@echo off setlocal pushd "%~dp0" copy /y /b ..\bin\h2-*.jar ..\bin\h2.jar fc /b ..\bin\h2-*.jar ..\bin\h2.jar if not errorlevel 1 goto :start echo Please ensure there is only one h2-*.jar file. echo Process stopped pause goto :end :start rem Copyright (c) 1999, 2006 Tanuki Software Inc. rem rem Java Service Wrapper general startup script rem rem rem Resolve the real path of the wrapper.exe rem For non NT systems, the _REALPATH and _WRAPPER_CONF values rem can be hard-coded below and the following test removed. rem if "%OS%"=="Windows_NT" goto nt echo This script only works with NT-based versions of Windows. goto :end :nt rem rem Find the application home. rem rem %~dp0 is location of current script under NT set _REALPATH=%~dp0 rem Decide on the wrapper binary. set _WRAPPER_BASE=wrapper set _WRAPPER_EXE=%_REALPATH%%_WRAPPER_BASE%-windows-x86-32.exe if exist "%_WRAPPER_EXE%" goto conf set _WRAPPER_EXE=%_REALPATH%%_WRAPPER_BASE%-windows-x86-64.exe if exist "%_WRAPPER_EXE%" goto conf set _WRAPPER_EXE=%_REALPATH%%_WRAPPER_BASE%.exe if exist "%_WRAPPER_EXE%" goto conf echo Unable to locate a Wrapper executable using any of the following names: echo %_REALPATH%%_WRAPPER_BASE%-windows-x86-32.exe echo %_REALPATH%%_WRAPPER_BASE%-windows-x86-64.exe echo %_REALPATH%%_WRAPPER_BASE%.exe pause goto :end :conf rem rem Find the wrapper.conf rem set _WRAPPER_CONF="%~f1" if not %_WRAPPER_CONF%=="" goto startup set _WRAPPER_CONF="%_REALPATH%wrapper.conf" :startup rem rem Start the Wrapper rem "%_WRAPPER_EXE%" -c %_WRAPPER_CONF% if not errorlevel 1 goto :end pause :end popd