@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ org.h2.tools.Backup.main=Options are case sensitive. Supported options are\:\n[-
org.h2.tools.ChangeFileEncryption=Allows changing the database file encryption password or algorithm.\nThis tool can not be used to change a password of a user.\nThe database must be closed before using this tool.
org.h2.tools.ChangeFileEncryption.main=Options are case sensitive. Supported options are\:\n[-help] or [-?] Print the list of options\n[-cipher type] The encryption type (AES or XTEA)\n[-dir <dir>] The database directory (default\:.)\n[-db <database>] Database name (all databases if not set)\n[-decrypt <pwd>] The decryption password (if not set\:not yet encrypted)\n[-encrypt <pwd>] The encryption password (if not set\:do not encrypt)\n[-quiet] Do not print progress information
org.h2.tools.Console=Starts the H2 Console (web-) server, as well as the TCP and PG server.
org.h2.tools.Console.main=When running without options, -tcp, -web, -browser and -pg are started.\nOptions are case sensitive. Supported options are\:\n[-help] or [-?] Print the list of options\n[-web] Start the web server with the H2 Console\n[-tool] Start the icon or window that allows to start a browser\n[-browser] Start a browser connecting to the web server\n[-tcp] Start the TCP server\n[-pg] Start the PG server\nFor each Server, additional options are available;\nfor details, see the Server tool.\nIf a service can not be started, the program\nterminates with an exit code of 1.
org.h2.tools.Console.main=When running without options, -tcp, -web, -browser and -pg are started.\nOptions are case sensitive. Supported options are\:\n[-help] or [-?] Print the list of options\n[-url] Start a browser and connect to this URL\n[-driver] Used together with -url\:the driver\n[-user] Used together with -url\:the user name\n[-password] Used together with -url\:the password\n[-web] Start the web server with the H2 Console\n[-tool] Start the icon or window that allows to start a browser\n[-browser] Start a browser connecting to the web server\n[-tcp] Start the TCP server\n[-pg] Start the PG server\nFor each Server, additional options are available;\nfor details, see the Server tool.\nIf a service can not be started, the program\nterminates with an exit code of 1.
org.h2.tools.ConvertTraceFile=Converts a .trace.db file to a SQL script and Java source code.\nSQL statement statistics are listed as well.
org.h2.tools.ConvertTraceFile.main=Options are case sensitive. Supported options are\:\n[-help] or [-?] Print the list of options\n[-traceFile <file>] The trace file name (default\:test.trace.db)\n[-script <file>] The script file name (default\:test.sql)\n[-javaClass <file>] The Java directory and class file name (default\:Test)
org.h2.tools.CreateCluster=Creates a cluster from a standalone database.\nCopies a database to another location if required.