提交 f9ce7bf8 authored 作者: christian.peter.io's avatar christian.peter.io

Bugfix for the automatic 1.1 db migration: only uppercase parameters where…

Bugfix for the automatic 1.1 db migration: only uppercase parameters where replaced. If a lowercase parameter like ifexists=true was in the connection url, the upgrade failed.
上级 29a47b41
......@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ Change Log
because it was not always working as expected. Now System.gc() is used in a loop until the
buffer is garbage collected. This of course is also not a nice solution, but the only one known to work.
See also http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4724038
</li><li>Bugfix for the automatic 1.1 db migration: only uppercase parameters where replaced. If a lowercase
parameter like ifexists=true was in the connection url, the upgrade failed.
</li><li>If an old 1.1 database file version is found on connect, it is now possible to let the old h2
classes (v 1.2.128) connect to the database. The automatic upgrade .jar file must be present, and the url
must contain NO_UPGRADE=TRUE
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.DriverPropertyInfo;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.h2.engine.Constants;
......@@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ import org.h2.jdbc.JdbcConnection;
import org.h2.message.DbException;
import org.h2.message.TraceSystem;
import org.h2.upgrade.DbUpgrade;
import org.h2.util.StringUtils;
* The database driver. An application should not use this class directly. The
......@@ -56,8 +58,8 @@ public class Driver implements java.sql.Driver {
if (!acceptsURL(url)) {
return null;
boolean noUpgrade = url.contains(";NO_UPGRADE=TRUE");
url = url.replaceAll(";NO_UPGRADE=TRUE", "");
boolean noUpgrade = url.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).contains(";NO_UPGRADE=TRUE");
url = StringUtils.replaceAll(url, ";NO_UPGRADE=TRUE", "", true);
if (DbUpgrade.areV1dot1ClassesPresent()) {
if (noUpgrade) {
Connection connection = DbUpgrade.connectWithOldVersion(url, info);
......@@ -230,21 +230,21 @@ public class Bnf {
private String[] tokenize() {
ArrayList<String> list = New.arrayList();
syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "yyyy-MM-dd", "@ymd@");
syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "hh:mm:ss", "@hms@");
syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "nnnnnnnnn", "@nanos@");
syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "function", "@func@");
syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "0x", "@hexStart@");
syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, ",...", "@commaDots@");
syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "...", "@dots@");
syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "||", "@concat@");
syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "a-z|_", "@az_@");
syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "A-Z|_", "@az_@");
syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "a-f", "@af@");
syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "A-F", "@af@");
syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "0-9", "@digit@");
syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "'['", "@openBracket@");
syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "']'", "@closeBracket@");
syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "yyyy-MM-dd", "@ymd@", false);
syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "hh:mm:ss", "@hms@", false);
syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "nnnnnnnnn", "@nanos@", false);
syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "function", "@func@", false);
syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "0x", "@hexStart@", false);
syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, ",...", "@commaDots@", false);
syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "...", "@dots@", false);
syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "||", "@concat@", false);
syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "a-z|_", "@az_@", false);
syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "A-Z|_", "@az_@", false);
syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "a-f", "@af@", false);
syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "A-F", "@af@", false);
syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "0-9", "@digit@", false);
syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "'['", "@openBracket@", false);
syntax = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntax, "']'", "@closeBracket@", false);
StringTokenizer tokenizer = getTokenizer(syntax);
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
String s = tokenizer.nextToken();
......@@ -2380,7 +2380,7 @@ public class Parser {
String text = currentValue.getString();
// the PostgreSQL ODBC driver uses
text = StringUtils.replaceAll(text, "\\\\", "\\");
text = StringUtils.replaceAll(text, "\\\\", "\\", false);
r = ValueExpression.get(ValueString.get(text));
} else {
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ public class CreateFunctionAlias extends SchemaCommand {
* @param method the qualified method name
public void setJavaClassMethod(String method) {
this.javaClassMethod = StringUtils.replaceAll(method, " ", "");
this.javaClassMethod = StringUtils.replaceAll(method, " ", "", false);
public void setIfNotExists(boolean ifNotExists) {
......@@ -304,9 +304,9 @@ public class WebApp {
value = space + value;
key = StringUtils.urlEncode(key);
key = StringUtils.replaceAll(key, "+", " ");
key = StringUtils.replaceAll(key, "+", " ", false);
value = StringUtils.urlEncode(value);
value = StringUtils.replaceAll(value, "+", " ");
value = StringUtils.replaceAll(value, "+", " ", false);
list.add(type + "#" + key + "#" + value);
......@@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ public class WebApp {
if (isH2) {
stackTrace = linkToSource(stackTrace);
stackTrace = StringUtils.replaceAll(stackTrace, "\t", "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;");
stackTrace = StringUtils.replaceAll(stackTrace, "\t", "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;", false);
String message = PageParser.escapeHtml(e.getMessage());
String error = "<a class=\"error\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"var x=document.getElementById('st" + id
+ "').style;x.display=x.display==''?'none':'';\">" + message + "</a>";
......@@ -221,9 +221,9 @@ public class RunScript extends Tool {
for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++) {
String s = rs.getString(i + 1);
if (s != null) {
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "\r\n", "\n");
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "\n", "\n--> ");
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "\r", "\r--> ");
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "\r\n", "\n", false);
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "\n", "\n--> ", false);
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "\r", "\r--> ", false);
buff.append(' ').append(s);
......@@ -235,11 +235,11 @@ public class RunScript extends Tool {
if (checkResults) {
String expected = r.readStatement() + ";";
expected = StringUtils.replaceAll(expected, "\r\n", "\n");
expected = StringUtils.replaceAll(expected, "\r", "\n");
expected = StringUtils.replaceAll(expected, "\r\n", "\n", false);
expected = StringUtils.replaceAll(expected, "\r", "\n", false);
if (!expected.equals(result)) {
expected = StringUtils.replaceAll(expected, " ", "+");
result = StringUtils.replaceAll(result, " ", "+");
expected = StringUtils.replaceAll(expected, " ", "+", false);
result = StringUtils.replaceAll(result, " ", "+", false);
throw new SQLException("Unexpected output for:\n" + sql.trim() + "\nGot:\n" + result + "\nExpected:\n" + expected);
......@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ public class Server extends Tool implements Runnable, ShutdownHandler {
if (browser.indexOf("%url") >= 0) {
String[] args = StringUtils.arraySplit(browser, ',', false);
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
args[i] = StringUtils.replaceAll(args[i], "%url", url);
args[i] = StringUtils.replaceAll(args[i], "%url", url, false);
} else if (osName.indexOf("windows") >= 0) {
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import java.util.Properties;
import org.h2.message.DbException;
import org.h2.store.fs.FileSystem;
import org.h2.store.fs.FileSystemDisk;
import org.h2.util.StringUtils;
import org.h2.util.Utils;
......@@ -55,10 +56,10 @@ public class DbUpgrade {
public static Connection connectWithOldVersion(String url, Properties info) throws SQLException {
try {
String oldStartUrlPrefix = (String) Utils.getStaticField("org.h2.upgrade.v1_1.engine.Constants.START_URL");
url = url.replaceAll(org.h2.engine.Constants.START_URL, oldStartUrlPrefix);
url = url.replaceAll(";IGNORE_UNKNOWN_SETTINGS=TRUE", "");
url = url.replaceAll(";IGNORE_UNKNOWN_SETTINGS=FALSE", "");
url = url.replaceAll(";PAGE_STORE=TRUE", "");
url = StringUtils.replaceAll(url, org.h2.engine.Constants.START_URL, oldStartUrlPrefix, false);
url = StringUtils.replaceAll(url, ";IGNORE_UNKNOWN_SETTINGS=TRUE", "", true);
url = StringUtils.replaceAll(url, ";IGNORE_UNKNOWN_SETTINGS=FALSE", "", true);
url = StringUtils.replaceAll(url, ";PAGE_STORE=TRUE", "", true);
Object ci = Utils.newInstance("org.h2.upgrade.v1_1.engine.ConnectionInfo", url, info);
boolean isRemote = (Boolean) Utils.callMethod(ci, "isRemote");
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import java.util.UUID;
import org.h2.message.DbException;
import org.h2.store.fs.FileSystem;
import org.h2.store.fs.FileSystemDisk;
import org.h2.util.StringUtils;
import org.h2.util.Utils;
......@@ -61,16 +62,17 @@ public class DbUpgradeNonPageStoreToCurrent {
private void init() throws SQLException {
try {
newUrl = url;
newUrl = newUrl.replaceAll(";UNDO_LOG=\\d", "");
newUrl = StringUtils.replaceAll(newUrl, ";UNDO_LOG=1", "", true);
newUrl = StringUtils.replaceAll(newUrl, ";UNDO_LOG=0", "", true);
newUrl += ";UNDO_LOG=0";
String oldStartUrlPrefix = (String) Utils.getStaticField("org.h2.upgrade.v1_1.engine.Constants.START_URL");
oldUrl = url;
oldUrl = oldUrl.replaceAll(org.h2.engine.Constants.START_URL, oldStartUrlPrefix);
oldUrl = oldUrl.replaceAll(";IGNORE_UNKNOWN_SETTINGS=TRUE", "");
oldUrl = oldUrl.replaceAll(";IGNORE_UNKNOWN_SETTINGS=FALSE", "");
oldUrl = oldUrl.replaceAll(";IFEXISTS=TRUE", "");
oldUrl = oldUrl.replaceAll(";IFEXISTS=FALSE", "");
oldUrl = oldUrl.replaceAll(";PAGE_STORE=TRUE", "");
oldUrl = StringUtils.replaceAll(oldUrl, org.h2.engine.Constants.START_URL, oldStartUrlPrefix, false);
oldUrl = StringUtils.replaceAll(oldUrl, ";IGNORE_UNKNOWN_SETTINGS=TRUE", "", true);
oldUrl = StringUtils.replaceAll(oldUrl, ";IGNORE_UNKNOWN_SETTINGS=FALSE", "", true);
oldUrl = StringUtils.replaceAll(oldUrl, ";IFEXISTS=TRUE", "", true);
oldUrl = StringUtils.replaceAll(oldUrl, ";IFEXISTS=FALSE", "", true);
oldUrl = StringUtils.replaceAll(oldUrl, ";PAGE_STORE=TRUE", "", true);
Object ci = Utils.newInstance("org.h2.upgrade.v1_1.engine.ConnectionInfo", oldUrl, info);
boolean isRemote = (Boolean) Utils.callMethod(ci, "isRemote");
......@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ public class JdbcUtils {
if (pattern == null || pattern.length() == 0) {
return pattern;
return StringUtils.replaceAll(pattern, "\\", "\\\\");
return StringUtils.replaceAll(pattern, "\\", "\\\\", false);
......@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ public class SourceCompiler {
private void throwSyntaxError(ByteArrayOutputStream out) {
String err = StringUtils.utf8Decode(out.toByteArray());
if (err.length() > 0) {
err = StringUtils.replaceAll(err, compileDir, "");
err = StringUtils.replaceAll(err, compileDir, "", false);
throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.SYNTAX_ERROR_1, err);
......@@ -697,10 +697,18 @@ public class StringUtils {
* @param s the string
* @param before the old text
* @param after the new text
* @param caseInsensitive true if it should be case insensitive
* @return the string with the before string replaced
public static String replaceAll(String s, String before, String after) {
int next = s.indexOf(before);
public static String replaceAll(String s, String before, String after, boolean caseInsensitive) {
String testString;
if (caseInsensitive) {
testString = s.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
before = before.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
} else {
testString = s;
int next = testString.indexOf(before);
if (next < 0) {
return s;
......@@ -709,7 +717,7 @@ public class StringUtils {
while (true) {
buff.append(s.substring(index, next)).append(after);
index = next + before.length();
next = s.indexOf(before, index);
next = testString.indexOf(before, index);
if (next < 0) {
......@@ -755,8 +763,8 @@ public class StringUtils {
* @return the resulting string
public static String quoteRemarkSQL(String sql) {
sql = replaceAll(sql, "*/", "++/");
return replaceAll(sql, "/*", "/++");
sql = replaceAll(sql, "*/", "++/", false);
return replaceAll(sql, "/*", "/++", false);
......@@ -63,18 +63,18 @@ public class Newsfeed {
private static String convertHtml2Text(String html) {
String s = html;
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "<b>", "");
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "</b>", "");
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "<ul>", "");
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "</ul>", "");
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "<li>", "- ");
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "</li>", "");
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "<a href=\"", "( ");
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "\">", " ) ");
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "</a>", "");
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "<br />", "");
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "<br/>", "");
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "<br>", "");
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "<b>", "", false);
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "</b>", "", false);
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "<ul>", "", false);
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "</ul>", "", false);
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "<li>", "- ", false);
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "</li>", "", false);
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "<a href=\"", "( ", false);
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "\">", " ) ", false);
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "</a>", "", false);
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "<br />", "", false);
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "<br/>", "", false);
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "<br>", "", false);
if (s.indexOf('<') >= 0 || s.indexOf('>') >= 0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported HTML Tag: < or > in " + s);
......@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ class Database {
String key = (String) k;
if (key.startsWith(databaseType + ".")) {
String pattern = key.substring(databaseType.length() + 1);
pattern = StringUtils.replaceAll(pattern, "_", " ");
pattern = StringUtils.replaceAll(pattern, "_", " ", false);
pattern = StringUtils.toUpperEnglish(pattern);
String replacement = prop.getProperty(key);
replace.add(new String[]{pattern, replacement});
......@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ class Database {
for (String[] pair : replace) {
String pattern = pair[0];
String replacement = pair[1];
sql = StringUtils.replaceAll(sql, pattern, replacement);
sql = StringUtils.replaceAll(sql, pattern, replacement, false);
return sql;
......@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ public class TestCsv extends TestBase {
stat.execute("call csvwrite('"+fileName+"', 'select 1 id, ''Hello'' name', null, '|', '', null, null, chr(10))");
InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(IOUtils.openFileInputStream(fileName));
String text = IOUtils.readStringAndClose(reader, -1).trim();
text = StringUtils.replaceAll(text, "\n", " ");
text = StringUtils.replaceAll(text, "\n", " ", false);
assertEquals("ID|NAME 1|Hello", text);
ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery("select * from csvread('" + fileName + "', null, null, '|', '')");
ResultSetMetaData meta = rs.getMetaData();
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ public class TestSampleApps extends TestBase {
String s = new String(buff.toByteArray(), "UTF-8");
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "\r\n", "\n");
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "\r\n", "\n", false);
s = s.trim();
expected = expected.trim();
if (expected.endsWith("*")) {
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ public class TestStringUtils extends TestBase {
private void testHex() {
......@@ -166,5 +167,21 @@ public class TestStringUtils extends TestBase {
assertEquals(a, c);
private void testReplaceAll() {
assertEquals("def", StringUtils.replaceAll("abc def", "abc ", "", false));
assertEquals("adef", StringUtils.replaceAll("abc def", "bc ", "", false));
assertEquals("abc def", StringUtils.replaceAll("abc def", "bc ", "bc ", false));
assertEquals("abc ", StringUtils.replaceAll("abc def", "def", "", false));
assertEquals(" ", StringUtils.replaceAll("abc abc", "abc", "", false));
assertEquals("xyz xyz", StringUtils.replaceAll("abc abc", "abc", "xyz", false));
assertEquals("abc def", StringUtils.replaceAll("abc def", "xyz", "abc", false));
assertEquals("", StringUtils.replaceAll("abcabcabc", "abc", "", false));
assertEquals("abcabcabc", StringUtils.replaceAll("abcabcabc", "aBc", "", false));
assertEquals("X", StringUtils.replaceAll("Xabcabcabc", "aBc", "", true));
assertEquals("X", StringUtils.replaceAll("XaBcabcaBc", "abc", "", true));
assertEquals("x", StringUtils.replaceAll("xabcabcabc", "aBc", "", true));
assertEquals("x", StringUtils.replaceAll("xaBcabcaBc", "abc", "", true));
......@@ -34,12 +34,12 @@ public class BnfRailroad implements BnfVisitor {
public String getHtml(Bnf bnf, String syntaxLines) {
syntaxVisitor = new BnfSyntax();
this.config = bnf;
syntaxLines = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntaxLines, "\n ", " ");
syntaxLines = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntaxLines, "\n ", " ", false);
String[] syntaxList = StringUtils.arraySplit(syntaxLines, '\n', true);
StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder();
for (String s : syntaxList) {
bnf.visit(this, s);
html = StringUtils.replaceAll(html, "</code></td><td class=\"d\"><code class=\"c\">", " ");
html = StringUtils.replaceAll(html, "</code></td><td class=\"d\"><code class=\"c\">", " ", false);
if (buff.length() > 0) {
buff.append("<br />");
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ public class BnfSyntax implements BnfVisitor {
* @return the HTML
public String getHtml(Bnf bnf, String syntaxLines) {
syntaxLines = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntaxLines, "\n ", "\n");
syntaxLines = StringUtils.replaceAll(syntaxLines, "\n ", "\n", false);
StringTokenizer tokenizer = bnf.getTokenizer(syntaxLines);
StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder();
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ public class BnfSyntax implements BnfVisitor {
String s = buff.toString();
// ensure it works within XHTML comments
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "--", "&#45;-");
s = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, "--", "&#45;-", false);
return s;
......@@ -149,15 +149,15 @@ public class GenerateDoc {
String text = map.get("text");
if (text != null) {
// text is enclosed in <p> .. </p> so this works.
text = StringUtils.replaceAll(text, "<br /><br />", "</p><p>");
text = StringUtils.replaceAll(text, "<br />", " ");
text = StringUtils.replaceAll(text, "<br /><br />", "</p><p>", false);
text = StringUtils.replaceAll(text, "<br />", " ", false);
map.put("text", text);
String link = topic.toLowerCase();
link = StringUtils.replaceAll(link, " ", "_");
link = StringUtils.replaceAll(link, " ", "_", false);
// link = StringUtils.replaceAll(link, "_", "");
link = StringUtils.replaceAll(link, "@", "_");
link = StringUtils.replaceAll(link, "@", "_", false);
map.put("link", StringUtils.urlEncode(link));
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ public class MergeDocs {
for (String fileName : pages) {
String text = getContent(fileName);
for (String page : pages) {
text = StringUtils.replaceAll(text, page + "#", "#");
text = StringUtils.replaceAll(text, page + "#", "#", false);
text = disableRailroads(text);
text = removeHeaderFooter(fileName, text);
......@@ -61,10 +61,10 @@ public class MergeDocs {
private String disableRailroads(String text) {
text = StringUtils.replaceAll(text, "<!-- railroad-start -->", "<!-- railroad-start ");
text = StringUtils.replaceAll(text, "<!-- railroad-end -->", " railroad-end -->");
text = StringUtils.replaceAll(text, "<!-- syntax-start", "<!-- syntax-start -->");
text = StringUtils.replaceAll(text, "syntax-end -->", "<!-- syntax-end -->");
text = StringUtils.replaceAll(text, "<!-- railroad-start -->", "<!-- railroad-start ", false);
text = StringUtils.replaceAll(text, "<!-- railroad-end -->", " railroad-end -->", false);
text = StringUtils.replaceAll(text, "<!-- syntax-start", "<!-- syntax-start -->", false);
text = StringUtils.replaceAll(text, "syntax-end -->", "<!-- syntax-end -->", false);
return text;
......@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ public class SpellChecker {
StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(text.length());
int pos = 0, last = 0;
if (fileName.endsWith(".properties")) {
text = StringUtils.replaceAll(text, "\\:", ":");
text = StringUtils.replaceAll(text, "\\:", ":", false);
while (true) {
pos = text.indexOf("http://", pos);
......@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ public class UploadBuild {
idx = index.indexOf("</A>");
index = index.substring(0, idx) + index.substring(idx + "</A>".length());
index = StringUtils.replaceAll(index, "[all", "");
index = StringUtils.replaceAll(index, "classes]", "");
index = StringUtils.replaceAll(index, "[all", "", false);
index = StringUtils.replaceAll(index, "classes]", "", false);
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("coverage/overview.html");
......@@ -138,18 +138,18 @@ public class WebSite {
if (name.endsWith(".html")) {
String page = new String(bytes, "UTF-8");
if (web) {
page = StringUtils.replaceAll(page, ANALYTICS_TAG, ANALYTICS_SCRIPT);
page = StringUtils.replaceAll(page, ANALYTICS_TAG, ANALYTICS_SCRIPT, false);
if (replaceFragments) {
page = replaceFragments(name, page);
page = StringUtils.replaceAll(page, "<a href=\"frame", "<a href=\"main");
page = StringUtils.replaceAll(page, "html/frame.html", "html/main.html");
page = StringUtils.replaceAll(page, "<a href=\"frame", "<a href=\"main", false);
page = StringUtils.replaceAll(page, "html/frame.html", "html/main.html", false);
if (web) {
page = StringUtils.replaceAll(page, TRANSLATE_START, "");
page = StringUtils.replaceAll(page, TRANSLATE_END, "");
page = StringUtils.replaceAll(page, "<pre>", "<pre class=\"notranslate\">");
page = StringUtils.replaceAll(page, "<code>", "<code class=\"notranslate\">");
page = StringUtils.replaceAll(page, TRANSLATE_START, "", false);
page = StringUtils.replaceAll(page, TRANSLATE_END, "", false);
page = StringUtils.replaceAll(page, "<pre>", "<pre class=\"notranslate\">", false);
page = StringUtils.replaceAll(page, "<code>", "<code class=\"notranslate\">", false);
bytes = page.getBytes("UTF-8");
......@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ public class Doclet {
boolean isVarArgs = method.isVarArgs() && j == params.length - 1;
String typeName = getTypeName(false, isVarArgs, param.type());
buffSignature.append(StringUtils.replaceAll(typeName, "[]", "-"));
buffSignature.append(StringUtils.replaceAll(typeName, "[]", "-", false));
buff.append(' ');
......@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ public class Doclet {
if (text == null) {
return text;
text = StringUtils.replaceAll(text, "\n </pre>", "</pre>");
text = StringUtils.replaceAll(text, "\n </pre>", "</pre>", false);
return text;
......@@ -129,16 +129,16 @@ public class PrepareTranslation {
map.put(k.toString(), prop.get(k));
String html = PageParser.parse(template, map);
html = StringUtils.replaceAll(html, "lang=\"" + MAIN_LANGUAGE + "\"", "lang=\"" + language + "\"");
html = StringUtils.replaceAll(html, "lang=\"" + MAIN_LANGUAGE + "\"", "lang=\"" + language + "\"", false);
for (String n : fileNames) {
if ("frame".equals(n)) {
// don't translate 'frame.html' to 'frame_ja.html',
// otherwise we can't switch back to English
html = StringUtils.replaceAll(html, n + ".html\"", n + "_" + language + ".html\"");
html = StringUtils.replaceAll(html, n + ".html\"", n + "_" + language + ".html\"", false);
html = StringUtils.replaceAll(html, "_" + MAIN_LANGUAGE + ".html\"", ".html\"");
html = StringUtils.replaceAll(html, "_" + MAIN_LANGUAGE + ".html\"", ".html\"", false);
String target;
if (language.equals(MAIN_LANGUAGE)) {
target = targetDir + "/" + name + ".html";
......@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ public class PrepareTranslation {
text = text.replace('\r', ' ');
text = text.replace('\n', ' ');
while (true) {
String s = StringUtils.replaceAll(text, " ", " ");
String s = StringUtils.replaceAll(text, " ", " ", false);
if (s.equals(text)) {
......@@ -146,8 +146,8 @@ public class PropertiesToUTF8 {
String java = StringUtils.javaEncode(utf8);
java = StringUtils.replaceAll(java, "\\r", "\r");
java = StringUtils.replaceAll(java, "\\n", "\n");
java = StringUtils.replaceAll(java, "\\r", "\r", false);
java = StringUtils.replaceAll(java, "\\n", "\n", false);
RandomAccessFile out = new RandomAccessFile("_java." + name, "rw");
......@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ public class FtpClient {
for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
String s = list[i];
while (true) {
String s2 = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, " ", " ");
String s2 = StringUtils.replaceAll(s, " ", " ", false);
if (s2.equals(s)) {
......@@ -101,15 +101,15 @@ public class Railroads {
String text = map.get("text");
if (text != null) {
// text is enclosed in <p> .. </p> so this works.
text = StringUtils.replaceAll(text, "<br /><br />", "</p><p>");
text = StringUtils.replaceAll(text, "<br />", " ");
text = StringUtils.replaceAll(text, "<br /><br />", "</p><p>", false);
text = StringUtils.replaceAll(text, "<br />", " ", false);
map.put("text", text);
String link = topic.toLowerCase();
link = StringUtils.replaceAll(link, " ", "_");
link = StringUtils.replaceAll(link, " ", "_", false);
// link = StringUtils.replaceAll(link, "_", "");
link = StringUtils.replaceAll(link, "@", "_");
link = StringUtils.replaceAll(link, "@", "_", false);
map.put("link", StringUtils.urlEncode(link));
......@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ public class FunctionsMySQL {
private static String convertToSimpleDateFormat(String format) {
String[] replace = FORMAT_REPLACE;
for (int i = 0; i < replace.length; i += 2) {
format = StringUtils.replaceAll(format, replace[i], replace[i + 1]);
format = StringUtils.replaceAll(format, replace[i], replace[i + 1], false);
return format;
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