
.translator=Thomas Mueller
02000=No data is available
07001=Invalid parameter count for {0}, expected count\: {1}
08000=Error opening database
08004=Wrong user name or password
21S02=Column count does not match
22003=Numeric value out of range
22012=Division by zero\: {0}
22025=Error in LIKE ESCAPE\: {0}
23000=Check constraint violation\: {0}
23001=Unique index or primary key violation\: {0}
23002=Referential integrity constraint violation\: {0}
23003=Referential integrity constraint violation\: {0}
42000=Syntax error in SQL statement {0}
42001=Syntax error in SQL statement {0}; expected {1}
42S01=Table {0} already exists
42S02=Table {0} not found
42S11=Index {0} already exists
42S12=Index {0} not found
42S21=Duplicate column name {0}
42S22=Column {0} not found
42S32=Setting {0} not found
90000=Function {0} must return a result set
90001=Method is not allowed for a query. Use execute or executeQuery instead of executeUpdate
90002=Method is only allowed for a query. Use execute or executeUpdate instead of executeQuery
90003=Hexadecimal string with odd number of characters\: {0}
90004=Hexadecimal string contains non-hex character\: {0}
90005=Value too long for column {0}
90006=NULL not allowed for column {0}
90007=The object is already closed
90008=Invalid value {0} for parameter {1}
90009=Cannot parse date constant {0}
90010=Cannot parse time constant {0}
90011=Cannot parse timestamp constant {0}
90012=Parameter {0} is not set
90013=Database {0} not found
90014=Error parsing {0}
90015=SUM or AVG on wrong data type for {0}
90016=Column {0} must be in group by list
90017=Attempt to define a second primary key
90018=The connection was not closed by the application and is garbage collected
90019=Cannot drop the current user
90020=Database may be already in use\: {0}. Possible solutions\: close all other connection(s); use the server mode
90021=Data conversion error converting {0}
90022=Function {0} not found
90023=Column {0} must not be nullable
90024=Error while renaming file {0} to {1}
90025=Cannot delete file {0}
90026=Serialization failed
90027=Deserialization failed
90028=IO Exception\: {0}
90029=Currently not on an updatable row
90030=File corrupted while reading record\: {0}. Possible solution\: use the recovery tool
90031=IO Exception\: {0}; {1}
90032=User {0} not found
90033=User {0} already exists
90034=Log file error\: {0}
90035=Sequence {0} already exists
90036=Sequence {0} not found
90037=View {0} not found
90038=View {0} already exists
90039=The value is too large for the precision {0}
90040=Admin rights are required for this operation
90041=Trigger {0} already exists
90042=Trigger {0} not found
90043=Error creating trigger {0} object, class {1}
90044=Error executing trigger {0}, class {1}
90045=Constraint {0} already exists
90046=URL format error; must be {0} but is {1}
90047=Version mismatch, driver version is {0} but server version is {1}
90048=Unsupported database file version or invalid file header in file {0}
90049=Encryption error in file {0}
90050=Wrong password format, must be\: file password <space> user password
90051=Statement was cancelled
90052=Subquery is not a single column query
90053=Scalar subquery contains more than one row
90054=Invalid use of aggregate function {0}
90055=Unsupported cipher {0}
90056=No default value is set for column {0}
90057=Constraint {0} not found
90058=Duplicate table or table alias {0}
90059=Ambiguous column name {0}
90060=Unsupported file lock method {0}
90061=Exception opening port {0} (port may be in use)
90062=Error while creating file {0}
90063=Savepoint is invalid\: {0}
90064=Savepoint is unnamed
90065=Savepoint is named
90066=Duplicate property {0}
90067=Connection is broken
90068=Order by expression {0} must be in the result list in this case
90069=Role {0} already exists
90070=Role {0} not found
90071=User or role {0} not found
90072=Roles and rights cannot be mixed
90073=Right not found
90074=Role {0} already granted
90075=Column is part of the index {0}
90076=Function alias {0} already exists
90077=Function alias {0} not found
90078=Schema {0} already exists
90079=Schema {0} not found
90080=Schema name must match
90081=Column {0} contains null values
90082=Sequence {0} belongs to a table
90083=Column may be referenced by {0}
90084=Cannot drop last column {0}
90085=Index {0} belongs to a constraint
90086=Class {0} not found
90087=Method {0} not found
90088=Unknown mode {0}
90089=Collation cannot be changed because there is a data table {0}
90090=Schema {0} cannot be dropped
90091=Role {0} cannot be dropped
90092=This Java version is not supported (Java 1.4 is required)
90093=Clustering error - database currently runs in standalone mode
90094=Clustering error - database currently runs in cluster mode, server list\: {0}
90095=String format error\: {0}
90096=Not enough rights for object {0}
90097=The database is read only
90098=The database has been closed
90099=Error setting database event listener {0}
90100=No disk space available
90101=Wrong XID format\: {0}
90102=Unsupported compression options\: {0}
90103=Unsupported compression algorithm\: {0}
90104=Compression error
90105=Exception calling user defined function
90106=Cannot truncate {0}
90107=Cannot drop {0} because {1} depends on it
90108=Stack overflow (recursive query or function?)
90109=View {0} is invalid\: {1}
90110={0} out of range
90111=Error accessing linked table with SQL statement {0}
90112=Row not found when trying to delete from index {0}
90113=Unsupported connection setting {0}
90114=Constant {0} already exists
90115=Constant {0} not found
90116=Literals of this kind are not allowed
90117=Remote connections to this server are not allowed, see -tcpAllowOthers
90118=Cannot drop table {0}
90119=User data type {0} already exists
90120=User data type {0} not found
90121=Database called at VM shutdown; add ";DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT\=FALSE" to the db URL to disable automatic database closing
90122=Operation not supported for table {0} when there are views on the table\: {1}
90123=Cannot mix indexed and non-indexed parameters
90124=File not found\: {0}
90125=Invalid class, expected {0} but got {1}
90126=Database is not persistent
90127=The result set is not updatable. The query must select all columns from a unique key. Only one table may be selected.
90128=The result set is not scrollable and can not be reset. You may need to use conn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY).
HY000=General error\: {0}
HY004=Unknown data type\: {0}
HYC00=Feature not supported
HYT00=Timeout trying to lock table {0}
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