提交 adf661ad authored 作者: Thomas Mueller's avatar Thomas Mueller

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--no commit message
上级 6a53cfa5
......@@ -486,6 +486,9 @@ You will be able to change the connection properties:
<tr><td>Password</td><td>sa</td><td>The database password.</td></tr>
To improve performance, please enable 'server side prepare' under Options / Datasource / Page 2 / Server side prepare.
Afterwards, you may use this data source.
......@@ -18,7 +18,14 @@ Change Log
<h1>Change Log</h1>
<h2>Next Version (unreleased)</h2>
<ul><li>The database now tries to detect if the classloader or virtual machine has
almost shut down by checking if static final variables are set to null.
</li><li>Compatibility for MS SQL Server DATEDIFF(YYYY, .., ..)
</li><li>ResultSet.getObject for CLOB or BLOB will return a java.sql.Clob / java.sql.Blob object instead of
a java.io.Reader / java.io.InputStream as in version 1.0. This behavior can be changed using the system
property h2.returnLobObjects (true by default for version 1.1).
</li><li>The interface CloseListener has a new method 'remove' that is called when the trigger is dropped.
</li><li>Fulltext search: there was a memory leak when creating and dropping fulltext indexes in a loop.
<h2>Version 1.1.103 (2008-11-07)</h2>
......@@ -385,6 +385,7 @@ Of course, patches are always welcome, but are not always applied as is. Patches
</li><li>ANALYZE: For unique indexes that allow null, count the number of null.
</li><li>AUTO_SERVER: support changing IP addresses (disable a network while the database is open).
</li><li>Avoid using java.util.Calendar internally because it's slow, complicated, and seems to be buggy.
</li><li>Support TRUNCATE .. CASCADE like PostgreSQL.
<h2>Not Planned</h2>
......@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ Tutorial
<a href="#tutorial_starting_h2_console">
Starting and Using the H2 Console</a><br />
<a href="#console_settings">
Settings of the H2 Console</a><br />
<a href="#connecting_using_jdbc">
Connecting to a Database using JDBC</a><br />
<a href="#creating_new_databases">
......@@ -170,13 +172,6 @@ Multiple concurrent browser sessions are supported. As that the database objects
the amount of concurrent work is limited by the memory available to the server application.
<h3>Application Properties</h3>
Starting the server will create a configuration file in you local home directory called <code>.h2.server.properties</code>.
For Windows installations, this file will be in the directory <code>C:\Documents and Settings\[username]</code>.
This file contains the settings of the application.
At the login page, you need to provide connection information to connect to a database.
......@@ -229,6 +224,15 @@ If you don't have the icon (because you started it in another way),
press [Ctrl]+[C] on the console where the server was started (Windows),
or close the console window.
<br /><a name="console_settings"></a>
<h2>Settings of the H2 Console</h2>
The settings of the H2 Console are stored in a configuration file
called <code>.h2.server.properties</code> in you user home directory.
For Windows installations, the user home directory is usually <code>C:\Documents and Settings\[username]</code>.
The configuration file contains the settings of the application and is automatically created when the H2 Console is first started.
<br /><a name="connecting_using_jdbc"></a>
<h2>Connecting to a Database using JDBC</h2>
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......@@ -1127,963 +1127,975 @@ Change Log
Next Version (unreleased)
The database now tries to detect if the classloader or virtual machine has almost shut down by checking if static final variables are set to null.
Version 1.1.103 (2008-11-07)
Compatibility for MS SQL Server DATEDIFF(YYYY, .., ..)
Could not order by a formula when the formula was in the group by list but not in the select list.
ResultSet.getObject for CLOB or BLOB will return a java.sql.Clob / java.sql.Blob object instead of a java.io.Reader / java.io.InputStream as in version 1.0. This behavior can be changed using the system property h2.returnLobObjects (true by default for version 1.1).
Date values that match the daylight saving time end were not allowed in times zones were the daylight saving time ends at midnight, for years larger than 2037. Example: timezone Brasilia, date 2042-10-12. This is a problem of Java, however a workaround is implemented in H2 that solves most problems (except the problems of java.util.Date itself).
The interface CloseListener has a new method 'remove' that is called when the trigger is dropped.
Fulltext search: there was a memory leak when creating and dropping fulltext indexes in a loop.
Version 1.1.103 (2008-11-07)
Could not order by a formula when the formula was in the group by list but not in the select list.
Date values that match the daylight saving time end were not allowed in times zones were the daylight saving time ends at midnight, for years larger than 2037. Example: timezone Brasilia, date 2042-10-12. This is a problem of Java, however a workaround is implemented in H2 that solves most problems (except the problems of java.util.Date itself).
ALTER TABLE used a lot of memory when using multi-version concurrency.
Referential integrity for in-memory databases didn't work in some cases in version 1.1.102.
New column INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS.SEQUENCE_NAME to get the name of the sequence for auto-increment columns.
Aliases for built-in data types (such as MEDIUMBLOB which is an alias for BLOB) can now be re-mapped to another data type using CREATE DOMAIN. However main built-in data types (such as INTEGER) can not be re-mapped.
The Japanese translation has been completed by Masahiro Ikemoto. Thanks a lot!
Improved PostgreSQL compatibility for NEXTVAL and CURRVAL.
Less heap memory is needed when multiple databases are open at the same time: The memory reserve (used to rollback after out of memory) is now global and no longer allocated for each database separately.
New system property h2.browser to set the browser to use.
To start the browser, java.awt.Desktop.browse is now used if available.
Version 1.1.102 (2008-10-24)
The French translation of the H2 Console has been improved by Olivier Parent. Thanks a lot!
There was a memory leak when creating and dropping tables and indexes in a loop (persistent database only).
SET LOG 2 was not effective if executed after opening the database.
Translating the H2 Console is now simpler.
Common exception (error code 23*) are no longer written to the .trace.db file by default.
In-memory databases don't write LOBs to files any longer.
Self referencing constraints didn't restrict deleting rows that reference itself if there is another row that references it.
ResultSetMetaData.getColumnName now returns the alias name except for columns.
Temporary files are now deleted when the database is closed, even if they were not garbage collected so far.
Version 1.1.101 (2008-10-17)
Errors with code 42000 - 42999 are no longer written to the trace file by default.
Queries with more than 10 tables are now faster.
Opening a connection with AUTO_SERVER=TRUE is now fast when the database is already open in another process (less than 0.01 seconds instead of 2 seconds).
IF [NOT] EXISTS is supported for named constraints in ALTER TABLE ... ADD/DROP CONSTRAINT.
The error messages have been translated to Spanish by Dario V. Fassi. Thanks a lot!
Linked tables: the automatic connection sharing didn't work. Actually the system property h2.shareLinkedConnections was working in the opposite direction: it was disabled when set to true. Now it works as expected.
Opening large database is now faster.
New system property h2.socketConnectTimeout, the timeout in milliseconds to connect to a server. The default is 2000 (2 seconds).
The wrong parameters were bound to subqueries with parameters, specially when using IN(SELECT ...) and IN(...).
Unset parameters were not detected when the query was re-compiled.
New functions ISO_YEAR, ISO_WEEK, ISO_DAY_OF_WEEK. Thanks a lot to Robert Rathsack for implementing those!
The date functions DAYOFYEAR, DAYOFMONTH, DAYOFWEEK are now called DAY_OF_YEAR, DAY_OF_MONTH, DAY_OF_WEEK (the old names still work).
An out of memory error while deleting or updating many rows could result in a strange exception.
Linked tables: compatibility with MS SQL Server has been improved.
Renaming tables that have foreign keys with cascade didn't work correctly.
The auto-reconnect feature didn't work when using the auto-server mode. Fixed.
Fulltext search: new method FT_DROP_INDEX.
The optimization to group using an index didn't work in some cases in version 1.1 (see also system property h2.optimizeGroupSorted).
OSGi meta data is included in the manifest file. An OSGi BundleActivator is included: it loads the database driver when starting the bundle, and unloads it when stopping the bundle.
The default value for MAX_MEMORY_UNDO is now 50000.
For alias columns, ResultSetMetaData.getTableName() and getColumnName() now return the real table and column name in the default mode.
In SQL scripts created with SCRIPT TO, schemas are now only created if they don't exist yet.
After re-connecting to a database, the database event listener (if set) is informed about it.
Local temporary tables now support indexes. Thanks a lot to Matt Roy!
RUNSCRIPT no longer uses a temporary file.
New system table INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SESSION_STATE containing the SQL statements that make up the session state. The list currently contains variables (SET @..) and local temporary tables (without data).
After an automatic re-connect, part of the session state stays (the part that is stored in the SESSION_STATE table).
The build didn't work if the directory temp didn't exist before.
New system property h2.maxReconnect (default 3) to limit the number of re-connects for the same SQL statement (this is usually only important for SHUTDOWN).
WHERE .. IN (SELECT ...) could throw a NullPointerException.
Improved Glassfish / Toplink support in H2Platform thanks to Marcio Borges from Brazil. Thanks a lot!
Version 1.1.100 (2008-10-04)
In version 1.1, the following system properties are now enabled by default: h2.lobFilesInDirectories, h2.optimizeGroupSorted, h2.optimizeInJoin, h2.shareLinkedConnections
The H2 Console tool now works with the JDBC-ODBC bridge.
The H2 Console tool now supports command line options to start things separately.
Large objects did not work for in-memory databases in server mode in Linux.
Connections from a local address other than 'localhost' were not allowed if remote connections were disabled. This was always a problem, but only got visible in the last release because the server no longer connects to 'localhost' if networked.
The h2console.war can now be built using the Java build.
By default, databases are shared in the same process. For read-only databases this causes unnecessary synchronization, but safes memory. If you want that each connection opens its own database, append ;OPEN_NEW=TRUE to the database URL.
New auto-reconnect feature will cause the JDBC driver to reconnect to the database if the connection is lost. To enable, append ;AUTO_RECONNECT=TRUE to the database URL. This is specially helpful when using AUTO_SERVER. AUTO_SERVER automatically uses auto-reconnect.
CreateCluster: the property 'serverlist' is now called 'serverList'.
The ConvertTraceFile tool could not parse some files because the trace mechanism did not encode prepared statement parameters.
Databases names can now be one character long (the minimum size used to be 2 characters).
Version 1.0.79 (2008-09-26)
Linked tables that point to the same database can now share the connection within the same database. Access to the same connection is serialized. To enable this feature, set the system property h2.shareLinkedConnections to true.
Multiple processes can now access the same database without having to explicitly start the server. To do that, append ;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE to the database URL. In this case, the server is started automatically if the connection is in embedded mode, and the server mode is used if a server is running. If the process that opened the first connection is closed, the other client need to reconnect (there is no automatic re-connect so far). Remote connections are allowed, but only to this database.
The server tool now displays the correct IP address if networked.
Can now start a TCP server with port 0 (automatically select a port).
Result sets with just a unique index can now be updated (previously a primary key was required).
LINKED TABLE: the schema name can now be set. When multiple tables exist in different schema, and the schema name is not set, an exception is thrown.
LINKED TABLE: worked around a bug in Oracle with the CHAR data type.
Faster hash code calculation for large binary arrays.
Faster storage re-use algorithm thanks to Greg Dhuse from cleversafe.com.
The database supports the SHOW command for better MySQL and PostgreSQL compatibility.
The H2 Console now abbreviates large texts in results.
Multiple UNION queries could not be used in derived tables.
Linked tables can now be read-only.
Temporary linked tables are now supported.
It was possible to create tables in read-only databases.
SET SCHEMA_SEARCH_PATH is now documented.
SET SCHEMA did not work for views.
Row level locking for MVCC is now enabled. The exception 'Concurrent update in table ...' is still thrown, but only after the lock timeout.
The maximum log file size setting was ignored for large databases.
Multi-Version Concurrency (MVCC) may no longer be used when using the multi-threaded kernel feature (MULTI_THREADED). An exception is thrown when trying to connect with both settings. Additional synchronization is required before those features can be used together.
The data type JAVA_OBJECT could not be used in updatable result sets.
The system property h2.optimizeInJoin did not work correctly.
Conditions such as ID=? AND ID>? were slow.
Version 1.0.78 (2008-08-28)
The documentation no longer uses a frameset (except the Javadocs).
When using DB_CLOSE_DELAY, sometimes a NullPointerException is thrown when the database is opened almost at the same time as it is closed automatically. Thanks a lot to Dmitry Pekar for finding this!
Java methods with variable number of parameters can now be used (for Java 1.5 or newer).
The Japanese translation has been improved by Masahiro Ikemoto. Thanks a lot!
The H2 Console replaced an empty user name with a single space.
The build target 'build jarSmall' now includes the embedded database.
JdbcDataSource now keeps the password in a char array where possible.
ResultSet.absolute did not always work with large result sets.
Column aliases can now be used in GROUP BY and HAVING.
Jason Brittain has contributed MySQL date functions. Thanks a lot! They are not in the h2.jar file currently, but in src/tools/org/h2/mode/FunctionsMySQL.java. To install, add this class to the classpath and call FunctionsMySQL.register(conn) in the Java code.
Version 1.0.77 (2008-08-16)
JaQu is now using prepared statements and supports Date, Time, Timestamp.
When using remote in-memory databases, large LOB objects did not work.
Timestamp columns such as TIMESTAMP(6) were not compatible to other database.
Opening a large database was slow if there was a problem opening the previous time.
NOT IN(SELECT ...) was incorrect if the subquery returns no rows.
CREATE TABLE AS SELECT did not work correctly in the multi-version concurrency mode.
Support a comma before closing a list, as in: create table test(id int,)
MySQL compatibility: linked tables had lower case column names on some systems.
DB2 compatibility: the DB2 fetch-first-clause is supported.
Oracle compatibility: old style outer join syntax using (+) did work correctly sometimes.
ResultSet.setFetchSize is now supported.
It has been reported that when using Install4j on some Linux systems and enabling the 'pack200' option, the h2.jar becomes corrupted by the install process, causing application failure. A workaround is to add an empty file h2.jar.nopack next to the h2.jar file. The reason for this problem is not known.
Version 1.0.76 (2008-07-27)
The comment of a domain (user defined data type) is now used as the default column comment when creating a column with this domain.
Invalid database names are now detected and a better error message is thrown.
ResultSetMetaData.getColumnClassName now returns the correct class name for BLOB and CLOB.
Fixed the Oracle mode: Oracle allows multiple rows only where all columns of the unique index are NULL.
There is a problem with Hibernate when using Boolean columns. A patch for Hibernate has been submitted at http://opensource.atlassian.com/projects/hibernate/browse/HHH-3401
ORDER BY on tableName.columnName didn't work correctly if the column name was also used as an alias.
H2 Console: The progress display when opening a database has been improved.
The error message when the server doesn't start has been improved.
Key values can now be changed in updatable result sets.
Changes in updatable result sets are now visible even when resetting the result set.
Temporary files were sometimes deleted too late when executing large insert, update, or delete operations.
The database file was growing after deleting many rows, and after large update operations.
Version 1.0.75 (2008-07-14)
Multi version concurrency (MVCC): when a row was updated or deleted, but this change was rolled back, the row was not visible by other sessions if no index was used to access it. Fixed.
Views with multiple joined tables (where one was an outer join) couldn't be used in some cases. Fixed.
The CSVREAD method did not process NULL correctly when using a whitespace field separator.
Fixed the Oracle mode: Oracle allows multiple rows with NULL in a unique index.
Running out of memory could result in incomplete transactions or corrupted databases. Fixed.
When using order by in a query that uses the same table multiple times, the order could be incorrect. Fixed.
Referential constraint checking improvement: now the constraint is only checked if the key column values change.
Some database metadata calls returned the wrong data type for DATA_TYPE columns.
The Lucene fulltext index was empty when opening a database with fulltext index enabled, and re-indexing it didn't work. Fixed.
The character '$' could not be used in identifier names (table name, column names and so on). Fixed.
The new method org.h2.tools.Server.startWebServer(conn) starts the H2 Console to inspect a database while debugging.
Stopping a WebServer didn't always work. Fixed.
Version 1.0.74 (2008-06-21)
Work on row level locking has been started (but there is nothing usable yet).
JaQu (Java Query), a tool similar to LINQ (Language Integrated Query; from Microsoft) is now included under src/tools/org/h2/jaqu. A small sample application is included under src/test/org/h2/test/jaqu.
The source code is now switched to Java 1.6 by default. To switch back to Java 1.4, run 'build compile'. The h2.jar file is still Java 1.4.
The ChangePassword tool is now called ChangeFileEncryption.
It is no longer allowed to create columns with the data type NULL. Also, it is no longer allowed to convert a column to the data type NULL. This was possible before but caused data loss.
When using computed columns or default values with a different data type than the column data type, a class cast exception could occur. Fixed.
Opening databases larger than 1 GB was sometimes very slow if a lot of data was deleted previously. Fixed.
RUNSCRIPT could throw a NullPointerException if the script name was an expression.
Improved compatibility. New compatibility modes for Oracle and Derby. New compatibility flag uniqueIndexNullDistinct to only allow one row with 'NULL' in a unique index. This flag is enabled for Derby, Oracle, MSSQLServer, and HSQLDB.
Linked tables: To view the statements that are executed against the target table, set the trace level to 3.
RunScript tool: new options to show and check the results of queries.
Deadlocks are now detected. One transaction is rolled back automatically.
The Lucene fulltext index was always re-created when opening a database with fulltext index enabled.
Support for overloaded Java methods. A user defined function can now be bound to multiple Java methods, if the Java methods have the same name but a different number of parameters. Thanks to Gary Tong for providing a patch!
Version 1.0.73 (2008-05-31)
ParameterMetaData now returns the right data type for most conditions, as in WHERE ID=?.
The table SYSTEM_RANGE now supports expressions and parameters.
New column INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CONSTRAINTS.UNIQUE_INDEX_NAME that contains the name of the unique index used to enforce this constraint, if there is such an index.
SET QUERY_TIMEOUT and Statement.setQueryTimeout no longer commits a transaction. The same applies to SET @VARIABLE, SET LOCK_TIMEOUT, SET TRACE_LEVEL_*, SET THROTTLE, and SET PATH.
The SCRIPT command does now emit IF NOT EXISTS for CREATE ROLE.
MySQL compatibility: auto_increment column are no longer automatically converted to primary key columns.
PostgreSQL compatibility: support for BOOL_OR and BOOL_AND aggregate functions.
Negative scale values for DECIMAL or NUMBER columns are now supported in regular tables and in linked tables.
A role or right can now be granted or revoked multiple times without getting an exception.
Infinite numbers in SQL scripts are listed as POWER(0, -1)), negative infinite as (-POWER(0, -1)), and NaN (not a number) as SQRT(-1).
The special double and float values 'NaN' (not a number) did not work correctly when sorting or comparing.
The fulltext search did not support CLOB data types.
If the drive with the database files was disconnected or unmounted while writing, sometimes a stack overflow exception was thrown instead of a IO exception.
The H2 Console could not be shut down from within the tool if the browser supports keepAlive (most browsers do).
If the password was passed as a char array, it was kept in an internal buffer longer than required. Theoretically the password could have been stolen if the main memory was swapped to disk before the garbage collection was run.
Version 1.0.72 (2008-05-10)
Some databases could not be opened when appending ;RECOVER=1 to the database URL.
The Japanese translation of the error messages and the H2 Console has been completed by Masahiro Ikemoto (Arizona Design Inc.)
Updates made to updatable rows are now visible within the same result set. DatabaseMetaData.ownUpdatesAreVisible now returns true.
ParameterMetaData now returns the correct data for INSERT and UPDATE statements.
H2 Shell: DESCRIBE now supports an schema name.
A subset of the PostgreSQL 'dollar quoting' feature is now supported.
SLF4J is now supported by using adding TRACE_LEVEL_FILE=4 to the database URL.
The recovery tool did not work if the table name contained spaces or if there was a comment on the table.
Triggers are no longer executed when changing the table structure (ALTER TABLE).
When setting BLOB or CLOB values larger than 65 KB using a remote connection, temporary files were kept on the client longer than required (until the connection was closed or the object is garbage collected). Now they are removed as soon as the PreparedStatement is closed, or when the value is overwritten.
Statements can now be canceled remotely (when using remote connections).
The Shell tool now uses java.io.Console to read the password when using JDK 1.6
When using read-only databases and setting LOG=2, an exception was written to the trace file when closing the database. Fixed.
Version 1.0.71 (2008-04-25)
H2 is now dual-licensed under the Eclipse Public License (EPL) and the old 'H2 License' (which is basically MPL).
Sometimes an exception 'File ID mismatch' or 'try to add a record twice' occurred after large records (8 KB or larger) are updated or deleted. See also http://code.google.com/p/h2database/issues/detail?id=22
H2 Console: The tools can now be translated (it didn't work in the last release).
New traditional Chinese translation. Thanks a lot to Derek Chao!
Indexes were not used when enabling the optimization for IN(SELECT...) (system property h2.optimizeInJoin).
Version 1.0.70 (2008-04-20)
The plan is to dual-license H2. The additional license is EPL (Eclipse Public License). The current license (MPL, Mozilla Public License) will stay. Current users are not affected because they can keep MPL. EPL is very similar to MPL, the only bigger difference is related to patents (EPL is a bit more business friendly in this regard). See also http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php, http://www.eclipse.org/legal/eplfaq.php (FAQ), http://blogs.zdnet.com/Burnette/?p=131
Multi version concurrency (MVCC): when a row was updated, and the updated column was not indexed, this update was visible sometimes for other sessions even if it was not committed.
Calling SHUTDOWN on one connection and starting a query on another connection concurrently could result in a Java level deadlock.
New system property h2.enableAnonymousSSL (default: true) to enable anonymous SSL connections.
The precision if SUBSTR is now calculated if possible.
The autocomplete in the H2 Console has been improved a bit.
The tools in the H2 Console are now translatable.
The servlet and lucene jar files are now automatically downloaded when building.
The code switch tool has been replaced by a simpler tool called SwitchSource that just uses find and replace.
Started to write a Ant replacement ('JAnt') that uses pure Java build definitions. Advantages: ability to debug the build, extensible, flexible, no XML, a bit faster. Future plan: support creating custom h2 distributions (for embedded use). Maybe create a new project 'Jant' or 'Javen' if other people are interested.
The jar file is now about 10% smaller because the variable debugging info is no longer included. The source file and line number debugging info is still included. If required, the jar file size of the full version can be further reduced to about 720 KB using 'build jarSmall' or even more by removing unneeded components.
Added shell scripts run.sh and build.sh. chmod +x is required, but otherwise it should work. Feedback or improvements are welcome!
Databases in zip files: large queries are now supported. Temp files are created in the temp directory if required. The documentation how to create the zip file has been corrected.
Invalid inline views threw confusing SQL exceptions.
The Japanese translation of the error messages and the H2 Console has been improved. Thanks a lot to Masahiro IKEMOTO.
Optimization for MIN() and MAX() when using MVCC.
To protect against remote brute force password attacks, the delay after each unsuccessful login now gets double as long. New system properties h2.delayWrongPasswordMin and h2.delayWrongPasswordMax.
After setting the query timeout and then resetting it, the next query would still timeout. Fixed.
Adding a IDENTITY column to a table with data threw a lock timeout.
OutOfMemoryError could occur when using EXISTS or IN(SELECT ..).
The built-in connection pool is not called JdbcConnectionPool. The API and documentation has been changed.
The ConvertTraceFile tool now generates SQL statement statistics at the end of the SQL script file (similar to the profiling data generated when using java -Xrunhprof).
Nested joins are now supported (A JOIN B JOIN C ON .. ON ..)
Version 1.0.69 (2008-03-29)
Most command line tools can now be called from within the H2 Console.
A new Shell tools is now included (org.h2.tools.Shell) to query a database from the command line.
The command line options in the tools have changed: instead of '-log true' now '-trace' is used. Also, '-ifExists', '-tcpSSL' and '-tcpAllowOthers' and so on have changed: now the 'true' is no longer needed. The old behavior is still supported.
New system property h2.sortNullsHigh to invert the default sorting behavior for NULL. The default didn't change.
Performance was very slow when using LOG=2 and deleting or updating all rows of a table in a loop. Fixed.
ALTER TABLE or CREATE TABLE now support parameters for the password field.
The linear hash has been removed. It was always slower than the b-tree index, and there were some bugs that would be hard to fix.
TRACE_LEVEL_ settings are no longer persistent. This was a problem when database initialization code caused a lot of trace output.
Fulltext search (native implementation): The words table is no longer an in-memory table because this caused memory problems in some cases.
It was possible to create a role with the name as an existing user (but not vice versa). This is not allowed any more.
The recovery tool didn't work correctly for tables without rows.
For years below 1, the YEAR method didn't return the correct value, and the conversion from date and timestamp to varchar was incorrect.
CSVWRITE caused a NullPointerException when not specifying a nullString.
When a log file switch occurred just after a truncate table or drop table statement, the database could not be started normally (RECOVER=1 was required). Fixed.
When a log file switch occurred in the middle of a sequence flush (sequences are only flushed every 32 values by default), the sequence value was lost. Fixed.
Altering a sequence didn't unlock the system table when autocommit switched off.
Version 1.0.68 (2008-03-18)
Very large SELECT DISTINCT and UNION EXCEPT queries are now supported, however this feature is disabled by default. To enable it, set the system property h2.maxMemoryRowsDistinct to a lower value, for example 10000.
A error is now thrown when trying to call a method inside a trigger that implicitly commits the current transaction, if an object is locked.
Unused LOB files were deleted much too late. Now they are deleted if no longer referenced in memory.
ALTER SEQUENCE and ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN RESTART can now be used inside a transaction.
New system property h2.aliasColumnName. When enabled, aliased columns (as in SELECT ID AS I FROM TEST) return the real table and column name in ResultSetMetaData.getTableName() and getColumnName(). This is disabled by default for compatibility with other databases (HSQLDB, Apache Derby, PostgreSQL, some version of MySQL). In version 1.1 this setting will be enabled.
When using encrypted databases, and using the wrong file password, the log file was renamed if the database was not already open. Fixed.
Improved performance when using lob files in directories (however this is still disabled by default)
H2 Console: autocomplete didn't work with very large scripts. Fixed.
Fulltext search: new method SEARCH_DATA that returns the column names and primary keys as arrays.
New experimental optimization for GROUP BY queries if an index can be used that matches the group by columns. To enable this optimization, set the system property h2.optimizeGroupSorted to true.
When using multi-version concurrency (MVCC=TRUE), duplicate rows could appear in the result set when running queries with uncommitted changes in the same session.
H2 Console: remote connections were very slow because getHostName/getRemoteHost was used. Fixed (now using getHostAddress/getRemoteAddr.
H2 Console: on Linux, Firefox, Konqueror, or Opera (in this order) are now started if available. This has been tested on Ubuntu.
H2 Console: the start window works better with IKVM
H2 Console: improved compatibility with Safari (Safari requires keep-alive)
Random: the process didn't stop if generating the random seed using the standard way (SecureRandom.generateSeed) was very slow. Now using a daemon thread to avoid this problem.
SELECT UNION with a different number of ORDER BY columns did throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.
When using a view, the column precision was changed to the default scale for some data types.
CSVWRITE now supports a 'null string' that is used for parsing and writing NULL.
Some long running queries could not be canceled.
Queries with many outer join tables were very slow. Fixed.
The performance of text comparison has been improved when using locale sensitive string comparison (SET COLLATOR). Now CollationKey is used with a LRU cache. The default cache size is 10000, and can be changed using the system property h2.collatorCacheSize. Use 0 to disable the cache.
UPDATE SET column=DEFAULT is now supported.
Version 1.0.67 (2008-02-22)
New function FILE_READ to read a file or from an URL. Both binary and text data is supported.
CREATE TABLE AS SELECT now supports specifying the column list and data types.
Connecting to a TCP server and at shutting it down at the same time could cause a Java level deadlock.
A user now has all rights on his own local temporary tables.
The CSV tool now supports a custom lineSeparator.
When using multiple connections, empty space was reused too early sometimes. This could corrupt the database when recovering.
The H2 Console has been translated to Dutch. Thanks a lot to Remco Schoen!
Databases can now be opened even if trigger classes are not in the classpath. The exception is thrown when trying to fire the trigger.
Opening databases with ACCESS_MODE_DATA=r is now supported. In this case the database is read-only, but the files don't not need to be read-only.
Security: The database now waits 200 ms before throwing an exception if the user name or password don't match, to slow down dictionary attacks.
The value cache is now a soft reference cache. This should help save memory.
CREATE INDEX on a table with many rows could run out of memory. Fixed.
Large result sets are now a bit faster.
ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN RESTART and ALTER SEQUENCE now support parameters (any expressions).
When setting the base directory on the command line, the user directory prefix ('~') was ignored.
The DbStarter servlet didn't start the TCP listener even if configured.
Statement.setQueryTimeout() is now supported.
New session setting QUERY_TIMEOUT, and new system property h2.maxQueryTimeout.
Changing the transaction log level (SET LOG) is now written to the trace file by default.
In a SQL script, primary key constraints are now ordered before foreign key constraints.
It was not possible to create a referential constraint to a table in a different schema in some situations.
The H2 Console was slow when the database contains many tables. Now the column names are not shown in this case.
Version 1.0.66 (2008-02-02)
There is a new online error analyzer tool.
H2 Console: stack traces are now links to the source code in the source repository (H2 database only).
CHAR data type equals comparison was case insensitive instead of case sensitive.
The exception 'Value too long for column' now includes the data.
The table name was missing in the documentation of CREATE INDEX.
Better support for IKVM (www.ikvm.net): the H2 Console now opens a browser window.
The cache size was not correctly calculated for tables with large objects (specially if compression is used). This could lead to out-of-memory exceptions.
The exception "Hexadecimal string contains non-hex character" was not always thrown when it should have been. Fixed.
The H2 Console now provides a link to the documentation when an error occurs (H2 databases only so far).
The acting as PostgreSQL server, when a base directory was set, and the H2 Console was started as well, the base directory was applied twice.
Calling EXTRACT(HOUR FROM ...) or EXTRACT(HH FROM ...) returned the wrong values (0 to 11 instead of 0 to 23). All other tested databases return values from 0 to 23. Please check if your application relies on the old behavior before upgrading.
For compatibility with other databases the column default (COLUMN_DEF) for columns without default is now null (it was an empty string).
Statements that contain very large subqueries (where the subquery result does not fit in memory) are now faster.
Variables: large objects (CLOB and BLOB) that don't fit in memory did not work correctly when used as variables.
Fulltext search is now supported in named in-memory databases.
H2 Console: multiple consecutive spaces in the setting name did not work. Fixed.
Version 1.0.65 (2008-01-18)
The build (ant) now automatically switches the source code to the correct version (JDK 1.4/1.5 or 1.6).
A recovery bug has been fixed. With older versions, it was necessary to add ;RECOVER=1 to the database URL in cases where it should not have been required.
The performance for DROP and DROP ALL OBJECTS has been improved.
The ChangePassword API has been improved.
User defined variables are now supported. Examples: SET @VAR=10;CALL @VAR. This can be used for running totals as in: select x, set(@t, ifnull(@t, 0) + x) from system_range(1, 10)
The Ukrainian translation has been improved.
CALL statements can now be used in batch updates and called using Statement.executeUpdate.
New read-only setting CREATE_BUILD (the build number of the database engine that created the database).
The optimizer did not use multi column indexes for range queries in some cases. Fixed.
The H2 Console now calls DataSource.getConnection() instead of DataSource.getConnection(user, password) when user name and password are not specified.
The bind IP address can now be set when using multi-homed host (if multiple network adapters are available) using the system property h2.bindAddress.
Batch update: Calling BatchUpdateException.printStackTrace() could result in out of memory. Fixed.
Indexes of unique or foreign constraints where not dropped when the constraint was dropped after altering the table (for example dropping a column). Fixed.
The performance for large result sets in the server mode has been improved.
The setting h2.serverSmallResultSetSize has been renamed to h2.serverResultSetFetchSize.
The SCRIPT command now uses multi-row insert statements to save space except if the option SIMPLE is used.
The SCRIPT command did not split up CLOB data correctly. Fixed.
Optimization for single column distinct queries with an index: select distinct name from test. Can be disabled by setting the system property h2.optimizeDistinct to false.
DROP ALL OBJECTS did not drop user defined aggregate functions and domains.
PostgreSQL compatibility: COUNT(T.*) is now supported.
LIKE comparisons are now faster.
Encrypted databases are now faster.
......@@ -8065,13 +8077,16 @@ AUTO_SERVER: support changing IP addresses (disable a network while the database
Avoid using java.util.Calendar internally because it's slow, complicated, and seems to be buggy.
Support TRUNCATE .. CASCADE like PostgreSQL.
Not Planned
HSQLDB (did) support this: select id i from test where i>0 (other databases don't). Supporting it may break compatibility.
String.intern (so that Strings can be compared with ==) will not be used because some VMs have problems when used extensively.
......@@ -8192,626 +8207,629 @@ Tutorial
Starting and Using the H2 Console
Connecting to a Database using JDBC
Settings of the H2 Console
Creating New Databases
Connecting to a Database using JDBC
Using the Server
Creating New Databases
Using Hibernate
Using the Server
Using TopLink and Glassfish
Using Hibernate
Using Databases in Web Applications
Using TopLink and Glassfish
CSV (Comma Separated Values) Support
Using Databases in Web Applications
Upgrade, Backup, and Restore
CSV (Comma Separated Values) Support
Command Line Tools
Upgrade, Backup, and Restore
Using OpenOffice Base
Command Line Tools
Java Web Start / JNLP
Using OpenOffice Base
Using a Connection Pool
Java Web Start / JNLP
Fulltext Search
Using a Connection Pool
User-Defined Variables
Fulltext Search
User-Defined Variables
Date and Time
Starting and Using the H2 Console
This application lets you access a SQL database using a browser interface. This can be a H2 database, or another database that supports the JDBC API.
This is a client / server application, so both a server and a client (a browser) are required to run it.
Depending on your platform and environment, there are multiple ways to start the application:
Click [Start], [All Programs], [H2], and [H2 Console (Command Line)]
When using the Sun JDK 1.4 or 1.5, a window with the title 'H2 Console ' should appear. When using the Sun JDK 1.6, an icon will be added to the system tray:
If you don't get the window and the system tray icon, then maybe Java is not installed correctly (in this case, try another way to start the application). A browser window should open and point to the Login page http://localhost:8082).
Open a file browser, navigate to h2/bin, and double click on h2.bat.
A console window appears. If there is a problem, you will see an error message in this window. A browser window will open and point to the Login page (URL: http://localhost:8082).
Open a console window, navigate to the directory 'h2/bin' and type:
If you start the server, you may get a security warning from the firewall (if you have installed one). If you don't want other computers in the network to access the application on your machine, you can let the firewall block those connections. The connection from the local machine will still work. Only if you want other computers to access the database on this computer, you need allow remote connections in the firewall.
A small firewall is already built into the server: other computers may not connect to the server by default. To change this, go to 'Preferences' and select 'Allow connections from other computers'.
Native Version
The native version does not require Java, because it is compiled using GCJ. However H2 does currently not run stable with GCJ on Windows It is possible to compile the software to different platforms.
Testing Java
To check the Java version you have installed, open a command prompt and type:
If you get an error message, you may need to add the Java binary directory to the path environment variable.
Error Message 'Port is in use'
You can only start one instance of the H2 Console, otherwise you will get the following error message: <code>Port is in use, maybe another ... server already running on...</code> . It is possible to start multiple console applications on the same computer (using different ports), but this is usually not required as the console supports multiple concurrent connections.
Using another Port
If the port is in use by another application, you may want to start the H2 Console on a different port. This can be done by changing the port in the file .h2.server.properties. This file is stored in the user directory (for Windows, this is usually in "Documents and Settings/&lt;username&gt;"). The relevant entry is webPort.
Starting Successfully
If starting the server from a console window was successful, a new window will open and display the following text:
Don't click inside this window; otherwise you might block the application (if you have the Fast-Edit mode enabled).
Connecting to the Server using a Browser
If the server started successfully, you can connect to it using a web browser. The browser needs to support JavaScript, frames and cascading stylesheets (css). If you started the server on the same computer as the browser, go to http://localhost:8082 in the browser. If you want to connect to the application from another computer, you need to provide the IP address of the server, for example: <a href=""></a> . If you enabled SSL on the server side, the URL needs to start with HTTPS.
Multiple Concurrent Sessions
Multiple concurrent browser sessions are supported. As that the database objects reside on the server, the amount of concurrent work is limited by the memory available to the server application.
Application Properties
Starting the server will create a configuration file in you local home directory called <code>.h2.server.properties</code> . For Windows installations, this file will be in the directory <code>C:\Documents and Settings\[username]</code> . This file contains the settings of the application.
At the login page, you need to provide connection information to connect to a database. Set the JDBC driver class of your database, the JDBC URL, user name and password. If you are done, click [Connect].
You can save and reuse previously saved settings. The settings are stored in the Application Properties file.
Error Messages
Error messages in are shown in red. You can show/hide the stack trace of the exception by clicking on the message.
Adding Database Drivers
Additional database drivers can be registered by adding the Jar file location of the driver to the environment variables H2DRIVERS or CLASSPATH. Example (Windows): To add the database driver library C:\Programs\hsqldb\lib\hsqldb.jar, set the environment variable H2DRIVERS to C:\Programs\hsqldb\lib\hsqldb.jar.
Multiple drivers can be set; each entry needs to be separated with a ';' (Windows) or ':' (other operating systems). Spaces in the path names are supported. The settings must not be quoted.
Using the Application
The application has three main panels, the toolbar on top, the tree on the left and the query / result panel on the right. The database objects (for example, tables) are listed on the left panel. Type in a SQL command on the query panel and click 'Run'. The result of the command appears just below the command.
Inserting Table Names or Column Names
The table name and column names can be inserted in the script by clicking them in the tree. If you click on a table while the query is empty, a 'SELECT * FROM ...' is added as well. While typing a query, the table that was used is automatically expanded in the tree. For, example if you type 'SELECT * FROM TEST T WHERE T.' then the table TEST is automatically expanded in the tree.
Disconnecting and Stopping the Application
On the browser, click 'Disconnect' on the toolbar panel. You will be logged out of the database. However, the server is still running and ready to accept new sessions.
To stop the server, right click on the system tray icon and select [Exit]. If you don't have the icon (because you started it in another way), press [Ctrl]+[C] on the console where the server was started (Windows), or close the console window.
Settings of the H2 Console
The settings of the H2 Console are stored in a configuration file called <code>.h2.server.properties</code> in you user home directory. For Windows installations, the user home directory is usually <code>C:\Documents and Settings\[username]</code> . The configuration file contains the settings of the application and is automatically created when the H2 Console is first started.
Connecting to a Database using JDBC
To connect to a database, a Java application first needs to load the database driver, and then get a connection. A simple way to do that is using the following code:
This code first loads the driver ( <code>Class.forName()</code> ) and then opens a connection (using <code>DriverManager.getConnection()</code> ). The driver name is <code>"org.h2.Driver"</code> in every case. The database URL always needs to start with <code>jdbc:h2:</code> to be recognized by this database. The second parameter in the <code>getConnection()</code> call is the user name ('sa' for System Administrator in this example). The third parameter is the password. Please note that in this database, user names are not case sensitive, but passwords are case sensitive.
Creating New Databases
By default, if the database specified in the URL does not yet exist, a new (empty) database is created automatically. The user that created the database automatically becomes the administrator of this database.
Using the Server
H2 currently supports three servers: a Web Server, a TCP Server and an ODBC Server. The servers can be started in different ways.
Starting the Server from Command Line
To start the Server from the command line with the default settings, run
This will start the Server with the default options. To get the list of options and default values, run
There are options available to use different ports, and start or not start parts of the Server and so on. For details, see the API documentation of the Server tool.
Connecting to the TCP Server
To remotely connect to a database using the TCP server, use the following driver and database URL:
JDBC driver class: org.h2.Driver
Database URL: jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/~/test
For details about the database URL, see also in Features.
Starting the Server within an Application
It is also possible to start and stop a Server from within an application. Sample code:
Stopping a TCP Server from Another Process
The TCP Server can be stopped from another process. To stop the server from the command line, run:
To stop the server from a user application, use the following code:
This function will call System.exit on the server. This function should be called after all connections to the databases are closed to avoid recovery when the databases are opened the next time. To stop remote server, remote connections must be enabled on the server.
Using Hibernate
This database supports Hibernate version 3.1 and newer. You can use the HSQLDB Dialect, or the native H2 Dialect. Unfortunately the H2 Dialect included in Hibernate is buggy. A <a href="http://opensource.atlassian.com/projects/hibernate/browse/HHH-3401">patch for Hibernate</a> has been submitted. The dialect for the newest version of Hibernate is also available at src/tools/org/hibernate/dialect/H2Dialect.java.txt. You can rename it to H2Dialect.java and include this as a patch in your application.
Using TopLink and Glassfish
To use H2 with Glassfish (or Sun AS), set the Datasource Classname to <code>org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource</code> . You can set this in the GUI at Application Server - Resources - JDBC - Connection Pools, or by editing the file <code>sun-resources.xml</code> : at element <code>jdbc-connection-pool</code> , set the attribute <code>datasource-classname</code> to <code>org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource</code> .
The H2 database is compatible with HSQLDB and PostgreSQL. To take advantage of H2 specific features, use the <code>H2Platform</code> . The source code of this platform is included in H2 at <code>src/tools/oracle/toplink/essentials/platform/database/DatabasePlatform.java.txt</code> . You will need to copy this file to your application, and rename it to .java. To enable it, change the following setting in persistence.xml:
In old versions of Glassfish, the property name is <code>toplink.platform.class.name</code> .
Using Databases in Web Applications
There are multiple ways to access a database from within web applications. Here are some examples if you use Tomcat or JBoss.
Embedded Mode
The (currently) simplest solution is to use the database in the embedded mode, that means open a connection in your application when it starts (a good solution is using a Servlet Listener, see below), or when a session starts. A database can be accessed from multiple sessions and applications at the same time, as long as they run in the same process. Most Servlet Containers (for example Tomcat) are just using one process, so this is not a problem (unless you run Tomcat in clustered mode). Tomcat uses multiple threads and multiple classloaders. If multiple applications access the same database at the same time, you need to put the database jar in the shared/lib or server/lib directory. It is a good idea to open the database when the web application starts, and close it when the web application stops. If using multiple applications, only one (any) of them needs to do that. In the application, an idea is to use one connection per Session, or even one connection per request (action). Those connections should be closed after use if possible (but it's not that bad if they don't get closed).
Server Mode
The server mode is similar, but it allows you to run the server in another process.
Using a Servlet Listener to Start and Stop a Database
Add the h2.jar file your web application, and add the following snippet to your web.xml file (after context-param and before filter):
For details on how to access the database, see the code DbStarter.java
By default the DbStarter listener opens an embedded connection using the database URL jdbc:h2:~/test and user name and password 'sa'. It can also start the TCP server, however this is disabled by default. To enable it, use the db.tcpServer parameter in web.xml. Here is the complete list of options. These options are set just after the display-name and description tag, but before any listener and filter tags:
When the web application is stopped, the database connection will be closed automatically. If the server is started within the DbStarter, it will also be stopped automatically when the web application is stopped.
Using the H2 Console Servlet
The H2 Console is a standalone application and includes its own web server, but it can be used as a servlet as well. To do that, include the the h2 jar file in your application, and add the following configuration to your web.xml:
For details, see also <code>src/tools/WEB-INF/web.xml</code> .
To create a web application that creates just the H2 Console, run the following command:
CSV (Comma Separated Values) Support
The CSV file support can be used inside the database using the functions CSVREAD and CSVWRITE, and the CSV library can be used outside the database as a standalone tool.
Writing a CSV File from Within a Database
The built-in function CSVWRITE can be used to create a CSV file from a query. Example:
Reading a CSV File from Within a Database
A CSV file can be read using the function CSVREAD. Example:
Writing a CSV File from a Java Application
The CSV tool can be used in a Java application even when not using a database at all. Example:
Reading a CSV File from a Java Application
It is possible to read a CSV file without opening a database. Example:
Upgrade, Backup, and Restore
Database Upgrade
The recommended way to upgrade from one version of the database engine to the next version is to create a backup of the database (in the form of a SQL script) using the old engine, and then execute the SQL script using the new engine.
Backup using the Script Tool
There are different ways to backup a database. For example, it is possible to copy the database files. However, this is not recommended while the database is in use. Also, the database files are not human readable and quite large. The recommended way to backup a database is to create a compressed SQL script file. This can be done using the Script tool:
It is also possible to use the SQL command SCRIPT to create the backup of the database. For more information about the options, see the SQL command SCRIPT. The backup can be done remotely, however the file will be created on the server side. The built in FTP server could be used to retrieve the file from the server.
Restore from a Script
To restore a database from a SQL script file, you can use the RunScript tool:
For more information about the options, see the SQL command RUNSCRIPT. The restore can be done remotely, however the file needs to be on the server side. The built in FTP server could be used to copy the file to the server. It is also possible to use the SQL command RUNSCRIPT to execute a SQL script. SQL script files may contain references to other script files, in the form of RUNSCRIPT commands. However, when using the server mode, the references script files need to be available on the server side.
Online Backup
The BACKUP SQL statement and the Backup tool both create a zip file with all database files. However, the contents of this file are not human readable. Other than the SCRIPT statement, the BACKUP statement does not lock the database objects, and therefore does not block other users. The resulting backup is transactionally consistent:
The Backup tool (org.h2.tools.Backup) can not be used to create a online backup; the database must not be in use while running this program.
Command Line Tools
This database comes with a number of command line tools. To get more information about a tool, start it with the parameter '-?', for example:
The command line tools are:
creates a backup of a database.
allows changing the file encryption password or algorithm of a database.
starts the browser based H2 Console.
converts a .trace.db file to a Java application and SQL script.
creates a cluster from a standalone database.
deletes all files belonging to a database.
allows converting a database to a SQL script for backup or migration.
helps recovering a corrupted database.
restores a backup of a database.
runs a SQL script against a database.
is used in the server mode to start a H2 server.
is a command line database tool.
The tools can also be called from an application by calling the main or another public methods. For details, see the Javadoc documentation.
Using OpenOffice Base
OpenOffice.org Base supports database access over the JDBC API. To connect to a H2 database using OpenOffice Base, you first need to add the JDBC driver to OpenOffice. The steps to connect to a H2 database are:
Start OpenOffice Writer, go to [Tools], [Options]
Make sure you have selected a Java runtime environment in OpenOffice.org / Java
Click [Class Path...], [Add Archive...]
Select your h2.jar (location is up to you, could be wherever you choose)
Click [OK] (as much as needed), stop OpenOffice (including the Quickstarter)
Start OpenOffice Base
Connect to an existing database; select JDBC; [Next]
Example datasource URL: jdbc:h2:~/test
JDBC driver class: org.h2.Driver
Now you can access the database stored in the current users home directory.
To use H2 in NeoOffice (OpenOffice without X11):
In NeoOffice, go to [NeoOffice], [Preferences]
Look for the page under [NeoOffice], [Java]
Click [Classpath], [Add Archive...]
Select your h2.jar (location is up to you, could be wherever you choose)
Click [OK] (as much as needed), restart NeoOffice.
Now, when creating a new database using the "Database Wizard":
Select "connect to existing database" and the type "jdbc". Click next.
Enter your h2 database URL. The normal behavior of H2 is that a new db is created if it doesn't exist.
Next step - up to you... you can just click finish and start working.
Another solution to use H2 in NeoOffice is:
Package the h2 jar within an extension package
Install it as a Java extension in NeoOffice
This can be done by create it using the NetBeans OpenOffice plugin. See also <a href="http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Extensions_development_java">Extensions Development</a> .
Java Web Start / JNLP
When using Java Web Start / JNLP (Java Network Launch Protocol), permissions tags must be set in the .jnlp file, and the application .jar file must be signed. Otherwise, when trying to write to the file system, the following exception will occur: java.security.AccessControlException: access denied (java.io.FilePermission ... read). Example permission tags:
Using a Connection Pool
For many databases, opening a connection is slow, and it is a good idea to use a connection pool to re-use connections. For H2 however opening a connection usually is fast if the database is already open. Using a connection pool for H2 actually slows down the process a bit, except if file encryption is used (in this case opening a connection is about half as fast as using a connection pool). A simple connection pool is included in H2. It is based on the <a href="http://www.source-code.biz/snippets/java/8.htm">Mini Connection Pool Manager</a> from Christian d'Heureuse. There are other, more complex connection pools available, for example <a href="http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/dbcp/">DBCP</a> . The build-in connection pool is used as follows:
Fulltext Search
H2 supports Lucene full text search and native full text search implementation.
Using the Native Full Text Search
To initialize, call:
You need to initialize it in each database where you want to use it. Afterwards, you can create a full text index for a table using:
PUBLIC is the schema, TEST is the table name. The list of column names (column separated) is optional, in this case all columns are indexed. The index is updated in read time. To search the index, use the following query:
You can also call the index from within a Java application:
Using the Lucene Fulltext Search
To use the Lucene full text search, you need the Lucene library in the classpath. How his is done depends on the application; if you use the H2 Console, you can add the Lucene jar file to the environment variables H2DRIVERS or CLASSPATH. To initialize the Lucene full text search in a database, call:
You need to initialize it in each database where you want to use it. Afterwards, you can create a full text index for a table using:
PUBLIC is the schema, TEST is the table name. The list of column names (column separated) is optional, in this case all columns are indexed. The index is updated in read time. To search the index, use the following query:
You can also call the index from within a Java application:
User-Defined Variables
This database supports user-defined variables. Variables start with @ and can be used wherever expressions or parameters are used. Variables not persisted and session scoped, that means only visible for the session where they are defined. A value is usually assigned using the SET command:
It is also possible to change a value using the SET() method. This is useful in queries:
Variables that are not set evaluate to NULL. The data type of a user-defined variable is the data type of the value assigned to it, that means it is not necessary (or possible) to declare variable names before using them. There are no restrictions on the assigned values; large objects (LOBs) are supported as well.
Date and Time
Date, time and timestamp values support ISO 8601 formatting, including time zone:
If the time zone is not set, the value is parsed using the current time zone setting of the system. Date and time information is stored in H2 database files in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). If the database is opened using another system time zone, the date and time will change accordingly. If you want to move a database from one time zone to the other and don't want this to happen, you need to create a SQL script file using the SCRIPT command or Script tool, and then load the database using the RUNSCRIPT command or the RunScript tool in the new time zone.
......@@ -1129,963 +1129,975 @@ Centralリポジトリの利用
#Next Version (unreleased)
#The database now tries to detect if the classloader or virtual machine has almost shut down by checking if static final variables are set to null.
#Version 1.1.103 (2008-11-07)
#Compatibility for MS SQL Server DATEDIFF(YYYY, .., ..)
#Could not order by a formula when the formula was in the group by list but not in the select list.
#ResultSet.getObject for CLOB or BLOB will return a java.sql.Clob / java.sql.Blob object instead of a java.io.Reader / java.io.InputStream as in version 1.0. This behavior can be changed using the system property h2.returnLobObjects (true by default for version 1.1).
#Date values that match the daylight saving time end were not allowed in times zones were the daylight saving time ends at midnight, for years larger than 2037. Example: timezone Brasilia, date 2042-10-12. This is a problem of Java, however a workaround is implemented in H2 that solves most problems (except the problems of java.util.Date itself).
#The interface CloseListener has a new method 'remove' that is called when the trigger is dropped.
#Fulltext search: there was a memory leak when creating and dropping fulltext indexes in a loop.
#Version 1.1.103 (2008-11-07)
#Could not order by a formula when the formula was in the group by list but not in the select list.
#Date values that match the daylight saving time end were not allowed in times zones were the daylight saving time ends at midnight, for years larger than 2037. Example: timezone Brasilia, date 2042-10-12. This is a problem of Java, however a workaround is implemented in H2 that solves most problems (except the problems of java.util.Date itself).
#ALTER TABLE used a lot of memory when using multi-version concurrency.
#Referential integrity for in-memory databases didn't work in some cases in version 1.1.102.
#New column INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS.SEQUENCE_NAME to get the name of the sequence for auto-increment columns.
#Aliases for built-in data types (such as MEDIUMBLOB which is an alias for BLOB) can now be re-mapped to another data type using CREATE DOMAIN. However main built-in data types (such as INTEGER) can not be re-mapped.
#The Japanese translation has been completed by Masahiro Ikemoto. Thanks a lot!
#Improved PostgreSQL compatibility for NEXTVAL and CURRVAL.
#Less heap memory is needed when multiple databases are open at the same time: The memory reserve (used to rollback after out of memory) is now global and no longer allocated for each database separately.
#New system property h2.browser to set the browser to use.
#To start the browser, java.awt.Desktop.browse is now used if available.
#Version 1.1.102 (2008-10-24)
#The French translation of the H2 Console has been improved by Olivier Parent. Thanks a lot!
#There was a memory leak when creating and dropping tables and indexes in a loop (persistent database only).
#SET LOG 2 was not effective if executed after opening the database.
#Translating the H2 Console is now simpler.
#Common exception (error code 23*) are no longer written to the .trace.db file by default.
#In-memory databases don't write LOBs to files any longer.
#Self referencing constraints didn't restrict deleting rows that reference itself if there is another row that references it.
#ResultSetMetaData.getColumnName now returns the alias name except for columns.
#Temporary files are now deleted when the database is closed, even if they were not garbage collected so far.
#Version 1.1.101 (2008-10-17)
#Errors with code 42000 - 42999 are no longer written to the trace file by default.
#Queries with more than 10 tables are now faster.
#Opening a connection with AUTO_SERVER=TRUE is now fast when the database is already open in another process (less than 0.01 seconds instead of 2 seconds).
#IF [NOT] EXISTS is supported for named constraints in ALTER TABLE ... ADD/DROP CONSTRAINT.
#The error messages have been translated to Spanish by Dario V. Fassi. Thanks a lot!
#Linked tables: the automatic connection sharing didn't work. Actually the system property h2.shareLinkedConnections was working in the opposite direction: it was disabled when set to true. Now it works as expected.
#Opening large database is now faster.
#New system property h2.socketConnectTimeout, the timeout in milliseconds to connect to a server. The default is 2000 (2 seconds).
#The wrong parameters were bound to subqueries with parameters, specially when using IN(SELECT ...) and IN(...).
#Unset parameters were not detected when the query was re-compiled.
#New functions ISO_YEAR, ISO_WEEK, ISO_DAY_OF_WEEK. Thanks a lot to Robert Rathsack for implementing those!
#The date functions DAYOFYEAR, DAYOFMONTH, DAYOFWEEK are now called DAY_OF_YEAR, DAY_OF_MONTH, DAY_OF_WEEK (the old names still work).
#An out of memory error while deleting or updating many rows could result in a strange exception.
#Linked tables: compatibility with MS SQL Server has been improved.
#Renaming tables that have foreign keys with cascade didn't work correctly.
#The auto-reconnect feature didn't work when using the auto-server mode. Fixed.
#Fulltext search: new method FT_DROP_INDEX.
#The optimization to group using an index didn't work in some cases in version 1.1 (see also system property h2.optimizeGroupSorted).
#OSGi meta data is included in the manifest file. An OSGi BundleActivator is included: it loads the database driver when starting the bundle, and unloads it when stopping the bundle.
#The default value for MAX_MEMORY_UNDO is now 50000.
#For alias columns, ResultSetMetaData.getTableName() and getColumnName() now return the real table and column name in the default mode.
#In SQL scripts created with SCRIPT TO, schemas are now only created if they don't exist yet.
#After re-connecting to a database, the database event listener (if set) is informed about it.
#Local temporary tables now support indexes. Thanks a lot to Matt Roy!
#RUNSCRIPT no longer uses a temporary file.
#New system table INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SESSION_STATE containing the SQL statements that make up the session state. The list currently contains variables (SET @..) and local temporary tables (without data).
#After an automatic re-connect, part of the session state stays (the part that is stored in the SESSION_STATE table).
#The build didn't work if the directory temp didn't exist before.
#New system property h2.maxReconnect (default 3) to limit the number of re-connects for the same SQL statement (this is usually only important for SHUTDOWN).
#WHERE .. IN (SELECT ...) could throw a NullPointerException.
#Improved Glassfish / Toplink support in H2Platform thanks to Marcio Borges from Brazil. Thanks a lot!
#Version 1.1.100 (2008-10-04)
#In version 1.1, the following system properties are now enabled by default: h2.lobFilesInDirectories, h2.optimizeGroupSorted, h2.optimizeInJoin, h2.shareLinkedConnections
#The H2 Console tool now works with the JDBC-ODBC bridge.
#The H2 Console tool now supports command line options to start things separately.
#Large objects did not work for in-memory databases in server mode in Linux.
#Connections from a local address other than 'localhost' were not allowed if remote connections were disabled. This was always a problem, but only got visible in the last release because the server no longer connects to 'localhost' if networked.
#The h2console.war can now be built using the Java build.
#By default, databases are shared in the same process. For read-only databases this causes unnecessary synchronization, but safes memory. If you want that each connection opens its own database, append ;OPEN_NEW=TRUE to the database URL.
#New auto-reconnect feature will cause the JDBC driver to reconnect to the database if the connection is lost. To enable, append ;AUTO_RECONNECT=TRUE to the database URL. This is specially helpful when using AUTO_SERVER. AUTO_SERVER automatically uses auto-reconnect.
#CreateCluster: the property 'serverlist' is now called 'serverList'.
#The ConvertTraceFile tool could not parse some files because the trace mechanism did not encode prepared statement parameters.
#Databases names can now be one character long (the minimum size used to be 2 characters).
#Version 1.0.79 (2008-09-26)
#Linked tables that point to the same database can now share the connection within the same database. Access to the same connection is serialized. To enable this feature, set the system property h2.shareLinkedConnections to true.
#Multiple processes can now access the same database without having to explicitly start the server. To do that, append ;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE to the database URL. In this case, the server is started automatically if the connection is in embedded mode, and the server mode is used if a server is running. If the process that opened the first connection is closed, the other client need to reconnect (there is no automatic re-connect so far). Remote connections are allowed, but only to this database.
#The server tool now displays the correct IP address if networked.
#Can now start a TCP server with port 0 (automatically select a port).
#Result sets with just a unique index can now be updated (previously a primary key was required).
#LINKED TABLE: the schema name can now be set. When multiple tables exist in different schema, and the schema name is not set, an exception is thrown.
#LINKED TABLE: worked around a bug in Oracle with the CHAR data type.
#Faster hash code calculation for large binary arrays.
#Faster storage re-use algorithm thanks to Greg Dhuse from cleversafe.com.
#The database supports the SHOW command for better MySQL and PostgreSQL compatibility.
#The H2 Console now abbreviates large texts in results.
#Multiple UNION queries could not be used in derived tables.
#Linked tables can now be read-only.
#Temporary linked tables are now supported.
#It was possible to create tables in read-only databases.
#SET SCHEMA_SEARCH_PATH is now documented.
#SET SCHEMA did not work for views.
#Row level locking for MVCC is now enabled. The exception 'Concurrent update in table ...' is still thrown, but only after the lock timeout.
#The maximum log file size setting was ignored for large databases.
#Multi-Version Concurrency (MVCC) may no longer be used when using the multi-threaded kernel feature (MULTI_THREADED). An exception is thrown when trying to connect with both settings. Additional synchronization is required before those features can be used together.
#The data type JAVA_OBJECT could not be used in updatable result sets.
#The system property h2.optimizeInJoin did not work correctly.
#Conditions such as ID=? AND ID>? were slow.
#Version 1.0.78 (2008-08-28)
#The documentation no longer uses a frameset (except the Javadocs).
#When using DB_CLOSE_DELAY, sometimes a NullPointerException is thrown when the database is opened almost at the same time as it is closed automatically. Thanks a lot to Dmitry Pekar for finding this!
#Java methods with variable number of parameters can now be used (for Java 1.5 or newer).
#The Japanese translation has been improved by Masahiro Ikemoto. Thanks a lot!
#The H2 Console replaced an empty user name with a single space.
#The build target 'build jarSmall' now includes the embedded database.
#JdbcDataSource now keeps the password in a char array where possible.
#ResultSet.absolute did not always work with large result sets.
#Column aliases can now be used in GROUP BY and HAVING.
#Jason Brittain has contributed MySQL date functions. Thanks a lot! They are not in the h2.jar file currently, but in src/tools/org/h2/mode/FunctionsMySQL.java. To install, add this class to the classpath and call FunctionsMySQL.register(conn) in the Java code.
#Version 1.0.77 (2008-08-16)
#JaQu is now using prepared statements and supports Date, Time, Timestamp.
#When using remote in-memory databases, large LOB objects did not work.
#Timestamp columns such as TIMESTAMP(6) were not compatible to other database.
#Opening a large database was slow if there was a problem opening the previous time.
#NOT IN(SELECT ...) was incorrect if the subquery returns no rows.
#CREATE TABLE AS SELECT did not work correctly in the multi-version concurrency mode.
#Support a comma before closing a list, as in: create table test(id int,)
#MySQL compatibility: linked tables had lower case column names on some systems.
#DB2 compatibility: the DB2 fetch-first-clause is supported.
#Oracle compatibility: old style outer join syntax using (+) did work correctly sometimes.
#ResultSet.setFetchSize is now supported.
#It has been reported that when using Install4j on some Linux systems and enabling the 'pack200' option, the h2.jar becomes corrupted by the install process, causing application failure. A workaround is to add an empty file h2.jar.nopack next to the h2.jar file. The reason for this problem is not known.
#Version 1.0.76 (2008-07-27)
#The comment of a domain (user defined data type) is now used as the default column comment when creating a column with this domain.
#Invalid database names are now detected and a better error message is thrown.
#ResultSetMetaData.getColumnClassName now returns the correct class name for BLOB and CLOB.
#Fixed the Oracle mode: Oracle allows multiple rows only where all columns of the unique index are NULL.
#There is a problem with Hibernate when using Boolean columns. A patch for Hibernate has been submitted at http://opensource.atlassian.com/projects/hibernate/browse/HHH-3401
#ORDER BY on tableName.columnName didn't work correctly if the column name was also used as an alias.
#H2 Console: The progress display when opening a database has been improved.
#The error message when the server doesn't start has been improved.
#Key values can now be changed in updatable result sets.
#Changes in updatable result sets are now visible even when resetting the result set.
#Temporary files were sometimes deleted too late when executing large insert, update, or delete operations.
#The database file was growing after deleting many rows, and after large update operations.
#Version 1.0.75 (2008-07-14)
#Multi version concurrency (MVCC): when a row was updated or deleted, but this change was rolled back, the row was not visible by other sessions if no index was used to access it. Fixed.
#Views with multiple joined tables (where one was an outer join) couldn't be used in some cases. Fixed.
#The CSVREAD method did not process NULL correctly when using a whitespace field separator.
#Fixed the Oracle mode: Oracle allows multiple rows with NULL in a unique index.
#Running out of memory could result in incomplete transactions or corrupted databases. Fixed.
#When using order by in a query that uses the same table multiple times, the order could be incorrect. Fixed.
#Referential constraint checking improvement: now the constraint is only checked if the key column values change.
#Some database metadata calls returned the wrong data type for DATA_TYPE columns.
#The Lucene fulltext index was empty when opening a database with fulltext index enabled, and re-indexing it didn't work. Fixed.
#The character '$' could not be used in identifier names (table name, column names and so on). Fixed.
#The new method org.h2.tools.Server.startWebServer(conn) starts the H2 Console to inspect a database while debugging.
#Stopping a WebServer didn't always work. Fixed.
#Version 1.0.74 (2008-06-21)
#Work on row level locking has been started (but there is nothing usable yet).
#JaQu (Java Query), a tool similar to LINQ (Language Integrated Query; from Microsoft) is now included under src/tools/org/h2/jaqu. A small sample application is included under src/test/org/h2/test/jaqu.
#The source code is now switched to Java 1.6 by default. To switch back to Java 1.4, run 'build compile'. The h2.jar file is still Java 1.4.
#The ChangePassword tool is now called ChangeFileEncryption.
#It is no longer allowed to create columns with the data type NULL. Also, it is no longer allowed to convert a column to the data type NULL. This was possible before but caused data loss.
#When using computed columns or default values with a different data type than the column data type, a class cast exception could occur. Fixed.
#Opening databases larger than 1 GB was sometimes very slow if a lot of data was deleted previously. Fixed.
#RUNSCRIPT could throw a NullPointerException if the script name was an expression.
#Improved compatibility. New compatibility modes for Oracle and Derby. New compatibility flag uniqueIndexNullDistinct to only allow one row with 'NULL' in a unique index. This flag is enabled for Derby, Oracle, MSSQLServer, and HSQLDB.
#Linked tables: To view the statements that are executed against the target table, set the trace level to 3.
#RunScript tool: new options to show and check the results of queries.
#Deadlocks are now detected. One transaction is rolled back automatically.
#The Lucene fulltext index was always re-created when opening a database with fulltext index enabled.
#Support for overloaded Java methods. A user defined function can now be bound to multiple Java methods, if the Java methods have the same name but a different number of parameters. Thanks to Gary Tong for providing a patch!
#Version 1.0.73 (2008-05-31)
#ParameterMetaData now returns the right data type for most conditions, as in WHERE ID=?.
#The table SYSTEM_RANGE now supports expressions and parameters.
#New column INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CONSTRAINTS.UNIQUE_INDEX_NAME that contains the name of the unique index used to enforce this constraint, if there is such an index.
#SET QUERY_TIMEOUT and Statement.setQueryTimeout no longer commits a transaction. The same applies to SET @VARIABLE, SET LOCK_TIMEOUT, SET TRACE_LEVEL_*, SET THROTTLE, and SET PATH.
#The SCRIPT command does now emit IF NOT EXISTS for CREATE ROLE.
#MySQL compatibility: auto_increment column are no longer automatically converted to primary key columns.
#PostgreSQL compatibility: support for BOOL_OR and BOOL_AND aggregate functions.
#Negative scale values for DECIMAL or NUMBER columns are now supported in regular tables and in linked tables.
#A role or right can now be granted or revoked multiple times without getting an exception.
#Infinite numbers in SQL scripts are listed as POWER(0, -1)), negative infinite as (-POWER(0, -1)), and NaN (not a number) as SQRT(-1).
#The special double and float values 'NaN' (not a number) did not work correctly when sorting or comparing.
#The fulltext search did not support CLOB data types.
#If the drive with the database files was disconnected or unmounted while writing, sometimes a stack overflow exception was thrown instead of a IO exception.
#The H2 Console could not be shut down from within the tool if the browser supports keepAlive (most browsers do).
#If the password was passed as a char array, it was kept in an internal buffer longer than required. Theoretically the password could have been stolen if the main memory was swapped to disk before the garbage collection was run.
#Version 1.0.72 (2008-05-10)
#Some databases could not be opened when appending ;RECOVER=1 to the database URL.
#The Japanese translation of the error messages and the H2 Console has been completed by Masahiro Ikemoto (Arizona Design Inc.)
#Updates made to updatable rows are now visible within the same result set. DatabaseMetaData.ownUpdatesAreVisible now returns true.
#ParameterMetaData now returns the correct data for INSERT and UPDATE statements.
#H2 Shell: DESCRIBE now supports an schema name.
#A subset of the PostgreSQL 'dollar quoting' feature is now supported.
#SLF4J is now supported by using adding TRACE_LEVEL_FILE=4 to the database URL.
#The recovery tool did not work if the table name contained spaces or if there was a comment on the table.
#Triggers are no longer executed when changing the table structure (ALTER TABLE).
#When setting BLOB or CLOB values larger than 65 KB using a remote connection, temporary files were kept on the client longer than required (until the connection was closed or the object is garbage collected). Now they are removed as soon as the PreparedStatement is closed, or when the value is overwritten.
#Statements can now be canceled remotely (when using remote connections).
#The Shell tool now uses java.io.Console to read the password when using JDK 1.6
#When using read-only databases and setting LOG=2, an exception was written to the trace file when closing the database. Fixed.
#Version 1.0.71 (2008-04-25)
#H2 is now dual-licensed under the Eclipse Public License (EPL) and the old 'H2 License' (which is basically MPL).
#Sometimes an exception 'File ID mismatch' or 'try to add a record twice' occurred after large records (8 KB or larger) are updated or deleted. See also http://code.google.com/p/h2database/issues/detail?id=22
#H2 Console: The tools can now be translated (it didn't work in the last release).
#New traditional Chinese translation. Thanks a lot to Derek Chao!
#Indexes were not used when enabling the optimization for IN(SELECT...) (system property h2.optimizeInJoin).
#Version 1.0.70 (2008-04-20)
#The plan is to dual-license H2. The additional license is EPL (Eclipse Public License). The current license (MPL, Mozilla Public License) will stay. Current users are not affected because they can keep MPL. EPL is very similar to MPL, the only bigger difference is related to patents (EPL is a bit more business friendly in this regard). See also http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php, http://www.eclipse.org/legal/eplfaq.php (FAQ), http://blogs.zdnet.com/Burnette/?p=131
#Multi version concurrency (MVCC): when a row was updated, and the updated column was not indexed, this update was visible sometimes for other sessions even if it was not committed.
#Calling SHUTDOWN on one connection and starting a query on another connection concurrently could result in a Java level deadlock.
#New system property h2.enableAnonymousSSL (default: true) to enable anonymous SSL connections.
#The precision if SUBSTR is now calculated if possible.
#The autocomplete in the H2 Console has been improved a bit.
#The tools in the H2 Console are now translatable.
#The servlet and lucene jar files are now automatically downloaded when building.
#The code switch tool has been replaced by a simpler tool called SwitchSource that just uses find and replace.
#Started to write a Ant replacement ('JAnt') that uses pure Java build definitions. Advantages: ability to debug the build, extensible, flexible, no XML, a bit faster. Future plan: support creating custom h2 distributions (for embedded use). Maybe create a new project 'Jant' or 'Javen' if other people are interested.
#The jar file is now about 10% smaller because the variable debugging info is no longer included. The source file and line number debugging info is still included. If required, the jar file size of the full version can be further reduced to about 720 KB using 'build jarSmall' or even more by removing unneeded components.
#Added shell scripts run.sh and build.sh. chmod +x is required, but otherwise it should work. Feedback or improvements are welcome!
#Databases in zip files: large queries are now supported. Temp files are created in the temp directory if required. The documentation how to create the zip file has been corrected.
#Invalid inline views threw confusing SQL exceptions.
#The Japanese translation of the error messages and the H2 Console has been improved. Thanks a lot to Masahiro IKEMOTO.
#Optimization for MIN() and MAX() when using MVCC.
#To protect against remote brute force password attacks, the delay after each unsuccessful login now gets double as long. New system properties h2.delayWrongPasswordMin and h2.delayWrongPasswordMax.
#After setting the query timeout and then resetting it, the next query would still timeout. Fixed.
#Adding a IDENTITY column to a table with data threw a lock timeout.
#OutOfMemoryError could occur when using EXISTS or IN(SELECT ..).
#The built-in connection pool is not called JdbcConnectionPool. The API and documentation has been changed.
#The ConvertTraceFile tool now generates SQL statement statistics at the end of the SQL script file (similar to the profiling data generated when using java -Xrunhprof).
#Nested joins are now supported (A JOIN B JOIN C ON .. ON ..)
#Version 1.0.69 (2008-03-29)
#Most command line tools can now be called from within the H2 Console.
#A new Shell tools is now included (org.h2.tools.Shell) to query a database from the command line.
#The command line options in the tools have changed: instead of '-log true' now '-trace' is used. Also, '-ifExists', '-tcpSSL' and '-tcpAllowOthers' and so on have changed: now the 'true' is no longer needed. The old behavior is still supported.
#New system property h2.sortNullsHigh to invert the default sorting behavior for NULL. The default didn't change.
#Performance was very slow when using LOG=2 and deleting or updating all rows of a table in a loop. Fixed.
#ALTER TABLE or CREATE TABLE now support parameters for the password field.
#The linear hash has been removed. It was always slower than the b-tree index, and there were some bugs that would be hard to fix.
#TRACE_LEVEL_ settings are no longer persistent. This was a problem when database initialization code caused a lot of trace output.
#Fulltext search (native implementation): The words table is no longer an in-memory table because this caused memory problems in some cases.
#It was possible to create a role with the name as an existing user (but not vice versa). This is not allowed any more.
#The recovery tool didn't work correctly for tables without rows.
#For years below 1, the YEAR method didn't return the correct value, and the conversion from date and timestamp to varchar was incorrect.
#CSVWRITE caused a NullPointerException when not specifying a nullString.
#When a log file switch occurred just after a truncate table or drop table statement, the database could not be started normally (RECOVER=1 was required). Fixed.
#When a log file switch occurred in the middle of a sequence flush (sequences are only flushed every 32 values by default), the sequence value was lost. Fixed.
#Altering a sequence didn't unlock the system table when autocommit switched off.
#Version 1.0.68 (2008-03-18)
#Very large SELECT DISTINCT and UNION EXCEPT queries are now supported, however this feature is disabled by default. To enable it, set the system property h2.maxMemoryRowsDistinct to a lower value, for example 10000.
#A error is now thrown when trying to call a method inside a trigger that implicitly commits the current transaction, if an object is locked.
#Unused LOB files were deleted much too late. Now they are deleted if no longer referenced in memory.
#ALTER SEQUENCE and ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN RESTART can now be used inside a transaction.
#New system property h2.aliasColumnName. When enabled, aliased columns (as in SELECT ID AS I FROM TEST) return the real table and column name in ResultSetMetaData.getTableName() and getColumnName(). This is disabled by default for compatibility with other databases (HSQLDB, Apache Derby, PostgreSQL, some version of MySQL). In version 1.1 this setting will be enabled.
#When using encrypted databases, and using the wrong file password, the log file was renamed if the database was not already open. Fixed.
#Improved performance when using lob files in directories (however this is still disabled by default)
#H2 Console: autocomplete didn't work with very large scripts. Fixed.
#Fulltext search: new method SEARCH_DATA that returns the column names and primary keys as arrays.
#New experimental optimization for GROUP BY queries if an index can be used that matches the group by columns. To enable this optimization, set the system property h2.optimizeGroupSorted to true.
#When using multi-version concurrency (MVCC=TRUE), duplicate rows could appear in the result set when running queries with uncommitted changes in the same session.
#H2 Console: remote connections were very slow because getHostName/getRemoteHost was used. Fixed (now using getHostAddress/getRemoteAddr.
#H2 Console: on Linux, Firefox, Konqueror, or Opera (in this order) are now started if available. This has been tested on Ubuntu.
#H2 Console: the start window works better with IKVM
#H2 Console: improved compatibility with Safari (Safari requires keep-alive)
#Random: the process didn't stop if generating the random seed using the standard way (SecureRandom.generateSeed) was very slow. Now using a daemon thread to avoid this problem.
#SELECT UNION with a different number of ORDER BY columns did throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.
#When using a view, the column precision was changed to the default scale for some data types.
#CSVWRITE now supports a 'null string' that is used for parsing and writing NULL.
#Some long running queries could not be canceled.
#Queries with many outer join tables were very slow. Fixed.
#The performance of text comparison has been improved when using locale sensitive string comparison (SET COLLATOR). Now CollationKey is used with a LRU cache. The default cache size is 10000, and can be changed using the system property h2.collatorCacheSize. Use 0 to disable the cache.
#UPDATE SET column=DEFAULT is now supported.
#Version 1.0.67 (2008-02-22)
#New function FILE_READ to read a file or from an URL. Both binary and text data is supported.
#CREATE TABLE AS SELECT now supports specifying the column list and data types.
#Connecting to a TCP server and at shutting it down at the same time could cause a Java level deadlock.
#A user now has all rights on his own local temporary tables.
#The CSV tool now supports a custom lineSeparator.
#When using multiple connections, empty space was reused too early sometimes. This could corrupt the database when recovering.
#The H2 Console has been translated to Dutch. Thanks a lot to Remco Schoen!
#Databases can now be opened even if trigger classes are not in the classpath. The exception is thrown when trying to fire the trigger.
#Opening databases with ACCESS_MODE_DATA=r is now supported. In this case the database is read-only, but the files don't not need to be read-only.
#Security: The database now waits 200 ms before throwing an exception if the user name or password don't match, to slow down dictionary attacks.
#The value cache is now a soft reference cache. This should help save memory.
#CREATE INDEX on a table with many rows could run out of memory. Fixed.
#Large result sets are now a bit faster.
#ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN RESTART and ALTER SEQUENCE now support parameters (any expressions).
#When setting the base directory on the command line, the user directory prefix ('~') was ignored.
#The DbStarter servlet didn't start the TCP listener even if configured.
#Statement.setQueryTimeout() is now supported.
#New session setting QUERY_TIMEOUT, and new system property h2.maxQueryTimeout.
#Changing the transaction log level (SET LOG) is now written to the trace file by default.
#In a SQL script, primary key constraints are now ordered before foreign key constraints.
#It was not possible to create a referential constraint to a table in a different schema in some situations.
#The H2 Console was slow when the database contains many tables. Now the column names are not shown in this case.
#Version 1.0.66 (2008-02-02)
#There is a new online error analyzer tool.
#H2 Console: stack traces are now links to the source code in the source repository (H2 database only).
#CHAR data type equals comparison was case insensitive instead of case sensitive.
#The exception 'Value too long for column' now includes the data.
#The table name was missing in the documentation of CREATE INDEX.
#Better support for IKVM (www.ikvm.net): the H2 Console now opens a browser window.
#The cache size was not correctly calculated for tables with large objects (specially if compression is used). This could lead to out-of-memory exceptions.
#The exception "Hexadecimal string contains non-hex character" was not always thrown when it should have been. Fixed.
#The H2 Console now provides a link to the documentation when an error occurs (H2 databases only so far).
#The acting as PostgreSQL server, when a base directory was set, and the H2 Console was started as well, the base directory was applied twice.
#Calling EXTRACT(HOUR FROM ...) or EXTRACT(HH FROM ...) returned the wrong values (0 to 11 instead of 0 to 23). All other tested databases return values from 0 to 23. Please check if your application relies on the old behavior before upgrading.
#For compatibility with other databases the column default (COLUMN_DEF) for columns without default is now null (it was an empty string).
#Statements that contain very large subqueries (where the subquery result does not fit in memory) are now faster.
#Variables: large objects (CLOB and BLOB) that don't fit in memory did not work correctly when used as variables.
#Fulltext search is now supported in named in-memory databases.
#H2 Console: multiple consecutive spaces in the setting name did not work. Fixed.
#Version 1.0.65 (2008-01-18)
#The build (ant) now automatically switches the source code to the correct version (JDK 1.4/1.5 or 1.6).
#A recovery bug has been fixed. With older versions, it was necessary to add ;RECOVER=1 to the database URL in cases where it should not have been required.
#The performance for DROP and DROP ALL OBJECTS has been improved.
#The ChangePassword API has been improved.
#User defined variables are now supported. Examples: SET @VAR=10;CALL @VAR. This can be used for running totals as in: select x, set(@t, ifnull(@t, 0) + x) from system_range(1, 10)
#The Ukrainian translation has been improved.
#CALL statements can now be used in batch updates and called using Statement.executeUpdate.
#New read-only setting CREATE_BUILD (the build number of the database engine that created the database).
#The optimizer did not use multi column indexes for range queries in some cases. Fixed.
#The H2 Console now calls DataSource.getConnection() instead of DataSource.getConnection(user, password) when user name and password are not specified.
#The bind IP address can now be set when using multi-homed host (if multiple network adapters are available) using the system property h2.bindAddress.
#Batch update: Calling BatchUpdateException.printStackTrace() could result in out of memory. Fixed.
#Indexes of unique or foreign constraints where not dropped when the constraint was dropped after altering the table (for example dropping a column). Fixed.
#The performance for large result sets in the server mode has been improved.
#The setting h2.serverSmallResultSetSize has been renamed to h2.serverResultSetFetchSize.
#The SCRIPT command now uses multi-row insert statements to save space except if the option SIMPLE is used.
#The SCRIPT command did not split up CLOB data correctly. Fixed.
#Optimization for single column distinct queries with an index: select distinct name from test. Can be disabled by setting the system property h2.optimizeDistinct to false.
#DROP ALL OBJECTS did not drop user defined aggregate functions and domains.
#PostgreSQL compatibility: COUNT(T.*) is now supported.
#LIKE comparisons are now faster.
#Encrypted databases are now faster.
......@@ -8073,13 +8085,16 @@ SQLコマンドがコマンドエリアに表示されます。
#Avoid using java.util.Calendar internally because it's slow, complicated, and seems to be buggy.
#Support TRUNCATE .. CASCADE like PostgreSQL.
#Not Planned
#HSQLDB (did) support this: select id i from test where i>0 (other databases don't). Supporting it may break compatibility.
#String.intern (so that Strings can be compared with ==) will not be used because some VMs have problems when used extensively.
......@@ -8200,628 +8215,631 @@ FAQ
#Settings of the H2 Console
#Using TopLink and Glassfish
Webアプリケーションで データベースを使用する
#Using TopLink and Glassfish
CSV (Comma Separated Values) サポート
Webアプリケーションで データベースを使用する
アップグレード、 バックアップ、修復
CSV (Comma Separated Values) サポート
#Command Line Tools
アップグレード、 バックアップ、修復
OpenOffice Baseを使用する
#Command Line Tools
Java Web Start / JNLP
OpenOffice Baseを使用する
#Using a Connection Pool
Java Web Start / JNLP
#Using a Connection Pool
#User-Defined Variables
#User-Defined Variables
#Date and Time
このアプリケーションはブラウザインターフェースを使ってSQLデータベースにアクセスします。 これは、H2データベース、またはJDBC APIをサポートする別のデータベースであるかもしれません。
これはクライアント / サーバーアプリケーションで、サーバーとクライアントの両方実行されることが必要です。
[スタート]、 [すべてのプログラム]、 [H2]、 [H2 Console]をクリックします
正しく動作したら、 システムトレイにアイコンが追加されます:
システムトレイアイコンが表示されなかったら、 Javaが正しくインストールされていないのかもしれません。 (この場合は、 他のアプリケーション起動方法を試して下さい) ブラウザウィンドウが開き、ログインページが表示されます。 (URL: http://localhost:8082/)
正しく動作したら、システムトレイにアイコンが追加されます。 問題があれば、コンソールウィンドウにエラーメッセージが表示されます。 ブラウザウィンドウが開き、ログインページが表示されます。 (URL: http://localhost:8082/)
サーバーを起動させたら、ファイアウォールによるセキュリティ警告を受けるでしょう (1度インストールした場合)。外部ネットワークからあなたのマシンのデータベースにアクセスされたくないのであれば、ファイアーウォールが他の接続を遮断します。ローカルマシンからの接続はまだつながっています。他のコンピュータから、このコンピューターのデータベースにアクセスしたい場合のみ、 ファイアウォールでリモート接続を許可する必要があります。
小さなファイアーウォールはすでにサーバーに組み込まれています。 デフォルトによるこの構造は、他のコンピューターがサーバーにアクセスすることを許可していません。 これは、好きなように変更することができます (他のコンピューターからの接続を許可します)。
ネイティブ バージョン
ネイティブ バージョンはJavaを必要としていません。なぜなら、これはGCJを使用してコンパイルされるからです。しかし、H2は現在、Windows上のGCJプロジェクトでは実行されません。異なったプラットフォームでソフトウェアをコンパイルすることが可能です。
インストールしたJavaのバージョンを調べるためには、 コマンドプロンプトを開き、 下記を入力します:
エラーメッセージ 'Port is in use'
ひとつのH2コンソールのみ起動することができます。 そうでなければ、次のようなエラーメッセージが表示されます:
<code>Port is in use, maybe another ... server already running on...</code>
複数のコンソールアプリケーションを同じコンピューターで起動することは可能です (異なったポートを使用します)、しかし、コンソールが複数の同時接続を維持するということは、普通は必要とされていません。
もしポートが他のアプリケーションによって使用されている場合は、H2コンソールを異なったポートで起動したいはずです。これは、.h2.server.properties.ファイル内のポートを変更することにより実行できます。このファイルはユーザディレクトリ内に格納されています (Windowsでは通常、"Documents and Settings/&lt;ユーザ名>")。関連する項目はwebPortです。
コンソールウィンドウからのサーバー起動が成功したら、新しいウィンドウが開き、 下記のように表示されます:
ウィンドウ内をクリックしないで下さい; アプリケーションが遮断されてしまいます (Fast-Edit モードが有効の場合)。
#If the server started successfully, you can connect to it using a web browser. The browser needs to support JavaScript, frames and cascading stylesheets (css). If you started the server on the same computer as the browser, go to http://localhost:8082 in the browser. If you want to connect to the application from another computer, you need to provide the IP address of the server, for example: <a href=""></a> . If you enabled SSL on the server side, the URL needs to start with HTTPS.
複数の同時ブラウザセッションがサポートされています。 データベースオブジェクトはサーバーに属しているため、同時接続の数はサーバーアプリケーションの利用可能メモリによって制限されています。
サーバーを起動するとローカルのホームディレクトリに .h2.server.properties と呼ばれるファイル構成が作成されます。Windowsのインストールでは、このファイルは will be in the directory C:\Documents and Settings\[ユーザ名]のディレクトリ内にあります。このファイルはアプリケーションのセッティングに含まれています。
ログインページでは、データベースに接続するための接続情報を設定する必要があります。 JDBCドライバをデータベースのクラスに設定し、JDBCのURL、ユーザ名とパスワードを入力します。 完了したら [Connect] をクリックします。
エラーメッセージは赤で表示されます。 メッセージをクリックすることによって、例外の記録の表示、非表示を切り替えることができます。
H2DRIVERSかCLASSPATHの環境変数に、ドライバのJarファイルの位置を追加することにより、データベースドライバの追加を行うことができます。 例 (Windowsの場合): データベースドライバのライブラリに C:\Programs\hsqldb\lib\hsqldb.jar を追加し、H2DRIVERSの環境変数に C:\Programs\hsqldb\lib\hsqldb.jar を設定します。
複数のドライバを設定することも可能です; それぞれのパスは ';' (Windows) や ':' (他のOS) で区切ります。 パス名内のスペースは有効です。設定は引用されません。
アプリケーションは3つのメインパネルを保持しています。上部のツールバー、左側のツリーとクエリ、右側の結果表示パネルです。データベースオブジェクト (例; テーブル) は左側のパネルに一覧表示されます。クエリパネルにSQLコマンドを打ち、 'Run' をクリックします。 コマンドの結果は、コマンドのすぐ下に表示されます。
テーブル名やカラム名は、ツリー内のテーブル名、カラム名をクリックすることによってスクリプトにインサートすることができます。クエリが空の時にテーブルをクリックすると、 'SELECT * FROM ...' も同様に追加されます。 クエリを入力している間、使用されているテーブルはツリー内で自動的に拡張されます。例えば、 'SELECT * FROM TEST T WHERE T.' と入力すると、ツリー内のTESTテーブルは自動的に拡張されます。
ブラウザでは、ツールバーパネルの 'Disconnect' をクリックします。データベースからログアウトします。しかし、サーバーはまだ接続されていて、 新しいセッションを受け入れる準備をしています。
サーバーを止めるためには、システムトレイアイコンを右クリックし、 [Exit] を選択します。もしアイコンが表示されていないのであれば、 (別の方法で実行した場合) サーバーが実行されたコンソール上で [Ctrl]+[C] を押すか (Windowsの場合)、コンソールウィンドウを閉じます。
#Settings of the H2 Console
#The settings of the H2 Console are stored in a configuration file called <code>.h2.server.properties</code> in you user home directory. For Windows installations, the user home directory is usually <code>C:\Documents and Settings\[username]</code> . The configuration file contains the settings of the application and is automatically created when the H2 Console is first started.
#To connect to a database, a Java application first needs to load the database driver, and then get a connection. A simple way to do that is using the following code:
このコードは最初にドライバをロードして (Class.forName())、 接続を開始します (DriverManager.getConnection())。 このドライバの名前は全てのケースにおいて "org.h2.Driver" です。 データベースに認識されるため、データベースのURLは常に jdbc:h2: から始まります。 getConnection() 内の2番目のパラメーターはユーザ名を指しています ('sa' はこの場合、システム管理者を表しています)。3番目のパラメーターはパスワードです。このデータベースでは、ユーザ名は大文字と小文字を区別していませんが、パスワードは大文字と小文字を区別しています。
初期設定では、データベースの指定されたURLがまだ存在しない場合、自動的に新しい (空の) データベースが作られます。
H2は現在、3つのサーバーをサポートしています: Webサーバー、TCPサーバー、ODBCサーバーです。 これらのサーバーは異なった方法で起動します。
異なったポートの使用が可能なオプションや、サーバーの一部を起動、終了させるオプションなどがあります。 詳細はサーバーツールのAPIドキュメントをご覧下さい。
JDBCドライバクラス: org.h2.Driver
データベースURL: jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/~/test
アプリケーション内からサーバーを起動、終了することも可能です。 以下はサンプルコードです:
TCPサーバーは他の過程から終了することができます。 コマンドラインからサーバーを終了するには、次のように実行します:
この機能はサーバー上の System.exit を呼んでいます。この機能は、データベースが次回起動された時のリカバリーを回避するため、データベースへの全ての接続が切断された後に呼ばれます。リモートサーバーを終了するには、サーバー上でリモート接続が可能である必要があります。
#This database supports Hibernate version 3.1 and newer. You can use the HSQLDB Dialect, or the native H2 Dialect. Unfortunately the H2 Dialect included in Hibernate is buggy. A <a href="http://opensource.atlassian.com/projects/hibernate/browse/HHH-3401">patch for Hibernate</a> has been submitted. The dialect for the newest version of Hibernate is also available at src/tools/org/hibernate/dialect/H2Dialect.java.txt. You can rename it to H2Dialect.java and include this as a patch in your application.
#Using TopLink and Glassfish
#To use H2 with Glassfish (or Sun AS), set the Datasource Classname to <code>org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource</code> . You can set this in the GUI at Application Server - Resources - JDBC - Connection Pools, or by editing the file <code>sun-resources.xml</code> : at element <code>jdbc-connection-pool</code> , set the attribute <code>datasource-classname</code> to <code>org.h2.jdbcx.JdbcDataSource</code> .
#The H2 database is compatible with HSQLDB and PostgreSQL. To take advantage of H2 specific features, use the <code>H2Platform</code> . The source code of this platform is included in H2 at <code>src/tools/oracle/toplink/essentials/platform/database/DatabasePlatform.java.txt</code> . You will need to copy this file to your application, and rename it to .java. To enable it, change the following setting in persistence.xml:
#In old versions of Glassfish, the property name is <code>toplink.platform.class.name</code> .
Webアプリケーションで データベースを使用する
Webアプリケーション内からデータベースに接続するには様々な方法があります。 以下はTomcatかJBossを使用の場合のいくつかの例です。
(現在)最も簡単なソリューションはエンベッドモードでデータベースを使用することです。 それは、アプリケーションが起動する時や (良いソリューションは Servletリスナーを使用します。下記参照)、セッションが起動する時、アプリケーションにおける接続が開始するということを意味します。データベースは、セッションやアプリケーションが同じ過程で実行している限り、多様なセッションやアプリケーションから同時に接続されることが可能です。 多くのServletコンテナは (例; Tomcat) ただひとつのプロセスで利用されるので、問題はありません。 (Tomcatをクラスターモードで起動している場合を除いて)。 Tomcatはマルチスレッドとマルチクラスローダーを使用しています。もし複数のアプリケーションが同じデータベースに同時にアクセスする場合、データベースjarをshared/lib、またはserver/libディレクトリに置く必要があります。 webアプリケーションが起動した時にデータベースを開き、webアプリケーションが終了した時にデータベースを閉じるのが良い方法です。もし複数のアプリケーションを使用する場合、そのうちひとつのアプリケーションをこのように動作することが必要です。アプリケーションでは、セッションごとにひとつの接続を使うか、リクエスト(アクション)ごとにひとつの接続を使うという概念があります。これらの接続はできる限り、使用後に終了させます(しかし、終了させなくても悪くはありません)。
以下を web.xmlファイルに追記して下さい。 (context-paramとfilterの間):
#By default the DbStarter listener opens an embedded connection using the database URL jdbc:h2:~/test and user name and password 'sa'. It can also start the TCP server, however this is disabled by default. To enable it, use the db.tcpServer parameter in web.xml. Here is the complete list of options. These options are set just after the display-name and description tag, but before any listener and filter tags:
#When the web application is stopped, the database connection will be closed automatically. If the server is started within the DbStarter, it will also be stopped automatically when the web application is stopped.
#Using the H2 Console Servlet
#The H2 Console is a standalone application and includes its own web server, but it can be used as a servlet as well. To do that, include the the h2 jar file in your application, and add the following configuration to your web.xml:
#For details, see also <code>src/tools/WEB-INF/web.xml</code> .
#To create a web application that creates just the H2 Console, run the following command:
CSV (Comma Separated Values) サポート
データベースにCSVREADとCSVWRITEの関数を使用することで、 CSVファイルサポートを使用することができ、スタンドアロンツールとしてデータベースの外でCSVライブラリを使用することができます。
クエリからCSVファイルを作成するのに、組込み関数 CSVWRITEを使用することができます。例:
CSVREAD関数を使用してCSVファイルを読み込むことができます。 例:
データベースを全く使用しなくても、JavaアプリケーションでCSVツールを使用することができます。 例:
データベースを開かなくてもCSVファイルを読み込むことができます。 例:
アップグレード、 バックアップ、修復
あるバージョンのデータベースエンジンを次のバージョンにアップグレードする際の推奨する方法は、 古いエンジンを使って(SQLスクリプトのフォームでの)データベースのバックアップを作成し、新しいエンジンを使ってSQLスクリプトを実行します。
オプションについての情報は、SQLコマンドスクリプトをご覧下さい。バックアップは遠隔で行えますが、ファイルはサーバー側に作られます。サーバーからファイルを取るのに、ビルトインFTPサーバーを使用することができます。データベースのバックアップを作るのに、SQLコマンドスクリプトを 使用することもできます。
オプションについての情報は、SQLコマンド RUNSCRIPTをご覧下さい。修復は遠隔で行えますが、サーバー側にファイルが存在する必要があります。サーバーからファイルをコピーするのに、ビルトインFTPサーバーを使用することができます。SQLスクリプトを実行するために、 SQLコマンド RUNSCRIPTを使用することができます。SQLスクリプトファイルには、RUNSCRIPTコマンドのフォーム内に他のスクリプトファイルのリファレンスが含まれています。しかしながら、サーバーモードを使用している時、リファレンススクリプトファイルはサーバー側で利用可能であることが必要です。
BACKUP SQLステートメントとバックアップツールの両方が全てのデータベースファイルをzipファイル形式で作成します。しかし、このファイルのコンテンツは人間が解読可能なものではありません。SCRIPTステートメントを除いて、BACKUPステートメントはデータベースオブジェクトをロックしないため、他のユーザーをブロックしません。結果として、バックアップは一貫性のあるトランザクションです:
バックアップツール (org.h2.tools.Backup) はオンラインバックアップを作成するために利用されません; このプログラムが実行されている間、データベースは使用されてはいけません。
#Command Line Tools
#This database comes with a number of command line tools. To get more information about a tool, start it with the parameter '-?', for example:
#The command line tools are:
#creates a backup of a database.
#allows changing the file encryption password or algorithm of a database.
#starts the browser based H2 Console.
#converts a .trace.db file to a Java application and SQL script.
#creates a cluster from a standalone database.
#deletes all files belonging to a database.
#allows converting a database to a SQL script for backup or migration.
#helps recovering a corrupted database.
#restores a backup of a database.
#runs a SQL script against a database.
#is used in the server mode to start a H2 server.
#is a command line database tool.
#The tools can also be called from an application by calling the main or another public methods. For details, see the Javadoc documentation.
OpenOffice Baseを使用する
OpenOffice.org Base はJDBC API上のデータベースアクセスをサポートしています。 OpenOffice Baseを使ってH2データベースに接続するためには、最初にOpenOfficeにJDBCドライバを追加する必要があります。H2データベースに接続する手順:
#Start OpenOffice Writer, go to [Tools], [Options]
#Make sure you have selected a Java runtime environment in OpenOffice.org / Java
#Click [Class Path...], [Add Archive...]
#Select your h2.jar (location is up to you, could be wherever you choose)
#Click [OK] (as much as needed), stop OpenOffice (including the Quickstarter)
OpenOffice Base を起動する
存在するデータベースに接続し、JDBCを選択し、[Next] をクリックする
#Example datasource URL: jdbc:h2:~/test
JDBCドライバクラス: org.h2.Driver
#Now you can access the database stored in the current users home directory.
#To use H2 in NeoOffice (OpenOffice without X11):
#In NeoOffice, go to [NeoOffice], [Preferences]
#Look for the page under [NeoOffice], [Java]
#Click [Classpath], [Add Archive...]
#Select your h2.jar (location is up to you, could be wherever you choose)
#Click [OK] (as much as needed), restart NeoOffice.
#Now, when creating a new database using the "Database Wizard":
#Select "connect to existing database" and the type "jdbc". Click next.
#Enter your h2 database URL. The normal behavior of H2 is that a new db is created if it doesn't exist.
#Next step - up to you... you can just click finish and start working.
#Another solution to use H2 in NeoOffice is:
#Package the h2 jar within an extension package
#Install it as a Java extension in NeoOffice
#This can be done by create it using the NetBeans OpenOffice plugin. See also <a href="http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Extensions_development_java">Extensions Development</a> .
Java Web Start / JNLP
Java Web Start / JNLP (Java Network Launch Protocol) を使用している時、パーミッションタグは.jnlp ファイルに設定され、application.jarファイルは署名されていなければなりません。そうでなければ、ファイルシステムに書き込もうとした時、次の例外が発生するでしょう: java.security.AccessControlException: access denied (java.io.FilePermission ... read) パーミッションタグの例:
#Using a Connection Pool
#For many databases, opening a connection is slow, and it is a good idea to use a connection pool to re-use connections. For H2 however opening a connection usually is fast if the database is already open. Using a connection pool for H2 actually slows down the process a bit, except if file encryption is used (in this case opening a connection is about half as fast as using a connection pool). A simple connection pool is included in H2. It is based on the <a href="http://www.source-code.biz/snippets/java/8.htm">Mini Connection Pool Manager</a> from Christian d'Heureuse. There are other, more complex connection pools available, for example <a href="http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/dbcp/">DBCP</a> . The build-in connection pool is used as follows:
#You need to initialize it in each database where you want to use it. Afterwards, you can create a full text index for a table using:
PUBLICはスキーマ、TESTはテーブル名です。カラム名のリスト (分離されたカラム) はオプションです。このケースでは、全てのカラムがインデックスです。インデックスはリードタイムに更新されます。インデックスを検索するには、次のクエリーを使用します:
#To use the Lucene full text search, you need the Lucene library in the classpath. How his is done depends on the application; if you use the H2 Console, you can add the Lucene jar file to the environment variables H2DRIVERS or CLASSPATH. To initialize the Lucene full text search in a database, call:
#You need to initialize it in each database where you want to use it. Afterwards, you can create a full text index for a table using:
PUBLICはスキーマ、TESTはテーブル名です。カラム名のリスト (分離されたカラム) はオプションです。このケースでは、全てのカラムがインデックスです。インデックスはリードタイムに更新されます。インデックスを検索するには、次のクエリーを使用します:
#User-Defined Variables
#This database supports user-defined variables. Variables start with @ and can be used wherever expressions or parameters are used. Variables not persisted and session scoped, that means only visible for the session where they are defined. A value is usually assigned using the SET command:
#It is also possible to change a value using the SET() method. This is useful in queries:
#Variables that are not set evaluate to NULL. The data type of a user-defined variable is the data type of the value assigned to it, that means it is not necessary (or possible) to declare variable names before using them. There are no restrictions on the assigned values; large objects (LOBs) are supported as well.
#Date and Time
#Date, time and timestamp values support ISO 8601 formatting, including time zone:
#If the time zone is not set, the value is parsed using the current time zone setting of the system. Date and time information is stored in H2 database files in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). If the database is opened using another system time zone, the date and time will change accordingly. If you want to move a database from one time zone to the other and don't want this to happen, you need to create a SQL script file using the SCRIPT command or Script tool, and then load the database using the RUNSCRIPT command or the RunScript tool in the new time zone.
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