REM ***** BASIC ***** Sub Main H2Pdf End Sub sub H2Pdf BaseDir = "file:///C:/data/h2database/" REM BaseDir = "file:///Users/tmueller/data/" Url = BaseDir & "h2/docs/html/onePage.html" dim FileProperties(1) As New FileProperties(0).Name = "FilterName" FileProperties(0).Value = "HTML (StarWriter)" FileProperties(1).Name = "UpdateDocMode" FileProperties(1).Value = 3 'full update document = StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(Url, "_blank", 0, FileProperties) docs = ThisComponent.CurrentController.Frame dispatcher = createUnoService("") dispatcher.executeDispatch(docs, ".uno:UpdateAll", "", 0, Array()) StyleFamilies = document.StyleFamilies ParagraphStyles = StyleFamilies.getByName("ParagraphStyles") BodyStyle = ParagraphStyles.getByName("Text body") BodyStyle.ParaOrphans = 2 BodyStyle.ParaWidows = 2 HeadingStyle = ParagraphStyles.getByName("Heading 1") HeadingStyle.BreakType = 3 ' Insert Page Break Before HeadingStyle.ParaKeepTogether = false images = document.GraphicObjects For i = 0 to images.getCount() - 1 image = images.getByIndex(i) if image.Size.Width <> image.ActualSize.Width or image.Size.Height <> image.ActualSize.Height then image.Size.Width = image.ActualSize.Width image.Size.Height = image.ActualSize.Height wait 100 end if Next dispatcher.executeDispatch(docs, ".uno:UpdateAll", "", 0, Array()) PageStyles = StyleFamilies.getByName("PageStyles") Standard = PageStyles.getByName("HTML") Standard.FooterIsOn = True dispatcher.executeDispatch(docs, ".uno:UpdateAll", "", 0, Array()) oText = Standard.FooterText oText.setString("") PageNumber = document.createInstance("") PageNumber.NumberingType = 4 ' magic constant: 4=Arabic numbers PageNumber.SubType = 1 ' magic constant: use current page number PageCount = document.createInstance("") PageCount.NumberingType = 4 ' magic constant: 4=Arabic numbers FooterCursor = oText.Text.createTextCursor() oText.insertString(FooterCursor, Chr(09)& Chr(09), False) oText.insertTextContent(FooterCursor, PageNumber, False) oText.insertString(FooterCursor, " of ", False) oText.insertTextContent(FooterCursor, PageCount, False) Cursor = document.Text.createTextCursor() Cursor.gotoStart(false) Cursor.gotoNextParagraph(false) Cursor.gotoNextParagraph(false) dispatcher.executeDispatch(docs, ".uno:UpdateAll", "", 0, Array()) toc = document.createInstance("") toc.Title= "Table of Contents" toc.CreateFromOutline = True toc.Level = 4 toc.IsProtected = false document.Text.insertTextContent(Cursor, toc, false) Cursor.gotoStart(false) result = true while result result = Cursor.gotoNextParagraph(false) if Cursor.ParaStyleName = "Heading 1" then Cursor.BreakType = 4 ' Insert Page Break After end if wend dim linkStart(0) As New dim linkEnd(0) As New For i = 1 To 4 oLevel = toc.LevelFormat.getByIndex(i) x = DimArray(5) x = Array(linkStart, oLevel(0), oLevel(1), oLevel(2), oLevel(3), linkEnd) old = oLevel(0) linkStart(0).Name = "TokenType" linkStart(0).Value = "TokenHyperlinkStart" linkStart(0).Handle = -1 linkStart(0).State = linkEnd(0).Name = "TokenType" linkEnd(0).Value = "TokenHyperlinkEnd" linkEnd(0).Handle = -1 linkEnd(0).State = toc.LevelFormat.replaceByIndex(i, x) next dispatcher.executeDispatch(docs, ".uno:UpdateAll", "", 0, Array()) toc.update() dispatcher.executeDispatch(docs, ".uno:UpdateAll", "", 0, Array()) toc.update() dispatcher.executeDispatch(docs, ".uno:UpdateAll", "", 0, Array()) pdfTemp = BaseDir & "h2web/h2temp.pdf" pdf = BaseDir & "h2web/h2.pdf" dim pdfProperties(1) as new pdfProperties(0).Name = "FilterName" pdfProperties(0).Value = "writer_pdf_Export" document.storeToURL(pdfTemp, pdfProperties()) fileAccessService = createUnoService("") fileAccessService.move(pdfTemp, pdf) ThisComponent.close(true) end sub