</li><li>Change LOB mechanism (less files, keep index of lob files, point to files and row, delete unused files earlier, maybe bundle files into a tar file)
</li><li>Change LOB mechanism (less files, keep index of lob files, point to files and row, delete unused files earlier, maybe bundle files into a tar file)
</li><li>Set the database in an 'exclusive' mode (restrict to one user at a time)
</li><li>Set the database in an 'exclusive' mode (restrict to one user at a time)
</li><li>Clustering: recovery needs to becomes fully automatic. Global write lock feature.
</li><li>Clustering: recovery needs to becomes fully automatic. Global write lock feature.
#Some problems have been found with right outer join. Internally, it is converted to left outer join, which does not always produce the same results as other databases when used in combination with other joins.
#By default, a new database is automatically created if it does not yet exist.
#How to Connect to a Database?
#The database driver is <code>org.h2.Driver</code> , and the database URL starts with <code>jdbc:h2:</code> . To connect to a database using JDBC, use the following code:
#When using database URLs like jdbc:h2:~/test, the database is stored in the user directory. For Windows, this is usually C:\Documents and Settings\<userName>. If the base directory is not set (as in jdbc:h2:test), the database files are stored in the directory where the application is started (the current working directory). When using the H2 Console application from the start menu, this is [Installation Directory]/bin. The base directory can be set in the database URL. A fixed or relative path can be used. When using the URL jdbc:h2:file:data/sample, the database is stored in the directory data (relative to the current working directory). The directory must exist. It is also possible to use the fully qualified directory (and for Windows, drive) name. Example: jdbc:h2:file:C:/data/test
#What is the Size Limit (maximum size) of a Database?
データベースのサイズ制限 (最大サイズ) はどれくらいですか?
#The theoretical limit is currently 256 GB for the data. This number is excluding BLOB and CLOB data: Every CLOB or BLOB can be up to 256 GB as well. The size limit of the index data is 256 GB as well.
#That is not easy to say. It is still a quite new product. A lot of tests have been written, and the code coverage of these tests is very high. Randomized stress tests are run regularly. But as this is a relatively new product, there are probably some problems that have not yet been found. Areas that are not 100% tested:
#Platforms other than Windows XP and the Sun JVM 1.4 and 1.5
WindowsXP以外のプラットフォーム、及びSUN JVM1.4、1.5での動作確認
#Cluster mode, 2-Phase Commit, Savepoints
#Server mode (well tested, but not as well as Embedded mode)
#Multi-Threading and using multiple connections
#Updatable result sets
Updatable result sets
#Referential integrity and check constraints, Triggers
#ALTER TABLE statements, Views, Linked Tables, Schema, UNION
ALTER TABLE ステートメント、ビュー、リンクテーブル、スキーマ、UNION
#Not all built-in functions are completely tested
#The Optimizer may not always select the best plan
#24/7 operation and large databases (500 MB and up)
24/7オペレーション、大容量データベース (500MB以上)
#Wide indexes with large VARCHAR or VARBINARY columns and / or with a lot of columns
#Areas considered Experimental:
#ODBC driver and the GCJ native version on Windows
#Linear Hash Index
#Compatibility modes for other databases (only some features are implemented)
他のデータベースとの互換モード (一部の特徴のみ提供される)
#The ARRAY data type and related functionality.
#Is the GCJ version stable? Faster?
#The GCJ version is not as stable as the Java version. When running the regression test with the GCJ version, sometimes the application just stops at what seems to be a random point without error message. Currently, the GCJ version is also slower than when using the Sun VM. However, the startup of the GCJ version is faster than when using a VM.
#After an unexpected process termination (for example power failure), H2 can recover safely and automatically without any user interaction. For Derby and HSQLDB, there are some manual steps required ('Another instance of Derby may have already booted the database' / 'The database is already in use by another process').
予期しない過程での終了後 (例:電源異常)、H2はユーザーの相互作用なしで安全に、自動的に回復することができます。DerbyとHSQLDBでは、いくつかの手動のステップが必要とされます ('Another instance of Derby may have already booted the database' / 'The database is already in use by another process')。
#DaffodilDb and One$Db
#It looks like the development of this database has stopped. The last release was February 2006.
#It looks like the development of this database has stopped. The last release was August 2004
#Products that Work with H2
#Apache Jackrabbit
Apache Jackrabbit
#Open source implementation of the Java Content Repository API (JCR).
Java Content Repository API (JCR) のオープンソース実装
#Apache OpenJPA
Apache OpenJPA
#Open source implementation of the Java Persistence API (JPA).
Java Persistence API (JPA) のオープンソース実装
#Helps building web applications.
#Java-based multi-blog, multi-user software package (Mac OS X Weblog Server)
Javaベースのマルチblog、マルチユーザーのソフトウェアパッケージ (Mac OS X Weblog Server)
#Relational persistence for idiomatic Java (O-R mapping tool).
慣用的なJavaのためのリレーショナル永続性 (O/Rマッピングツール)
#H2 Spatial
H2 Spatial
#A project to add spatial functions to H2 database.
#Java-based Wiki engine.
#Pure Java MP3 player.
Pure JavaのMP3プレーヤー
@@ -1849,343 +1849,343 @@ XTEA
@@ -1849,343 +1849,343 @@ XTEA
#Framework for constructing workgroup business applications based on the Naked Objects Architectural Pattern.
#Framework for constructing workgroup business applications based on the Naked Objects Architectural Pattern.
#Java persistent objects.
Java persistent objects.
#A tool to manage database changes and refactorings.
#Build automation and management tool.
#Mr. Persister
Mr. Persister
#Simple, small and fast object relational mapping.
#MyTunesRSS lets you listen to your music wherever you are.
#Open source database benchmark.
#ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) and script execution tool.
ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) とスクリプト実行ツール
#Eclipse plugin to help you improve software quality.
#Desktop publishing application.
#Signsoft intelliBO
Signsoft intelliBO
#Persistence middleware supporting the JDO specification.
#SQL Workbench/J
SQL Workbench/J
#Free DBMS-independent SQL tool.
無料のDBMS-independent SQLツール
#SQuirreL SQL Client
SQuirreL SQL Client
#Graphical tool to view the structure of a database, browse the data, issue SQL commands etc.
#SQuirreL DB Copy Plugin
SQuirreL DB Copy Plugin
#Tool to copy data from one database to another.
#Event (stream) processing kernel.
イベント (stream) カーネル処理
#Newsgroups Reader.
#Tune Backup
Tune Backup
#Easy-to-use backup solution for your iTunes library.
#Web of Web
Web of Web
#Collaborative and realtime interactive media platform for the web.
#Connection Modes
#The following connection modes are supported:
#Local connections using JDBC (embedded)
JDBC (エンベッド) を使用しているローカル接続
#Remote connections using JDBC over TCP/IP (client/server)
TCP/IP上でJDBCを使用しているリモート接続 (クライアント/サーバー)
#Remote connections using ODBC over TCP/IP (client/server)
TCP/IP上でODBCを使用しているリモート接続 (クライアント/サーバー)
#In-Memory databases (private and shared)
インメモリデータベース (プライベートと共有)
#Database URL Overview
#This database does support multiple connection modes and features when connecting to a database. This is achieved using different database URLs. The settings in the URLs are not case sensitive.
#The database URL for connecting to a local database is <code>jdbc:h2:[file:][<path>]<databaseName></code> . The prefix <code>file:</code> is optional. If no or only a relative path is used, then the current working directory is used as a starting point. The case sensitivity of the path and database name depend on the operating system, however it is suggested to use lowercase letters only. The database name must be at least three characters long (a limitation of File.createTempFile). To point to the user home directory, use ~/, as in: jdbc:h2:~/test.
#For certain use cases (for example: rapid prototyping, testing, high performance operations, read-only databases), it may not be required to persist (changes to) the data at all. This database supports the memory-only mode, where the data is not persisted.
#In some cases, only one connection to a memory-only database is required. This means the database to be opened is private. In this case, the database URL is <code>jdbc:h2:mem:</code> Opening two connections within the same virtual machine means opening two different (private) databases.
#Sometimes multiple connections to the same memory-only database are required. In this case, the database URL must include a name. Example: <code>jdbc:h2:mem:db1</code> . Accessing the same database in this way only works within the same virtual machine and class loader environment.
#It is also possible to access a memory-only database remotely (or from multiple processes in the same machine) using TCP/IP or SSL/TLS. An example database URL is: <code>jdbc:h2:tcp://localhost/mem:db1</code> (using private database remotely is also possible).
#To use file encryption, it is required to specify the encryption algorithm (the 'cipher') and the file password. The algorithm needs to be specified using the connection parameter. Two algorithms are supported: XTEA and AES. The file password is specified in the password field, before the user password. A single space needs to be added between the file password and the user password; the file password itself may not contain spaces. File passwords (as well as user passwords) are case sensitive. Here is an example to connect to a password encrypted database:
#The second method is 'socket' and opens a server socket. The socket method does not require reading the lock file every second. The socket method should only be used if the database files are only accessed by the one (and always the same) computer.
#To open the database with a different file locking method, use the parameter 'FILE_LOCK'. The following code opens the database with the 'socket' locking method:
#The following code forces the database to not create a lock file at all. Please note that this is unsafe as another process is able to open the same database, possibly leading to data corruption:
#For more information about the algorithms please see in Advanced Topics under File Locking Protocol.
アルゴリズムについての詳しい情報は、進化したトピックス のファイルロックプロトコルをご覧下さい。
#Opening a Database Only if it Already Exists
#By default, when an application calls <code>DriverManager.getConnection(url,...)</code> and the database specified in the URL does not yet exist, a new (empty) database is created. In some situations, it is better to restrict creating new database, and only open the database if it already exists. This can be done by adding <code>;ifexists=true</code> to the URL. In this case, if the database does not already exist, an exception is thrown when trying to connect. The connection only succeeds when the database already exists. The complete URL may look like this:
#Usually, the database is closed when the last connection to it is closed. In some situations this slows down the application, for example when it is not possible leave the connection open. The automatic closing of the database can be delayed or disabled with the SQL statement SET DB_CLOSE_DELAY <seconds>. The seconds specifies the number of seconds to keep a database open after the last connection to it was closed. For example the following statement will keep the database open for 10 seconds:
通常、データベースへの最後の接続が閉じられた時、データベースが終了されます。一部状況では、例えば、可能ではない時に接続をつなげたままにしておくことは、アプリケーションを減速させます。SQLステートメントの SET DB_CLOSE_DELAY <seconds> でデータベースの自動終了を遅らせるか、または無効にすることができます。secondsには、最後の接続が閉じられた後データベースを接続したままの状態に保つため、秒数を指定します。例えば、次のステートメントはデータベースを10秒間開かれた状態に保ちます:
#The value -1 means the database is never closed automatically. The value 0 is the default and means the database is closed when the last connection is closed. This setting is persistent and can be set by an administrator only. It is possible to set the value in the database URL: <code>jdbc:h2:~/test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=10</code> .
#The value -1 means the database is never closed automatically. The value 0 is the default and means the database is closed when the last connection is closed. This setting is persistent and can be set by an administrator only. It is possible to set the value in the database URL: <code>jdbc:h2:~/test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=10</code> .
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@@ -2770,7 +2770,7 @@ XTEA
H2 (for 'Hypersonic 2') is free a Java SQL DBMS. Clustering, embedded and server mode, transactions, referential integrity, views, subqueries, triggers, encryption, and disk based or in-memory operation are supported. A browser based console application is included. If you see this page your browser does not support frames. Please click here to view the<a href="search_ja.html">index</a>.
H2 (for 'Hypersonic 2') is free a Java SQL DBMS. Clustering, embedded and server mode, transactions, referential integrity, views, subqueries, triggers, encryption, and disk based or in-memory operation are supported. A browser based console application is included. If you see this page your browser does not support frames. Please click here to view the<a href="search_ja.html">index</a>.
#History of this Database Engine
#History of this Database Engine
@@ -4543,25 +4543,25 @@ H2 (for 'Hypersonic 2') is free a Java SQL DBMS. Clustering, embedded and server
@@ -4543,25 +4543,25 @@ H2 (for 'Hypersonic 2') is free a Java SQL DBMS. Clustering, embedded and server