提交 a592de0f authored 作者: Xavier Bouclet's avatar Xavier Bouclet

Adding 90123, 90134, 90143...

上级 48135d87
......@@ -119,39 +119,39 @@
90085=Index {0} belongs to constraint {1}
90086=Classe {0} non trouvée
90087=Methode {0} non trouvée
90088=Unknown mode {0}
90088=Mode inconnu {0}
90089=Collation cannot be changed because there is a data table: {0}
90090=Le schéma {0} ne peut pas être supprimé
90091=Le rôle {0} ne peut pas être supprimé
90093=Clustering error - database currently runs in standalone mode
90094=Clustering error - database currently runs in cluster mode, server list: {0}
90095=String format error: {0}
90096=Not enough rights for object {0}
90095=Erreur de format de chaîne: {0}
90096=Pas assez de droit pour l'objet {0}
90097=La base de données est en lecture seule
90098=La base de données a été fermée
90099=Error setting database event listener {0}, cause: {1}
90101=Wrong XID format: {0}
90102=Unsupported compression options: {0}
90103=Unsupported compression algorithm: {0}
90104=Compression error
90101=Mauvais format XID: {0}
90102=Options de compression non supportées: {0}
90103=Algorithme de conpression non supporté: {0}
90104=Erreur de compression
90105=Exception calling user-defined function: {0}
90106=Cannot truncate {0}
90106=Impossible de tronquer {0}
90107=Cannot drop {0} because {1} depends on it
90108=Mémoire insuffisante.
90109=La vue {0} est invalide: {1}
90111=Error accessing linked table with SQL statement {0}, cause: {1}
90112=Row not found when trying to delete from index {0}
90113=Unsupported connection setting {0}
90114=Constant {0} already exists
90115=Constant {0} not found
90114=La constante {0} existe déjà
90115=Constante {0} non trouvée
90116=Literals of this kind are not allowed
90117=Remote connections to this server are not allowed, see -tcpAllowOthers
90117=Les connexions à distance à ce serveur ne sont pas autorisées, voir -tcpAllowOthers
90118=Impossible de supprimer la table {0}
90119=User data type {0} already exists
90120=User data type {0} not found
90121=Database is already closed (to disable automatic closing at VM shutdown, add ";DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=FALSE" to the db URL)
90122=Operation not supported for table {0} when there are views on the table: {1}
90123=Cannot mix indexed and non-indexed parameters
90123=Impossible de mélanger des paramètres indexés et non-indexés
90124=Fichier non trouvé: {0}
90125=Invalid class, expected {0} but got {1}
90126=Database is not persistent
......@@ -162,16 +162,16 @@
90131=Concurrent update in table {0}: another transaction has updated or deleted the same row
90132=Aggregate {0} not found
90133=Cannot change the setting {0} when the database is already open
90134=Access to the class {0} is denied
90134=L'accès à la classe {0} est interdit
90135=The database is open in exclusive mode; can not open additional connections
90136=Unsupported outer join condition: {0}
90137=Can only assign to a variable, not to: {0}
90138=Nom de la base de données invalide: {0}
90139=The public static Java method was not found: {0}
90139=La méthode Java public static n'a pas été trouvée: {0}
90140=The result set is readonly. You may need to use conn.createStatement(.., ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE).
90141=Serializer cannot be changed because there is a data table: {0}
90142=Step size must not be zero
90143=#Row {1} not found in primary index {0}
90143=#Ligne {1} non trouvée dans l'index principal {0}
HY000=Erreur générale: {0}
HY004=Type de données inconnu: {0}
HYC00=Fonctionnalité non supportée: {0}
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