提交 eb6754a8 authored 作者: Thomas Mueller's avatar Thomas Mueller

Prepare release.

上级 f7aac69e
......@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ Change Log
<h1>Change Log</h1>
<h2>Next Version (unreleased)</h2>
<h2>Version 1.3.173 (2013-07-28)</h2>
<ul><li>Support empty statements that just contains a comment.
</li><li>Server mode: if there was an error while reading from a LOB, the session was closed in some cases.
</li><li>Issue 463: Driver name and version are now the same in OsgiDataSourceFactory and JdbcDatabaseMetaData.
......@@ -303,51 +307,5 @@ Change Log
</li><li>PostgreSQL compatibility: LOG(x) is base 10 in the PostgreSQL mode.
<h2>Version 1.3.164 (2012-02-03)</h2>
<ul><li>New built-in function ARRAY_CONTAINS.
</li><li>Some DatabaseMetaData methods didn't work when using ALLOW_LITERALS NONE.
</li><li>Trying to convert a VARCHAR to UUID will now fail if the text contains
a character that is not a hex digit, '-', or not a whitespace.
</li><li>TriggerAdapter: in "before" triggers, values can be changed using the ResultSet.updateX methods.
</li><li>Creating a table with column data type NULL now works (even if not very useful).
</li><li>ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN no longer copies the data for widening conversions
(for example if only the precision was increased) unless necessary.
</li><li>Multi-threaded kernel: concurrently running an online backup
and updating the database resulted in a broken (transactionally incorrect)
backup file in some cases.
</li><li>The script created by SCRIPT DROP did not always work if multiple views
existed that depend on each other.
</li><li>MathUtils.getSecureRandom could log a warning to System.err in case
the /dev/random is very slow, and the System.getProperties().toString()
returned a string larger than 64 KB.
</li><li>The database file locking mechanism "FS" (;FILE_LOCK=FS)
did not work on Linux since version 1.3.161.
</li><li>Sequences: the functions NEXTVAL and CURRVAL did not work as expected
when using quoted, mixed case sequence names.
</li><li>The constructor for Csv objects is now public, and Csv.getInstance() is now deprecated.
</li><li>SimpleResultSet: updating a result set is now supported.
</li><li>Database URL: extra semicolons are not supported.
<h2>Version 1.3.163 (2011-12-30)</h2>
<ul><li>On out of disk space, the database could get corrupt sometimes,
if later write operations succeeded. The same problem happened on other
kinds of I/O exceptions (where one or some of the writes fail, but subsequent writes
succeed). Now the file is closed on the first unsuccessful
write operation, so that later requests fail consistently.
</li><li>DatabaseEventListener.diskSpaceIsLow() is no longer supported because
it can't be guaranteed that it always works correctly.
</li><li>XMLTEXT now supports an optional parameter to escape newlines.
</li><li>XMLNODE now support an optional parameter to disable indentation.
</li><li>Csv.write now formats date, time, and timestamp values using java.sql.Date / Time / Timestamp.toString().
Previously, ResultSet.getString() was used, which didn't work well for Oracle.
</li><li>The shell script <code>h2.sh</code> can now be run from within a different directory.
Thanks a lot to Daniel Serodio for the patch!
</li><li>The page size of a persistent database can now be queries using:
select * from information_schema.settings where name = 'info.PAGE_SIZE'
</li><li>In the server mode, BLOB and CLOB objects are no longer closed when the result set is closed
(as required by the JDBC spec).
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......@@ -17,22 +17,22 @@ public class Constants {
* The build date is updated for each public release.
public static final String BUILD_DATE = "2013-05-25";
public static final String BUILD_DATE = "2013-07-28";
* The build date is updated for each public release.
public static final String BUILD_DATE_STABLE = "2013-03-17";
public static final String BUILD_DATE_STABLE = "2013-05-25";
* The build id is incremented for each public release.
public static final int BUILD_ID = 172;
public static final int BUILD_ID = 173;
* The build id of the last stable release.
public static final int BUILD_ID_STABLE = 171;
public static final int BUILD_ID_STABLE = 172;
* If H2 is compiled to be included in a product, this should be set to
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
(123, '1.3.173', '2013-07-28'),
(122, '1.3.172', '2013-05-25'),
(121, '1.3.171', '2013-03-17'),
(120, '1.3.170', '2012-11-30'),
......@@ -19,8 +20,6 @@ INSERT INTO VERSION VALUES
(113, '1.3.163', '2011-12-30'),
(112, '1.3.162', '2011-11-26'),
(111, '1.3.161', '2011-10-28'),
(110, '1.3.160', '2011-09-11'),
(109, '1.3.159', '2011-08-13'),
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ public class TestMVTableEngine extends TestBase {
Connection conn;
Statement stat;
long maxSize = 0;
// TODO does not shrink for 45 seconds;
// TODO does not shrink for 45 seconds;
// need an option to configure that
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
conn = getConnection(dbName);
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